using UnityEngine;
using FSA = UnityEngine.Serialization.FormerlySerializedAsAttribute;
namespace Lean.Common
/// This component allows you to destroy a GameObject.
[HelpURL(LeanHelper.HelpUrlPrefix + "LeanDestroy")]
[AddComponentMenu(LeanHelper.ComponentPathPrefix + "Destroy")]
public class LeanDestroy : MonoBehaviour
public enum ExecuteType
/// This allows you to control when the Target GameObject will be destroyed.
/// OnFirstFrame = As soon as Update runs (this component must be enabled).
/// AfterDelay = After the specified amount of Seconds has elapsed.
/// AfterDelayUnscaled = The same as AfterDelay, but using unscaledDeltaTime.
/// Manually = You must manually call the DestroyNow method.
public ExecuteType Execute { set { execute = value; } get { return execute; } } [SerializeField] private ExecuteType execute = ExecuteType.Manually;
/// The GameObject that will be destroyed.
/// None/null = This GameObject.
public GameObject Target { set { target = value; } get { return target; } } [FSA("Target")] [SerializeField] private GameObject target;
/// The amount of seconds remaining until the GameObject is destroyed.
public float Seconds { set { seconds = value; } get { return seconds; } } [FSA("Seconds")] [SerializeField] private float seconds = -1.0f;
protected virtual void Update()
switch (execute)
case ExecuteType.OnFirstFrame:
case ExecuteType.AfterDelay:
seconds -= Time.deltaTime;
if (seconds <= 0.0f)
case ExecuteType.AfterDelayUnscaled:
seconds -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime;
if (seconds <= 0.0f)
/// You can manually call this method to destroy the specified GameObject immediately.
public void DestroyNow()
execute = ExecuteType.Manually;
Destroy(target != null ? target : gameObject);
namespace Lean.Common.Editor
using TARGET = LeanDestroy;
public class LeanDestroy_Editor : LeanEditor
protected override void OnInspector()
TARGET tgt; TARGET[] tgts; GetTargets(out tgt, out tgts);
Draw("target", "The GameObject that will be destroyed.\n\nNone/null = This GameObject.");
Draw("execute", "This allows you to control when the Target GameObject will be destroyed.\n\nOnFirstFrame = As soon as Update runs (this component must be enabled).\n\nAfterDelay = After the specified amount of Seconds has elapsed.\n\nAfterDelayUnscaled = The same as AfterDelay, but using unscaledDeltaTime.\n\nManually = You must manually call the DestroyNow method.");
if (Any(tgts, t => t.Execute == LeanDestroy.ExecuteType.AfterDelay || t.Execute == LeanDestroy.ExecuteType.AfterDelayUnscaled))
Draw("seconds", "The amount of seconds remaining until the GameObject is destroyed.");