
221 lines
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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Lean.Common;
using FSA = UnityEngine.Serialization.FormerlySerializedAsAttribute;
namespace Lean.Touch
/// <summary>This component draws trails behind fingers.
/// NOTE: This requires you to enable the LeanTouch.RecordFingers setting.</summary>
[HelpURL(LeanTouch.HelpUrlPrefix + "LeanDragTrail")]
[AddComponentMenu(LeanTouch.ComponentPathPrefix + "Drag Trail")]
public class LeanDragTrail : MonoBehaviour
// This class stores additional data for each LeanFinger
public class FingerData : LeanFingerData
public LineRenderer Line;
public float Age;
public float Width;
/// <summary>The method used to find fingers to use with this component. See LeanFingerFilter documentation for more information.</summary>
public LeanFingerFilter Use = new LeanFingerFilter(true);
/// <summary>The method used to convert between screen coordinates, and world coordinates.</summary>
public LeanScreenDepth ScreenDepth = new LeanScreenDepth(LeanScreenDepth.ConversionType.FixedDistance, Physics.DefaultRaycastLayers, 10.0f);
/// <summary>The line prefab that will be used to render the trails.</summary>
public LineRenderer Prefab { set { prefab = value; } get { return prefab; } } [FSA("Prefab")] [SerializeField] private LineRenderer prefab;
/// <summary>The maximum amount of active trails.
/// -1 = Unlimited.</summary>
public int MaxTrails { set { maxTrails = value; } get { return maxTrails; } } [FSA("MaxTrails")] [SerializeField] private int maxTrails = -1;
/// <summary>How many seconds it takes for each trail to disappear after a finger is released.</summary>
public float FadeTime { set { fadeTime = value; } get { return fadeTime; } } [FSA("FadeTime")] [SerializeField] protected float fadeTime = 1.0f;
/// <summary>The color of the trail start.</summary>
public Color StartColor { set { startColor = value; } get { return startColor; } } [FSA("StartColor")] [SerializeField] protected Color startColor = Color.white;
/// <summary>The color of the trail end.</summary>
public Color EndColor { set { endColor = value; } get { return endColor; } } [FSA("EndColor")] [SerializeField] protected Color endColor = Color.white;
// This stores all the links between fingers and LineRenderer instances
protected List<FingerData> fingerDatas = new List<FingerData>();
/// <summary>If you've set Use to ManuallyAddedFingers, then you can call this method to manually add a finger.</summary>
public void AddFinger(LeanFinger finger)
/// <summary>If you've set Use to ManuallyAddedFingers, then you can call this method to manually remove a finger.</summary>
public void RemoveFinger(LeanFinger finger)
/// <summary>If you've set Use to ManuallyAddedFingers, then you can call this method to manually remove all fingers.</summary>
public void RemoveAllFingers()
protected virtual void Reset()
protected virtual void Awake()
protected virtual void OnEnable()
LeanTouch.OnFingerUp += HandleFingerUp;
protected virtual void OnDisable()
LeanTouch.OnFingerUp -= HandleFingerUp;
protected virtual void Update()
// Get the fingers we want to use
var fingers = Use.UpdateAndGetFingers(true);
for (var i = 0; i < fingers.Count; i++)
var finger = fingers[i];
if (LeanFingerData.Exists(fingerDatas, finger) == false)
// Too many active links?
if (maxTrails >= 0 && LeanFingerData.Count(fingerDatas) >= maxTrails)
if (prefab != null)
// Spawn and activate
var clone = Instantiate(prefab);
// Register with FingerData
var fingerData = LeanFingerData.FindOrCreate(ref fingerDatas, finger);
fingerData.Line = clone;
fingerData.Age = 0.0f;
fingerData.Width = prefab.widthMultiplier;
// Update all FingerData
for (var i = fingerDatas.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var fingerData = fingerDatas[i];
if (fingerData.Line != null)
UpdateLine(fingerData, fingerData.Finger, fingerData.Line);
if (fingerData.Age >= fadeTime)
protected virtual void UpdateLine(FingerData fingerData, LeanFinger finger, LineRenderer line)
var color0 = startColor;
var color1 = endColor;
if (finger != null)
// Reserve one point for each snapshot
line.positionCount = finger.Snapshots.Count;
// Loop through all snapshots
for (var i = 0; i < finger.Snapshots.Count; i++)
var snapshot = finger.Snapshots[i];
// Get the world position of this snapshot
var worldPoint = ScreenDepth.Convert(snapshot.ScreenPosition, gameObject);
// Write position
line.SetPosition(i, worldPoint);
fingerData.Age += Time.deltaTime;
var alpha = Mathf.InverseLerp(fadeTime, 0.0f, fingerData.Age);
color0.a *= alpha;
color1.a *= alpha;
line.startColor = color0;
line.endColor = color1;
protected virtual void HandleFingerUp(LeanFinger finger)
var link = LeanFingerData.Find(fingerDatas, finger);
if (link != null)
link.Finger = null; // The line will gradually fade out in Update
namespace Lean.Touch.Editor
using TARGET = LeanDragTrail;
[UnityEditor.CustomEditor(typeof(TARGET), true)]
public class LeanDragTrail_Editor : LeanEditor
protected override void OnInspector()
TARGET tgt; TARGET[] tgts; GetTargets(out tgt, out tgts);
Draw("prefab", "The line prefab that will be used to render the trails.");
Draw("maxTrails", "The maximum amount of active trails.\n\n-1 = Unlimited.");
Draw("fadeTime", "How many seconds it takes for each trail to disappear after a finger is released.");
Draw("startColor", "The color of the trail start.");
Draw("endColor", "The color of the trail end.");