# DotRecast ![DotRecast of a navmesh baked with the sample program](/DotRecast.Recast.Demo/screenshot.png?raw=true) DotRecast is a port of recast4j(https://github.com/ppiastucki/recast4j) to C# and has been built to target netstandard2.1 to work with both Unity3D and pure C#. If you're using Unity3D, the following projects have been modified to build with netstandard2.1: - DotRecast.Core - DotRecast.Recast - DotRecast.Detour - DotRecast.Detour.Crowd - DotRecast.Detour.Dynamic - DotRecast.Detour.Extras - DotRecast.Detour.TileCache Please feel free to copy and use these projects in Unity3D. We plan to continue improving them as time goes on.