using TARGET = UnityEngine.RectTransform; namespace Lean.Transition.Method { /// This component allows you to transition the RectTransform's offsetMax value. [UnityEngine.HelpURL(LeanTransition.HelpUrlPrefix + "LeanRectTransformOffsetMax")] [UnityEngine.AddComponentMenu(LeanTransition.MethodsMenuPrefix + "RectTransform/RectTransform.offsetMax" + LeanTransition.MethodsMenuSuffix + "(LeanRectTransformOffsetMax)")] public class LeanRectTransformOffsetMax : LeanMethodWithStateAndTarget { public override System.Type GetTargetType() { return typeof(TARGET); } public override void Register() { PreviousState = Register(GetAliasedTarget(Data.Target), Data.Value, Data.Duration, Data.Ease); } public static LeanState Register(TARGET target, UnityEngine.Vector2 value, float duration, LeanEase ease = LeanEase.Smooth) { var state = LeanTransition.SpawnWithTarget(State.Pool, target); state.Value = value; state.Ease = ease; return LeanTransition.Register(state, duration); } [System.Serializable] public class State : LeanStateWithTarget { [UnityEngine.Tooltip("The offsetMax value will transition to this.")] [UnityEngine.Serialization.FormerlySerializedAs("OffsetMax")]public UnityEngine.Vector2 Value; [UnityEngine.Tooltip("This allows you to control how the transition will look.")] public LeanEase Ease = LeanEase.Smooth; [System.NonSerialized] private UnityEngine.Vector2 oldValue; public override int CanFill { get { return Target != null && Target.offsetMax != Value ? 1 : 0; } } public override void FillWithTarget() { Value = Target.offsetMax; } public override void BeginWithTarget() { oldValue = Target.offsetMax; } public override void UpdateWithTarget(float progress) { Target.offsetMax = UnityEngine.Vector2.LerpUnclamped(oldValue, Value, Smooth(Ease, progress)); } public static System.Collections.Generic.Stack Pool = new System.Collections.Generic.Stack(); public override void Despawn() { Pool.Push(this); } } public State Data; } } namespace Lean.Transition { public static partial class LeanExtensions { public static TARGET offsetMaxTransition(this TARGET target, UnityEngine.Vector2 value, float duration, LeanEase ease = LeanEase.Smooth) { Method.LeanRectTransformOffsetMax.Register(target, value, duration, ease); return target; } } }