
281 lines
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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using Lean.Transition;
using Lean.Common;
namespace Lean.Gui
/// <summary>This component allows you to display a tooltip as long as the mouse is hovering over the current UI element, or a finger is on top.
/// Tooltips will display for any raycastable UI element that has the <b>LeanTooltipData</b> component.</summary>
[HelpURL(LeanGui.HelpUrlPrefix + "LeanTooltip")]
[AddComponentMenu(LeanGui.ComponentMenuPrefix + "Tooltip")]
public class LeanTooltip : MonoBehaviour
[System.Serializable] public class UnityEventString : UnityEvent<string> {}
public static PointerEventData HoverPointer;
public static LeanTooltipData HoverData;
public static bool HoverShow;
public static PointerEventData PressPointer;
public static LeanTooltipData PressData;
public static bool PressShow;
public enum BoundaryType
public enum ActivationType
/// <summary>This allows you to control when the tooltip will appear.
/// HoverOrPress = When the mouse is hovering, or when the mouse/finger is pressing.
/// Hover = Only when the mouse is hovering.
/// Press = Only when the mouse/finger is pressing.</summary>
public ActivationType Activation { set { activation = value; } get { return activation; } } [SerializeField] private ActivationType activation;
/// <summary>This allows you to delay how quickly the tooltip will appear or switch.</summary>
public float ShowDelay { set { showDelay = value; } get { return showDelay; } } [SerializeField] private float showDelay;
/// <summary>Move the attached Transform when the tooltip is open?</summary>
public bool Move { set { move = value; } get { return move; } } [SerializeField] private bool move = true;
/// <summary>This allows you to control how the tooltip will behave when it goes outside the screen bounds.
/// FlipPivot = If the tooltip goes outside one of the screen boundaries, flip its pivot point on that axis so it goes the other way.
/// ShiftPosition = If the tooltip goes outside of the screen boundaries, shift its position until it's back inside.
/// NOTE: If <b>FlipPivot</b> is used and the tooltip is larger than the screen size, then it will revert to <b>ShiftPosition</b>.</summary>
public BoundaryType Boundary { set { boundary = value; } get { return boundary; } } [SerializeField] private BoundaryType boundary;
/// <summary>This allows you to perform a transition when this tooltip appears.
/// You can create a new transition GameObject by right clicking the transition name, and selecting <b>Create</b>.
/// For example, the <b>Graphic.color Transition (LeanGraphicColor)</b> component can be used to change the color.
/// NOTE: Any transitions you perform here should be reverted in the <b>Hide Transitions</b> setting using a matching transition component.</summary>
public LeanPlayer ShowTransitions { get { if (showTransitions == null) showTransitions = new LeanPlayer(); return showTransitions; } } [SerializeField] private LeanPlayer showTransitions;
/// <summary>This allows you to perform a transition when this tooltip hides.
/// You can create a new transition GameObject by right clicking the transition name, and selecting <b>Create</b>.
/// For example, the <b>Graphic.color Transition (LeanGraphicColor)</b> component can be used to change the color.</summary>
public LeanPlayer HideTransitions { get { if (hideTransitions == null) hideTransitions = new LeanPlayer(); return hideTransitions; } } [SerializeField] private LeanPlayer hideTransitions;
/// <summary>This allows you to perform an action when this tooltip appears.</summary>
public UnityEventString OnShow { get { if (onShow == null) onShow = new UnityEventString(); return onShow; } } [SerializeField] private UnityEventString onShow;
/// <summary>This allows you to perform an action when this tooltip hides.</summary>
public UnityEvent OnHide { get { if (onHide == null) onHide = new UnityEvent(); return onHide; } } [SerializeField] private UnityEvent onHide;
private LeanTooltipData tooltip;
private RectTransform cachedRectTransform;
private bool cachedRectTransformSet;
private float currentDelay;
private bool shown;
private static Vector3[] corners = new Vector3[4];
protected virtual void Update()
if (cachedRectTransformSet == false)
cachedRectTransform = GetComponent<RectTransform>();
cachedRectTransformSet = true;
var finalData = default(LeanTooltipData);
var finalPoint = default(Vector2);
switch (activation)
case ActivationType.HoverOrPress:
if (HoverShow == true)
finalData = HoverData;
finalPoint = HoverPointer.position;
case ActivationType.Hover:
if (HoverShow == true && PressShow == false)
finalData = HoverData;
finalPoint = HoverPointer.position;
case ActivationType.Press:
if (PressShow == true && HoverShow == true && HoverData == PressData)
finalData = PressData;
finalPoint = PressPointer.position;
if (tooltip != finalData)
currentDelay = 0.0f;
tooltip = finalData;
shown = false;
if (tooltip != null)
currentDelay += Time.unscaledDeltaTime;
if (currentDelay >= showDelay)
if (shown == false)
if (move == true)
cachedRectTransform.position = finalPoint;
if (move == true && boundary != BoundaryType.None)
var min = Vector2.Min(corners[0], Vector2.Min(corners[1], Vector2.Min(corners[2], corners[3])));
var max = Vector2.Max(corners[0], Vector2.Max(corners[1], Vector2.Max(corners[2], corners[3])));
var pivot = cachedRectTransform.pivot;
var position = cachedRectTransform.position;
var boundaryX = boundary;
var boundaryY = boundary;
// If the tooltip cannot be flipped at its current position & size, revert to Boundary = Position?
if (boundary == BoundaryType.FlipPivot)
var size = max - min;
if (finalPoint.x - size.x < 0 && finalPoint.x + size.x > Screen.width)
boundaryX = BoundaryType.ShiftPosition;
if (finalPoint.y - size.y < 0 && finalPoint.y + size.y > Screen.height)
boundaryY = BoundaryType.ShiftPosition;
if (boundaryX == BoundaryType.FlipPivot)
if (min.x < 0.0f) pivot.x = 0.0f; else if (max.x > Screen.width ) pivot.x = 1.0f;
else if (boundaryX == BoundaryType.ShiftPosition)
if (min.x < 0.0f) position.x -= min.x; else if (max.x > Screen.width ) position.x -= max.x - Screen.width;
if (boundaryY == BoundaryType.FlipPivot)
if (min.y < 0.0f) pivot.y = 0.0f; else if (max.y > Screen.height) pivot.y = 1.0f;
else if (boundaryY == BoundaryType.ShiftPosition)
if (min.y < 0.0f) position.y -= min.y; else if (max.y > Screen.height) position.y -= max.y - Screen.height;
cachedRectTransform.pivot = pivot;
cachedRectTransform.position = position;
private void Show()
shown = true;
if (showTransitions != null)
if (onShow != null)
private void Hide()
if (hideTransitions != null)
if (onHide != null)
namespace Lean.Gui.Editor
using TARGET = LeanTooltip;
public class LeanTooltip_Editor : LeanEditor
protected override void OnInspector()
TARGET tgt; TARGET[] tgts; GetTargets(out tgt, out tgts);
Draw("activation", "This allows you to control when the tooltip will appear.\nHoverOrPress = When the mouse is hovering, or when the mouse/finger is pressing.\nHover = Only when the mouse is hovering.\nPress = Only when the mouse/finger is pressing.");
Draw("showDelay", "This allows you to delay how quickly the tooltip will appear or switch.");
Draw("move", "Move the attached Transform when the tooltip is open?");
if (Any(tgts, t => t.Move == true))
Draw("boundary", "This allows you to control how the tooltip will behave when it goes outside the screen bounds.\n\nFlipPivot = If the tooltip goes outside one of the screen boundaries, flip its pivot point on that axis so it goes the other way.\n\nShiftPosition = If the tooltip goes outside of the screen boundaries, shift its position until it's back inside.\n\nNOTE: If <b>FlipPivot</b> is used and the tooltip is larger than the screen size, then it will revert to <b>ShiftPosition</b>.");
Draw("showTransitions", "This allows you to perform a transition when this tooltip appears. You can create a new transition GameObject by right clicking the transition name, and selecting Create. For example, the <b>Graphic.color Transition (LeanGraphicColor)</b> component can be used to change the color.\n\nNOTE: Any transitions you perform here should be reverted in the Hide Transitions setting using a matching transition component.");
Draw("hideTransitions", "This allows you to perform a transition when this tooltip hides. You can create a new transition GameObject by right clicking the transition name, and selecting Create. For example, the <b>Graphic.color Transition (LeanGraphicColor)</b> component can be used to change the color.");