
194 lines
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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using Lean.Common;
using FSA = UnityEngine.Serialization.FormerlySerializedAsAttribute;
namespace Lean.Gui
/// <summary>This component will automatically snap <b>RectTransform.anchoredPosition</b> to the specified interval.</summary>
[HelpURL(LeanGui.HelpUrlPrefix + "LeanSnap")]
[AddComponentMenu(LeanGui.ComponentMenuPrefix + "Snap")]
public class LeanSnap : MonoBehaviour
[System.Serializable] public class Vector2IntEvent : UnityEvent<Vector2Int> {}
/// <summary>Snap horizontally?</summary>
public bool Horizontal { set { horizontal = value; } get { return horizontal; } } [SerializeField] private bool horizontal;
/// <summary>The snap points will be offset by this many pixels.</summary>
public float HorizontalOffset { set { horizontalOffset = value; } get { return horizontalOffset; } } [SerializeField] private float horizontalOffset;
/// <summary>The spacing between each snap point in pixels.</summary>
public float HorizontalIntervalPixel { set { horizontalIntervalPixel = value; } get { return horizontalIntervalPixel; } } [FSA("horizontalInterval")] [SerializeField] private float horizontalIntervalPixel = 10.0f;
/// <summary>The spacing between each snap point in 0..1 percent of the current RectTransform size.</summary>
public float HorizontalIntervalRect { set { horizontalIntervalRect = value; } get { return horizontalIntervalRect; } } [SerializeField] private float horizontalIntervalRect;
/// <summary>The spacing between each snap point in 0..1 percent of the parent.</summary>
public float HorizontalIntervalParent { set { horizontalIntervalParent = value; } get { return horizontalIntervalParent; } } [SerializeField] private float horizontalIntervalParent;
/// <summary>The snap speed.
/// -1 = Instant.
/// 1 = Slow.
/// 10 = Fast.</summary>
public float HorizontalSpeed { set { horizontalSpeed = value; } get { return horizontalSpeed; } } [SerializeField] private float horizontalSpeed = -1.0f;
/// <summary>Snap vertically?</summary>
public bool Vertical { set { vertical = value; } get { return vertical; } } [SerializeField] private bool vertical;
/// <summary>The snap points will be offset by this many pixels.</summary>
public float VerticalOffset { set { verticalOffset = value; } get { return verticalOffset; } } [SerializeField] private float verticalOffset;
/// <summary>The spacing between each snap point in pixels.</summary>
public float VerticalIntervalPixel { set { verticalIntervalPixel = value; } get { return verticalIntervalPixel; } } [FSA("verticalInterval")] [SerializeField] private float verticalIntervalPixel = 10.0f;
/// <summary>The spacing between each snap point in 0..1 percent of the current RectTransform size.</summary>
public float VerticalIntervalRect { set { verticalIntervalRect = value; } get { return verticalIntervalRect; } } [SerializeField] private float verticalIntervalRect;
/// <summary>The spacing between each snap point in 0..1 percent of the parent.</summary>
public float VerticalIntervalParent { set { verticalIntervalParent = value; } get { return verticalIntervalParent; } } [SerializeField] private float verticalIntervalParent;
/// <summary>The snap speed.
/// -1 = Instant.
/// 1 = Slow.
/// 10 = Fast.</summary>
public float VerticalSpeed { set { verticalSpeed = value; } get { return verticalSpeed; } } [SerializeField] private float verticalSpeed = -1.0f;
/// <summary>To prevent UI element dragging from conflicting with snapping, you can specify the drag component here.</summary>
public LeanDrag DisableWith { set { disableWith = value; } get { return disableWith; } } [SerializeField] private LeanDrag disableWith;
/// <summary>This tells you the snap position as integers.</summary>
public Vector2Int Position { get { return position; } } [SerializeField] private Vector2Int position;
/// <summary>This event will be invoked when the snap position changes.</summary>
public Vector2IntEvent OnPositionChanged { get { if (onPositionChanged == null) onPositionChanged = new Vector2IntEvent(); return onPositionChanged; } } [SerializeField] private Vector2IntEvent onPositionChanged;
private RectTransform cachedRectTransform;
protected virtual void OnEnable()
cachedRectTransform = GetComponent<RectTransform>();
protected virtual void LateUpdate()
if (disableWith != null && disableWith.Dragging == true)
var anchoredPosition = cachedRectTransform.anchoredPosition;
var rect = cachedRectTransform.rect;
var parentSize = ParentSize;
var intervalX = horizontalIntervalPixel + horizontalIntervalRect * rect.width + horizontalIntervalParent * parentSize.x;
var intervalY = verticalIntervalPixel + verticalIntervalRect * rect.width + verticalIntervalParent * parentSize.y;
var oldPosition = position;
if (intervalX != 0.0f)
position.x = Mathf.RoundToInt((anchoredPosition.x - horizontalOffset) / intervalX);
if (intervalY != 0.0f)
position.y = Mathf.RoundToInt((anchoredPosition.y - verticalOffset) / intervalY);
if (horizontal == true)
var target = position.x * intervalX + horizontalOffset;
var factor = LeanHelper.GetDampenFactor(horizontalSpeed, Time.deltaTime);
anchoredPosition.x = Mathf.Lerp(anchoredPosition.x, target, factor);
if (vertical == true)
var target = position.y * intervalY + verticalOffset;
var factor = LeanHelper.GetDampenFactor(verticalSpeed, Time.deltaTime);
anchoredPosition.y = Mathf.Lerp(anchoredPosition.y, target, factor);
cachedRectTransform.anchoredPosition = anchoredPosition;
if (position != oldPosition)
if (onPositionChanged != null)
private Vector2 ParentSize
var parent = cachedRectTransform.parent as RectTransform;
return parent != null ? parent.rect.size : Vector2.zero;
namespace Lean.Gui.Editor
using TARGET = LeanSnap;
public class LeanSnap_Editor : LeanEditor
protected override void OnInspector()
TARGET tgt; TARGET[] tgts; GetTargets(out tgt, out tgts);
Draw("horizontal", "Snap horizontally?");
if (Any(tgts, t => t.Horizontal == true))
Draw("horizontalOffset", "The snap points will be offset by this many pixels.", "Offset");
BeginError(Any(tgts, t => t.HorizontalIntervalPixel == 0.0f && t.HorizontalIntervalRect == 0.0f && t.HorizontalIntervalParent == 0.0f));
Draw("horizontalIntervalPixel", "The spacing between each snap point in pixels.", "Interval Pixel");
Draw("horizontalIntervalRect", "The spacing between each snap point in 0..1 percent of the current RectTransform size.", "Interval Rect");
Draw("horizontalIntervalParent", "The spacing between each snap point in 0..1 percent of the parent.", "Interval Parent");
Draw("horizontalSpeed", "The snap speed.\n\n-1 = Instant.\n\n1 = Slow.\n\n10 = Fast.", "Speed");
Draw("vertical", "Snap vertically?");
if (Any(tgts, t => t.Vertical == true))
Draw("verticalOffset", "The snap points will be offset by this many pixels.", "Offset");
BeginError(Any(tgts, t => t.VerticalIntervalPixel == 0.0f && t.VerticalIntervalRect == 0.0f && t.VerticalIntervalParent == 0.0f));
Draw("verticalIntervalPixel", "The spacing between each snap point in pixels.", "Interval Pixel");
Draw("verticalIntervalRect", "The spacing between each snap point in 0..1 percent of the current RectTransform size.", "Interval Rect");
Draw("verticalIntervalParent", "The spacing between each snap point in 0..1 percent of the parent.", "Interval Parent");
Draw("verticalSpeed", "The snap speed.\n\n-1 = Instant.\n\n1 = Slow.\n\n10 = Fast.", "Speed");
Draw("disableWith", "To prevent UI element dragging from conflicting with snapping, you can specify the drag component here.");
Draw("position", "This tells you the snap position as integers.");