using UnityEngine;
using System;
namespace MoreMountains.Tools
/// Persistent humble singleton, basically a classic singleton but will destroy any other older components of the same type it finds on awake
public class MMPersistentHumbleSingleton : MonoBehaviour where T : Component
protected static T _instance;
public float InitializationTime;
/// Singleton design pattern
/// The instance.
public static T Instance
if (_instance == null)
_instance = FindObjectOfType ();
if (_instance == null)
GameObject obj = new GameObject ();
obj.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;
_instance = obj.AddComponent ();
return _instance;
/// On awake, we check if there's already a copy of the object in the scene. If there's one, we destroy it.
protected virtual void Awake ()
if (!Application.isPlaying)
DontDestroyOnLoad (this.gameObject);
// we check for existing objects of the same type
T[] check = FindObjectsOfType();
foreach (T searched in check)
if (searched!=this)
// if we find another object of the same type (not this), and if it's older than our current object, we destroy it.
if (searched.GetComponent>().InitializationTime