recast4j Copyright (c) 2015-2019 Piotr Piastucki piotr@jtilia.org

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using System;
using System.IO;
using DotRecast.Core;
using DotRecast.Core.Numerics;
using DotRecast.Recast.Geom;
using NUnit.Framework;

namespace DotRecast.Recast.Test;

using static RcConstants;
using static RcAreas;

public class RecastSoloMeshTest
    private const float m_cellSize = 0.3f;
    private const float m_cellHeight = 0.2f;
    private const float m_agentHeight = 2.0f;
    private const float m_agentRadius = 0.6f;
    private const float m_agentMaxClimb = 0.9f;
    private const float m_agentMaxSlope = 45.0f;
    private const int m_regionMinSize = 8;
    private const int m_regionMergeSize = 20;
    private const float m_edgeMaxLen = 12.0f;
    private const float m_edgeMaxError = 1.3f;
    private const int m_vertsPerPoly = 6;
    private const float m_detailSampleDist = 6.0f;
    private const float m_detailSampleMaxError = 1.0f;
    private RcPartition m_partitionType = RcPartition.WATERSHED;

    public void TestPerformance()
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            TestBuild("dungeon.obj", RcPartition.WATERSHED, 52, 16, 15, 223, 118, 118, 513, 291);
            TestBuild("dungeon.obj", RcPartition.MONOTONE, 0, 17, 16, 210, 100, 100, 453, 264);
            TestBuild("dungeon.obj", RcPartition.LAYERS, 0, 5, 5, 203, 97, 97, 446, 266);

    public void TestDungeonWatershed()
        TestBuild("dungeon.obj", RcPartition.WATERSHED, 52, 16, 15, 223, 118, 118, 513, 291);

    public void TestDungeonMonotone()
        TestBuild("dungeon.obj", RcPartition.MONOTONE, 0, 17, 16, 210, 100, 100, 453, 264);

    public void TestDungeonLayers()
        TestBuild("dungeon.obj", RcPartition.LAYERS, 0, 5, 5, 203, 97, 97, 446, 266);

    public void TestWatershed()
        TestBuild("nav_test.obj", RcPartition.WATERSHED, 60, 48, 47, 349, 155, 155, 812, 561);

    public void TestMonotone()
        TestBuild("nav_test.obj", RcPartition.MONOTONE, 0, 50, 49, 341, 186, 186, 878, 567);

    public void TestLayers()
        TestBuild("nav_test.obj", RcPartition.LAYERS, 0, 19, 32, 310, 150, 150, 773, 526);

    public void TestBuild(string filename, RcPartition partitionType, int expDistance, int expRegions,
        int expContours, int expVerts, int expPolys, int expDetMeshes, int expDetVerts, int expDetTris)
        m_partitionType = partitionType;
        IInputGeomProvider geomProvider = SimpleInputGeomProvider.LoadFile(filename);
        long time = RcFrequency.Ticks;
        RcVec3f bmin = geomProvider.GetMeshBoundsMin();
        RcVec3f bmax = geomProvider.GetMeshBoundsMax();
        RcTelemetry m_ctx = new RcTelemetry();
        // Step 1. Initialize build config.

        // Init build configuration from GUI
        RcConfig cfg = new RcConfig(
            m_cellSize, m_cellHeight,
            m_agentMaxSlope, m_agentHeight, m_agentRadius, m_agentMaxClimb,
            m_regionMinSize, m_regionMergeSize,
            m_edgeMaxLen, m_edgeMaxError,
            m_detailSampleDist, m_detailSampleMaxError,
            true, true, true,
            SampleAreaModifications.SAMPLE_AREAMOD_GROUND, true);
        RcBuilderConfig bcfg = new RcBuilderConfig(cfg, bmin, bmax);

        // Step 2. Rasterize input polygon soup.

        // Allocate voxel heightfield where we rasterize our input data to.
        RcHeightfield m_solid = new RcHeightfield(bcfg.width, bcfg.height, bcfg.bmin, bcfg.bmax, cfg.Cs, cfg.Ch, cfg.BorderSize);

        foreach (RcTriMesh geom in geomProvider.Meshes())
            float[] verts = geom.GetVerts();
            int[] tris = geom.GetTris();
            int ntris = tris.Length / 3;

            // Allocate array that can hold triangle area types.
            // If you have multiple meshes you need to process, allocate
            // and array which can hold the max number of triangles you need to process.

            // Find triangles which are walkable based on their slope and rasterize them.
            // If your input data is multiple meshes, you can transform them here, calculate
            // the are type for each of the meshes and rasterize them.
            int[] m_triareas = RcCommons.MarkWalkableTriangles(m_ctx, cfg.WalkableSlopeAngle, verts, tris, ntris, cfg.WalkableAreaMod);
            RcRasterizations.RasterizeTriangles(m_solid, verts, tris, m_triareas, ntris, cfg.WalkableClimb, m_ctx);

        // Step 3. Filter walkable surfaces.

        // Once all geometry is rasterized, we do initial pass of filtering to
        // remove unwanted overhangs caused by the conservative rasterization
        // as well as filter spans where the character cannot possibly stand.
        RcFilters.FilterLowHangingWalkableObstacles(m_ctx, cfg.WalkableClimb, m_solid);
        RcFilters.FilterLedgeSpans(m_ctx, cfg.WalkableHeight, cfg.WalkableClimb, m_solid);
        RcFilters.FilterWalkableLowHeightSpans(m_ctx, cfg.WalkableHeight, m_solid);

        // Step 4. Partition walkable surface to simple regions.

        // Compact the heightfield so that it is faster to handle from now on.
        // This will result more cache coherent data as well as the neighbours
        // between walkable cells will be calculated.
        RcCompactHeightfield m_chf = RcCompacts.BuildCompactHeightfield(m_ctx, cfg.WalkableHeight, cfg.WalkableClimb, m_solid);

        // Erode the walkable area by agent radius.
        ErodeWalkableArea(m_ctx, cfg.WalkableRadius, m_chf);

        // (Optional) Mark areas.
         * ConvexVolume vols = m_geom->GetConvexVolumes(); for (int i = 0; i < m_geom->GetConvexVolumeCount(); ++i)
         * RcMarkConvexPolyArea(m_ctx, vols[i].verts, vols[i].nverts, vols[i].hmin, vols[i].hmax, (unsigned
         * char)vols[i].area, *m_chf);

        // Partition the heightfield so that we can use simple algorithm later
        // to triangulate the walkable areas.
        // There are 3 partitioning methods, each with some pros and cons:
        // 1) Watershed partitioning
        // - the classic Recast partitioning
        // - creates the nicest tessellation
        // - usually slowest
        // - partitions the heightfield into nice regions without holes or
        // overlaps
        // - the are some corner cases where this method creates produces holes
        // and overlaps
        // - holes may appear when a small obstacles is close to large open area
        // (triangulation can handle this)
        // - overlaps may occur if you have narrow spiral corridors (i.e
        // stairs), this make triangulation to fail
        // * generally the best choice if you precompute the navmesh, use this
        // if you have large open areas
        // 2) Monotone partioning
        // - fastest
        // - partitions the heightfield into regions without holes and overlaps
        // (guaranteed)
        // - creates long thin polygons, which sometimes causes paths with
        // detours
        // * use this if you want fast navmesh generation
        // 3) Layer partitoining
        // - quite fast
        // - partitions the heighfield into non-overlapping regions
        // - relies on the triangulation code to cope with holes (thus slower
        // than monotone partitioning)
        // - produces better triangles than monotone partitioning
        // - does not have the corner cases of watershed partitioning
        // - can be slow and create a bit ugly tessellation (still better than
        // monotone)
        // if you have large open areas with small obstacles (not a problem if
        // you use tiles)
        // * good choice to use for tiled navmesh with medium and small sized
        // tiles
        long time3 = RcFrequency.Ticks;

        if (m_partitionType == RcPartition.WATERSHED)
            // Prepare for region partitioning, by calculating distance field
            // along the walkable surface.
            RcRegions.BuildDistanceField(m_ctx, m_chf);
            // Partition the walkable surface into simple regions without holes.
            RcRegions.BuildRegions(m_ctx, m_chf, cfg.MinRegionArea, cfg.MergeRegionArea);
        else if (m_partitionType == RcPartition.MONOTONE)
            // Partition the walkable surface into simple regions without holes.
            // Monotone partitioning does not need distancefield.
            RcRegions.BuildRegionsMonotone(m_ctx, m_chf, cfg.MinRegionArea, cfg.MergeRegionArea);
            // Partition the walkable surface into simple regions without holes.
            RcRegions.BuildLayerRegions(m_ctx, m_chf, cfg.MinRegionArea);

        Assert.That(m_chf.maxDistance, Is.EqualTo(expDistance), "maxDistance");
        Assert.That(m_chf.maxRegions, Is.EqualTo(expRegions), "Regions");
        // Step 5. Trace and simplify region contours.

        // Create contours.
        RcContourSet m_cset = RcContours.BuildContours(m_ctx, m_chf, cfg.MaxSimplificationError, cfg.MaxEdgeLen, RcBuildContoursFlags.RC_CONTOUR_TESS_WALL_EDGES);

        Assert.That(m_cset.conts.Count, Is.EqualTo(expContours), "Contours");
        // Step 6. Build polygons mesh from contours.

        // Build polygon navmesh from the contours.
        RcPolyMesh m_pmesh = RcMeshs.BuildPolyMesh(m_ctx, m_cset, cfg.MaxVertsPerPoly);
        Assert.That(m_pmesh.nverts, Is.EqualTo(expVerts), "Mesh Verts");
        Assert.That(m_pmesh.npolys, Is.EqualTo(expPolys), "Mesh Polys");

        // Step 7. Create detail mesh which allows to access approximate height
        // on each polygon.

        RcPolyMeshDetail m_dmesh = RcMeshDetails.BuildPolyMeshDetail(m_ctx, m_pmesh, m_chf, cfg.DetailSampleDist,
        Assert.That(m_dmesh.nmeshes, Is.EqualTo(expDetMeshes), "Mesh Detail Meshes");
        Assert.That(m_dmesh.nverts, Is.EqualTo(expDetVerts), "Mesh Detail Verts");
        Assert.That(m_dmesh.ntris, Is.EqualTo(expDetTris), "Mesh Detail Tris");
        long time2 = RcFrequency.Ticks;
        Console.WriteLine(filename + " : " + partitionType + "  " + (time2 - time) / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond + " ms");
        Console.WriteLine("           " + (time3 - time) / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond + " ms");
        SaveObj(filename.Substring(0, filename.LastIndexOf('.')) + "_" + partitionType + "_detail.obj", m_dmesh);
        SaveObj(filename.Substring(0, filename.LastIndexOf('.')) + "_" + partitionType + ".obj", m_pmesh);
        foreach (var rtt in m_ctx.ToList())
            Console.WriteLine($"{rtt.Key} : {rtt.Millis} ms");

    private void SaveObj(string filename, RcPolyMesh mesh)
            string path = Path.Combine("test-output", filename);
            using StreamWriter fw = new StreamWriter(path);
            for (int v = 0; v < mesh.nverts; v++)
                fw.Write("v " + (mesh.bmin.X + mesh.verts[v * 3] * mesh.cs) + " "
                         + (mesh.bmin.Y + mesh.verts[v * 3 + 1] * mesh.ch) + " "
                         + (mesh.bmin.Z + mesh.verts[v * 3 + 2] * mesh.cs) + "\n");

            for (int i = 0; i < mesh.npolys; i++)
                int p = i * mesh.nvp * 2;
                fw.Write("f ");
                for (int j = 0; j < mesh.nvp; ++j)
                    int v = mesh.polys[p + j];
                    if (v == RC_MESH_NULL_IDX)

                    fw.Write((v + 1) + " ");


        catch (Exception e)

    private void SaveObj(string filename, RcPolyMeshDetail dmesh)
            string filePath = Path.Combine("test-output", filename);
            using StreamWriter fw = new StreamWriter(filePath);
            for (int v = 0; v < dmesh.nverts; v++)
                    "v " + dmesh.verts[v * 3] + " " + dmesh.verts[v * 3 + 1] + " " + dmesh.verts[v * 3 + 2] + "\n");

            for (int m = 0; m < dmesh.nmeshes; m++)
                int vfirst = dmesh.meshes[m * 4];
                int tfirst = dmesh.meshes[m * 4 + 2];
                for (int f = 0; f < dmesh.meshes[m * 4 + 3]; f++)
                    fw.Write("f " + (vfirst + dmesh.tris[(tfirst + f) * 4] + 1) + " "
                             + (vfirst + dmesh.tris[(tfirst + f) * 4 + 1] + 1) + " "
                             + (vfirst + dmesh.tris[(tfirst + f) * 4 + 2] + 1) + "\n");

        catch (Exception e)