
90 lines
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using UnityEngine;
using Lean.Common;
using FSA = UnityEngine.Serialization.FormerlySerializedAsAttribute;
namespace Lean.Touch
/// <summary>This component allows you to rotate the current GameObject around the specified axis using finger twists.</summary>
[HelpURL(LeanTouch.HelpUrlPrefix + "LeanTwistRotateAxis")]
[AddComponentMenu(LeanTouch.ComponentPathPrefix + "Twist Rotate Axis")]
public class LeanTwistRotateAxis : MonoBehaviour
/// <summary>The method used to find fingers to use with this component. See LeanFingerFilter documentation for more information.</summary>
public LeanFingerFilter Use = new LeanFingerFilter(true);
/// <summary>The axis of rotation.</summary>
public Vector3 Axis { set { axis = value; } get { return axis; } } [FSA("Axis")] [SerializeField] private Vector3 axis = Vector3.down;
/// <summary>Rotate locally or globally?</summary>
public Space Space { set { space = value; } get { return space; } } [FSA("Sensitivity")] [SerializeField] private Space space = Space.Self;
/// <summary>The sensitivity of the rotation.
/// 1 = Default.
/// 2 = Double.</summary>
public float Sensitivity { set { sensitivity = value; } get { return sensitivity; } } [FSA("Sensitivity")] [SerializeField] private float sensitivity = 1.0f;
/// <summary>If you've set Use to ManuallyAddedFingers, then you can call this method to manually add a finger.</summary>
public void AddFinger(LeanFinger finger)
/// <summary>If you've set Use to ManuallyAddedFingers, then you can call this method to manually remove a finger.</summary>
public void RemoveFinger(LeanFinger finger)
/// <summary>If you've set Use to ManuallyAddedFingers, then you can call this method to manually remove all fingers.</summary>
public void RemoveAllFingers()
protected virtual void Reset()
protected virtual void Awake()
protected virtual void Update()
// Get the fingers we want to use
var fingers = Use.UpdateAndGetFingers();
// Calculate the rotation values based on these fingers
var twistDegrees = LeanGesture.GetTwistDegrees(fingers) * sensitivity;
// Perform rotation
transform.Rotate(axis, twistDegrees, space);
namespace Lean.Touch.Editor
using TARGET = LeanTwistRotateAxis;
[UnityEditor.CustomEditor(typeof(TARGET), true)]
public class LeanTwistRotateAxis_Editor : LeanEditor
protected override void OnInspector()
TARGET tgt; TARGET[] tgts; GetTargets(out tgt, out tgts);
Draw("axis", "The axis of rotation.");
Draw("space", "Rotate locally or globally?");
Draw("sensitivity", "The sensitivity of the rotation.\n\n1 = Default.\n\n2 = Double.");