140 lines
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140 lines
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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using Lean.Common;
using FSA = UnityEngine.Serialization.FormerlySerializedAsAttribute;
namespace Lean.Touch
/// <summary>This component allows you to add mouse wheel control to other components.</summary>
[HelpURL(LeanTouch.PlusHelpUrlPrefix + "LeanMouseWheel")]
[AddComponentMenu(LeanTouch.ComponentPathPrefix + "Mouse Wheel")]
public class LeanMouseWheel : MonoBehaviour
public enum ModifyType
public enum CoordinateType
[System.Serializable] public class FloatEvent : UnityEvent<float> {}
/// <summary>Do nothing if this LeanSelectable isn't selected?</summary>
public LeanSelectable RequiredSelectable { set { requiredSelectable = value; } get { return requiredSelectable; } } [FSA("RequiredSelectable")] [SerializeField] private LeanSelectable requiredSelectable;
/// <summary>When using simulated fingers, should they be created from a specific mouse button?
/// -1 = Ignore.
/// 0 = Left Mouse.
/// 1 = Right Mouse.
/// 2 = Middle Mouse.</summary>
public int RequiredMouseButton { set { requiredMouseButton = value; } get { return requiredMouseButton; } } [FSA("RequiredMouseButton")] [SerializeField] private int requiredMouseButton = -1;
/// <summary>Should the scroll delta be modified before use?
/// Sign = The swipe delta will either be 1 or -1.</summary>
public ModifyType Modify { set { modify = value; } get { return modify; } } [FSA("Modify")] [SerializeField] private ModifyType modify;
/// <summary>This final delta value will be multiplied by this.</summary>
public float Multiplier { set { multiplier = value; } get { return multiplier; } } [FSA("Multiplier")] [SerializeField] private float multiplier = 1.0f;
/// <summary>The coordinate space of the output delta values.
/// ZeroBased = Scrolling where 0 means no scroll.
/// OneBased = ZeroBased + 1. Scrolling where 1 means no scroll. This is suitable for use with components where you multiply a value.</summary>
public CoordinateType Coordinate { set { coordinate = value; } get { return coordinate; } } [FSA("Coordinate")] [SerializeField] private CoordinateType coordinate;
/// <summary>Called when the mouse scrolls.
/// Float = Scroll delta.</summary>
public FloatEvent OnDelta { get { if (onDelta == null) onDelta = new FloatEvent(); return onDelta; } } [SerializeField] private FloatEvent onDelta;
protected virtual void Reset()
requiredSelectable = GetComponentInParent<LeanSelectable>();
protected virtual void Awake()
if (requiredSelectable == null)
requiredSelectable = GetComponentInParent<LeanSelectable>();
protected virtual void Update()
if (requiredSelectable != null && requiredSelectable.IsSelected == false)
if (requiredMouseButton >= 0 && LeanInput.GetMousePressed(requiredMouseButton) == false)
var finalDelta = LeanInput.GetMouseWheelDelta();
if (finalDelta == 0.0f)
switch (modify)
case ModifyType.Sign:
finalDelta = Mathf.Sign(finalDelta);
finalDelta *= multiplier;
switch (coordinate)
case CoordinateType.OneBased:
finalDelta += 1.0f;
if (onDelta != null)
namespace Lean.Touch.Editor
using TARGET = LeanMouseWheel;
[UnityEditor.CustomEditor(typeof(TARGET), true)]
public class LeanMouseWheel_Editor : LeanEditor
protected override void OnInspector()
TARGET tgt; TARGET[] tgts; GetTargets(out tgt, out tgts);
Draw("requiredSelectable", "Do nothing if this LeanSelectable isn't selected?");
Draw("requiredMouseButton", "When using simulated fingers, should they be created from a specific mouse button?\n\n-1 = Ignore.\n\n0 = Left Mouse.\n\n1 = Right Mouse.\n\n2 = Middle Mouse.");
Draw("modify", "Should the scroll delta be modified before use?\n\nSign = The swipe delta will either be 1 or -1.");
Draw("multiplier", "This final delta value will be multiplied by this.");
Draw("coordinate", "The coordinate space of the output delta values.\n\nZeroBased = Scrolling where 0 means no scroll.\n\nOneBased = ZeroBased + 1. Scrolling where 1 means no scroll. This is suitable for use with components where you multiply a value.");