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2021-11-26 11:16:25 +03:00
using UnityEngine;
using Lean.Common;
using FSA = UnityEngine.Serialization.FormerlySerializedAsAttribute;
namespace Lean.Touch
/// <summary>This script will add torque to the attached Rigidbody based on finger spin gestures.</summary>
[HelpURL(LeanTouch.PlusHelpUrlPrefix + "LeanSelectableDragTorque")]
[AddComponentMenu(LeanTouch.ComponentPathPrefix + "Selectable Drag Torque")]
public class LeanSelectableDragTorque : LeanSelectableByFingerBehaviour
/// <summary>The camera this component will calculate using.
/// None/null = MainCamera.</summary>
public Camera Camera { set { _camera = value; } get { return _camera; } } [FSA("Camera")] [SerializeField] private Camera _camera;
/// <summary>The torque force multiplier.</summary>
public float Force { set { force = value; } get { return force; } } [FSA("Force")] [SerializeField] private float force = 0.1f;
// The previous finger.ScaledDelta
private Vector2 oldScaledDelta;
// The cached rigidbody attached to this GameObject
private Rigidbody cachedRigidbody;
protected override void OnSelected()
oldScaledDelta = Vector3.zero;
protected virtual void Update()
// Is this GameObject selected?
if (Selectable != null && Selectable.IsSelected == true)
// Does it have a selected finger?
var finger = Selectable.SelectingFinger;
if (finger != null)
// Make sure the camera exists
var camera = LeanHelper.GetCamera(_camera, gameObject);
if (camera != null)
var newScaledDelta = finger.ScaledDelta;
if (oldScaledDelta != Vector2.zero && newScaledDelta != Vector2.zero)
var angleA = Mathf.Atan2(oldScaledDelta.y, oldScaledDelta.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
var angleB = Mathf.Atan2(newScaledDelta.y, newScaledDelta.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
var torque = Mathf.DeltaAngle(angleA, angleB) * (oldScaledDelta.magnitude + newScaledDelta.magnitude);
if (cachedRigidbody == null) cachedRigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
cachedRigidbody.AddTorque(camera.transform.forward * torque * force, ForceMode.Acceleration);
oldScaledDelta = newScaledDelta;
Debug.LogError("Failed to find camera. Either tag your cameras MainCamera, or set one in this component.", this);
namespace Lean.Touch.Editor
using TARGET = LeanSelectableDragTorque;
public class LeanSelectableDragTorque_Editor : LeanEditor
protected override void OnInspector()
TARGET tgt; TARGET[] tgts; GetTargets(out tgt, out tgts);
Draw("_camera", "The camera this component will calculate using.\n\nNone/null = MainCamera.");
Draw("force", "The torque force multiplier.");