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2021-11-26 11:16:25 +03:00
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Lean.Common;
namespace Lean.Transition
/// <summary>This component updates all active transition methods, both in game, and in the editor.</summary>
[HelpURL(HelpUrlPrefix + "LeanTransition")]
[AddComponentMenu(ComponentMenuPrefix + "Lean Transition")]
public class LeanTransition : MonoBehaviour
public const string ComponentMenuPrefix = "Lean/Transition/";
public const string MethodsMenuPrefix = "Lean/Transition/Methods/";
public const string MethodsMenuSuffix = " Transition ";
public const string HelpUrlPrefix = "https://carloswilkes.com/Documentation/LeanTransition#";
/// <summary>This allows you to set where in the game loop animations are updated when timing = LeanTime.Default.</summary>
public LeanTiming DefaultTiming { set { defaultTiming = value; } get { return defaultTiming; } } [SerializeField] [UnityEngine.Serialization.FormerlySerializedAs("Timing")] private LeanTiming defaultTiming = LeanTiming.UnscaledUpdate;
/// <summary>This stores a list of all active and enabled <b>LeanTransition</b> instances in the scene.</summary>
public static List<LeanTransition> Instances = new List<LeanTransition>();
public static event System.Action<LeanState> OnRegistered;
public static event System.Action<LeanState> OnFinished;
private static List<LeanState> unscaledUpdateStates = new List<LeanState>();
private static List<LeanState> unscaledLateUpdateStates = new List<LeanState>();
private static List<LeanState> unscaledFixedUpdateStates = new List<LeanState>();
private static List<LeanState> updateStates = new List<LeanState>();
private static List<LeanState> lateUpdateStates = new List<LeanState>();
private static List<LeanState> fixedUpdateStates = new List<LeanState>();
private static List<LeanMethod> tempBaseMethods = new List<LeanMethod>();
private static List<LeanMethod> baseMethodStack = new List<LeanMethod>();
private static Dictionary<string, System.Type> aliasTypePairs = new Dictionary<string, System.Type>();
private static LeanState previousState;
private static LeanState currentQueue;
private static LeanState defaultQueue;
private static LeanTiming currentTiming;
private static float currentSpeed = 1.0f;
private static bool started;
private static Dictionary<string, Object> currentAliases = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
/// <summary>This property gives you the first <b>DefaultTiming</b> instance value.</summary>
public static LeanTiming CurrentDefaultTiming
if (Instances.Count > 0)
return Instances[0].defaultTiming;
return default(LeanTiming);
/// <summary>This tells you how many transitions are currently running.</summary>
public static int Count
return unscaledUpdateStates.Count + unscaledLateUpdateStates.Count + unscaledFixedUpdateStates.Count + updateStates.Count + lateUpdateStates.Count + fixedUpdateStates.Count;
/// <summary>After a transition state is registered, it will be stored here. This allows you to copy it out for later use.</summary>
public static LeanState PreviousState
return previousState;
/// <summary>If you want the next registered transition state to automatically begin after an existing transition state, then specify it here.</summary>
public static LeanState CurrentQueue
currentQueue = value;
/// <summary>This allows you to change where in the game loop all future transitions in the current animation will be updated.</summary>
public static LeanTiming CurrentTiming
currentTiming = value;
/// <summary>This allows you to change the transition speed multiplier of all future transitions in the current animation.</summary>
public static float CurrentSpeed
currentSpeed = value;
return currentSpeed;
/// <summary>This allows you to change the alias name to UnityEngine.Object association of all future transitions in the current animation.</summary>
public static Dictionary<string, Object> CurrentAliases
return currentAliases;
public static void AddAlias(string key, Object obj)
currentAliases.Add(key, obj);
/// <summary>This method will return the specified timing, unless it's set to <b>Default</b>, then it will return <b>UnscaledTime</b>.</summary>
public static LeanTiming GetTiming(LeanTiming current = LeanTiming.Default)
if (current == LeanTiming.Default)
current = LeanTiming.UnscaledUpdate;
return current;
/// <summary>This method works like <b>GetTiming</b>, but it won't return any unscaled times.</summary>
public static LeanTiming GetTimingAbs(LeanTiming current)
return (LeanTiming)System.Math.Abs((int)current);
/// <summary>If you failed to submit a previous transition then this will throw an error, and then submit them.</summary>
public static void RequireSubmitted()
if (currentQueue != null)
Debug.LogError("You forgot to submit the last transition! " + currentQueue.GetType() + " - " + currentQueue.GetTarget());
if (baseMethodStack.Count > 0)
Debug.LogError("Failed to submit all methods.");
/// <summary>This will reset any previously called <b>CurrentTiming</b> calls.</summary>
public static void ResetTiming()
currentTiming = CurrentDefaultTiming;
/// <summary>This will reset any previously called <b>CurrentQueue</b> calls.</summary>
public static void ResetQueue()
currentQueue = null;
/// <summary>This will reset any previously called <b>CurrentSpeed</b> calls.</summary>
public static void ResetSpeed()
currentSpeed = 1.0f;
/// <summary>This will reset the <b>CurrentTiming</b>, <b>CurrentQueue</b>, and <b>CurrentSpeed</b> values.</summary>
public static void ResetState()
defaultQueue = null;
/// <summary>This will submit any previously registered transitions, and reset the timing.</summary>
public static void Submit()
/// <summary>This will begin all transitions on the specified GameObject, all its children, and then submit them.
/// If you failed to submit a previous transition then this will also throw an error.</summary>
public static void BeginAllTransitions(Transform root, float speed = 1.0f)
if (root != null)
InsertTransitions(root, speed);
/// <summary>This will begin all transitions on the specified GameObject, and all its children.</summary>
public static void InsertTransitions(GameObject root, float speed = 1.0f, LeanState parentHead = null)
if (root != null)
InsertTransitions(root.transform, speed);
/// <summary>This will begin all transitions on the specified Transform, and all its children.</summary>
public static void InsertTransitions(Transform root, float speed = 1.0f, LeanState parentHead = null)
if (root != null)
var spd = currentSpeed;
var min = baseMethodStack.Count; root.GetComponents(tempBaseMethods); baseMethodStack.AddRange(tempBaseMethods); tempBaseMethods.Clear();
var max = baseMethodStack.Count;
currentSpeed *= speed;
if (parentHead != null)
previousState = parentHead;
currentQueue = parentHead;
defaultQueue = parentHead;
for (var i = min; i < max; i++)
baseMethodStack.RemoveRange(min, max - min);
var childParentHead = previousState;
for (var i = 0; i < root.childCount; i++)
InsertTransitions(root.GetChild(i), 1.0f, childParentHead);
currentSpeed = spd;
/// <summary>This method returns all TargetAliases on all transitions on the specified Transform.</summary>
public static Dictionary<string,System.Type> FindAllAliasTypePairs(Transform root)
return aliasTypePairs;
private static void AddAliasTypePairs(Transform root)
if (root != null)
for (var i = 0; i < tempBaseMethods.Count; i++)
var baseMethod = tempBaseMethods[i] as LeanMethodWithStateAndTarget;
if (baseMethod != null)
var targetType = baseMethod.GetTargetType();
var alias = baseMethod.Alias;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(alias) == false)
var existingType = default(System.Type);
// Exists?
if (aliasTypePairs.TryGetValue(alias, out existingType) == true)
// Clashing types?
if (existingType != targetType)
// If both are components then the clash can be resolved by using GameObject
if (targetType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Component)) == true)
// If it's already a GameObject, skip
if (existingType == typeof(GameObject))
// Change existing type to GameObject?
else if (existingType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Component)) == true)
aliasTypePairs[alias] = typeof(GameObject);
// If the clash cannot be resolved, throw an error
Debug.LogError("The (" + root.name + ") GameObject contains multiple transitions that define a target alias of (" + alias + "), but these transitions use different types (" + existingType + ") + (" + targetType + "). You must give them different aliases.", root);
// Add new?
aliasTypePairs.Add(alias, targetType);
public static T SpawnWithTarget<T, U>(Stack<T> pool, U target)
where T : LeanStateWithTarget<U>, new()
where U : Object
var data = Spawn(pool);
data.Target = target;
return data;
public static T Spawn<T>(Stack<T> pool)
where T : LeanState, new()
// Make sure the transition manager exists
if (Instances.Count == 0)
new GameObject("LeanTransition").AddComponent<LeanTransition>();
// Setup initial data
var state = pool.Count > 0 ? pool.Pop() : new T();
state.Age = -1.0f;
state.Ignore = false;
// Join to previous transition?
if (currentQueue != null)
currentQueue = defaultQueue;
// Make this the new head
previousState = state;
return state;
public static LeanState Register(LeanState state, float duration)
state.Duration = duration;
// Execute immediately?
if (duration == 0.0f && state.Prev.Count == 0)
if (previousState == state)
previousState = null;
return null;
// Register for later execution?
if (currentSpeed > 0.0f)
state.Duration /= currentSpeed;
// Convert currentTiming if it's set to default, then register the state in the correct list
var finalUpdate = GetTiming(currentTiming);
switch (finalUpdate)
case LeanTiming.UnscaledFixedUpdate: unscaledFixedUpdateStates.Add(state); break;
case LeanTiming.UnscaledLateUpdate: unscaledLateUpdateStates.Add(state); break;
case LeanTiming.UnscaledUpdate: unscaledUpdateStates.Add(state); break;
case LeanTiming.Update: updateStates.Add(state); break;
case LeanTiming.LateUpdate: lateUpdateStates.Add(state); break;
case LeanTiming.FixedUpdate: fixedUpdateStates.Add(state); break;
if (OnRegistered != null)
return state;
protected virtual void OnEnable()
UnityEditor.EditorApplication.update -= HandleUpdateInEditor;
UnityEditor.EditorApplication.update += HandleUpdateInEditor;
protected virtual void OnDisable()
if (Instances.Count == 0)
private void HandleUpdateInEditor()
var delta = Time.deltaTime;
if (Application.isPlaying == false)
UpdateAll(unscaledFixedUpdateStates, delta);
UpdateAll( unscaledLateUpdateStates, delta);
UpdateAll( unscaledUpdateStates, delta);
UpdateAll( updateStates, delta);
UpdateAll( lateUpdateStates, delta);
UpdateAll( fixedUpdateStates, delta);
protected virtual void Update()
if (this == Instances[0] && Application.isPlaying == true && started == true)
UpdateAll(unscaledUpdateStates, Time.unscaledDeltaTime);
UpdateAll( updateStates, Time.deltaTime );
protected virtual void LateUpdate()
if (this == Instances[0] && Application.isPlaying == true)
if (started == true)
UpdateAll(unscaledLateUpdateStates, Time.unscaledDeltaTime);
UpdateAll( lateUpdateStates, Time.deltaTime );
started = true;
protected virtual void FixedUpdate()
if (this == Instances[0] && Application.isPlaying == true && started == true)
UpdateAll(unscaledFixedUpdateStates, Time.fixedUnscaledDeltaTime);
UpdateAll( fixedUpdateStates, Time.fixedDeltaTime );
/// <summary>This method will mark all transitions as Skip = true if they match the transition type and target object of the specified transition.</summary>
private void RemoveConflictsBefore(List<LeanState> states, LeanState currentState, int currentIndex)
var currentConflict = currentState.Conflict;
if (currentConflict != LeanState.ConflictType.None)
var currentType = currentState.GetType();
var currentTarget = currentState.GetTarget();
for (var i = 0; i < currentIndex; i++)
var transition = states[i];
if (transition.Ignore == false && transition.GetType() == currentType && transition.GetTarget() == currentTarget)
transition.Ignore = true;
if (currentConflict == LeanState.ConflictType.Complete)
private void UpdateAll(List<LeanState> states, float delta)
for (var i = states.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var state = states[i];
// If we have a negative duration, skip ahead of time?
if (state.Prev.Count > 0 && state.Duration < 0.0f)
var skip = -state.Duration;
for (var j = state.Prev.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
var prev = state.Prev[j];
if (prev.Remaining <= skip)
// Only update if the previous transitions have finished
if (state.Prev.Count == 0)
// If the transition age is negative, it hasn't started yet
if (state.Age < 0.0f)
state.Age = 0.0f;
// If this newly beginning transition is identical to an already registered one, mark the existing one as conflicting so it doesn't get updated
RemoveConflictsBefore(states, state, i);
// Begin the transition (this will often copy the current state of the variable that is being transitioned)
// Age
state.Age += delta;
// Finished?
if (state.Age >= state.Duration)
// Update
if (state.Ignore == false)
state.Update(state.Age / state.Duration);
private static void FinishState(LeanState state)
// Activate all chained states and clear them
for (var j = state.Next.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
// Make sure we call update one final time with a progress value of exactly 1.0
if (state.Ignore == false)
if (OnFinished != null)
/// <summary>If a transition is being animated in the editor, then the target object may not update, so this method will automatically dirty it so that it will.</summary>
private static void DirtyTarget(LeanState transition)
if (Application.isPlaying == false)
var targetField = transition.GetType().GetField("Target");
if (targetField != null)
var target = targetField.GetValue(transition) as Object;
if (target != null)
namespace Lean.Transition.Editor
using TARGET = LeanTransition;
public class LeanTransition_Editor : LeanEditor
protected override void OnInspector()
TARGET tgt; TARGET[] tgts; GetTargets(out tgt, out tgts);
Draw("defaultTiming", "This allows you to set where in the game loop animations are updated when timing = LeanTime.Default.");
UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.IntField("Transition Count", LeanTransition.Count);
[UnityEditor.MenuItem("GameObject/Lean/Transition", false, 1)]
private static void CreateLocalization()
var gameObject = new GameObject(typeof(LeanTransition).Name);
UnityEditor.Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(gameObject, "Create LeanTransition");
UnityEditor.Selection.activeGameObject = gameObject;