using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
namespace MoreMountains.Tools
/// Add this class to an object (usually a sprite) and it'll face the camera at all times
[AddComponentMenu("More Mountains/Tools/Camera/MMBillboard")]
public class MMBillboard : MonoBehaviour
/// the camera we're facing
public Camera MainCamera { get; set; }
/// whether or not this object should automatically grab a camera on start
public bool GrabMainCameraOnStart = true;
/// whether or not to nest this object below a parent container
public bool NestObject = true;
protected GameObject _parentContainer;
private Transform _transform;
/// On awake we grab a camera if needed, and nest our object
protected virtual void Awake()
_transform = transform;
if (GrabMainCameraOnStart == true)
GrabMainCamera ();
private void Start()
if (NestObject)
/// Nests this object below a parent container
protected virtual void NestThisObject()
_parentContainer = new GameObject(); = "Parent";
_parentContainer.transform.position = transform.position;
transform.parent = _parentContainer.transform;
/// Grabs the main camera.
protected virtual void GrabMainCamera()
MainCamera = Camera.main;
/// On update, we change our parent container's rotation to face the camera
protected virtual void Update()
if (NestObject)
_parentContainer.transform.LookAt(_parentContainer.transform.position + MainCamera.transform.rotation * Vector3.back, MainCamera.transform.rotation * Vector3.up);
_transform.LookAt(_transform.position + MainCamera.transform.rotation * Vector3.back, MainCamera.transform.rotation * Vector3.up);