forked from bit/DotRecastNetSim
refactor: float[16] -> RcMatrix4x4f
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
using System;
using System.Numerics;
namespace DotRecast.Core
@ -12,22 +13,22 @@ namespace DotRecast.Core
0f, 0f, 0f, 1f
public float M11;
public float M12;
public float M13;
public float M14;
public float M21;
public float M22;
public float M23;
public float M24;
public float M31;
public float M32;
public float M33;
public float M34;
public float M41;
public float M42;
public float M43;
public float M44;
public float M11; // 0
public float M12; // 1
public float M13; // 2
public float M14; // 3
public float M21; // 4
public float M22; // 5
public float M23; // 6
public float M24; // 7
public float M31; // 8
public float M32; // 9
public float M33; // 10
public float M34; // 11
public float M41; // 12
public float M42; // 13
public float M43; // 14
public float M44; // 15
public RcMatrix4x4f(
float m11, float m12, float m13, float m14,
@ -56,6 +57,48 @@ namespace DotRecast.Core
M44 = m44;
public RcMatrix4x4f(float[] m)
M11 = m[0];
M12 = m[1];
M13 = m[2];
M14 = m[3];
M21 = m[4];
M22 = m[5];
M23 = m[6];
M24 = m[7];
M31 = m[8];
M32 = m[9];
M33 = m[10];
M34 = m[11];
M41 = m[12];
M42 = m[13];
M43 = m[14];
M44 = m[15];
public void CopyTo(float[] m)
m[0] = M11;
m[1] = M12;
m[2] = M13;
m[3] = M14;
m[4] = M21;
m[5] = M22;
m[6] = M23;
m[7] = M24;
m[8] = M31;
m[9] = M32;
m[10] = M33;
m[11] = M34;
m[12] = M41;
m[13] = M42;
m[14] = M43;
m[15] = M44;
public static RcMatrix4x4f Identity => _identity;
public readonly bool IsIdentity =>
@ -105,7 +148,34 @@ namespace DotRecast.Core
return dest;
public static RcMatrix4x4f Rotate(float a, float x, float y, float z)
public static RcMatrix4x4f Mul(float[] left, float[] right)
float m00 = left[0] * right[0] + left[4] * right[1] + left[8] * right[2] + left[12] * right[3];
float m01 = left[1] * right[0] + left[5] * right[1] + left[9] * right[2] + left[13] * right[3];
float m02 = left[2] * right[0] + left[6] * right[1] + left[10] * right[2] + left[14] * right[3];
float m03 = left[3] * right[0] + left[7] * right[1] + left[11] * right[2] + left[15] * right[3];
float m10 = left[0] * right[4] + left[4] * right[5] + left[8] * right[6] + left[12] * right[7];
float m11 = left[1] * right[4] + left[5] * right[5] + left[9] * right[6] + left[13] * right[7];
float m12 = left[2] * right[4] + left[6] * right[5] + left[10] * right[6] + left[14] * right[7];
float m13 = left[3] * right[4] + left[7] * right[5] + left[11] * right[6] + left[15] * right[7];
float m20 = left[0] * right[8] + left[4] * right[9] + left[8] * right[10] + left[12] * right[11];
float m21 = left[1] * right[8] + left[5] * right[9] + left[9] * right[10] + left[13] * right[11];
float m22 = left[2] * right[8] + left[6] * right[9] + left[10] * right[10] + left[14] * right[11];
float m23 = left[3] * right[8] + left[7] * right[9] + left[11] * right[10] + left[15] * right[11];
float m30 = left[0] * right[12] + left[4] * right[13] + left[8] * right[14] + left[12] * right[15];
float m31 = left[1] * right[12] + left[5] * right[13] + left[9] * right[14] + left[13] * right[15];
float m32 = left[2] * right[12] + left[6] * right[13] + left[10] * right[14] + left[14] * right[15];
float m33 = left[3] * right[12] + left[7] * right[13] + left[11] * right[14] + left[15] * right[15];
return new RcMatrix4x4f(
m00, m01, m02, m03,
m10, m11, m12, m13,
m20, m21, m22, m23,
m30, m31, m32, m33
public static RcMatrix4x4f CreateFromRotate(float a, float x, float y, float z)
var matrix = new RcMatrix4x4f();
a = (float)(a * Math.PI / 180.0); // convert to radians
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ freely, subject to the following restrictions:
using System;
using System.Numerics;
using Silk.NET.OpenGL;
using DotRecast.Core;
using DotRecast.Recast.Toolset.Builder;
@ -638,15 +639,17 @@ public class DebugDraw
public float[] ViewMatrix(RcVec3f cameraPos, float[] cameraEulers)
float[] rx = GLU.Build_4x4_rotation_matrix(cameraEulers[0], 1, 0, 0);
float[] ry = GLU.Build_4x4_rotation_matrix(cameraEulers[1], 0, 1, 0);
float[] r = GLU.Mul(rx, ry);
float[] t = new float[16];
t[0] = t[5] = t[10] = t[15] = 1;
t[12] = -cameraPos.x;
t[13] = -cameraPos.y;
t[14] = -cameraPos.z;
_viewMatrix = GLU.Mul(r, t);
var rx = RcMatrix4x4f.CreateFromRotate(cameraEulers[0], 1, 0, 0);
var ry = RcMatrix4x4f.CreateFromRotate(cameraEulers[1], 0, 1, 0);
var r = RcMatrix4x4f.Mul(rx, ry);
var t = new RcMatrix4x4f();
t.M11 = t.M22 = t.M33 = t.M44 = 1;
t.M41 = -cameraPos.x;
t.M42 = -cameraPos.y;
t.M43 = -cameraPos.z;
var mul = RcMatrix4x4f.Mul(r, t);
return _viewMatrix;
@ -665,19 +668,13 @@ public class DebugDraw
private void UpdateFrustum()
float[] vpm = GLU.Mul(_projectionMatrix, _viewMatrix);
// left
NormalizePlane(vpm[0 + 3] + vpm[0 + 0], vpm[4 + 3] + vpm[4 + 0], vpm[8 + 3] + vpm[8 + 0], vpm[12 + 3] + vpm[12 + 0], ref frustumPlanes[0]);
// right
NormalizePlane(vpm[0 + 3] - vpm[0 + 0], vpm[4 + 3] - vpm[4 + 0], vpm[8 + 3] - vpm[8 + 0], vpm[12 + 3] - vpm[12 + 0], ref frustumPlanes[1]);
// top
NormalizePlane(vpm[0 + 3] - vpm[0 + 1], vpm[4 + 3] - vpm[4 + 1], vpm[8 + 3] - vpm[8 + 1], vpm[12 + 3] - vpm[12 + 1], ref frustumPlanes[2]);
// bottom
NormalizePlane(vpm[0 + 3] + vpm[0 + 1], vpm[4 + 3] + vpm[4 + 1], vpm[8 + 3] + vpm[8 + 1], vpm[12 + 3] + vpm[12 + 1], ref frustumPlanes[3]);
// near
NormalizePlane(vpm[0 + 3] + vpm[0 + 2], vpm[4 + 3] + vpm[4 + 2], vpm[8 + 3] + vpm[8 + 2], vpm[12 + 3] + vpm[12 + 2], ref frustumPlanes[4]);
// far
NormalizePlane(vpm[0 + 3] - vpm[0 + 2], vpm[4 + 3] - vpm[4 + 2], vpm[8 + 3] - vpm[8 + 2], vpm[12 + 3] - vpm[12 + 2], ref frustumPlanes[5]);
var vpm = RcMatrix4x4f.Mul(_projectionMatrix, _viewMatrix);
NormalizePlane(vpm.M14 + vpm.M11, vpm.M24 + vpm.M21, vpm.M34 + vpm.M31, vpm.M44 + vpm.M41, ref frustumPlanes[0]); // left
NormalizePlane(vpm.M14 - vpm.M11, vpm.M24 - vpm.M21, vpm.M34 - vpm.M31, vpm.M44 - vpm.M41, ref frustumPlanes[1]); // right
NormalizePlane(vpm.M14 - vpm.M12, vpm.M24 - vpm.M22, vpm.M34 - vpm.M32, vpm.M44 - vpm.M42, ref frustumPlanes[2]); // top
NormalizePlane(vpm.M14 + vpm.M12, vpm.M24 + vpm.M22, vpm.M34 + vpm.M32, vpm.M44 + vpm.M42, ref frustumPlanes[3]); // bottom
NormalizePlane(vpm.M14 + vpm.M13, vpm.M24 + vpm.M23, vpm.M34 + vpm.M33, vpm.M44 + vpm.M43, ref frustumPlanes[4]); // near
NormalizePlane(vpm.M14 - vpm.M13, vpm.M24 - vpm.M23, vpm.M34 - vpm.M33, vpm.M44 - vpm.M43, ref frustumPlanes[5]); // far
private void NormalizePlane(float px, float py, float pz, float pw, ref float[] plane)
@ -31,8 +31,7 @@ public static class GLU
return projectionMatrix;
public static void GlhPerspectivef2(float[] matrix, float fovyInDegrees, float aspectRatio, float znear,
float zfar)
public static void GlhPerspectivef2(float[] matrix, float fovyInDegrees, float aspectRatio, float znear, float zfar)
float ymax, xmax;
ymax = (float)(znear * Math.Tan(fovyInDegrees * Math.PI / 360.0));
@ -40,8 +39,7 @@ public static class GLU
GlhFrustumf2(matrix, -xmax, xmax, -ymax, ymax, znear, zfar);
private static void GlhFrustumf2(float[] matrix, float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float znear,
float zfar)
private static void GlhFrustumf2(float[] matrix, float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float znear, float zfar)
float temp, temp2, temp3, temp4;
temp = 2.0f * znear;
@ -369,44 +367,6 @@ public static class GLU
m[(c) * 4 + (r)] = v;
public static float[] Build_4x4_rotation_matrix(float a, float x, float y, float z)
float[] matrix = new float[16];
a = (float)(a * Math.PI / 180.0); // convert to radians
float s = (float)Math.Sin(a);
float c = (float)Math.Cos(a);
float t = 1.0f - c;
float tx = t * x;
float ty = t * y;
float tz = t * z;
float sz = s * z;
float sy = s * y;
float sx = s * x;
matrix[0] = tx * x + c;
matrix[1] = tx * y + sz;
matrix[2] = tx * z - sy;
matrix[3] = 0;
matrix[4] = tx * y - sz;
matrix[5] = ty * y + c;
matrix[6] = ty * z + sx;
matrix[7] = 0;
matrix[8] = tx * z + sy;
matrix[9] = ty * z - sx;
matrix[10] = tz * z + c;
matrix[11] = 0;
matrix[12] = 0;
matrix[13] = 0;
matrix[14] = 0;
matrix[15] = 1;
return matrix;
public static float[] Mul(float[] left, float[] right)
float m00 = left[0] * right[0] + left[4] * right[1] + left[8] * right[2] + left[12] * right[3];
@ -317,12 +317,12 @@ public class ModernOpenGLDraw : IOpenGLDraw
public void ProjectionMatrix(float[] projectionMatrix)
this._projectionMatrix = projectionMatrix;
_projectionMatrix = projectionMatrix;
public void ViewMatrix(float[] viewMatrix)
this._viewMatrix = viewMatrix;
_viewMatrix = viewMatrix;
public void Fog(float start, float end)
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ namespace DotRecast.Recast.Toolset.Tools
SampleAreaModifications.SAMPLE_POLYAREA_TYPE_ROAD, walkableClimb);
var roofUp = RcVec3f.Zero;
RcVec3f roofExtent = RcVec3f.Of(4.5f, 4.5f, 8f);
var rx = RcMatrix4x4f.Rotate(45, forward.x, forward.y, forward.z);
var rx = RcMatrix4x4f.CreateFromRotate(45, forward.x, forward.y, forward.z);
roofUp = MulMatrixVector(ref roofUp, rx, baseUp);
RcVec3f roofCenter = RcVec3f.Of(p.x, p.y + 6, p.z);
BoxCollider roof = new BoxCollider(roofCenter, Detour.Dynamic.Colliders.BoxCollider.GetHalfEdges(roofUp, forward, roofExtent),
@ -297,8 +297,8 @@ namespace DotRecast.Recast.Toolset.Tools
private float[] TransformVertices(RcVec3f p, DemoInputGeomProvider geom, float ax)
var rx = RcMatrix4x4f.Rotate((float)random.NextDouble() * ax, 1, 0, 0);
var ry = RcMatrix4x4f.Rotate((float)random.NextDouble() * 360, 0, 1, 0);
var rx = RcMatrix4x4f.CreateFromRotate((float)random.NextDouble() * ax, 1, 0, 0);
var ry = RcMatrix4x4f.CreateFromRotate((float)random.NextDouble() * 360, 0, 1, 0);
var m = RcMatrix4x4f.Mul(rx, ry);
float[] verts = new float[geom.vertices.Length];
RcVec3f v = new RcVec3f();
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