forked from mirror/DotRecast
remove LegacyNavMeshQuery
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,835 +0,0 @@
recast4j copyright (c) 2021 Piotr Piastucki
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
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Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using DotRecast.Core;
using DotRecast.Detour.QueryResults;
namespace DotRecast.Detour
using static DotRecast.Core.RcMath;
public class LegacyNavMeshQuery : DtNavMeshQuery
private static float H_SCALE = 0.999f; // Search heuristic scale.
public LegacyNavMeshQuery(DtNavMesh nav) : base(nav)
public override Result<List<long>> FindPath(long startRef, long endRef, RcVec3f startPos, RcVec3f endPos, IDtQueryFilter filter,
int options, float raycastLimit)
return FindPath(startRef, endRef, startPos, endPos, filter);
public override Result<List<long>> FindPath(long startRef, long endRef, RcVec3f startPos, RcVec3f endPos, IDtQueryFilter filter)
// Validate input
if (!m_nav.IsValidPolyRef(startRef) || !m_nav.IsValidPolyRef(endRef) || !RcVec3f.IsFinite(startPos) || !RcVec3f.IsFinite(endPos) || null == filter)
return Results.InvalidParam<List<long>>();
if (startRef == endRef)
List<long> singlePath = new List<long>(1);
return Results.Success(singlePath);
DtNode startNode = m_nodePool.GetNode(startRef);
startNode.pos = startPos;
startNode.pidx = 0;
startNode.cost = 0;
|||||| = RcVec3f.Distance(startPos, endPos) * H_SCALE;
|||||| = startRef;
startNode.flags = DtNode.DT_NODE_OPEN;
DtNode lastBestNode = startNode;
float lastBestNodeCost =;
DtStatus status = DtStatus.DT_SUCCSESS;
while (!m_openList.IsEmpty())
// Remove node from open list and put it in closed list.
DtNode bestNode = m_openList.Pop();
bestNode.flags &= ~DtNode.DT_NODE_OPEN;
bestNode.flags |= DtNode.DT_NODE_CLOSED;
// Reached the goal, stop searching.
if ( == endRef)
lastBestNode = bestNode;
// Get current poly and tile.
// The API input has been cheked already, skip checking internal data.
long bestRef =;
m_nav.GetTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(bestRef, out var bestTile, out var bestPoly);
// Get parent poly and tile.
long parentRef = 0;
DtMeshTile parentTile = null;
DtPoly parentPoly = null;
if (bestNode.pidx != 0)
parentRef = m_nodePool.GetNodeAtIdx(bestNode.pidx).id;
if (parentRef != 0)
m_nav.GetTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(parentRef, out parentTile, out parentPoly);
for (int i = bestTile.polyLinks[bestPoly.index]; i != DtNavMesh.DT_NULL_LINK; i = bestTile.links[i].next)
long neighbourRef = bestTile.links[i].refs;
// Skip invalid ids and do not expand back to where we came from.
if (neighbourRef == 0 || neighbourRef == parentRef)
// Get neighbour poly and tile.
// The API input has been cheked already, skip checking internal data.
m_nav.GetTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(neighbourRef, out var neighbourTile, out var neighbourPoly);
if (!filter.PassFilter(neighbourRef, neighbourTile, neighbourPoly))
// deal explicitly with crossing tile boundaries
int crossSide = 0;
if (bestTile.links[i].side != 0xff)
crossSide = bestTile.links[i].side >> 1;
// get the node
DtNode neighbourNode = m_nodePool.GetNode(neighbourRef, crossSide);
// If the node is visited the first time, calculate node position.
if (neighbourNode.flags == 0)
GetEdgeMidPoint(bestRef, bestPoly, bestTile,
neighbourRef, neighbourPoly, neighbourTile,
ref neighbourNode.pos);
// Calculate cost and heuristic.
float cost = 0;
float heuristic = 0;
// Special case for last node.
if (neighbourRef == endRef)
// Cost
float curCost = filter.GetCost(bestNode.pos, neighbourNode.pos, parentRef, parentTile, parentPoly,
bestRef, bestTile, bestPoly, neighbourRef, neighbourTile, neighbourPoly);
float endCost = filter.GetCost(neighbourNode.pos, endPos, bestRef, bestTile, bestPoly, neighbourRef,
neighbourTile, neighbourPoly, 0L, null, null);
cost = bestNode.cost + curCost + endCost;
heuristic = 0;
// Cost
float curCost = filter.GetCost(bestNode.pos, neighbourNode.pos, parentRef, parentTile, parentPoly,
bestRef, bestTile, bestPoly, neighbourRef, neighbourTile, neighbourPoly);
cost = bestNode.cost + curCost;
heuristic = RcVec3f.Distance(neighbourNode.pos, endPos) * H_SCALE;
float total = cost + heuristic;
// The node is already in open list and the new result is worse, skip.
if ((neighbourNode.flags & DtNode.DT_NODE_OPEN) != 0 && total >=
// The node is already visited and process, and the new result is worse, skip.
if ((neighbourNode.flags & DtNode.DT_NODE_CLOSED) != 0 && total >=
// Add or update the node.
neighbourNode.pidx = m_nodePool.GetNodeIdx(bestNode);
|||||| = neighbourRef;
neighbourNode.flags = (neighbourNode.flags & ~DtNode.DT_NODE_CLOSED);
neighbourNode.cost = cost;
|||||| = total;
if ((neighbourNode.flags & DtNode.DT_NODE_OPEN) != 0)
// Already in open, update node location.
// Put the node in open list.
neighbourNode.flags |= DtNode.DT_NODE_OPEN;
// Update nearest node to target so far.
if (heuristic < lastBestNodeCost)
lastBestNodeCost = heuristic;
lastBestNode = neighbourNode;
List<long> path = GetPathToNode(lastBestNode);
if ( != endRef)
status = DtStatus.DT_PARTIAL_RESULT;
return Results.Of(status, path);
* Updates an in-progress sliced path query.
* @param maxIter
* The maximum number of iterations to perform.
* @return The status flags for the query.
public override Result<int> UpdateSlicedFindPath(int maxIter)
if (!m_query.status.InProgress())
return Results.Of(m_query.status, 0);
// Make sure the request is still valid.
if (!m_nav.IsValidPolyRef(m_query.startRef) || !m_nav.IsValidPolyRef(m_query.endRef))
m_query.status = DtStatus.DT_FAILURE;
return Results.Of(m_query.status, 0);
int iter = 0;
while (iter < maxIter && !m_openList.IsEmpty())
// Remove node from open list and put it in closed list.
DtNode bestNode = m_openList.Pop();
bestNode.flags &= ~DtNode.DT_NODE_OPEN;
bestNode.flags |= DtNode.DT_NODE_CLOSED;
// Reached the goal, stop searching.
if ( == m_query.endRef)
m_query.lastBestNode = bestNode;
m_query.status = DtStatus.DT_SUCCSESS;
return Results.Of(m_query.status, iter);
// Get current poly and tile.
// The API input has been cheked already, skip checking internal
// data.
long bestRef =;
var status = m_nav.GetTileAndPolyByRef(bestRef, out var bestTile, out var bestPoly);
if (status.Failed())
m_query.status = DtStatus.DT_FAILURE;
// The polygon has disappeared during the sliced query, fail.
return Results.Of(m_query.status, iter);
// Get parent and grand parent poly and tile.
long parentRef = 0, grandpaRef = 0;
DtMeshTile parentTile = null;
DtPoly parentPoly = null;
DtNode parentNode = null;
if (bestNode.pidx != 0)
parentNode = m_nodePool.GetNodeAtIdx(bestNode.pidx);
parentRef =;
if (parentNode.pidx != 0)
grandpaRef = m_nodePool.GetNodeAtIdx(parentNode.pidx).id;
if (parentRef != 0)
bool invalidParent = false;
status = m_nav.GetTileAndPolyByRef(parentRef, out parentTile, out parentPoly);
invalidParent = status.Failed();
if (invalidParent || (grandpaRef != 0 && !m_nav.IsValidPolyRef(grandpaRef)))
// The polygon has disappeared during the sliced query,
// fail.
m_query.status = DtStatus.DT_FAILURE;
return Results.Of(m_query.status, iter);
// decide whether to test raycast to previous nodes
bool tryLOS = false;
if ((m_query.options & DT_FINDPATH_ANY_ANGLE) != 0)
if ((parentRef != 0) && (RcVec3f.DistSqr(parentNode.pos, bestNode.pos) < m_query.raycastLimitSqr))
tryLOS = true;
for (int i = bestTile.polyLinks[bestPoly.index]; i != DtNavMesh.DT_NULL_LINK; i = bestTile.links[i].next)
long neighbourRef = bestTile.links[i].refs;
// Skip invalid ids and do not expand back to where we came
// from.
if (neighbourRef == 0 || neighbourRef == parentRef)
// Get neighbour poly and tile.
// The API input has been cheked already, skip checking internal
// data.
m_nav.GetTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(neighbourRef, out var neighbourTile, out var neighbourPoly);
if (!m_query.filter.PassFilter(neighbourRef, neighbourTile, neighbourPoly))
// get the neighbor node
DtNode neighbourNode = m_nodePool.GetNode(neighbourRef, 0);
// do not expand to nodes that were already visited from the
// same parent
if (neighbourNode.pidx != 0 && neighbourNode.pidx == bestNode.pidx)
// If the node is visited the first time, calculate node
// position.
if (neighbourNode.flags == 0)
GetEdgeMidPoint(bestRef, bestPoly, bestTile,
neighbourRef, neighbourPoly, neighbourTile,
ref neighbourNode.pos);
// Calculate cost and heuristic.
float cost = 0;
float heuristic = 0;
// raycast parent
bool foundShortCut = false;
if (tryLOS)
status = Raycast(parentRef, parentNode.pos, neighbourNode.pos, m_query.filter,
DT_RAYCAST_USE_COSTS, grandpaRef, out var rayHit);
if (status.Succeeded())
foundShortCut = rayHit.t >= 1.0f;
if (foundShortCut)
// shortcut found using raycast. Using shorter cost
// instead
cost = parentNode.cost + rayHit.pathCost;
// update move cost
if (!foundShortCut)
// No shortcut found.
float curCost = m_query.filter.GetCost(bestNode.pos, neighbourNode.pos, parentRef, parentTile,
parentPoly, bestRef, bestTile, bestPoly, neighbourRef, neighbourTile, neighbourPoly);
cost = bestNode.cost + curCost;
// Special case for last node.
if (neighbourRef == m_query.endRef)
float endCost = m_query.filter.GetCost(neighbourNode.pos, m_query.endPos, bestRef, bestTile,
bestPoly, neighbourRef, neighbourTile, neighbourPoly, 0, null, null);
cost = cost + endCost;
heuristic = 0;
heuristic = RcVec3f.Distance(neighbourNode.pos, m_query.endPos) * H_SCALE;
float total = cost + heuristic;
// The node is already in open list and the new result is worse,
// skip.
if ((neighbourNode.flags & DtNode.DT_NODE_OPEN) != 0 && total >=
// The node is already visited and process, and the new result
// is worse, skip.
if ((neighbourNode.flags & DtNode.DT_NODE_CLOSED) != 0 && total >=
// Add or update the node.
neighbourNode.pidx = foundShortCut ? bestNode.pidx : m_nodePool.GetNodeIdx(bestNode);
|||||| = neighbourRef;
neighbourNode.flags = (neighbourNode.flags & ~(DtNode.DT_NODE_CLOSED | DtNode.DT_NODE_PARENT_DETACHED));
neighbourNode.cost = cost;
|||||| = total;
if (foundShortCut)
neighbourNode.flags = (neighbourNode.flags | DtNode.DT_NODE_PARENT_DETACHED);
if ((neighbourNode.flags & DtNode.DT_NODE_OPEN) != 0)
// Already in open, update node location.
// Put the node in open list.
neighbourNode.flags |= DtNode.DT_NODE_OPEN;
// Update nearest node to target so far.
if (heuristic < m_query.lastBestNodeCost)
m_query.lastBestNodeCost = heuristic;
m_query.lastBestNode = neighbourNode;
// Exhausted all nodes, but could not find path.
if (m_openList.IsEmpty())
m_query.status = DtStatus.DT_PARTIAL_RESULT;
return Results.Of(m_query.status, iter);
/// Finalizes and returns the results of a sliced path query.
/// @param[out] path An ordered list of polygon references representing the path. (Start to end.)
/// [(polyRef) * @p pathCount]
/// @returns The status flags for the query.
public override Result<List<long>> FinalizeSlicedFindPath()
List<long> path = new List<long>(64);
if (m_query.status.Failed())
// Reset query.
m_query = new DtQueryData();
return Results.Failure(path);
if (m_query.startRef == m_query.endRef)
// Special case: the search starts and ends at same poly.
// Reverse the path.
if ( != m_query.endRef)
m_query.status = DtStatus.DT_PARTIAL_RESULT;
DtNode prev = null;
DtNode node = m_query.lastBestNode;
int prevRay = 0;
DtNode next = m_nodePool.GetNodeAtIdx(node.pidx);
node.pidx = m_nodePool.GetNodeIdx(prev);
prev = node;
int nextRay = node.flags & DtNode.DT_NODE_PARENT_DETACHED; // keep track of whether parent is not adjacent
// (i.e. due to raycast shortcut)
node.flags = (node.flags & ~DtNode.DT_NODE_PARENT_DETACHED) | prevRay; // and store it in the reversed
// path's node
prevRay = nextRay;
node = next;
} while (node != null);
// Store path
node = prev;
DtNode next = m_nodePool.GetNodeAtIdx(node.pidx);
if ((node.flags & DtNode.DT_NODE_PARENT_DETACHED) != 0)
var status = Raycast(, node.pos, next.pos, m_query.filter, 0, 0, out var rayHit);
if (status.Succeeded())
// raycast ends on poly boundary and the path might include the next poly boundary.
if (path[path.Count - 1] ==
path.RemoveAt(path.Count - 1); // remove to avoid duplicates
node = next;
} while (node != null);
DtStatus details = m_query.status;
// Reset query.
m_query = new DtQueryData();
return Results.Of(details, path);
/// Finalizes and returns the results of an incomplete sliced path query, returning the path to the furthest
/// polygon on the existing path that was visited during the search.
/// @param[in] existing An array of polygon references for the existing path.
/// @param[in] existingSize The number of polygon in the @p existing array.
/// @param[out] path An ordered list of polygon references representing the path. (Start to end.)
/// [(polyRef) * @p pathCount]
/// @returns The status flags for the query.
public override Result<List<long>> FinalizeSlicedFindPathPartial(List<long> existing)
List<long> path = new List<long>(64);
if (null == existing || existing.Count <= 0)
return Results.Failure(path);
if (m_query.status.Failed())
// Reset query.
m_query = new DtQueryData();
return Results.Failure(path);
if (m_query.startRef == m_query.endRef)
// Special case: the search starts and ends at same poly.
// Find furthest existing node that was visited.
DtNode prev = null;
DtNode node = null;
for (int i = existing.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
node = m_nodePool.FindNode(existing[i]);
if (node != null)
if (node == null)
m_query.status = DtStatus.DT_PARTIAL_RESULT;
node = m_query.lastBestNode;
// Reverse the path.
int prevRay = 0;
DtNode next = m_nodePool.GetNodeAtIdx(node.pidx);
node.pidx = m_nodePool.GetNodeIdx(prev);
prev = node;
int nextRay = node.flags & DtNode.DT_NODE_PARENT_DETACHED; // keep track of whether parent is not adjacent
// (i.e. due to raycast shortcut)
node.flags = (node.flags & ~DtNode.DT_NODE_PARENT_DETACHED) | prevRay; // and store it in the reversed
// path's node
prevRay = nextRay;
node = next;
} while (node != null);
// Store path
node = prev;
DtNode next = m_nodePool.GetNodeAtIdx(node.pidx);
if ((node.flags & DtNode.DT_NODE_PARENT_DETACHED) != 0)
var status = Raycast(, node.pos, next.pos, m_query.filter, 0, 0, out var rayHit);
if (status.Succeeded())
// raycast ends on poly boundary and the path might include the next poly boundary.
if (path[path.Count - 1] ==
path.RemoveAt(path.Count - 1); // remove to avoid duplicates
node = next;
} while (node != null);
DtStatus details = m_query.status;
// Reset query.
m_query = new DtQueryData();
return Results.Of(details, path);
public override DtStatus FindDistanceToWall(long startRef, RcVec3f centerPos, float maxRadius,
IDtQueryFilter filter,
out float hitDist, out RcVec3f hitPos, out RcVec3f hitNormal)
hitDist = 0;
hitPos = RcVec3f.Zero;
hitNormal = RcVec3f.Zero;
// Validate input
if (!m_nav.IsValidPolyRef(startRef) || !RcVec3f.IsFinite(centerPos) || maxRadius < 0
|| !float.IsFinite(maxRadius) || null == filter)
return DtStatus.DT_FAILURE | DtStatus.DT_INVALID_PARAM;
DtNode startNode = m_nodePool.GetNode(startRef);
startNode.pos = centerPos;
startNode.pidx = 0;
startNode.cost = 0;
|||||| = 0;
|||||| = startRef;
startNode.flags = DtNode.DT_NODE_OPEN;
float radiusSqr = Sqr(maxRadius);
RcVec3f? bestvj = null;
RcVec3f? bestvi = null;
var status = DtStatus.DT_SUCCSESS;
while (!m_openList.IsEmpty())
DtNode bestNode = m_openList.Pop();
bestNode.flags &= ~DtNode.DT_NODE_OPEN;
bestNode.flags |= DtNode.DT_NODE_CLOSED;
// Get poly and tile.
// The API input has been cheked already, skip checking internal data.
long bestRef =;
m_nav.GetTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(bestRef, out var bestTile, out var bestPoly);
// Get parent poly and tile.
long parentRef = 0;
if (bestNode.pidx != 0)
parentRef = m_nodePool.GetNodeAtIdx(bestNode.pidx).id;
// Hit test walls.
for (int i = 0, j = bestPoly.vertCount - 1; i < bestPoly.vertCount; j = i++)
// Skip non-solid edges.
if ((bestPoly.neis[j] & DtNavMesh.DT_EXT_LINK) != 0)
// Tile border.
bool solid = true;
for (int k = bestTile.polyLinks[bestPoly.index]; k != DtNavMesh.DT_NULL_LINK; k = bestTile.links[k].next)
DtLink link = bestTile.links[k];
if (link.edge == j)
if (link.refs != 0)
m_nav.GetTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(link.refs, out var neiTile, out var neiPoly);
if (filter.PassFilter(link.refs, neiTile, neiPoly))
solid = false;
if (!solid)
else if (bestPoly.neis[j] != 0)
// Internal edge
int idx = (bestPoly.neis[j] - 1);
long refs = m_nav.GetPolyRefBase(bestTile) | (long)idx;
if (filter.PassFilter(refs, bestTile,[idx]))
// Calc distance to the edge.
int vj = bestPoly.verts[j] * 3;
int vi = bestPoly.verts[i] * 3;
var distSqr = DetourCommon.DistancePtSegSqr2D(centerPos,, vj, vi, out var tseg);
// Edge is too far, skip.
if (distSqr > radiusSqr)
// Hit wall, update radius.
radiusSqr = distSqr;
// Calculate hit pos.
hitPos.x =[vj + 0] + ([vi + 0] -[vj + 0]) * tseg;
hitPos.y =[vj + 1] + ([vi + 1] -[vj + 1]) * tseg;
hitPos.z =[vj + 2] + ([vi + 2] -[vj + 2]) * tseg;
bestvj = RcVec3f.Of(, vj);
bestvi = RcVec3f.Of(, vi);
for (int i = bestTile.polyLinks[bestPoly.index]; i != DtNavMesh.DT_NULL_LINK; i = bestTile.links[i].next)
DtLink link = bestTile.links[i];
long neighbourRef = link.refs;
// Skip invalid neighbours and do not follow back to parent.
if (neighbourRef == 0 || neighbourRef == parentRef)
// Expand to neighbour.
m_nav.GetTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(neighbourRef, out var neighbourTile, out var neighbourPoly);
// Skip off-mesh connections.
if (neighbourPoly.GetPolyType() == DtPoly.DT_POLYTYPE_OFFMESH_CONNECTION)
// Calc distance to the edge.
int va = bestPoly.verts[link.edge] * 3;
int vb = bestPoly.verts[(link.edge + 1) % bestPoly.vertCount] * 3;
var distSqr = DetourCommon.DistancePtSegSqr2D(centerPos,, va, vb, out var tseg);
// If the circle is not touching the next polygon, skip it.
if (distSqr > radiusSqr)
if (!filter.PassFilter(neighbourRef, neighbourTile, neighbourPoly))
DtNode neighbourNode = m_nodePool.GetNode(neighbourRef);
if (null == neighbourNode)
status |= DtStatus.DT_OUT_OF_NODES;
if ((neighbourNode.flags & DtNode.DT_NODE_CLOSED) != 0)
// Cost
if (neighbourNode.flags == 0)
GetEdgeMidPoint(bestRef, bestPoly, bestTile,
neighbourRef, neighbourPoly, neighbourTile,
ref neighbourNode.pos);
float total = + RcVec3f.Distance(bestNode.pos, neighbourNode.pos);
// The node is already in open list and the new result is worse, skip.
if ((neighbourNode.flags & DtNode.DT_NODE_OPEN) != 0 && total >=
|||||| = neighbourRef;
neighbourNode.flags = (neighbourNode.flags & ~DtNode.DT_NODE_CLOSED);
neighbourNode.pidx = m_nodePool.GetNodeIdx(bestNode);
|||||| = total;
if ((neighbourNode.flags & DtNode.DT_NODE_OPEN) != 0)
neighbourNode.flags |= DtNode.DT_NODE_OPEN;
// Calc hit normal.
if (bestvi != null && bestvj != null)
var tangent = bestvi.Value.Subtract(bestvj.Value);
hitNormal.x = tangent.z;
hitNormal.y = 0;
hitNormal.z = -tangent.x;
hitDist = (float)Math.Sqrt(radiusSqr);
return status;
Reference in New Issue