using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
namespace MoreMountains.Tools
/// Add this class to a ParticleSystem so it auto destroys once it has stopped emitting.
/// Make sure your ParticleSystem isn't looping, otherwise this script will be useless
[AddComponentMenu("More Mountains/Tools/Particles/MMAutoDestroyParticleSystem")]
public class MMAutoDestroyParticleSystem : MonoBehaviour
/// True if the ParticleSystem should also destroy its parent
public bool DestroyParent=false;
/// If for some reason your particles don't get destroyed automatically at the end of the emission, you can force a destroy after a delay. Leave it at zero otherwise.
public float DestroyDelay=0f;
protected ParticleSystem _particleSystem;
protected float _startTime;
/// Initialization, we get the ParticleSystem component
protected virtual void Start()
_particleSystem = GetComponent();
if (DestroyDelay!=0)
_startTime = Time.time;
/// When the ParticleSystem stops playing, we destroy it.
protected virtual void Update()
if ( (DestroyDelay!=0) && (Time.time - _startTime > DestroyDelay) )
if (_particleSystem.isPlaying)
/// Destroys the particle system.
protected virtual void DestroyParticleSystem()
if (transform.parent!=null)
Destroy (gameObject);