
265 lines
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using UnityEngine;
using Lean.Common;
using FSA = UnityEngine.Serialization.FormerlySerializedAsAttribute;
namespace Lean.Touch
/// <summary>This component allows you to zoom a camera in and out based on the pinch gesture
/// This supports both perspective and orthographic cameras</summary>
[HelpURL(LeanTouch.PlusHelpUrlPrefix + "LeanPinchCamera")]
[AddComponentMenu(LeanTouch.ComponentPathPrefix + "Pinch Camera")]
public class LeanPinchCamera : MonoBehaviour
/// <summary>The method used to find fingers to use with this component. See LeanFingerFilter documentation for more information.</summary>
public LeanFingerFilter Use = new LeanFingerFilter(true);
/// <summary>The camera this component will calculate using.
/// None = MainCamera.</summary>
public Camera Camera { set { _camera = value; } get { return _camera; } } [FSA("Camera")] [SerializeField] private Camera _camera;
/// <summary>The current FOV/Size.</summary>
public float Zoom { set { zoom = value; } get { return zoom; } } [FSA("Zoom")] [SerializeField] private float zoom = 50.0f;
/// <summary>If you want this component to change smoothly over time, then this allows you to control how quick the changes reach their target value.
/// -1 = Instantly change.
/// 1 = Slowly change.
/// 10 = Quickly change.</summary>
public float Damping { set { damping = value; } get { return damping; } } [FSA("Damping")] [FSA("Dampening")] [SerializeField] private float damping = -1.0f;
/// <summary>Limit the FOV/Size?</summary>
public bool Clamp { set { clamp = value; } get { return clamp; } } [FSA("ZoomClamp")] [FSA("Clamp")] [SerializeField] private bool clamp;
/// <summary>The minimum FOV/Size we want to zoom to.</summary>
public float ClampMin { set { clampMin = value; } get { return clampMin; } } [FSA("ZoomMin")] [FSA("ClampMin")] [SerializeField] private float clampMin = 10.0f;
/// <summary>The maximum FOV/Size we want to zoom to.</summary>
public float ClampMax { set { clampMax = value; } get { return clampMax; } } [FSA("ZoomMax")] [FSA("ClampMax")] [SerializeField] private float clampMax = 60.0f;
/// <summary>Should the zoom be performed relative to the finger center?</summary>
public bool Relative { set { relative = value; } get { return relative; } } [FSA("Relative")] [SerializeField] private bool relative;
/// <summary>Ignore changes in Z translation for 2D?</summary>
public bool IgnoreZ { set { ignoreZ = value; } get { return ignoreZ; } } [FSA("IgnoreZ")] [SerializeField] private bool ignoreZ;
/// <summary>The method used to find world coordinates from a finger. See LeanScreenDepth documentation for more information.</summary>
public LeanScreenDepth ScreenDepth = new LeanScreenDepth(LeanScreenDepth.ConversionType.DepthIntercept);
private float currentZoom;
private Vector3 remainingTranslation;
public void ContinuouslyZoom(float direction)
var factor = LeanHelper.GetDampenFactor(Mathf.Abs(direction), Time.deltaTime);
if (direction > 0.0f)
zoom = Mathf.Lerp(zoom, clampMax, factor);
else if (direction <= 0.0f)
zoom = Mathf.Lerp(zoom, clampMin, factor);
/// <summary>This method allows you to multiply the current <b>Zoom</b> value by the specified scale. This is useful for quickly changing the zoom from UI button clicks, or <b>LeanMouseWheel</b> scrolling.</summary>
public void MultiplyZoom(float scale)
zoom *= scale;
if (clamp == true)
zoom = Mathf.Clamp(zoom, clampMin, clampMax);
/// <summary>This method allows you to multiply the current <b>Zoom</b> value by the specified delta. This works like <b>MultiplyZoom</b>, except a value of 0 will result in no change, -1 will halve the zoom, 2 will double the zoom, etc.</summary>
public void IncrementZoom(float delta)
var scale = 1.0f + Mathf.Abs(delta);
if (delta < 0.0f)
scale = 1.0f / scale;
/// <summary>If you've set Use to ManuallyAddedFingers, then you can call this method to manually add a finger.</summary>
public void AddFinger(LeanFinger finger)
/// <summary>If you've set Use to ManuallyAddedFingers, then you can call this method to manually remove a finger.</summary>
public void RemoveFinger(LeanFinger finger)
/// <summary>If you've set Use to ManuallyAddedFingers, then you can call this method to manually remove all fingers.</summary>
public void RemoveAllFingers()
protected virtual void Reset()
protected virtual void Awake()
protected virtual void Start()
currentZoom = zoom;
protected virtual void LateUpdate()
// Get the fingers we want to use
var fingers = Use.UpdateAndGetFingers();
// Get the pinch ratio of these fingers
var pinchRatio = LeanGesture.GetPinchRatio(fingers);
// Store
var oldPosition = transform.localPosition;
// Make sure the zoom value is valid
zoom = TryClamp(zoom);
if (pinchRatio != 1.0f)
// Store old zoom value and then modify zoom
var oldZoom = zoom;
zoom = TryClamp(zoom * pinchRatio);
// Zoom relative to a point on screen?
if (relative == true)
var screenPoint = default(Vector2);
if (LeanGesture.TryGetScreenCenter(fingers, ref screenPoint) == true)
// Derive actual pinchRatio from the zoom delta (it may differ with clamping)
pinchRatio = zoom / oldZoom;
var worldPoint = ScreenDepth.Convert(screenPoint);
transform.position = worldPoint + (transform.position - worldPoint) * pinchRatio;
// Increment
remainingTranslation += transform.localPosition - oldPosition;
if (ignoreZ == true)
remainingTranslation.z = 0.0f;
// Get t value
var factor = LeanHelper.GetDampenFactor(damping, Time.deltaTime);
// Lerp the current value to the target one
currentZoom = Mathf.Lerp(currentZoom, zoom, factor);
// Set the new zoom
// Dampen remainingDelta
var newRemainingTranslation = Vector3.Lerp(remainingTranslation, Vector3.zero, factor);
// Shift this transform by the change in delta
transform.localPosition = oldPosition + remainingTranslation - newRemainingTranslation;
// Update remainingDelta with the dampened value
remainingTranslation = newRemainingTranslation;
protected void SetZoom(float current)
// Make sure the camera exists
var camera = LeanHelper.GetCamera(_camera, gameObject);
if (camera != null)
if (camera.orthographic == true)
camera.orthographicSize = current;
camera.fieldOfView = current;
Debug.LogError("Failed to find camera. Either tag your cameras MainCamera, or set one in this component.", this);
private float TryClamp(float z)
if (clamp == true)
z = Mathf.Clamp(z, clampMin, clampMax);
return z;
namespace Lean.Touch.Editor
using TARGET = LeanPinchCamera;
public class LeanPinchCamera_Editor : LeanEditor
protected override void OnInspector()
TARGET tgt; TARGET[] tgts; GetTargets(out tgt, out tgts);
Draw("_camera", "The camera that will be used during calculations.\n\nNone = MainCamera.");
Draw("zoom", "The current FOV/Size.");
Draw("damping", "If you want this component to change smoothly over time, then this allows you to control how quick the changes reach their target value.\n\n-1 = Instantly change.\n\n1 = Slowly change.\n\n10 = Quickly change.");
Draw("clamp", "Limit the FOV/Size?");
if (Any(tgts, t => t.Clamp == true))
Draw("clampMin", "The minimum FOV/Size we want to zoom to.", "Min");
Draw("clampMax", "The maximum FOV/Size we want to zoom to.", "Max");
Draw("relative", "Should the zoom be performed relative to the finger center?");
if (Any(tgts, t => t.Relative == true))
Draw("ignoreZ", "Ignore changes in Z translation for 2D?");