using System; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using MoreMountains.Tools; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; using UnityEngine.Events; namespace MoreMountains.Tools { [System.Serializable] public class ProgressEvent : UnityEvent{} /// /// A simple class used to store additive loading settings /// [Serializable] public class MMAdditiveSceneLoadingManagerSettings { /// the name of the MMSceneLoadingManager scene you want to use when in additive mode [Tooltip("the name of the MMSceneLoadingManager scene you want to use when in additive mode")] public string LoadingSceneName = "MMAdditiveLoadingScreen"; /// when in additive loading mode, the thread priority to apply to the loading [Tooltip("when in additive loading mode, the thread priority to apply to the loading")] public ThreadPriority ThreadPriority = ThreadPriority.High; /// whether or not to make additional sanity checks (better leave this to true) [Tooltip("whether or not to make additional sanity checks (better leave this to true)")] public bool SecureLoad = true; /// when in additive loading mode, whether or not to interpolate the progress bar's progress [Tooltip("when in additive loading mode, whether or not to interpolate the progress bar's progress")] public bool InterpolateProgress = true; /// when in additive loading mode, when in additive loading mode, the duration (in seconds) of the delay before the entry fade [Tooltip("when in additive loading mode, when in additive loading mode, the duration (in seconds) of the delay before the entry fade")] public float BeforeEntryFadeDelay = 0f; /// when in additive loading mode, the duration (in seconds) of the entry fade [Tooltip("when in additive loading mode, the duration (in seconds) of the entry fade")] public float EntryFadeDuration = 0.25f; /// when in additive loading mode, the duration (in seconds) of the delay before the entry fade [Tooltip("when in additive loading mode, the duration (in seconds) of the delay before the entry fade")] public float AfterEntryFadeDelay = 0.1f; /// when in additive loading mode, the duration (in seconds) of the delay before the exit fade [Tooltip("when in additive loading mode, the duration (in seconds) of the delay before the exit fade")] public float BeforeExitFadeDelay = 0.25f; /// when in additive loading mode, the duration (in seconds) of the exit fade [Tooltip("when in additive loading mode, the duration (in seconds) of the exit fade")] public float ExitFadeDuration = 0.2f; /// when in additive loading mode, when in additive loading mode, the tween to use to fade on entry [Tooltip("when in additive loading mode, when in additive loading mode, the tween to use to fade on entry")] public MMTweenType EntryFadeTween = null; /// when in additive loading mode, the tween to use to fade on exit [Tooltip("when in additive loading mode, the tween to use to fade on exit")] public MMTweenType ExitFadeTween = null; /// when in additive loading mode, the speed at which the loader's progress bar should move [Tooltip("when in additive loading mode, the speed at which the loader's progress bar should move")] public float ProgressBarSpeed = 5f; /// when in additive loading mode, the selective additive fade mode [Tooltip("when in additive loading mode, the selective additive fade mode")] public MMAdditiveSceneLoadingManager.FadeModes FadeMode = MMAdditiveSceneLoadingManager.FadeModes.FadeInThenOut; } /// /// A class to load scenes using a loading screen instead of just the default API /// This is a new version of the classic LoadingSceneManager (now renamed to MMSceneLoadingManager for consistency) /// public class MMAdditiveSceneLoadingManager : MonoBehaviour { /// The possible orders in which to play fades (depends on the fade you've set in your loading screen public enum FadeModes { FadeInThenOut, FadeOutThenIn } [Header("Audio Listener")] public AudioListener LoadingAudioListener; [Header("Settings")] /// the ID on which to trigger a fade, has to match the ID on the fader in your scene [Tooltip("the ID on which to trigger a fade, has to match the ID on the fader in your scene")] public int FaderID = 500; /// whether or not to output debug messages to the console [Tooltip("whether or not to output debug messages to the console")] public bool DebugMode = false; [Header("Progress Events")] /// an event used to update progress [Tooltip("an event used to update progress")] public ProgressEvent SetRealtimeProgressValue; /// an event used to update progress with interpolation [Tooltip("an event used to update progress with interpolation")] public ProgressEvent SetInterpolatedProgressValue; [Header("State Events")] /// an event that will be invoked when the load starts [Tooltip("an event that will be invoked when the load starts")] public UnityEvent OnLoadStarted; /// an event that will be invoked when the delay before the entry fade starts [Tooltip("an event that will be invoked when the delay before the entry fade starts")] public UnityEvent OnBeforeEntryFade; /// an event that will be invoked when the entry fade starts [Tooltip("an event that will be invoked when the entry fade starts")] public UnityEvent OnEntryFade; /// an event that will be invoked when the delay after the entry fade starts [Tooltip("an event that will be invoked when the delay after the entry fade starts")] public UnityEvent OnAfterEntryFade; /// an event that will be invoked when the origin scene gets unloaded [Tooltip("an event that will be invoked when the origin scene gets unloaded")] public UnityEvent OnUnloadOriginScene; /// an event that will be invoked when the destination scene starts loading [Tooltip("an event that will be invoked when the destination scene starts loading")] public UnityEvent OnLoadDestinationScene; /// an event that will be invoked when the load of the destination scene is complete [Tooltip("an event that will be invoked when the load of the destination scene is complete")] public UnityEvent OnLoadProgressComplete; /// an event that will be invoked when the interpolated load of the destination scene is complete [Tooltip("an event that will be invoked when the interpolated load of the destination scene is complete")] public UnityEvent OnInterpolatedLoadProgressComplete; /// an event that will be invoked when the delay before the exit fade starts [Tooltip("an event that will be invoked when the delay before the exit fade starts")] public UnityEvent OnBeforeExitFade; /// an event that will be invoked when the exit fade starts [Tooltip("an event that will be invoked when the exit fade starts")] public UnityEvent OnExitFade; /// an event that will be invoked when the destination scene gets activated [Tooltip("an event that will be invoked when the destination scene gets activated")] public UnityEvent OnDestinationSceneActivation; /// an event that will be invoked when the scene loader gets unloaded [Tooltip("an event that will be invoked when the scene loader gets unloaded")] public UnityEvent OnUnloadSceneLoader; /// an event that will be invoked when the whole transition is complete [Tooltip("an event that will be invoked when the whole transition is complete")] public UnityEvent OnLoadTransitionComplete; protected static bool _interpolateProgress; protected static float _progressInterpolationSpeed; protected static float _beforeEntryFadeDelay; protected static MMTweenType _entryFadeTween; protected static float _entryFadeDuration; protected static float _afterEntryFadeDelay; protected static float _beforeExitFadeDelay; protected static MMTweenType _exitFadeTween; protected static float _exitFadeDuration; protected static FadeModes _fadeMode; protected static string _sceneToLoadName = ""; protected static string _loadingScreenSceneName; protected static List _scenesInBuild; protected static Scene[] _initialScenes; protected float _loadProgress = 0f; protected float _interpolatedLoadProgress; protected static bool _loadingInProgress = false; protected AsyncOperation _unloadOriginAsyncOperation; protected AsyncOperation _loadDestinationAsyncOperation; protected AsyncOperation _unloadLoadingAsyncOperation; protected bool _setRealtimeProgressValueIsNull; protected bool _setInterpolatedProgressValueIsNull; protected const float _asyncProgressLimit = 0.9f; /// /// Call this static method to load a scene from anywhere (packed settings signature) /// /// /// public static void LoadScene(string sceneToLoadName, MMAdditiveSceneLoadingManagerSettings settings) { LoadScene(sceneToLoadName, settings.LoadingSceneName, settings.ThreadPriority, settings.SecureLoad, settings.InterpolateProgress, settings.BeforeEntryFadeDelay, settings.EntryFadeDuration, settings.AfterEntryFadeDelay, settings.BeforeExitFadeDelay, settings.ExitFadeDuration, settings.EntryFadeTween, settings.ExitFadeTween, settings.ProgressBarSpeed, settings.FadeMode); } /// /// Call this static method to load a scene from anywhere /// /// Level name. public static void LoadScene(string sceneToLoadName, string loadingSceneName = "MMAdditiveLoadingScreen", ThreadPriority threadPriority = ThreadPriority.High, bool secureLoad = true, bool interpolateProgress = true, float beforeEntryFadeDelay = 0f, float entryFadeDuration = 0.25f, float afterEntryFadeDelay = 0.1f, float beforeExitFadeDelay = 0.25f, float exitFadeDuration = 0.2f, MMTweenType entryFadeTween = null, MMTweenType exitFadeTween = null, float progressBarSpeed = 5f, FadeModes fadeMode = FadeModes.FadeInThenOut) { if (_loadingInProgress) { Debug.LogError("MMLoadingSceneManagerAdditive : a request to load a new scene was emitted while a scene load was already in progress"); return; } if (entryFadeTween == null) { entryFadeTween = new MMTweenType(MMTween.MMTweenCurve.EaseInOutCubic); } if (exitFadeTween == null) { exitFadeTween = new MMTweenType(MMTween.MMTweenCurve.EaseInOutCubic); } if (secureLoad) { _scenesInBuild = MMScene.GetScenesInBuild(); if (!_scenesInBuild.Contains(sceneToLoadName)) { Debug.LogError("MMLoadingSceneManagerAdditive : impossible to load the '"+sceneToLoadName+"' scene, " + "there is no such scene in the project's build settings."); return; } if (!_scenesInBuild.Contains(loadingSceneName)) { Debug.LogError("MMLoadingSceneManagerAdditive : impossible to load the '"+loadingSceneName+"' scene, " + "there is no such scene in the project's build settings."); return; } } _loadingInProgress = true; _initialScenes = MMScene.GetLoadedScenes(); Application.backgroundLoadingPriority = threadPriority; _sceneToLoadName = sceneToLoadName; _loadingScreenSceneName = loadingSceneName; _beforeEntryFadeDelay = beforeEntryFadeDelay; _entryFadeDuration = entryFadeDuration; _entryFadeTween = entryFadeTween; _afterEntryFadeDelay = afterEntryFadeDelay; _progressInterpolationSpeed = progressBarSpeed; _beforeExitFadeDelay = beforeExitFadeDelay; _exitFadeDuration = exitFadeDuration; _exitFadeTween = exitFadeTween; _fadeMode = fadeMode; _interpolateProgress = interpolateProgress; SceneManager.LoadScene(_loadingScreenSceneName, LoadSceneMode.Additive); } /// /// On Start(), we start loading the new level asynchronously /// protected virtual void Awake() { Initialization(); } /// /// Initializes timescale, computes null checks, and starts the load sequence /// protected virtual void Initialization() { MMLoadingSceneDebug("MMLoadingSceneManagerAdditive : Initialization"); if (DebugMode) { foreach (Scene scene in _initialScenes) { MMLoadingSceneDebug("MMLoadingSceneManagerAdditive : Initial scene : " +; } } _setRealtimeProgressValueIsNull = SetRealtimeProgressValue == null; _setInterpolatedProgressValueIsNull = SetInterpolatedProgressValue == null; Time.timeScale = 1f; if ((_sceneToLoadName == "") || (_loadingScreenSceneName == "")) { return; } StartCoroutine(LoadSequence()); } /// /// Every frame, we fill the bar smoothly according to loading progress /// protected virtual void Update() { UpdateProgress(); } /// /// Sends progress value via UnityEvents /// protected virtual void UpdateProgress() { if (!_setRealtimeProgressValueIsNull) { SetRealtimeProgressValue.Invoke(_loadProgress); } if (_interpolateProgress) { _interpolatedLoadProgress = MMMaths.Approach(_interpolatedLoadProgress, _loadProgress, Time.deltaTime * _progressInterpolationSpeed); if (!_setInterpolatedProgressValueIsNull) { SetInterpolatedProgressValue.Invoke(_interpolatedLoadProgress); } } else { SetInterpolatedProgressValue.Invoke(_loadProgress); } } /// /// Loads the scene to load asynchronously. /// protected virtual IEnumerator LoadSequence() { InitiateLoad(); yield return ProcessDelayBeforeEntryFade(); yield return EntryFade(); yield return ProcessDelayAfterEntryFade(); yield return UnloadOriginScenes(); yield return LoadDestinationScene(); yield return ProcessDelayBeforeExitFade(); yield return DestinationSceneActivation(); yield return ExitFade(); yield return UnloadSceneLoader(); LoadTransitionComplete(); } /// /// Initializes counters and timescale /// protected virtual void InitiateLoad() { _loadProgress = 0f; _interpolatedLoadProgress = 0f; Time.timeScale = 1f; SetAudioListener(false); MMLoadingSceneDebug("MMLoadingSceneManagerAdditive : Initiate Load"); MMSceneLoadingManager.LoadingSceneEvent.Trigger(_sceneToLoadName, MMSceneLoadingManager.LoadingStatus.LoadStarted); OnLoadStarted?.Invoke(); } /// /// Waits for the specified BeforeEntryFadeDelay duration /// /// protected virtual IEnumerator ProcessDelayBeforeEntryFade() { if (_beforeEntryFadeDelay > 0f) { MMLoadingSceneDebug("MMLoadingSceneManagerAdditive : delay before entry fade, duration : " + _beforeEntryFadeDelay); MMSceneLoadingManager.LoadingSceneEvent.Trigger(_sceneToLoadName, MMSceneLoadingManager.LoadingStatus.BeforeEntryFade); OnBeforeEntryFade?.Invoke(); yield return MMCoroutine.WaitFor(_beforeEntryFadeDelay); } } /// /// Calls a fader on entry /// /// protected virtual IEnumerator EntryFade() { if (_entryFadeDuration > 0f) { MMLoadingSceneDebug("MMLoadingSceneManagerAdditive : entry fade, duration : " + _entryFadeDuration); MMSceneLoadingManager.LoadingSceneEvent.Trigger(_sceneToLoadName, MMSceneLoadingManager.LoadingStatus.EntryFade); OnEntryFade?.Invoke(); if (_fadeMode == FadeModes.FadeOutThenIn) { yield return null; MMFadeOutEvent.Trigger(_entryFadeDuration, _entryFadeTween, FaderID, true); } else { yield return null; MMFadeInEvent.Trigger(_entryFadeDuration, _entryFadeTween, FaderID, true); } yield return MMCoroutine.WaitFor(_entryFadeDuration); } } /// /// Waits for the specified AfterEntryFadeDelay /// /// protected virtual IEnumerator ProcessDelayAfterEntryFade() { if (_afterEntryFadeDelay > 0f) { MMLoadingSceneDebug("MMLoadingSceneManagerAdditive : delay after entry fade, duration : " + _afterEntryFadeDelay); MMSceneLoadingManager.LoadingSceneEvent.Trigger(_sceneToLoadName, MMSceneLoadingManager.LoadingStatus.AfterEntryFade); OnAfterEntryFade?.Invoke(); yield return MMCoroutine.WaitFor(_afterEntryFadeDelay); } } /// /// Unloads the original scene(s) and waits for the unload to complete /// /// protected virtual IEnumerator UnloadOriginScenes() { foreach (Scene scene in _initialScenes) { MMLoadingSceneDebug("MMLoadingSceneManagerAdditive : unload scene " +; MMSceneLoadingManager.LoadingSceneEvent.Trigger(_sceneToLoadName, MMSceneLoadingManager.LoadingStatus.UnloadOriginScene); OnUnloadOriginScene?.Invoke(); _unloadOriginAsyncOperation = SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync(scene); SetAudioListener(true); while (_unloadOriginAsyncOperation.progress < _asyncProgressLimit) { yield return null; } } } /// /// Loads the destination scene /// /// protected virtual IEnumerator LoadDestinationScene() { MMLoadingSceneDebug("MMLoadingSceneManagerAdditive : load destination scene"); MMSceneLoadingManager.LoadingSceneEvent.Trigger(_sceneToLoadName, MMSceneLoadingManager.LoadingStatus.LoadDestinationScene); OnLoadDestinationScene?.Invoke(); _loadDestinationAsyncOperation = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(_sceneToLoadName, LoadSceneMode.Additive ); _loadDestinationAsyncOperation.completed += OnLoadOperationComplete; _loadDestinationAsyncOperation.allowSceneActivation = false; while (_loadDestinationAsyncOperation.progress < _asyncProgressLimit) { _loadProgress = _loadDestinationAsyncOperation.progress; yield return null; } MMLoadingSceneDebug("MMLoadingSceneManagerAdditive : load progress complete"); MMSceneLoadingManager.LoadingSceneEvent.Trigger(_sceneToLoadName, MMSceneLoadingManager.LoadingStatus.LoadProgressComplete); OnLoadProgressComplete?.Invoke(); // when the load is close to the end (it'll never reach it), we set it to 100% _loadProgress = 1f; // we wait for the bar to be visually filled to continue if (_interpolateProgress) { while (_interpolatedLoadProgress < 1f) { yield return null; } } MMLoadingSceneDebug("MMLoadingSceneManagerAdditive : interpolated load complete"); MMSceneLoadingManager.LoadingSceneEvent.Trigger(_sceneToLoadName, MMSceneLoadingManager.LoadingStatus.InterpolatedLoadProgressComplete); OnInterpolatedLoadProgressComplete?.Invoke(); } /// /// Waits for BeforeExitFadeDelay seconds /// /// protected virtual IEnumerator ProcessDelayBeforeExitFade() { if (_beforeExitFadeDelay > 0f) { MMLoadingSceneDebug("MMLoadingSceneManagerAdditive : delay before exit fade, duration : " + _beforeExitFadeDelay); MMSceneLoadingManager.LoadingSceneEvent.Trigger(_sceneToLoadName, MMSceneLoadingManager.LoadingStatus.BeforeExitFade); OnBeforeExitFade?.Invoke(); yield return MMCoroutine.WaitFor(_beforeExitFadeDelay); } } /// /// Requests a fade on exit /// /// protected virtual IEnumerator ExitFade() { SetAudioListener(false); if (_exitFadeDuration > 0f) { MMLoadingSceneDebug("MMLoadingSceneManagerAdditive : exit fade, duration : " + _exitFadeDuration); MMSceneLoadingManager.LoadingSceneEvent.Trigger(_sceneToLoadName, MMSceneLoadingManager.LoadingStatus.ExitFade); OnExitFade?.Invoke(); if (_fadeMode == FadeModes.FadeOutThenIn) { MMFadeInEvent.Trigger(_exitFadeDuration, _exitFadeTween, FaderID, true); } else { MMFadeOutEvent.Trigger(_exitFadeDuration, _exitFadeTween, FaderID, true); } yield return MMCoroutine.WaitFor(_exitFadeDuration); } } /// /// Activates the destination scene /// protected virtual IEnumerator DestinationSceneActivation() { yield return MMCoroutine.WaitForFrames(1); MMLoadingSceneDebug("MMLoadingSceneManagerAdditive : activating destination scene"); MMSceneLoadingManager.LoadingSceneEvent.Trigger(_sceneToLoadName, MMSceneLoadingManager.LoadingStatus.DestinationSceneActivation); OnDestinationSceneActivation?.Invoke(); _loadDestinationAsyncOperation.allowSceneActivation = true; while (_loadDestinationAsyncOperation.progress < 1.0f) { yield return null; } } /// /// A method triggered when the async operation completes /// /// protected virtual void OnLoadOperationComplete(AsyncOperation obj) { SceneManager.SetActiveScene(SceneManager.GetSceneByName(_sceneToLoadName)); MMLoadingSceneDebug("MMLoadingSceneManagerAdditive : set active scene to " + _sceneToLoadName); } /// /// Unloads the scene loader /// /// protected virtual IEnumerator UnloadSceneLoader() { MMLoadingSceneDebug("MMLoadingSceneManagerAdditive : unloading scene loader"); MMSceneLoadingManager.LoadingSceneEvent.Trigger(_sceneToLoadName, MMSceneLoadingManager.LoadingStatus.UnloadSceneLoader); OnUnloadSceneLoader?.Invoke(); yield return null; // mandatory yield to avoid an unjustified warning _unloadLoadingAsyncOperation = SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync(_loadingScreenSceneName); while (_unloadLoadingAsyncOperation.progress < _asyncProgressLimit) { yield return null; } } /// /// Completes the transition /// protected virtual void LoadTransitionComplete() { MMLoadingSceneDebug("MMLoadingSceneManagerAdditive : load transition complete"); MMSceneLoadingManager.LoadingSceneEvent.Trigger(_sceneToLoadName, MMSceneLoadingManager.LoadingStatus.LoadTransitionComplete); OnLoadTransitionComplete?.Invoke(); _loadingInProgress = false; } /// /// Turns the loading audio listener on or off /// /// protected virtual void SetAudioListener(bool state) { if (LoadingAudioListener != null) { //LoadingAudioListener.gameObject.SetActive(state); } } /// /// On Destroy we reset our state /// protected virtual void OnDestroy() { _loadingInProgress = false; } /// /// A debug method used to output console messages, for this class only /// /// protected virtual void MMLoadingSceneDebug(string message) { if (!DebugMode) { return; } string output = ""; output += "[" + Time.frameCount + "] "; output += "[" + MMTime.FloatToTimeString(Time.time, false, true, true, true) + "] "; output += message; Debug.Log(output); } } }