using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using Cinemachine;
using MoreMountains.Feedbacks;
namespace MoreMountains.FeedbacksForThirdParty
/// This class will allow you to trigger zooms on your cinemachine camera by sending MMCameraZoomEvents from any other class
[AddComponentMenu("More Mountains/Feedbacks/Shakers/Cinemachine/MMCinemachineFreeLookZoom")]
public class MMCinemachineFreeLookZoom : MonoBehaviour
public int Channel = 0;
[Header("Transition Speed")]
/// the animation curve to apply to the zoom transition
[Tooltip("the animation curve to apply to the zoom transition")]
public AnimationCurve ZoomCurve = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(0f, 0f), new Keyframe(1f, 1f));
[Header("Test Zoom")]
/// the mode to apply the zoom in when using the test button in the inspector
[Tooltip("the mode to apply the zoom in when using the test button in the inspector")]
public MMCameraZoomModes TestMode;
/// the target field of view to apply the zoom in when using the test button in the inspector
[Tooltip("the target field of view to apply the zoom in when using the test button in the inspector")]
public float TestFieldOfView = 30f;
/// the transition duration to apply the zoom in when using the test button in the inspector
[Tooltip("the transition duration to apply the zoom in when using the test button in the inspector")]
public float TestTransitionDuration = 0.1f;
/// the duration to apply the zoom in when using the test button in the inspector
[Tooltip("the duration to apply the zoom in when using the test button in the inspector")]
public float TestDuration = 0.05f;
/// an inspector button to test the zoom in play mode
public bool TestZoomButton;
protected Cinemachine.CinemachineFreeLook _freeLookCamera;
protected float _initialFieldOfView;
protected MMCameraZoomModes _mode;
protected bool _zooming = false;
protected float _startFieldOfView;
protected float _transitionDuration;
protected float _duration;
protected float _targetFieldOfView;
protected float _delta = 0f;
protected int _direction = 1;
protected float _reachedDestinationTimestamp;
protected bool _destinationReached = false;
/// On Awake we grab our virtual camera
protected virtual void Awake()
_freeLookCamera = this.gameObject.GetComponent();
_initialFieldOfView = _freeLookCamera.m_Lens.FieldOfView;
/// On Update if we're zooming we modify our field of view accordingly
protected virtual void Update()
if (!_zooming)
if (_freeLookCamera.m_Lens.FieldOfView != _targetFieldOfView)
_delta += Time.deltaTime / _transitionDuration;
_freeLookCamera.m_Lens.FieldOfView = Mathf.LerpUnclamped(_startFieldOfView, _targetFieldOfView, ZoomCurve.Evaluate(_delta));
if (!_destinationReached)
_reachedDestinationTimestamp = Time.time;
_destinationReached = true;
if ((_mode == MMCameraZoomModes.For) && (_direction == 1))
if (Time.time - _reachedDestinationTimestamp > _duration)
_direction = -1;
_startFieldOfView = _targetFieldOfView;
_targetFieldOfView = _initialFieldOfView;
_delta = 0f;
_zooming = false;
/// A method that triggers the zoom, ideally only to be called via an event, but public for convenience
public virtual void Zoom(MMCameraZoomModes mode, float newFieldOfView, float transitionDuration, float duration, bool relative = false)
if (_zooming)
_zooming = true;
_delta = 0f;
_mode = mode;
_startFieldOfView = _freeLookCamera.m_Lens.FieldOfView;
_transitionDuration = transitionDuration;
_duration = duration;
_transitionDuration = transitionDuration;
_direction = 1;
_destinationReached = false;
switch (mode)
case MMCameraZoomModes.For:
_targetFieldOfView = newFieldOfView;
case MMCameraZoomModes.Set:
_targetFieldOfView = newFieldOfView;
case MMCameraZoomModes.Reset:
_targetFieldOfView = _initialFieldOfView;
if (relative)
_targetFieldOfView += _initialFieldOfView;
/// The method used by the test button to trigger a test zoom
protected virtual void TestZoom()
Zoom(TestMode, TestFieldOfView, TestTransitionDuration, TestDuration);
/// When we get an MMCameraZoomEvent we call our zoom method
public virtual void OnCameraZoomEvent(MMCameraZoomModes mode, float newFieldOfView, float transitionDuration, float duration, int channel, bool useUnscaledTime, bool stop = false, bool relative = false)
if ((channel != Channel) && (channel != -1) && (Channel != -1))
if (stop)
_zooming = false;
this.Zoom(mode, newFieldOfView, transitionDuration, duration, relative);
/// Starts listening for MMCameraZoomEvents
protected virtual void OnEnable()
/// Stops listening for MMCameraZoomEvents
protected virtual void OnDisable()