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2021-12-29 20:50:11 +03:00
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using MoreMountains.Feedbacks;
namespace MoreMountains.FeedbacksForThirdParty
/// <summary>
/// This feedback allows you to control chromatic aberration intensity over time. It requires you have in your scene an object with a PostProcessVolume
/// with Chromatic Aberration active, and a MMChromaticAberrationShaker component.
/// </summary>
[FeedbackPath("PostProcess/Chromatic Aberration")]
[FeedbackHelp("This feedback allows you to control chromatic aberration intensity over time. It requires you have in your scene an object with a PostProcessVolume " +
"with Chromatic Aberration active, and a MMChromaticAberrationShaker component.")]
public class MMFeedbackChromaticAberration : MMFeedback
/// sets the inspector color for this feedback
public override Color FeedbackColor { get { return MMFeedbacksInspectorColors.PostProcessColor; } }
[Header("Chromatic Aberration")]
/// the channel to emit on
[Tooltip("the channel to emit on")]
public int Channel = 0;
/// the duration of the shake, in seconds
[Tooltip("the duration of the shake, in seconds")]
public float Duration = 0.2f;
/// whether or not to reset shaker values after shake
[Tooltip("whether or not to reset shaker values after shake")]
public bool ResetShakerValuesAfterShake = true;
/// whether or not to reset the target's values after shake
[Tooltip("whether or not to reset the target's values after shake")]
public bool ResetTargetValuesAfterShake = true;
/// the value to remap the curve's 0 to
[Tooltip("the value to remap the curve's 0 to")]
[Range(0f, 1f)]
public float RemapIntensityZero = 0f;
/// the value to remap the curve's 1 to
[Tooltip("the value to remap the curve's 1 to")]
[Range(0f, 1f)]
public float RemapIntensityOne = 1f;
/// the curve to animate the intensity on
[Tooltip("the curve to animate the intensity on")]
public AnimationCurve Intensity = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(0, 0), new Keyframe(0.5f, 1), new Keyframe(1, 0));
/// the multiplier to apply to the intensity curve
[Tooltip("the multiplier to apply to the intensity curve")]
[Range(0f, 1f)]
public float Amplitude = 1.0f;
/// whether or not to add to the initial intensity
[Tooltip("whether or not to add to the initial intensity")]
public bool RelativeIntensity = false;
/// the duration of this feedback is the duration of the shake
public override float FeedbackDuration { get { return ApplyTimeMultiplier(Duration); } set { Duration = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// Triggers a chromatic aberration shake
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position"></param>
/// <param name="feedbacksIntensity"></param>
protected override void CustomPlayFeedback(Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity = 1.0f)
if (Active)
float intensityMultiplier = Timing.ConstantIntensity ? 1f : feedbacksIntensity;
MMChromaticAberrationShakeEvent.Trigger(Intensity, FeedbackDuration, RemapIntensityZero, RemapIntensityOne, RelativeIntensity, intensityMultiplier,
Channel, ResetShakerValuesAfterShake, ResetTargetValuesAfterShake, NormalPlayDirection, Timing.TimescaleMode);