using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
namespace MoreMountains.Tools
/// Input helpers
public class MMInput : MonoBehaviour
/// All possible states for a button. Can be used in a state machine.
public enum ButtonStates { Off, ButtonDown, ButtonPressed, ButtonUp }
public enum AxisTypes { Positive, Negative }
/// Takes an axis and returns a ButtonState depending on whether the axis is pressed or not (useful for xbox triggers for example), and when you need to use an axis/trigger as a binary thing
/// The axis as button.
/// Axis name.
/// Threshold value below which the button is off or released.
/// Current state of the axis.
public static ButtonStates ProcessAxisAsButton (string axisName, float threshold, ButtonStates currentState, AxisTypes AxisType = AxisTypes.Positive)
float axisValue = Input.GetAxis (axisName);
ButtonStates returnState;
bool comparison = (AxisType == AxisTypes.Positive) ? (axisValue < threshold) : (axisValue > threshold);
if (comparison)
if (currentState == ButtonStates.ButtonPressed)
returnState = ButtonStates.ButtonUp;
returnState = ButtonStates.Off;
if (currentState == ButtonStates.Off)
returnState = ButtonStates.ButtonDown;
returnState = ButtonStates.ButtonPressed;
return returnState;
/// IM button, short for InputManager button
public class IMButton
public MMStateMachine State {get;protected set;}
public string ButtonID;
public delegate void ButtonDownMethodDelegate();
public delegate void ButtonPressedMethodDelegate();
public delegate void ButtonUpMethodDelegate();
public ButtonDownMethodDelegate ButtonDownMethod;
public ButtonPressedMethodDelegate ButtonPressedMethod;
public ButtonUpMethodDelegate ButtonUpMethod;
public float TimeSinceLastButtonDown { get { return Time.unscaledTime - _lastButtonDownAt; } }
public float TimeSinceLastButtonUp { get { return Time.unscaledTime - _lastButtonUpAt; } }
protected float _lastButtonDownAt;
protected float _lastButtonUpAt;
public IMButton(string playerID, string buttonID, ButtonDownMethodDelegate btnDown = null, ButtonPressedMethodDelegate btnPressed = null, ButtonUpMethodDelegate btnUp = null)
ButtonID = playerID + "_" + buttonID;
ButtonDownMethod = btnDown;
ButtonUpMethod = btnUp;
ButtonPressedMethod = btnPressed;
State = new MMStateMachine (null, false);
State.ChangeState (MMInput.ButtonStates.Off);
public virtual void TriggerButtonDown()
_lastButtonDownAt = Time.unscaledTime;
if (ButtonDownMethod == null)
public virtual void TriggerButtonPressed()
if (ButtonPressedMethod == null)
public virtual void TriggerButtonUp()
_lastButtonUpAt = Time.unscaledTime;
if (ButtonUpMethod == null)