328 lines
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328 lines
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using KeyCode = UnityEngine.KeyCode;
using NewCode = UnityEngine.InputSystem.Key;
namespace Lean.Common
/// <summary>This class wraps <b>UnityEngine.Input</b> and <b>UnityEngine.InputSystem</b> so they can both be used from the same interface.</summary>
public static class LeanInput
private static System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<KeyCode, NewCode> keyMapping = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<KeyCode, NewCode>()
//{ KeyCode.None, NewCode.None },
{ KeyCode.Backspace, NewCode.Backspace },
{ KeyCode.Tab, NewCode.Tab },
{ KeyCode.Clear, NewCode.None },
{ KeyCode.Return, NewCode.Enter },
{ KeyCode.Pause, NewCode.Pause },
{ KeyCode.Escape, NewCode.Escape },
{ KeyCode.Space, NewCode.Space },
{ KeyCode.Exclaim, NewCode.None },
{ KeyCode.DoubleQuote, NewCode.None },
{ KeyCode.Hash, NewCode.None },
{ KeyCode.Dollar, NewCode.None },
{ KeyCode.Percent, NewCode.None },
{ KeyCode.Ampersand, NewCode.None },
{ KeyCode.Quote, NewCode.Quote },
{ KeyCode.LeftParen, NewCode.None },
{ KeyCode.RightParen, NewCode.None },
{ KeyCode.Asterisk, NewCode.None },
{ KeyCode.Plus, NewCode.None },
{ KeyCode.Comma, NewCode.Comma },
{ KeyCode.Minus, NewCode.Minus },
{ KeyCode.Period, NewCode.Period },
{ KeyCode.Slash, NewCode.Slash },
{ KeyCode.Alpha1, NewCode.Digit1 },
{ KeyCode.Alpha2, NewCode.Digit2 },
{ KeyCode.Alpha3, NewCode.Digit3 },
{ KeyCode.Alpha4, NewCode.Digit4 },
{ KeyCode.Alpha5, NewCode.Digit5 },
{ KeyCode.Alpha6, NewCode.Digit6 },
{ KeyCode.Alpha7, NewCode.Digit7 },
{ KeyCode.Alpha8, NewCode.Digit8 },
{ KeyCode.Alpha9, NewCode.Digit9 },
{ KeyCode.Alpha0, NewCode.Digit0 },
{ KeyCode.Colon, NewCode.None },
{ KeyCode.Semicolon, NewCode.Semicolon },
{ KeyCode.Less, NewCode.None },
{ KeyCode.Equals, NewCode.Equals },
{ KeyCode.Greater, NewCode.None },
{ KeyCode.Question, NewCode.None },
{ KeyCode.At, NewCode.None },
{ KeyCode.LeftBracket, NewCode.LeftBracket },
{ KeyCode.Backslash, NewCode.Backslash },
{ KeyCode.RightBracket, NewCode.RightBracket },
{ KeyCode.Caret, NewCode.None },
{ KeyCode.Underscore, NewCode.None },
{ KeyCode.BackQuote, NewCode.Backquote },
{ KeyCode.A, NewCode.A },
{ KeyCode.B, NewCode.B },
{ KeyCode.C, NewCode.C },
{ KeyCode.D, NewCode.D },
{ KeyCode.E, NewCode.E },
{ KeyCode.F, NewCode.F },
{ KeyCode.G, NewCode.G },
{ KeyCode.H, NewCode.H },
{ KeyCode.I, NewCode.I },
{ KeyCode.J, NewCode.J },
{ KeyCode.K, NewCode.K },
{ KeyCode.L, NewCode.L },
{ KeyCode.M, NewCode.M },
{ KeyCode.N, NewCode.N },
{ KeyCode.O, NewCode.O },
{ KeyCode.P, NewCode.P },
{ KeyCode.Q, NewCode.Q },
{ KeyCode.R, NewCode.R },
{ KeyCode.S, NewCode.S },
{ KeyCode.T, NewCode.T },
{ KeyCode.U, NewCode.U },
{ KeyCode.V, NewCode.V },
{ KeyCode.W, NewCode.W },
{ KeyCode.X, NewCode.X },
{ KeyCode.Y, NewCode.Y },
{ KeyCode.Z, NewCode.Z },
{ KeyCode.LeftCurlyBracket, NewCode.None },
{ KeyCode.Pipe, NewCode.None },
{ KeyCode.RightCurlyBracket, NewCode.None },
{ KeyCode.Tilde, NewCode.None },
{ KeyCode.Delete, NewCode.Delete },
{ KeyCode.Keypad0, NewCode.Numpad0 },
{ KeyCode.Keypad1, NewCode.Numpad1 },
{ KeyCode.Keypad2, NewCode.Numpad2 },
{ KeyCode.Keypad3, NewCode.Numpad3 },
{ KeyCode.Keypad4, NewCode.Numpad4 },
{ KeyCode.Keypad5, NewCode.Numpad5 },
{ KeyCode.Keypad6, NewCode.Numpad6 },
{ KeyCode.Keypad7, NewCode.Numpad7 },
{ KeyCode.Keypad8, NewCode.Numpad8 },
{ KeyCode.Keypad9, NewCode.Numpad9 },
{ KeyCode.KeypadPeriod, NewCode.NumpadPeriod },
{ KeyCode.KeypadDivide, NewCode.NumpadDivide },
{ KeyCode.KeypadMultiply, NewCode.NumpadMultiply },
{ KeyCode.KeypadMinus, NewCode.NumpadMinus },
{ KeyCode.KeypadPlus, NewCode.NumpadPlus },
{ KeyCode.KeypadEnter, NewCode.NumpadEnter },
{ KeyCode.KeypadEquals, NewCode.NumpadEquals },
{ KeyCode.UpArrow, NewCode.UpArrow },
{ KeyCode.DownArrow, NewCode.DownArrow },
{ KeyCode.RightArrow, NewCode.RightArrow },
{ KeyCode.LeftArrow, NewCode.LeftArrow },
{ KeyCode.Insert, NewCode.Insert },
{ KeyCode.Home, NewCode.Home },
{ KeyCode.End, NewCode.End },
{ KeyCode.PageUp, NewCode.PageUp },
{ KeyCode.PageDown, NewCode.PageDown },
{ KeyCode.F1, NewCode.F1 },
{ KeyCode.F2, NewCode.F2 },
{ KeyCode.F3, NewCode.F3 },
{ KeyCode.F4, NewCode.F4 },
{ KeyCode.F5, NewCode.F5 },
{ KeyCode.F6, NewCode.F6 },
{ KeyCode.F7, NewCode.F7 },
{ KeyCode.F8, NewCode.F8 },
{ KeyCode.F9, NewCode.F9 },
{ KeyCode.F10, NewCode.F10 },
{ KeyCode.F11, NewCode.F11 },
{ KeyCode.F12, NewCode.F12 },
{ KeyCode.F13, NewCode.None },
{ KeyCode.F14, NewCode.None },
{ KeyCode.F15, NewCode.None },
{ KeyCode.Numlock, NewCode.NumLock },
{ KeyCode.CapsLock, NewCode.CapsLock },
{ KeyCode.ScrollLock, NewCode.ScrollLock },
{ KeyCode.RightShift, NewCode.RightShift },
{ KeyCode.LeftShift, NewCode.LeftShift },
{ KeyCode.RightControl, NewCode.RightCtrl },
{ KeyCode.LeftControl, NewCode.LeftCtrl },
{ KeyCode.RightAlt, NewCode.RightAlt },
{ KeyCode.LeftAlt, NewCode.LeftAlt },
{ KeyCode.RightCommand, NewCode.RightCommand },
//{ KeyCode.RightApple, NewCode.RightApple },
{ KeyCode.LeftCommand, NewCode.LeftCommand },
//{ KeyCode.LeftApple, NewCode.LeftApple },
{ KeyCode.LeftWindows, NewCode.LeftWindows },
{ KeyCode.RightWindows, NewCode.RightWindows },
{ KeyCode.AltGr, NewCode.AltGr },
{ KeyCode.Help, NewCode.None },
{ KeyCode.Print, NewCode.PrintScreen },
{ KeyCode.SysReq, NewCode.None },
{ KeyCode.Break, NewCode.None },
{ KeyCode.Menu, NewCode.ContextMenu },
private static UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.ButtonControl GetMouseButtonControl(int index)
if (UnityEngine.InputSystem.Mouse.current != null)
switch (index)
case 0: return UnityEngine.InputSystem.Mouse.current.leftButton;
case 1: return UnityEngine.InputSystem.Mouse.current.rightButton;
case 2: return UnityEngine.InputSystem.Mouse.current.middleButton;
case 3: return UnityEngine.InputSystem.Mouse.current.forwardButton;
case 4: return UnityEngine.InputSystem.Mouse.current.backButton;
return null;
private static UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.ButtonControl GetButtonControl(KeyCode oldKey)
if (UnityEngine.InputSystem.Mouse.current != null)
switch (oldKey)
case KeyCode.Mouse0: return UnityEngine.InputSystem.Mouse.current.leftButton;
case KeyCode.Mouse1: return UnityEngine.InputSystem.Mouse.current.rightButton;
case KeyCode.Mouse2: return UnityEngine.InputSystem.Mouse.current.middleButton;
case KeyCode.Mouse3: return UnityEngine.InputSystem.Mouse.current.forwardButton;
case KeyCode.Mouse4: return UnityEngine.InputSystem.Mouse.current.backButton;
if (UnityEngine.InputSystem.Keyboard.current != null)
var newKey = default(UnityEngine.InputSystem.Key);
if (keyMapping.TryGetValue(oldKey, out newKey) == true)
return UnityEngine.InputSystem.Keyboard.current[newKey];
return null;
public static int GetTouchCount()
if (UnityEngine.InputSystem.EnhancedTouch.EnhancedTouchSupport.enabled == false)
return UnityEngine.InputSystem.EnhancedTouch.Touch.activeTouches.Count;
return UnityEngine.Input.touchCount;
public static void GetTouch(int index, out int id, out UnityEngine.Vector2 position, out float pressure, out bool set)
var touch = UnityEngine.InputSystem.EnhancedTouch.Touch.activeTouches[index];
id = touch.finger.index;
position = touch.screenPosition;
pressure = touch.pressure;
set =
touch.phase == UnityEngine.InputSystem.TouchPhase.Began ||
touch.phase == UnityEngine.InputSystem.TouchPhase.Stationary ||
touch.phase == UnityEngine.InputSystem.TouchPhase.Moved;
var touch = UnityEngine.Input.GetTouch(index);
id = touch.fingerId;
position = touch.position;
pressure = touch.pressure;
set =
touch.phase == UnityEngine.TouchPhase.Began ||
touch.phase == UnityEngine.TouchPhase.Stationary ||
touch.phase == UnityEngine.TouchPhase.Moved;
public static UnityEngine.Vector2 GetMousePosition()
return UnityEngine.InputSystem.Mouse.current != null ? UnityEngine.InputSystem.Mouse.current.position.ReadValue() : default(UnityEngine.Vector2);
return UnityEngine.Input.mousePosition;
public static bool GetDown(KeyCode oldKey)
var buttonControl = GetButtonControl(oldKey); return buttonControl != null ? buttonControl.wasPressedThisFrame : false;
return UnityEngine.Input.GetKeyDown(oldKey);
public static bool GetPressed(KeyCode oldKey)
var buttonControl = GetButtonControl(oldKey); return buttonControl != null ? buttonControl.isPressed : false;
return UnityEngine.Input.GetKey(oldKey);
public static bool GetUp(KeyCode oldKey)
var buttonControl = GetButtonControl(oldKey); return buttonControl != null ? buttonControl.wasReleasedThisFrame : false;
return UnityEngine.Input.GetKeyUp(oldKey);
public static bool GetMouseDown(int index)
var buttonControl = GetMouseButtonControl(index); return buttonControl != null ? buttonControl.wasPressedThisFrame : false;
return UnityEngine.Input.GetMouseButtonDown(index);
public static bool GetMousePressed(int index)
var buttonControl = GetMouseButtonControl(index); return buttonControl != null ? buttonControl.isPressed : false;
return UnityEngine.Input.GetMouseButton(index);
public static bool GetMouseUp(int index)
var buttonControl = GetMouseButtonControl(index); return buttonControl != null ? buttonControl.wasReleasedThisFrame : false;
return UnityEngine.Input.GetMouseButtonUp(index);
public static float GetMouseWheelDelta()
return UnityEngine.InputSystem.Mouse.current.scroll != null ? UnityEngine.InputSystem.Mouse.current.scroll.ReadValue().y : 0.0f;
return UnityEngine.Input.mouseScrollDelta.y;
public static bool GetMouseExists()
return UnityEngine.InputSystem.Mouse.current != null;
return UnityEngine.Input.mousePresent;
public static bool GetKeyboardExists()
return UnityEngine.InputSystem.Keyboard.current != null;
return true;