*/ private $symbol2T = array(); /** @var array*/ private $T2descr = array(); private array $shared_tokens = array(); private array $scopes = array(); function __construct($config = array()) { $this->_initTables(); self::_addDefaultTokens($config); $this->config = $config; if(!isset($this->config['include_path'])) $this->config['include_path'] = array('.'); } private function _initTables() { $this->symbol2T = [ "string" => self::T_string, "uint32" => self::T_uint32, "int32" => self::T_int32, "uint16" => self::T_uint16, "int16" => self::T_int16, "uint8" => self::T_uint8, "int8" => self::T_int8, "float" => self::T_float, "double" => self::T_float, "uint64" => self::T_uint64, "int64" => self::T_int64, "bool" => self::T_bool, "blob" => self::T_blob, "true" => self::T_IntegerConstant, "false" => self::T_IntegerConstant, "struct" => self::T_Struct, "interface" => self::T_Interface, "enum" => self::T_Enum, "RPC" => self::T_RPC, "service" => self::T_Service, "extends" => self::T_Extends, "implements" => self::T_Implements, "func" => self::T_Func, "event" => self::T_Event, ]; $this->T2descr = array_flip($this->symbol2T); $this->T2descr[self::T_EOF] = ''; $this->T2descr[self::T_StringConstant] = ''; $this->T2descr[self::T_RawStringConstant] = ''; $this->T2descr[self::T_IntegerConstant] = ''; $this->T2descr[self::T_FloatConstant] = ''; $this->T2descr[self::T_Enum] = ''; $this->T2descr[self::T_RPC] = ''; $this->T2descr[self::T_Service] = ''; $this->T2descr[self::T_UserSymbol] = ''; $this->T2descr[self::T_Struct] = ''; $this->T2descr[self::T_Interface] = ''; $this->T2descr[self::T_Prop] = '<@prop>'; $this->T2descr[self::T_Extends] = ''; $this->T2descr[self::T_Implements] = ''; $this->T2descr[self::T_Func] = ''; $this->T2descr[self::T_Event] = ''; } private static function _addDefaultTokens(array &$config) { if(!isset($config['valid_tokens'])) $config['valid_tokens'] = array(); $config['valid_tokens'][] = 'class_id'; $config['valid_tokens'][] = 'shared_tokens'; $config['valid_tokens'][] = 'enum_override'; $config['valid_tokens'][] = 'enum_replace'; } function parse(mtgMetaInfo $meta, string $raw_file) { $this->current_meta = $meta; $file = realpath($raw_file); if($file === false) throw new Exception("No such file '$raw_file'"); $this->_parse($file); } private function _parse(string $file) { if(isset($this->parsed_files[$file])) return; $module = new mtgMetaParsedModule($file); $this->parsed_files[$file] = $module; $this->file_stack[] = $file; $source = file_get_contents($file); try { if($source === false) throw new Exception("Could not read file '$file'"); $this->_resolveIncludes($module, $source); } catch(Exception $e) { throw new Exception(end($this->file_stack) . " : " . $e->getMessage()); } array_pop($this->file_stack); $this->module = $module; $this->file = $file; $this->source = $source; $this->line = 1; $this->cursor_pos = -1; $this->_cursorNext(); $this->shared_tokens = array(); try { $this->_nextT(); while($this->T != self::T_EOF) { if($this->T == self::T_Prop) $this->_parseSharedTokens($this->_parsePropTokens()); else if($this->T == self::T_Enum) $this->_parseEnum(); else if($this->T == self::T_Struct) $this->_parseStruct(); else if($this->T == self::T_Interface) $this->_parseInterface(); else if($this->T == self::T_Func) $this->_parseFreeFunc(); else if($this->T == self::T_RPC) $this->_parseRPC(); else if($this->T == self::T_Service) $this->_parseService(); else $this->_error("Unexpected symbol ('" . $this->_toStr($this->T) . "' " . $this->T_value . ")"); } } catch(Exception $e) { throw new Exception("$file@{$this->line} : " . $e->getMessage() . " " . $e->getTraceAsString()); } } private function _parseInclude(mtgMetaParsedModule $module, string $file) { $this->_parse($file); $module->addInclude($this->parsed_files[$file]); } private function _parseSharedTokens(array $tokens) { if(!isset($tokens['shared_tokens'])) return; $this->shared_tokens = json_decode($tokens['shared_tokens'], true); if(!is_array($this->shared_tokens)) $this->_error("Invalid 'shared_tokens' formant, invalid JSON"); } private function _parseType(bool $can_be_multi = false) { $types = array(); while(true) { $type = null; if($this->T == self::T_Func) { $origin = new mtgOrigin($this->file, $this->line); $func_type = $this->_parseFuncType(); $type = new mtgTypeRef($func_type, $this->_scope(), $origin); } else if($this->T == self::T_UserSymbol) { $origin = new mtgOrigin($this->file, $this->line); $type_name = $this->_parseDotName(); $type = new mtgTypeRef($type_name, $this->_scope(), $origin); } else { $origin = new mtgOrigin($this->file, $this->line); $type_name = $this->T_value; $type = new mtgTypeRef(new mtgBuiltinType($type_name), $this->_scope(), $origin); $this->_nextT(); } if($this->T == ord('[')) { $origin = new mtgOrigin($this->file, $this->line); $this->_nextT(); $this->_checkThenNext(ord(']')); $type = new mtgTypeRef(new mtgArrType($type), $this->_scope(), $origin); } $types[] = $type; if(!$can_be_multi) break; if($this->T != ord(',')) break; $this->_nextT(); } if(sizeof($types) > 1) return new mtgTypeRef(new mtgMultiType($types), $this->_scope(), new mtgOrigin($this->file, $this->line)); else return $types[0]; } private function _parseFuncType() { $ftype = new mtgMetaFunc(''); $this->_nextT(); $this->_checkThenNext(ord('(')); $c = 0; while(true) { if($this->T == ord(')')) { $this->_nextT(); break; } else if($c > 0) { $this->_checkThenNext(ord(',')); } $arg_type = $this->_parseType(); $c++; $arg = new mtgMetaField("_$c", $arg_type); $ftype->addArg($arg); } if($this->T == ord(':')) { $this->_nextT(); $ret_type = $this->_parseType(true/*can be multi-type*/); $ftype->setReturnType($ret_type); } return $ftype; } private function _resolveIncludes(mtgMetaParsedModule $module, string &$text) { $include_paths = $this->config['include_path']; $result = array(); $lines = explode("\n", $text); foreach($lines as $line) { if(preg_match('~^#include\s+(\S+)~', $line, $m)) { $this->_processInclude($module, $m[1], $include_paths); $result[] = ""; } else $result[] = $line; } $text = implode("\n", $result); } private function _processInclude(mtgMetaParsedModule $module, string $include, array $include_paths) { $file = false; foreach($include_paths as $include_path) { $file = realpath($include_path . "/" . $include); if($file !== false) break; } if($file === false) throw new Exception("#include {$include} can't be resolved(include path is '". implode(':', $include_paths) . "')"); $this->_parseInclude($module, $file); } private function _parseEnumOrValues() { $values = array(); while(true) { if($this->T == self::T_UserSymbol) { $values[] = $this->T_value; $this->_nextT(); if(!$this->_nextIf(ord('|'))) break; } else break; } return $values; } private function _parseEnum($is_global = true) : mtgMetaEnum { $this->_nextT(); $name = $this->_parseDotName(); $this->_checkThenNext(ord('{')); $enum = new mtgMetaEnum($name); $tokens = $this->shared_tokens; if($this->T == self::T_Prop) $tokens = array_merge($tokens, $this->_parsePropTokens()); $enum->setTokens($tokens); $or_values = array(); while(true) { if($this->_nextIf(ord('}'))) break; $key = $this->T_value; $this->_checkThenNext(self::T_UserSymbol); $this->_checkThenNext(ord('=')); if($this->T == self::T_UserSymbol) { $or_values[$key] = $this->_parseEnumOrValues(); } else { $value = $this->T_value; $this->_checkThenNext(self::T_IntegerConstant); $enum->addValue($key, $value); } } $enum->addOrValues($or_values); //NOTE: special case for enums when we allow to 'override' the original one, // with additional values if($enum->hasToken('enum_override')) { if(!$is_global) $this->_error("Override supported for global enums only"); $existing = $this->current_meta->findUnit($enum->getMetaId()); if(!$existing) throw new Exception("Not found '{$name}' enum to override values"); if(!($existing->object instanceof mtgMetaEnum)) throw new Exception("Not an enum struct '{$name}'"); $existing->object->override($enum); } //NOTE: special case for enums when we allow to 'replace' the original one, // with additional values else if($enum->hasToken('enum_replace')) { if(!$is_global) $this->_error("Replace supported for global enums only"); $existing = $this->current_meta->findUnit($enum->getMetaId()); if(!$existing) throw new Exception("Not found '{$name}' enum to replace values"); if(!($existing->object instanceof mtgMetaEnum)) throw new Exception("Not an enum struct '{$name}'"); $existing->object->replace($enum); } else if($is_global) $this->_addUnit(new mtgMetaInfoUnit($this->module, $enum)); return $enum; } static private function _isBuiltinType(int $t) : bool { return $t > self::T_MinType && $t < self::T_MaxType; } private function _pushScope(mtgScope $scope) { $this->scopes[] = $scope; } private function _popScope() { array_shift($this->scopes); } private function _scope() : mtgScope { if(!$this->scopes) return $this->module; return $this->scopes[count($this->scopes)-1]; } private function _parseFields(callable $next_doer) { $flds = array(); while(true) { if($next_doer()) break; if($this->T == self::T_UserSymbol) { $name = $this->T_value; $this->_nextT(); $this->_checkThenNext(ord(':')); if($this->T == self::T_UserSymbol || $this->T == self::T_Func || self::_isBuiltinType($this->T)) { $type = $this->_parseType(); $fld = new mtgMetaField($name, $type); if($this->T == self::T_Prop) $fld->setTokens($this->_parsePropTokens()); $flds[] = $fld; } else $this->_error("Type expected"); } else $this->_error("Unexpected fields symbol"); } return $flds; } private function _parseFuncs() { $end_token = ord('}'); $funcs = array(); while(true) { $fn = $this->_parseFunc(); $funcs[] = $fn; if($this->T == $end_token) { $this->_nextT(); break; } $this->_nextT(); } return $funcs; } private function _parseDotName() : string { $dot_name = ''; while(true) { if($this->T != self::T_UserSymbol) $this->_error("Unexpected name symbol"); $dot_name .= $this->T_value; $this->_nextT(); if($this->T != ord('.')) break; $dot_name .= '.'; $this->_nextT(); } return $dot_name; } private function _parseFunc() : mtgMetaFunc { $name = $this->_parseDotName(); $fn = new mtgMetaFunc($name); $this->_checkThenNext(ord('(')); if($this->T == self::T_Prop) $fn->setTokens($this->_parsePropTokens()); $args = $this->_parseFields(function() { return $this->_nextIf(ord(')')); } ); $fn->setArgs($args); $ret_type = null; if($this->T == ord(':')) { $this->_nextT(); if($this->T == self::T_UserSymbol || $this->T == self::T_Func || self::_isBuiltinType($this->T)) { $ret_type = $this->_parseType(true/*can be multi-type*/); $fn->setReturnType($ret_type); } else $this->_error("Unexpected func type"); } return $fn; } private function _addUnit(mtgMetaInfoUnit $unit) { $this->current_meta->addUnit($unit); $this->module->addUnit($unit); } private function _parseFreeFunc() { $this->_nextT(); $fn = $this->_parseFunc(); $fn->setTokens(array_merge($this->shared_tokens, $fn->getTokens())); $this->_addUnit(new mtgMetaInfoUnit($this->module, $fn)); } private function _parseEvent() : mtgMetaStruct { $this->_nextT(); $struct_origin = new mtgOrigin($this->file, $this->line); $name = $this->_parseDotName(); $this->_checkThenNext(ord('{')); $s = new mtgMetaStruct($name, array(), null, array(), array()); $s->setOrigin($struct_origin); $tokens = $this->shared_tokens; if($this->T == self::T_Prop) $tokens = array_merge($tokens, $this->_parsePropTokens()); $s->setTokens($tokens); $flds = $this->_parseFields( function() { if($this->_nextIf(ord('}'))) return true; if($this->_nextIf(self::T_Func)) $this->_error("Events don't support functions"); } ); foreach($flds as $fld) $s->addField($fld); return $s; } private function _parseStruct() { $this->_nextT(); $struct_origin = new mtgOrigin($this->file, $this->line); $name = $this->_parseDotName(); $parent = null; if($this->T == self::T_Extends) { $this->_nextT(); $origin = new mtgOrigin($this->file, $this->line); $parent_name = $this->_parseDotName(); $parent = new mtgTypeRef($parent_name, $this->_scope(), $origin); } $implements = array(); if($this->T == self::T_Implements) { do { $this->_nextT(); $origin = new mtgOrigin($this->file, $this->line); $if_name = $this->_parseDotName(); $implements[] = new mtgTypeRef($if_name, $this->_scope(), $origin); } while($this->T == ord(',')); } $this->_checkThenNext(ord('{')); $s = new mtgMetaStruct($name, array(), $parent, array(), $implements); $s->setOrigin($struct_origin); $this->_addUnit(new mtgMetaInfoUnit($this->module, $s)); $tokens = $this->shared_tokens; if($this->T == self::T_Prop) $tokens = array_merge($tokens, $this->_parsePropTokens()); $s->setTokens($tokens); $seen_funcs = false; $flds = $this->_parseFields( function() use(&$seen_funcs) { if($this->_nextIf(ord('}'))) return true; if($this->_nextIf(self::T_Func)) { $seen_funcs = true; return true; } } ); foreach($flds as $fld) $s->addField($fld); if($seen_funcs) { $funcs = $this->_parseFuncs(); foreach($funcs as $fn) $s->addFunc($fn); } } private function _parseInterface() { $this->_nextT(); $name = $this->_parseDotName(); $s = new mtgMetaInterface($name); $this->_addUnit(new mtgMetaInfoUnit($this->module, $s)); $tokens = $this->shared_tokens; if($this->T == self::T_Prop) $tokens = array_merge($tokens, $this->_parsePropTokens()); $s->setTokens($tokens); if($this->T !== ord('}')) { $this->_nextT(); $funcs = $this->_parseFuncs(); foreach($funcs as $fn) $s->addFunc($fn); } else $this->_nextT(); } private function _parseRPC($is_global = true) : mtgMetaRPC { $this->_nextT(); $code = $this->T_value; $this->_checkThenNext(self::T_IntegerConstant); $name = $this->_parseDotName(); $this->_checkThenNext(ord('(')); $tokens = $this->shared_tokens; if($this->T == self::T_Prop) $tokens = array_merge($tokens, $this->_parsePropTokens()); $req_fields = $this->_parseFields(function() { return $this->_nextIf(ord(')')); } ); $this->_checkThenNext(ord('{')); $rsp_fields = $this->_parseFields(function() { return $this->_nextIf(ord('}')); } ); $req = new mtgMetaPacket($code, $is_global ? "RPC_REQ_$name" : "Request"); $req->setFields($req_fields); $rsp = new mtgMetaPacket($code, $is_global ? "RPC_RSP_$name" : "Response"); $rsp->setFields($rsp_fields); $rpc = new mtgMetaRPC($is_global ? "RPC_$name" : $name, $code, $req, $rsp, $tokens); if($is_global) $this->_addUnit(new mtgMetaInfoUnit($this->module, $rpc)); return $rpc; } private function _parseService() { $this->_nextT(); $name = $this->_parseDotName(); $this->_checkThenNext(ord('{')); $service = new mtgMetaService($name, $this->_scope()); $this->_pushScope($service); $tokens = $this->shared_tokens; if($this->T == self::T_Prop) $tokens = array_merge($tokens, $this->_parsePropTokens()); $service->setTokens($tokens); while(true) { if($this->_nextIf(ord('}'))) break; $key = $this->T_value; if($this->T == self::T_RPC) $service->addRPC($this->_parseRPC(false)); else if($this->T == self::T_Enum) $service->addUserType($this->_parseEnum(false)); else if($this->T == self::T_Event) $service->addEvent($this->_parseEvent()); else $this->_error("Unsupported type"); } $this->_popScope(); $this->_addUnit(new mtgMetaInfoUnit($this->module, $service)); } private function _parsePropTokens() : array { $prop_tokens = array(); while(true) { if($this->T != self::T_Prop) break; $name = ltrim($this->T_value, '@'); $this->_validatePropToken($name); $this->_nextT(); $value = null; if($this->T == ord(':')) { //let's read the value while(true) { //TODO: The code below is ugly and must be heavily refactored, // it just tries to be convenient and keep BC: any token property // value can have almost any kind of symbols excluding new line. // In the future we should restrict property values to certain types only $this->_nextT(true/*stop on new line*/); if($this->T == ord("\n")) { $this->_nextT(); break; } else if($this->T == self::T_Prop) { break; } else { $tmp = $this->T_value; if($this->T == self::T_StringConstant) $tmp = "\"$tmp\""; if($value === null) $value = ''; $value .= $tmp; } } } $prop_tokens[$name] = $value; } return $prop_tokens; } private function _validatePropToken(string $name) { if(!isset($this->config['valid_tokens']) || !is_array($this->config['valid_tokens'])) return; if(!in_array($name, $this->config['valid_tokens'])) throw new Exception("Unknown property token '@$name'"); } private function _nextT(bool $stop_on_new_line = false) { while(true) { $c = $this->cursor_char; //setting default values $this->T = ord($c); $this->T_value = $c; //NOTE: current 'cursor_pos' is ahead of 'c' by one character $this->_cursorNext(); switch($c) { case '': $this->T = self::T_EOF; return; case "\n": if($stop_on_new_line) return; else break; case ' ': case "\r": case "\t": break; case '{': case '}': case '(': case ')': case '[': case ']': case '|': return; case ',': case ':': case ';': case '=': return; case '.': if(!ctype_digit($this->cursor_char)) return; $this->_error("Floating point constant can't start with ."); break; case '"': $this->T_value = ''; while($this->cursor_char != '"') { if(ord($this->cursor_char) < ord(' ')) $this->_error("Illegal character in string constant"); if($this->cursor_char == '\\') { $this->_cursorNext(); switch($this->cursor_char) { case 'n': $this->T_value .= "\n"; $this->_cursorNext(); break; case 't': $this->T_value .= "\t"; $this->_cursorNext(); break; case 'r': $this->T_value .= "\r"; $this->_cursorNext(); break; case '"': $this->T_value .= '"'; $this->_cursorNext(); break; case '\\': $this->T_value .= '\\'; $this->_cursorNext(); break; default: $this->_error("Unknown escape code in string constant"); break; } } else // printable chars + UTF-8 bytes { $this->T_value .= $this->cursor_char; $this->_cursorNext(); } } $this->T = self::T_StringConstant; $this->_cursorNext(); return; case '`': $this->T_value = ''; //TODO: code below is not robust enough while($this->cursor_char != '`') { $this->T_value .= $this->cursor_char; $this->_cursorNext(); } $this->T = self::T_RawStringConstant; $this->_cursorNext(); return; case '/': if($this->cursor_char == '/') { $this->_cursorNext(); //@phpstan-ignore-next-line while($this->cursor_char != '' && $this->cursor_char != "\n") $this->_cursorNext(); //@phpstan-ignore-next-line break; } case '#': while($this->cursor_char != '' && $this->cursor_char != "\n") $this->_cursorNext(); break; case '@': $start = $this->cursor_pos - 1; while(ctype_alnum($this->cursor_char) || $this->cursor_char == '_') $this->_cursorNext(); $this->T = self::T_Prop; $this->T_value = substr($this->source, $start, $this->cursor_pos - $start); return; default: //symbols if(ctype_alpha($c)) { //collect all chars of an identifier $start = $this->cursor_pos - 1; while(ctype_alnum($this->cursor_char) || $this->cursor_char == '_') $this->_cursorNext(); $this->T_value = substr($this->source, $start, $this->cursor_pos - $start); if(isset($this->symbol2T[$this->T_value])) $this->T = $this->symbol2T[$this->T_value]; else //otherwise it's assumed to be a user defined symbol $this->T = self::T_UserSymbol; return; } //digits else if(ctype_digit($c) || $c == '-') { $start = $this->cursor_pos - 1; while(ctype_digit($this->cursor_char)) $this->_cursorNext(); if($this->cursor_char == '.') { $this->_cursorNext(); while(ctype_digit($this->cursor_char)) $this->_cursorNext(); // see if this float has a scientific notation suffix. Both JSON // and C++ (through strtod() we use) have the same format: //@phpstan-ignore-next-line if($this->cursor_char == 'e' || $this->cursor_char == 'E') { $this->_cursorNext(); if($this->cursor_char == '+' || $this->cursor_char == '-') $this->_cursorNext(); while(ctype_digit($this->cursor_char)) $this->_cursorNext(); } $this->T = self::T_FloatConstant; } else $this->T = self::T_IntegerConstant; $this->T_value = substr($this->source, $start, $this->cursor_pos - $start); return; } $this->_error("Illegal character '$c'"); } } } private function _cursorNext() { ++$this->cursor_pos; $this->cursor_char = substr($this->source, $this->cursor_pos, 1); if($this->cursor_char === "\n") $this->line++; //EOF if($this->cursor_char === '' || //keeping BC with substr(..) before php 8.0 //@phpstan-ignore-next-line is_bool($this->cursor_char)) { $this->cursor_char = ''; } } private function _nextIf(int $t) : bool { $yes = $t === $this->T; if($yes) $this->_nextT(); return $yes; } private function _checkThenNext(int $t) { if($t !== $this->T) $this->_error("Expecting '" . $this->_toStr($t) . "' instead got '" . $this->_toStr($this->T) . "'"); $this->_nextT(); } private function _toStr(int $t) : string { if($t < self::T_NonOrdMark) return chr($t); return $this->T2descr[$t]; } private function _error(string $msg) { throw new Exception($msg . " ('{$this->T_value}', {$this->T})"); } }