forked from mirror/DotRecast
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77 lines
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using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DotRecast.Core;
using DotRecast.Detour.Dynamic.Colliders;
using DotRecast.Detour.Dynamic.Io;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace DotRecast.Detour.Dynamic.Test;
public class DynamicNavMeshTest {
private static readonly float[] START_POS = new float[] { 70.87453f, 0.0010070801f, 86.69021f };
private static readonly float[] END_POS = new float[] { -50.22061f, 0.0010070801f, -70.761444f };
private static readonly float[] EXTENT = new float[] { 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f };
private static readonly float[] SPHERE_POS = new float[] { 45.381645f, 0.0010070801f, 52.68981f };
public void e2eTest() {
byte[] bytes = Loader.ToBytes("test_tiles.voxels");
using var ms = new MemoryStream(bytes);
using var bis = new BinaryReader(ms);
// load voxels from file
VoxelFileReader reader = new VoxelFileReader();
VoxelFile f =;
// create dynamic navmesh
DynamicNavMesh mesh = new DynamicNavMesh(f);
// build navmesh asynchronously using multiple threads
Task<bool> future =;
// wait for build to complete
bool _ = future.Result;
// create new query
NavMeshQuery query = new NavMeshQuery(mesh.navMesh());
QueryFilter filter = new DefaultQueryFilter();
// find path
FindNearestPolyResult start = query.findNearestPoly(START_POS, EXTENT, filter).result;
FindNearestPolyResult end = query.findNearestPoly(END_POS, EXTENT, filter).result;
List<long> path = query.findPath(start.getNearestRef(), end.getNearestRef(), start.getNearestPos(),
end.getNearestPos(), filter, NavMeshQuery.DT_FINDPATH_ANY_ANGLE, float.MaxValue).result;
// check path length without any obstacles
Assert.That(path.Count, Is.EqualTo(16));
// place obstacle
Collider colldier = new SphereCollider(SPHERE_POS, 20, SampleAreaModifications.SAMPLE_POLYAREA_TYPE_GROUND, 0.1f);
long colliderId = mesh.addCollider(colldier);
// update navmesh asynchronously
future = mesh.update(Task.Factory);
// wait for update to complete
_ = future.Result;
// create new query
query = new NavMeshQuery(mesh.navMesh());
// find path again
start = query.findNearestPoly(START_POS, EXTENT, filter).result;
end = query.findNearestPoly(END_POS, EXTENT, filter).result;
path = query.findPath(start.getNearestRef(), end.getNearestRef(), start.getNearestPos(), end.getNearestPos(), filter,
NavMeshQuery.DT_FINDPATH_ANY_ANGLE, float.MaxValue).result;
// check path length with obstacles
Assert.That(path.Count, Is.EqualTo(19));
// remove obstacle
// update navmesh asynchronously
future = mesh.update(Task.Factory);
// wait for update to complete
_ = future.Result;
// create new query
query = new NavMeshQuery(mesh.navMesh());
// find path one more time
start = query.findNearestPoly(START_POS, EXTENT, filter).result;
end = query.findNearestPoly(END_POS, EXTENT, filter).result;
path = query.findPath(start.getNearestRef(), end.getNearestRef(), start.getNearestPos(), end.getNearestPos(), filter,
NavMeshQuery.DT_FINDPATH_ANY_ANGLE, float.MaxValue).result;
// path length should be back to the initial value
Assert.That(path.Count, Is.EqualTo(16));