using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace MoreMountains.Tools
/// A loot table helper that can be used to randomly pick objects out of a weighted list
/// This design pattern was described in more details by Daniel Cook in 2014 in his blog :
/// This generic LootTable defines a list of objects to loot, each of them weighted.
/// The weights don't have to add to a certain number, they're relative to each other.
/// The ComputeWeights method determines, based on these weights, the chance percentage of each object to be picked
/// The GetLoot method returns one object, picked randomly from the table
public class MMLootTable where T:MMLoot
/// the list of objects that have a chance of being returned by the table
public List ObjectsToLoot;
/// the total amount of weights, for debug purposes only
public float WeightsTotal;
protected float _maximumWeightSoFar = 0f;
protected bool _weightsComputed = false;
/// Determines, for each object in the table, its chance percentage, based on the specified weights
public virtual void ComputeWeights()
if (ObjectsToLoot == null)
if (ObjectsToLoot.Count == 0)
_maximumWeightSoFar = 0f;
foreach(T lootDropItem in ObjectsToLoot)
if(lootDropItem.Weight >= 0f)
lootDropItem.RangeFrom = _maximumWeightSoFar;
_maximumWeightSoFar += lootDropItem.Weight;
lootDropItem.RangeTo = _maximumWeightSoFar;
lootDropItem.Weight = 0f;
WeightsTotal = _maximumWeightSoFar;
foreach(T lootDropItem in ObjectsToLoot)
lootDropItem.ChancePercentage = ((lootDropItem.Weight) / WeightsTotal) * 100;
_weightsComputed = true;
/// Returns one object from the table, picked randomly
public virtual T GetLoot()
if (ObjectsToLoot == null)
return null;
if (ObjectsToLoot.Count == 0)
return null;
if (!_weightsComputed)
float index = Random.Range(0, WeightsTotal);
foreach (T lootDropItem in ObjectsToLoot)
if ((index > lootDropItem.RangeFrom) && (index < lootDropItem.RangeTo))
return lootDropItem;
return null;
/// A MMLootTable implementation for GameObjects
public class MMLootTableGameObject : MMLootTable { }
/// A MMLootTable implementation for floats
public class MMLootTableFloat : MMLootTable { }
/// A MMLootTable implementation for strings
public class MMLootTableString : MMLootTable { }