using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace MoreMountains.Tools { /// /// This class is used to describe spawn properties, to be used by the MMSpawnAround class. /// It's meant to be exposed and used by classes that are designed to spawn objects, typically loot systems /// [System.Serializable] public class MMSpawnAroundProperties { /// the possible shapes objects can be spawned within public enum MMSpawnAroundShapes { Sphere, Cube } /// the shape within which objects should spawn [Header("Shape")] [Tooltip("the shape within which objects should spawn")] public MMSpawnAroundShapes Shape = MMSpawnAroundShapes.Sphere; [Header("Position")] /// a Vector3 that specifies the normal to the plane you want to spawn objects on (if you want to spawn objects on the x/z plane, the normal to that plane would be the y axis (0,1,0) [Tooltip("a Vector3 that specifies the normal to the plane you want to spawn objects on (if you want to spawn objects on the x/z plane, the normal to that plane would be the y axis (0,1,0)")] public Vector3 NormalToSpawnPlane = Vector3.up; /// the minimum distance to the origin of the spawn at which objects can be spawned [Tooltip("the minimum distance to the origin of the spawn at which objects can be spawned")] [MMEnumCondition("Shape", (int)MMSpawnAroundShapes.Sphere)] public float MinimumSphereRadius = 1f; /// the maximum distance to the origin of the spawn at which objects can be spawned [Tooltip("the maximum distance to the origin of the spawn at which objects can be spawned")] [MMEnumCondition("Shape", (int)MMSpawnAroundShapes.Sphere)] public float MaximumSphereRadius = 2f; /// the minimum size of the cube's base [Tooltip("the minimum size of the cube's base")] [MMEnumCondition("Shape", (int)MMSpawnAroundShapes.Cube)] public Vector3 MinimumCubeBaseSize =; /// the maximum size of the cube's base [Tooltip("the maximum size of the cube's base")] [MMEnumCondition("Shape", (int)MMSpawnAroundShapes.Cube)] public Vector3 MaximumCubeBaseSize = new Vector3(2f, 2f, 2f); [Header("NormalAxisOffset")] /// the minimum offset to apply on the normal axis [Tooltip("the minimum offset to apply on the normal axis")] public float MinimumNormalAxisOffset = 0f; /// the maximum offset to apply on the normal axis [Tooltip("the maximum offset to apply on the normal axis")] public float MaximumNormalAxisOffset = 0f; [Header("NormalAxisOffsetCurve")] /// whether or not to use a curve to offset the object's spawn position along the spawn plane [Tooltip("whether or not to use a curve to offset the object's spawn position along the spawn plane")] public bool UseNormalAxisOffsetCurve = false; /// a curve used to define how distance to the origin should be altered (potentially above min/max distance) [Tooltip("a curve used to define how distance to the origin should be altered (potentially above min/max distance)")] [MMCondition("UseNormalAxisOffsetCurve",true)] public AnimationCurve NormalOffsetCurve = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(0, 1f), new Keyframe(1, 1f)); /// the value to which the curve's zero should be remapped to [Tooltip("the value to which the curve's zero should be remapped to")] [MMCondition("UseNormalAxisOffsetCurve",true)] public float NormalOffsetCurveRemapZero = 0f; /// the value to which the curve's one should be remapped to [Tooltip("the value to which the curve's one should be remapped to")] [MMCondition("UseNormalAxisOffsetCurve",true)] public float NormalOffsetCurveRemapOne = 1f; /// whether or not to invert the curve (horizontally) [Tooltip("whether or not to invert the curve (horizontally)")] [MMCondition("UseNormalAxisOffsetCurve",true)] public bool InvertNormalOffsetCurve = false; [Header("Rotation")] /// the minimum random rotation to apply (in degrees) [Tooltip("the minimum random rotation to apply (in degrees)")] public Vector3 MinimumRotation =; /// the maximum random rotation to apply (in degrees) [Tooltip("the maximum random rotation to apply (in degrees)")] public Vector3 MaximumRotation =; [Header("Scale")] /// the minimum random scale to apply [Tooltip("the minimum random scale to apply")] public Vector3 MinimumScale =; /// the maximum random scale to apply [Tooltip("the maximum random scale to apply")] public Vector3 MaximumScale =; } /// /// This static class is a spawn helper, useful to randomize position, rotation and scale when you need to /// instantiate objects /// public static class MMSpawnAround { public static void ApplySpawnAroundProperties(GameObject instantiatedObj, MMSpawnAroundProperties props, Vector3 origin) { // we randomize the position instantiatedObj.transform.position = SpawnAroundPosition(props, origin); // we randomize the rotation instantiatedObj.transform.rotation = SpawnAroundRotation(props); // we randomize the scale instantiatedObj.transform.localScale = SpawnAroundScale(props); } /// /// Returns the position at which the object should spawn /// /// /// /// public static Vector3 SpawnAroundPosition(MMSpawnAroundProperties props, Vector3 origin) { // we get the position of the object based on the defined plane and distance Vector3 newPosition; if (props.Shape == MMSpawnAroundProperties.MMSpawnAroundShapes.Sphere) { float distance = Random.Range(props.MinimumSphereRadius, props.MaximumSphereRadius); newPosition = Vector3.Cross(Random.insideUnitSphere, props.NormalToSpawnPlane); newPosition.Normalize(); newPosition *= distance; } else { float randomX = Random.Range(props.MinimumCubeBaseSize.x, props.MaximumCubeBaseSize.x); newPosition.x = Random.Range(-randomX, randomX) / 2f; float randomY = Random.Range(props.MinimumCubeBaseSize.y, props.MaximumCubeBaseSize.y); newPosition.y = Random.Range(-randomY, randomY) / 2f; float randomZ = Random.Range(props.MinimumCubeBaseSize.z, props.MaximumCubeBaseSize.z); newPosition.z = Random.Range(-randomZ, randomZ) / 2f; newPosition = Vector3.Cross(newPosition, props.NormalToSpawnPlane); } float randomOffset = Random.Range(props.MinimumNormalAxisOffset, props.MaximumNormalAxisOffset); // we correct the position based on the NormalOffsetCurve if (props.UseNormalAxisOffsetCurve) { float normalizedOffset = 0f; if (randomOffset != 0) { if (props.InvertNormalOffsetCurve) { normalizedOffset = MMMaths.Remap(randomOffset, props.MinimumNormalAxisOffset, props.MaximumNormalAxisOffset, 1f, 0f); } else { normalizedOffset = MMMaths.Remap(randomOffset, props.MinimumNormalAxisOffset, props.MaximumNormalAxisOffset, 0f, 1f); } } float offset = props.NormalOffsetCurve.Evaluate(normalizedOffset); offset = MMMaths.Remap(offset, 0f, 1f, props.NormalOffsetCurveRemapZero, props.NormalOffsetCurveRemapOne); newPosition *= offset; } // we apply the normal offset newPosition += props.NormalToSpawnPlane.normalized * randomOffset; // relative position newPosition += origin; return newPosition; } /// /// Returns the scale at which the object should spawn /// /// /// public static Vector3 SpawnAroundScale(MMSpawnAroundProperties props) { return MMMaths.RandomVector3(props.MinimumScale, props.MaximumScale); } /// /// Returns the rotation at which the object should spawn /// /// /// public static Quaternion SpawnAroundRotation(MMSpawnAroundProperties props) { return Quaternion.Euler(MMMaths.RandomVector3(props.MinimumRotation, props.MaximumRotation)); } /// /// Draws gizmos to show the shape of the spawn area /// /// /// /// /// public static void DrawGizmos(MMSpawnAroundProperties props, Vector3 origin, int quantity, float size, Color gizmosColor) { Gizmos.color = gizmosColor; for (int i = 0; i < quantity; i++) { Gizmos.DrawCube(SpawnAroundPosition(props, origin), SpawnAroundScale(props) * size); } } } }