using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; namespace I2.Loc { #if UNITY_EDITOR [InitializeOnLoad] #endif public class LocalizeTarget_UnityUI_RawImage : LocalizeTarget { static LocalizeTarget_UnityUI_RawImage() { AutoRegister(); } [RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod(RuntimeInitializeLoadType.BeforeSceneLoad)] static void AutoRegister() { LocalizationManager.RegisterTarget(new LocalizeTargetDesc_Type { Name = "RawImage", Priority = 100 }); } public override eTermType GetPrimaryTermType(Localize cmp) { return eTermType.Texture; } public override eTermType GetSecondaryTermType(Localize cmp) { return eTermType.Text; } public override bool CanUseSecondaryTerm() { return false; } public override bool AllowMainTermToBeRTL() { return false; } public override bool AllowSecondTermToBeRTL() { return false; } public override void GetFinalTerms(Localize cmp, string Main, string Secondary, out string primaryTerm, out string secondaryTerm) { primaryTerm = mTarget.mainTexture ? : ""; secondaryTerm = null; } public override void DoLocalize(Localize cmp, string mainTranslation, string secondaryTranslation) { Texture Old = mTarget.texture; if (Old == null || != mainTranslation) mTarget.texture = cmp.FindTranslatedObject(mainTranslation); // If the old value is not in the translatedObjects, then unload it as it most likely was loaded from Resources //if (!HasTranslatedObject(Old)) // Resources.UnloadAsset(Old); // In the editor, sometimes unity "forgets" to show the changes #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!Application.isPlaying) EditorUtility.SetDirty(mTarget); #endif } } }