using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; using System.Collections.Generic; using Lean.Common; using FSA = UnityEngine.Serialization.FormerlySerializedAsAttribute; namespace Lean.Touch { /// This component allows you to detect when a specific amount of fingers begin touching the screen. [HelpURL(LeanTouch.PlusHelpUrlPrefix + "LeanMultiHeld")] [AddComponentMenu(LeanTouch.ComponentPathPrefix + "Multi Held")] public class LeanMultiHeld : MonoBehaviour { [System.Serializable] public class FingerData : LeanFingerData { public Vector2 Movement; } [System.Serializable] public class LeanFingerListEvent : UnityEvent> {} [System.Serializable] public class Vector3Event : UnityEvent {} [System.Serializable] public class Vector2Event : UnityEvent {} /// Ignore fingers with StartedOverGui? public bool IgnoreStartedOverGui { set { ignoreStartedOverGui = value; } get { return ignoreStartedOverGui; } } [FSA("IgnoreStartedOverGui")] [SerializeField] private bool ignoreStartedOverGui = true; /// Ignore fingers with OverGui? public bool IgnoreIsOverGui { set { ignoreIsOverGui = value; } get { return ignoreIsOverGui; } } [FSA("IgnoreIsOverGui")] [SerializeField] private bool ignoreIsOverGui; /// If the specified object is set and isn't selected, then this component will do nothing. public LeanSelectable RequiredSelectable { set { requiredSelectable = value; } get { return requiredSelectable; } } [FSA("RequiredSelectable")] [SerializeField] private LeanSelectable requiredSelectable; /// The amount of fingers we are interested in. public int RequiredCount { set { requiredCount = value; } get { return requiredCount; } } [FSA("RequiredCount")] [SerializeField] private int requiredCount = 2; /// The finger must be held for this many seconds. public float MinimumAge { set { minimumAge = value; } get { return minimumAge; } } [FSA("MinimumAge")] [SerializeField] private float minimumAge = 1.0f; /// The finger cannot move more than this many pixels relative to the reference DPI. public float MaximumMovement { set { maximumMovement = value; } get { return maximumMovement; } } [FSA("MaximumMovement")] [SerializeField] private float maximumMovement = 5.0f; /// This event will be called if the above conditions are met when you begin holding fingers down. public LeanFingerListEvent OnFingersDown { get { if (onFingersDown == null) onFingersDown = new LeanFingerListEvent(); return onFingersDown; } } [SerializeField] private LeanFingerListEvent onFingersDown; /// This event will be called if the above conditions are met when you begin holding fingers down. public LeanFingerListEvent OnFingersUpdate { get { if (onFingersUpdate == null) onFingersUpdate = new LeanFingerListEvent(); return onFingersUpdate; } } [SerializeField] private LeanFingerListEvent onFingersUpdate; /// This event will be called if the above conditions are no longer met. public LeanFingerListEvent OnFingersUp { get { if (onFingersUp == null) onFingersUp = new LeanFingerListEvent(); return onFingersUp; } } [SerializeField] private LeanFingerListEvent onFingersUp; /// The method used to find world coordinates from a finger. See LeanScreenDepth documentation for more information. public LeanScreenDepth ScreenDepth = new LeanScreenDepth(LeanScreenDepth.ConversionType.DepthIntercept); /// This event will be called if the above conditions are met when you first touch the screen. /// Vector3 = Finger position in world space. public Vector3Event OnWorldDown { get { if (onWorldDown == null) onWorldDown = new Vector3Event(); return onWorldDown; } } [SerializeField] private Vector3Event onWorldDown; /// This event will be called if the above conditions are met when you first touch the screen. /// Vector3 = Finger position in world space. public Vector3Event OnWorldUpdate { get { if (onWorldUpdate == null) onWorldUpdate = new Vector3Event(); return onWorldUpdate; } } [SerializeField] private Vector3Event onWorldUpdate; /// This event will be called if the above conditions are met when you first touch the screen. /// Vector3 = Finger position in world space. public Vector3Event OnWorldUp { get { if (onWorldUp == null) onWorldUp = new Vector3Event(); return onWorldUp; } } [SerializeField] private Vector3Event onWorldUp; /// This event will be called if the above conditions are met when you first touch the screen. /// Vector2 = Finger position in screen space. public Vector2Event OnScreenDown { get { if (onScreenDown == null) onScreenDown = new Vector2Event(); return onScreenDown; } } [SerializeField] private Vector2Event onScreenDown; /// This event will be called if the above conditions are met when you first touch the screen. /// Vector2 = Finger position in screen space. public Vector2Event OnScreenUpdate { get { if (onScreenUpdate == null) onScreenUpdate = new Vector2Event(); return onScreenUpdate; } } [SerializeField] private Vector2Event onScreenUpdate; /// This event will be called if the above conditions are met when you first touch the screen. /// Vector2 = Finger position in screen space. public Vector2Event OnScreenUp { get { if (onScreenUp == null) onScreenUp = new Vector2Event(); return onScreenUp; } } [SerializeField] private Vector2Event onScreenUp; // Additional finger data [SerializeField] private List fingers = new List(); // Additional finger data [SerializeField] private List fingerDatas = new List(); [SerializeField] private bool held; [SerializeField] private float duration; #if UNITY_EDITOR protected virtual void Reset() { requiredSelectable = GetComponentInParent(); } #endif protected virtual void Awake() { if (requiredSelectable == null) { requiredSelectable = GetComponentInParent(); } } protected virtual void OnEnable() { LeanTouch.OnFingerDown += HandleFingerDown; LeanTouch.OnGesture += HandleGesture; } protected virtual void OnDisable() { LeanTouch.OnFingerDown -= HandleFingerDown; LeanTouch.OnGesture -= HandleGesture; } private void HandleFingerDown(LeanFinger finger) { if (ignoreStartedOverGui == true && finger.StartedOverGui == true) { return; } // Get link for this finger and reset var fingerData = LeanFingerData.FindOrCreate(ref fingerDatas, finger); fingerData.Movement =; fingers.Add(finger); } private void HandleGesture(List tempFingers) { for (var i = fingers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // Try and find the link for this finger var finger = fingers[i]; var fingerData = fingerDatas[i]; if (finger.Set == true) { fingerData.Movement += finger.ScaledDelta; } else { fingers.RemoveAt(i); fingerDatas.RemoveAt(i); } } if (IsHeld == true) { duration += Time.deltaTime; if (held == false && duration >= minimumAge) { held = true; InvokeDown(); } InvokeUpdate(); } else { duration = 0.0f; if (held == true) { held = false; InvokeUp(); } } } private bool IsHeld { get { if (requiredCount == 0 || fingerDatas.Count != requiredCount) { return false; } if (requiredSelectable != null && requiredSelectable.IsSelected == false) { return false; } foreach (var fingerData in fingerDatas) { if (fingerData.Movement.magnitude > maximumMovement) { return false; } } return true; } } private void InvokeDown() { if (onFingersDown != null) { onFingersDown.Invoke(fingers); } var screenPosition = LeanGesture.GetScreenCenter(fingers); if (onWorldDown != null) { var position = ScreenDepth.Convert(screenPosition, gameObject); onWorldDown.Invoke(position); } if (onScreenDown != null) { onScreenDown.Invoke(screenPosition); } } private void InvokeUpdate() { if (onFingersUpdate != null) { onFingersUpdate.Invoke(fingers); } var screenPosition = LeanGesture.GetScreenCenter(fingers); if (onWorldUpdate != null) { var position = ScreenDepth.Convert(screenPosition, gameObject); onWorldUpdate.Invoke(position); } if (onScreenUpdate != null) { onScreenUpdate.Invoke(screenPosition); } } private void InvokeUp() { if (onFingersUp != null) { onFingersUp.Invoke(fingers); } var screenPosition = LeanGesture.GetScreenCenter(fingers); if (onWorldUp != null) { var position = ScreenDepth.Convert(screenPosition, gameObject); onWorldUp.Invoke(position); } if (onScreenUp != null) { onScreenUp.Invoke(screenPosition); } } } } #if UNITY_EDITOR namespace Lean.Touch.Editor { using TARGET = LeanMultiHeld; [UnityEditor.CanEditMultipleObjects] [UnityEditor.CustomEditor(typeof(TARGET))] public class LeanMultiHeld_Editor : LeanEditor { protected override void OnInspector() { TARGET tgt; TARGET[] tgts; GetTargets(out tgt, out tgts); Draw("ignoreStartedOverGui", "Ignore fingers with StartedOverGui?"); Draw("ignoreIsOverGui", "Ignore fingers with OverGui?"); Draw("requiredSelectable", "If the specified object is set and isn't selected, then this component will do nothing."); Draw("requiredCount", "The amount of fingers we are interested in."); Draw("minimumAge", "The finger must be held for this many seconds."); Draw("maximumMovement", "The finger cannot move more than this many pixels relative to the reference DPI."); Separator(); var usedA = Any(tgts, t => t.OnFingersDown.GetPersistentEventCount() > 0); var usedB = Any(tgts, t => t.OnFingersUpdate.GetPersistentEventCount() > 0); var usedC = Any(tgts, t => t.OnFingersUp.GetPersistentEventCount() > 0); var usedD = Any(tgts, t => t.OnWorldDown.GetPersistentEventCount() > 0); var usedE = Any(tgts, t => t.OnWorldUpdate.GetPersistentEventCount() > 0); var usedF = Any(tgts, t => t.OnWorldUp.GetPersistentEventCount() > 0); var usedG = Any(tgts, t => t.OnScreenDown.GetPersistentEventCount() > 0); var usedH = Any(tgts, t => t.OnScreenUpdate.GetPersistentEventCount() > 0); var usedI = Any(tgts, t => t.OnScreenUp.GetPersistentEventCount() > 0); var showUnusedEvents = DrawFoldout("Show Unused Events", "Show all events?"); if (usedA == true || showUnusedEvents == true) { Draw("onFingersDown"); } if (usedB == true || showUnusedEvents == true) { Draw("onFingersUpdate"); } if (usedC == true || showUnusedEvents == true) { Draw("onFingersUp"); } if (usedD == true || usedE == true || usedF == true || showUnusedEvents == true) { Draw("ScreenDepth"); } if (usedD == true || showUnusedEvents == true) { Draw("onWorldDown"); } if (usedE == true || showUnusedEvents == true) { Draw("onWorldUpdate"); } if (usedF == true || showUnusedEvents == true) { Draw("onWorldUp"); } if (usedG == true || showUnusedEvents == true) { Draw("onScreenDown"); } if (usedH == true || showUnusedEvents == true) { Draw("onScreenUpdate"); } if (usedI == true || showUnusedEvents == true) { Draw("onScreenUp"); } } } } #endif