using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; namespace I2.Loc { [AddComponentMenu("I2/Localization/Source")] [ExecuteInEditMode] public class LanguageSource : MonoBehaviour, ISerializationCallbackReceiver, ILanguageSource { public LanguageSourceData SourceData { get { return mSource; } set { mSource = value; } } public LanguageSourceData mSource = new LanguageSourceData(); // Because of Unity2018.3 change in Prefabs, now all the source variables are moved into LanguageSourceData // But to avoid loosing previously serialized data, these vars are copied into mSource.XXXX when deserializing) // These are going to be removed once everyone port their projects to the new I2L version. #region Legacy Variables // TODO: also copy public string name; and owner public int version; public bool NeverDestroy; // Keep between scenes (will call DontDestroyOnLoad ) public bool UserAgreesToHaveItOnTheScene; public bool UserAgreesToHaveItInsideThePluginsFolder; public bool GoogleLiveSyncIsUptoDate = true; public List Assets = new List(); // References to Fonts, Atlasses and other objects the localization may need public string Google_WebServiceURL; public string Google_SpreadsheetKey; public string Google_SpreadsheetName; public string Google_LastUpdatedVersion; public LanguageSourceData.eGoogleUpdateFrequency GoogleUpdateFrequency = LanguageSourceData.eGoogleUpdateFrequency.Weekly; public float GoogleUpdateDelay = 5; // How many second to delay downloading data from google (to avoid lag on the startup) public delegate void fnOnSourceUpdated(LanguageSourceData source, bool ReceivedNewData, string errorMsg); public event fnOnSourceUpdated Event_OnSourceUpdateFromGoogle; public List mLanguages = new List(); public bool IgnoreDeviceLanguage; // If false, it will use the Device's language as the initial Language, otherwise it will use the first language in the source. public LanguageSourceData.eAllowUnloadLanguages _AllowUnloadingLanguages = LanguageSourceData.eAllowUnloadLanguages.Never; public List mTerms = new List(); public bool CaseInsensitiveTerms; public LanguageSourceData.MissingTranslationAction OnMissingTranslation = LanguageSourceData.MissingTranslationAction.Fallback; public string mTerm_AppName; #endregion #region EditorVariables #if UNITY_EDITOR public string Spreadsheet_LocalFileName; public string Spreadsheet_LocalCSVSeparator = ","; public string Spreadsheet_LocalCSVEncoding = "utf-8"; public bool Spreadsheet_SpecializationAsRows = true; public string Google_Password = "change_this"; public LanguageSourceData.eGoogleUpdateFrequency GoogleInEditorCheckFrequency = LanguageSourceData.eGoogleUpdateFrequency.Daily; #endif #endregion void Awake() { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (BuildPipeline.isBuildingPlayer) return; #endif // NeverDestroy = false; // if (NeverDestroy) //{ // if (mSource.ManagerHasASimilarSource()) // { // Object.Destroy (this); // return; // } // else // { // if (Application.isPlaying) // DontDestroyOnLoad (gameObject); // } //} mSource.owner = this; mSource.Awake(); } private void OnDestroy() { NeverDestroy = false; if (!NeverDestroy) { mSource.OnDestroy(); } } public string GetSourceName() { string s =; Transform tr = transform.parent; while (tr) { s = string.Concat(, "_", s); tr = tr.parent; } return s; } public void OnBeforeSerialize() { version = 1; } public void OnAfterDeserialize() { if (version==0 || mSource==null) { mSource = new LanguageSourceData(); mSource.owner = this; mSource.UserAgreesToHaveItOnTheScene = UserAgreesToHaveItOnTheScene; mSource.UserAgreesToHaveItInsideThePluginsFolder = UserAgreesToHaveItInsideThePluginsFolder; mSource.IgnoreDeviceLanguage = IgnoreDeviceLanguage; mSource._AllowUnloadingLanguages = _AllowUnloadingLanguages; mSource.CaseInsensitiveTerms = CaseInsensitiveTerms; mSource.OnMissingTranslation = OnMissingTranslation; mSource.mTerm_AppName = mTerm_AppName; mSource.GoogleLiveSyncIsUptoDate = GoogleLiveSyncIsUptoDate; mSource.Google_WebServiceURL = Google_WebServiceURL; mSource.Google_SpreadsheetKey = Google_SpreadsheetKey; mSource.Google_SpreadsheetName = Google_SpreadsheetName; mSource.Google_LastUpdatedVersion = Google_LastUpdatedVersion; mSource.GoogleUpdateFrequency = GoogleUpdateFrequency; mSource.GoogleUpdateDelay = GoogleUpdateDelay; mSource.Event_OnSourceUpdateFromGoogle += Event_OnSourceUpdateFromGoogle; if (mLanguages != null && mLanguages.Count>0) { mSource.mLanguages.Clear(); mSource.mLanguages.AddRange(mLanguages); mLanguages.Clear(); } if (Assets != null && Assets.Count > 0) { mSource.Assets.Clear(); mSource.Assets.AddRange(Assets); Assets.Clear(); } if (mTerms != null && mTerms.Count>0) { mSource.mTerms.Clear(); for (int i=0; i