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2021-11-26 11:16:25 +03:00
using UnityEngine;
namespace Lean.Common
/// <summary>This component causes the current Rigidbody to chase the specified position.</summary>
[HelpURL(LeanHelper.PlusHelpUrlPrefix + "LeanChaseRigidbody")]
[AddComponentMenu(LeanHelper.ComponentPathPrefix + "Chase Rigidbody")]
public class LeanChaseRigidbody : LeanChase
public bool Rotation;
[Tooltip("How sharp the position value changes update (-1 = instant)")]
public float RotationDamping = -1.0f;
private Rigidbody cachedRigidbody;
protected bool fixedUpdateCalled;
/// <summary>This method will override the Position value based on the specified value.</summary>
public override void SetPosition(Vector3 newPosition)
fixedUpdateCalled = false;
protected virtual void OnEnable()
cachedRigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
protected override void UpdatePosition(float damping, float linear)
if (positionSet == true || continuous == true)
if (destination != null)
position = destination.TransformPoint(destinationOffset);
var currentPosition = transform.position;
var targetPosition = position + offset;
if (ignoreZ == true)
targetPosition.z = currentPosition.z;
var direction = targetPosition - currentPosition;
var velocity = direction / Time.fixedDeltaTime;
// Apply the velocity
velocity *= LeanHelper.GetDampenFactor(damping, Time.fixedDeltaTime);
velocity = Vector3.MoveTowards(velocity, Vector3.zero, linear * Time.fixedDeltaTime);
cachedRigidbody.velocity = velocity;
if (Rotation == true && direction != Vector3.zero)
var angle = Mathf.Atan2(direction.x, direction.y) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
var directionB = (Vector2)transform.up;
var angleB = Mathf.Atan2(directionB.x, directionB.y) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
var delta = Mathf.DeltaAngle(angle, angleB);
var angularVelocity = delta / Time.fixedDeltaTime;
angularVelocity *= LeanHelper.GetDampenFactor(RotationDamping, Time.fixedDeltaTime);
//cachedRigidbody.angularVelocity = angularVelocity;
fixedUpdateCalled = true;
protected virtual void LateUpdate()
if (fixedUpdateCalled == true)
positionSet = false;
fixedUpdateCalled = false;
namespace Lean.Common.Editor
using UnityEditor;
public class LeanChaseRigidbody_Editor : LeanChase_Editor
protected override void OnInspector()