
300 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2021-11-26 11:16:25 +03:00
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Lean.Transition;
using Lean.Common;
namespace Lean.Gui
/// <summary>This component provides an alternative to Unity's UI button, allowing you to easily add custom transitions, as well as add an OnDown event.</summary>
[HelpURL(LeanGui.HelpUrlPrefix + "LeanButton")]
[AddComponentMenu(LeanGui.ComponentMenuPrefix + "Button")]
public class LeanButton : LeanSelectable, IPointerDownHandler, IBeginDragHandler, IDragHandler, IEndDragHandler, ISubmitHandler
public enum ButtonTypes
LeftMouse = 1 << 0,
RightMouse = 1 << 1,
MiddleMouse = 1 << 2,
Touch = 1 << 5
/// <summary>Which buttons should this component react to?</summary>
public ButtonTypes RequiredButtons { set { requiredButtons = value; } get { return requiredButtons; } } [SerializeField] private ButtonTypes requiredButtons = (ButtonTypes)~0;
/// <summary>If you enable this then OnDown + DownTransition be invoked once for each finger that begins touching the button.
/// If you disable this then OnDown + DownTransition will only be invoked for the first finger that begins touching the button.</summary>
public bool MultiDown { set { multiDown = value; } get { return multiDown; } } [SerializeField] private bool multiDown;
/// <summary>If your finger presses down on the button and drags more than this many pixels, then selection will be canceled.
/// -1 = Unlimited drag distance.
/// 0 = Until the finger exits the button graphic.</summary>
public float DragThreshold { set { dragThreshold = value; } get { return dragThreshold; } } [SerializeField] private float dragThreshold = 10.0f;
/// <summary>This allows you to perform a transition when there are no longer any fingers touching the button.
/// You can create a new transition GameObject by right clicking the transition name, and selecting <b>Create</b>.
/// For example, the <b>Graphic.color Transition (LeanGraphicColor)</b> component can be used to change the color back to normal.</summary>
public LeanPlayer NormalTransitions { get { if (normalTransitions == null) normalTransitions = new LeanPlayer(); return normalTransitions; } } [SerializeField] private LeanPlayer normalTransitions;
/// <summary>This allows you to perform a transition when a finger begins touching the button.
/// You can create a new transition GameObject by right clicking the transition name, and selecting <b>Create</b>.
/// For example, the <b>Graphic.color Transition (LeanGraphicColor)</b> component can be used to change the color.
/// NOTE: Any transitions you perform here must be reverted in the <b>Normal Transitions</b> setting using a matching transition component.</summary>
public LeanPlayer DownTransitions { get { if (downTransitions == null) downTransitions = new LeanPlayer(); return downTransitions; } } [SerializeField] private LeanPlayer downTransitions;
/// <summary>This allows you to perform a transition when you click or tap on this button.
/// You can create a new transition GameObject by right clicking the transition name, and selecting <b>Create</b>.
/// For example, the <b>Play Sound Transition (LeanPlaySound)</b> component can be used to play a click sound.</summary>
public LeanPlayer ClickTransitions { get { if (clickTransitions == null) clickTransitions = new LeanPlayer(); return clickTransitions; } } [SerializeField] private LeanPlayer clickTransitions;
/// <summary>This allows you to perform an action when a finger begins touching the button.</summary>
public UnityEvent OnDown { get { if (onDown == null) onDown = new UnityEvent(); return onDown; } } [SerializeField] private UnityEvent onDown;
/// <summary>This allows you to perform an action when you click or tap on this button.</summary>
public UnityEvent OnClick { get { if (onClick == null) onClick = new UnityEvent(); return onClick; } } [SerializeField] private UnityEvent onClick;
[System.NonSerialized] private Vector2 totalDelta;
/// <summary>Track the currently down pointers so we can toggle the transition.</summary>
private List<int> downPointers = new List<int>();
private ScrollRect parentScrollRect;
private LeanDrag parentDrag;
public override void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData eventData)
if (IsInteractable() == true)
if (RequiredButtonPressed(eventData) == false)
totalDelta = Vector2.zero;
if (multiDown == true || downPointers.Count == 1)
if (downTransitions != null)
if (onDown != null)
public override void OnPointerUp(PointerEventData eventData)
if (downPointers.Remove(eventData.pointerId) == true)
public void OnBeginDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
parentScrollRect = GetComponentInParent<ScrollRect>();
parentDrag = GetComponentInParent<LeanDrag>();
if (parentScrollRect != null)
if (parentDrag != null)
public void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
if (downPointers.Contains(eventData.pointerId) == true)
totalDelta += eventData.delta;
if (dragThreshold > 0.0f && totalDelta.magnitude > dragThreshold)
if (parentScrollRect != null)
if (parentDrag != null)
public void OnEndDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
if (parentScrollRect != null)
if (parentDrag != null)
public void OnSubmit(BaseEventData eventData)
if (enabled == true)
public override void OnPointerExit(PointerEventData eventData)
if (dragThreshold == 0.0f)
private void TryNormal()
if (downPointers.Count == 0)
if (normalTransitions != null)
private void DoClick()
if (clickTransitions != null)
if (onClick != null)
private bool RequiredButtonPressed(PointerEventData eventData)
if (LeanInput.GetMouseExists() == true)
if ((requiredButtons & ButtonTypes.LeftMouse) != 0 && eventData.button == PointerEventData.InputButton.Left)
return true;
if ((requiredButtons & ButtonTypes.RightMouse) != 0 && eventData.button == PointerEventData.InputButton.Right)
return true;
if ((requiredButtons & ButtonTypes.MiddleMouse) != 0 && eventData.button == PointerEventData.InputButton.Middle)
return true;
if (LeanInput.GetTouchCount() > 0)
if ((requiredButtons & ButtonTypes.Touch) != 0 && eventData.button == PointerEventData.InputButton.Left)
return true;
return false;
namespace Lean.Gui.Editor
using TARGET = LeanButton;
public class LeanButton_Editor : LeanSelectable_Editor
protected override void DrawSelectableSettings()
Draw("dragThreshold", "If your finger presses down on the button and drags more than this many pixels, then selection will be canceled.\n\n-1 = Unlimited drag distance.\n\n0 = Until the finger exits the button graphic.");
Draw("requiredButtons", "Which buttons should this component react to?");
Draw("multiDown", "If you press multiple fingers on this button at the same time, should OnDown and DownTransition be invoked multiple times?");
protected override void DrawSelectableTransitions(bool showUnusedEvents)
TARGET tgt; TARGET[] tgts; GetTargets(out tgt, out tgts);
if (showUnusedEvents == true || Any(tgts, t => t.NormalTransitions.IsUsed == true))
if (showUnusedEvents == true || Any(tgts, t => t.DownTransitions.IsUsed == true))
if (showUnusedEvents == true || Any(tgts, t => t.ClickTransitions.IsUsed == true))
protected override void DrawSelectableEvents(bool showUnusedEvents)
TARGET tgt; TARGET[] tgts; GetTargets(out tgt, out tgts);
if (showUnusedEvents == true || Any(tgts, t => t.OnDown.GetPersistentEventCount() > 0))
if (showUnusedEvents == true || Any(tgts, t => t.OnClick.GetPersistentEventCount() > 0))