
107 lines
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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Lean.Common;
namespace Lean.Gui
/// <summary>This class contains useful data specific to Lean GUI.</summary>
public static class LeanGui
public delegate void DraggingDelegate(ref bool dragging);
public const string ComponentMenuPrefix = "Lean/GUI/Lean ";
public const string HelpUrlPrefix = "http://carloswilkes.github.io/Documentation/LeanGUI#";
public static DraggingDelegate OnDraggingCheck;
// Used by RaycastGui
private static List<RaycastResult> tempRaycastResults = new List<RaycastResult>(10);
// Used by RaycastGui
private static PointerEventData tempPointerEventData;
// Used by RaycastGui
private static EventSystem tempEventSystem;
public static bool IsDragging
var dragging = false;
if (OnDraggingCheck != null)
OnDraggingCheck(ref dragging);
return dragging;
/// <summary>This will return all the RaycastResults under the specified screen point using the specified layerMask.
/// NOTE: The first result (0) will be the top UI element that was first hit.</summary>
public static List<RaycastResult> RaycastGui(Vector2 screenPosition, LayerMask layerMask)
var currentEventSystem = EventSystem.current;
if (currentEventSystem != null)
// Create point event data for this event system?
if (currentEventSystem != tempEventSystem)
tempEventSystem = currentEventSystem;
if (tempPointerEventData == null)
tempPointerEventData = new PointerEventData(tempEventSystem);
// Raycast event system at the specified point
tempPointerEventData.position = screenPosition;
currentEventSystem.RaycastAll(tempPointerEventData, tempRaycastResults);
// Loop through all results and remove any that don't match the layer mask
if (tempRaycastResults.Count > 0)
for (var i = tempRaycastResults.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var raycastResult = tempRaycastResults[i];
var raycastLayer = 1 << raycastResult.gameObject.layer;
if ((raycastLayer & layerMask) == 0)
Debug.LogError("Failed to RaycastGui because your scene doesn't have an event system! To add one, go to: GameObject/UI/EventSystem");
return tempRaycastResults;
public static bool InvaidViewportPoint(Camera camera, Vector3 point)
if (point.x < -10.0f) return true;
if (point.x > 10.0f) return true;
if (point.y < -10.0f) return true;
if (point.y > 10.0f) return true;
if (point.z < camera.nearClipPlane) return true;
return false;