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2021-11-26 11:16:25 +03:00
using UnityEngine;
using Lean.Common;
using FSA = UnityEngine.Serialization.FormerlySerializedAsAttribute;
namespace Lean.Touch
/// <summary>This script allows you to drag mesh vertices using finger drags.</summary>
[HelpURL(LeanTouch.PlusHelpUrlPrefix + "LeanDragDeformMesh")]
[AddComponentMenu(LeanTouch.ComponentPathPrefix + "Drag Deform Mesh")]
public class LeanDragDeformMesh : MonoBehaviour
/// <summary>The method used to find fingers to use with this component. See LeanFingerFilter documentation for more information.</summary>
public LeanFingerFilter Use = new LeanFingerFilter(true);
/// <summary>Radius around the finger the vertices will be moved in scaled screen space.</summary>
public float ScaledRadius { set { scaledRadius = value; } get { return scaledRadius; } } [FSA("ScaledRadius")] [SerializeField] private float scaledRadius = 50.0f;
/// <summary>Should mesh deformation be applied to an attached MeshCollider?</summary>
public bool ApplyToMeshCollider { set { applyToMeshCollider = value; } get { return applyToMeshCollider; } } [FSA("ApplyToMeshCollider")] [SerializeField] private bool applyToMeshCollider;
/// <summary>The camera this component will calculate using.
/// None/null = MainCamera.</summary>
public Camera Camera { set { _camera = value; } get { return _camera; } } [FSA("Camera")] [SerializeField] private Camera _camera;
// The cached mesh filter
private MeshFilter cachedMeshFilter;
// The cached mesh collider
private MeshCollider cachedMeshCollider;
// Stores a duplicate of the MeshFilter's mesh
private Mesh deformedMesh;
// Stores the current vertex position array
private Vector3[] deformedVertices;
/// <summary>If you've set Use to ManuallyAddedFingers, then you can call this method to manually add a finger.</summary>
public void AddFinger(LeanFinger finger)
/// <summary>If you've set Use to ManuallyAddedFingers, then you can call this method to manually remove a finger.</summary>
public void RemoveFinger(LeanFinger finger)
/// <summary>If you've set Use to ManuallyAddedFingers, then you can call this method to manually remove all fingers.</summary>
public void RemoveAllFingers()
protected virtual void Reset()
protected virtual void Awake()
protected virtual void Update()
// Get the fingers we want to use to translate
var fingers = Use.UpdateAndGetFingers();
// Make sure the camera exists
var camera = LeanHelper.GetCamera(_camera, gameObject);
if (camera != null)
if (cachedMeshFilter == null) cachedMeshFilter = GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
if (cachedMeshFilter.sharedMesh != null)
// Duplicate mesh?
if (deformedMesh == null)
deformedMesh = cachedMeshFilter.sharedMesh = Instantiate(cachedMeshFilter.sharedMesh);
// Duplicate vertices
if (deformedVertices == null || deformedVertices.Length != cachedMeshFilter.sharedMesh.vertexCount)
deformedVertices = cachedMeshFilter.sharedMesh.vertices;
var scalingFactor = LeanTouch.ScalingFactor;
var deformed = false;
// Go through all vertices and find the screen point
for (var i = deformedVertices.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var worldPoint = transform.TransformPoint(deformedVertices[i]);
var screenPoint = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(worldPoint);
// Go through all fingers for this vertex
for (var j = fingers.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
var finger = fingers[j];
var scaledDist = Vector2.Distance(screenPoint, finger.ScreenPosition) * scalingFactor;
// Is this finger within the required scaled radius of the vertex?
if (scaledDist <= scaledRadius)
deformed = true;
// Shift screen point
screenPoint.x += finger.ScreenDelta.x;
screenPoint.y += finger.ScreenDelta.y;
// Un-transform it back to local space and write
worldPoint = camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(screenPoint);
deformedVertices[i] = transform.InverseTransformPoint(worldPoint);
// If deformed, apply changes
if (deformed == true)
deformedMesh.vertices = deformedVertices;
if (applyToMeshCollider == true)
if (cachedMeshCollider == null) cachedMeshCollider = GetComponent<MeshCollider>();
if (cachedMeshCollider != null)
cachedMeshCollider.sharedMesh = null; // Set to null first to force it to update
cachedMeshCollider.sharedMesh = deformedMesh;
Debug.LogError("Failed to find camera. Either tag your cameras MainCamera, or set one in this component.", this);
namespace Lean.Touch.Editor
using TARGET = LeanDragDeformMesh;
public class LeanDragDeformMesh_Editor : LeanEditor
protected override void OnInspector()
TARGET tgt; TARGET[] tgts; GetTargets(out tgt, out tgts);
Draw("scaledRadius", "Radius around the finger the vertices will be moved in scaled screen space.");
Draw("applyToMeshCollider", "Should mesh deformation be applied to an attached MeshCollider?");
Draw("_camera", "The camera this component will calculate using.\n\nNone/null = MainCamera.");