* --long-param * --long-param= * --long-param * */ function mtg_parse_argv($params, $noopt = array()) { $result = array(); reset($params); while (list($tmp, $p) = each($params)) { if($p[0] == '-') { $pname = substr($p, 1); $value = true; if($pname[0] == '-') { // long-opt (--) $pname = substr($pname, 1); if(strpos($p, '=') !== false) { // value specified inline (--=) list($pname, $value) = explode('=', substr($p, 2), 2); } } // check if next parameter is a descriptor or a value $nextparm = current($params); if(!in_array($pname, $noopt) && $value === true && $nextparm !== false && $nextparm[0] != '-') list($tmp, $value) = each($params); $result[$pname] = $value; } else // param doesn't belong to any option $result[] = $p; } return $result; } function mtg_read_from_stdin($timeout_sec = 5) { $read = array(STDIN); $write = NULL; $except = NULL; $stdin = ''; if(false === ($num_changed_streams = stream_select($read, $write, $except, $timeout_sec))) throw new Exception("Unknown stream select error happened"); elseif ($num_changed_streams > 0) $stdin = stream_get_contents(STDIN); else throw new Exception("No data in stdin"); return $stdin; } function mtg_extract_files($string) { return mtg_split_and_process($string, '~\s+~', 'realpath'); } function mtg_split_and_process($string, $regex = '~\s+~', $proc = '') { $items = preg_split($regex, trim($string)); $result = array(); foreach($items as $item) { $item = trim($item); if(!$item) continue; if($proc) $item = $proc($item); $result[] = $item; } return $result; } function mtg_argv2conf($argv) { global $METAGEN_CONFIG; $parsed = mtg_parse_argv($argv); foreach($parsed as $key => $value) { if(!is_string($key)) continue; $METAGEN_CONFIG[preg_replace('~^-+~', '', $key)] = $value; } } function mtg_conf($key) { global $METAGEN_CONFIG; if(!isset($METAGEN_CONFIG[$key])) { if(func_num_args() == 1) throw new Exception("Config option '$key' is not set"); else //default value return func_get_arg(1); } return $METAGEN_CONFIG[$key]; } function mtg_conf_set($key, $val) { global $METAGEN_CONFIG; $METAGEN_CONFIG[$key] = $val; } interface mtgType {} class mtgTypeRef implements mtgType { private static $all = array(); private $name; private $file; private $line; private $meta; private $resolved; function __construct($name_or_resolved, mtgMetaInfo $meta = null, $file = '', $line= 0) { if(is_object($name_or_resolved)) { if(!($name_or_resolved instanceof mtgType)) throw new Exception("Bad type"); $this->resolved = $name_or_resolved; } else $this->name = $name_or_resolved; $this->meta = $meta; $this->file = $file; $this->line = $line; self::$all[] = $this; } static function checkAllResolved() { foreach(self::$all as $ref) $ref->resolve(); } function resolve() { if($this->resolved) return $this->resolved; $u = $this->meta->findUnit($this->name, false/*non strict*/); if($u) { $this->resolved = $u->object; return $this->resolved; } else { throw new Exception("{$this->file}@{$this->line} : Symbol '{$this->name}' not found"); } } } class mtgMetaInfoUnit { public $file; public $object; function __construct($f, mtgMetaUnit $o) { $this->file = $f; $this->object = $o; } } class mtgMetaInfo { public static $BUILTIN_TYPES = array('int8', 'int16', 'int32', 'uint8', 'uint16', 'uint32', 'float', 'double', 'uint64', 'int64', 'bool', 'string', 'blob'); private $units = array(); function addUnit(mtgMetaInfoUnit $unit) { if(isset($this->units[$unit->object->getId()])) throw new Exception("Meta info unit '{$unit->object->getId()}' already defined in file '{$this->units[$unit->object->getId()]->file}'"); $this->units[$unit->object->getId()] = $unit; } function getUnits() { return $this->units; } function findUnit($id, $strict = true) { if(isset($this->units[$id])) return $this->units[$id]; else if($strict) throw new Exception("Unit '$id' not found"); } } abstract class mtgMetaUnit { abstract function getId(); protected $tokens = array(); function getTokens() { return $this->tokens; } function setTokens(array $tokens) { $this->tokens = $tokens; } function setToken($name, $val) { $this->tokens[$name] = $val; } function getToken($name) { return $this->hasToken($name) ? $this->tokens[$name] : null; } function hasToken($name) { return array_key_exists($name, $this->tokens); } } class mtgUserType extends mtgMetaUnit implements mtgType { protected $name; function __construct($name) { $this->name = $name; } function getName() { return $this->name; } function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } function getId() { return $this->name; } function getClassId() { //NOTE: using crc28 actually, leaving some extra reserved space return crc32($this->name) & 0xFFFFFFF; } function __toString() { return $this->name; } } class mtgMetaStruct extends mtgUserType { protected $fields = array(); protected $funcs = array(); protected $parent = null; function __construct($name, $fields = array(), mtgTypeRef $parent = null, $tokens = array()) { parent::__construct($name); $this->setFields($fields); $this->parent = $parent; $this->tokens = $tokens; } function getParent() { return $this->parent ? $this->parent->resolve() : null; } function getFields() { return $this->fields; } function setFields(array $fields) { foreach($fields as $field) $this->addField($field); } function addField(mtgMetaField $field) { if($this->hasField($field->getName())) throw new Exception("Struct '{$this->name}' already has field '{$field->getName()}'"); $this->fields[$field->getName()] = $field; } //TODO: doesn't really belong here function delField(mtgMetaField $field) { if(isset($this->fields[$field->getName()])) unset($this->fields[$field->getName()]); } function hasField($name) { return isset($this->fields[$name]); } function getField($name) { if(!isset($this->fields[$name])) throw new Exception("No such field '$name'"); return $this->fields[$name]; } //TODO: doesn't really belong here function findFieldOwner($name, mtgMetaInfo $meta) { $tmp = $this; while($tmp) { $fields = $tmp->getFields(); if(isset($fields[$name])) return $tmp; $tmp = $tmp->getParent(); } return null; } function getFuncs() { return $this->funcs; } function addFunc(mtgMetaFunc $fn) { if($this->hasFunc($fn->getName())) throw new Exception("Struct '{$this->name}' already has func '{$fn->getName()}'"); $this->funcs[$fn->getName()] = $fn; } function hasFunc($name) { return isset($this->funcs[$name]); } function getFunc($name) { if(!isset($this->funcs[$name])) throw new Exception("No such funcs '$name'"); return $this->funcs[$name]; } function hasTokenInParent($name) { $parent = $this; while($parent) { if($parent->hasToken($name)) return true; $parent = $parent->getParent(); } return false; } } class mtgMetaFunc extends mtgMetaUnit implements mtgType { private $name; private $args = array(); private $ret_type; function __construct($name) { $this->name = $name; } function __toString() { $str = "func "; $str .= $this->name.'('; foreach($this->getArgs() as $arg) $str .= $arg->getType() . ','; $str = rtrim($str, ','); $str .= ')'; if($ret_type = $this->getReturnType()) $str .= ':'.$ret_type; return $str; } function setReturnType(mtgTypeRef $type) { $this->ret_type = $type; } function getReturnType() { return $this->ret_type ? $this->ret_type->resolve() : null; } function getName() { return $this->name; } function getId() { return $this->name; } function getArgs() { return $this->args; } function setArgs(array $args) { foreach($args as $arg) $this->addArg($arg); } function addArg(mtgMetaField $arg) { if($this->hasArg($arg->getName())) throw new Exception("Func '{$this->name}' already has arg '{$arg->getName()}'"); $this->args[$arg->getName()] = $arg; } function hasArg($name) { return isset($this->args[$name]); } function getArg($name) { if(!isset($this->args[$name])) throw new Exception("No such arg '$name'"); return $this->args[$name]; } } class mtgMetaRPC extends mtgMetaUnit { private $name; private $code; private $in; private $out; function __construct($name, $code, mtgMetaPacket $in, mtgMetaPacket $out, array $tokens = array()) { $this->name = $name; $this->code = $code; $this->in = $in; $this->out = $out; $this->tokens = $tokens; } function getId() { return $this->code; } function getName() { return $this->name; } function getCode() { return $this->code; } function getNumericCode() { return (int)$this->code; } function getReq() { return $this->in; } function getRsp() { return $this->out; } } class mtgBuiltinType implements mtgType { private $name; function __construct($name) { if(!in_array($name, mtgMetaInfo::$BUILTIN_TYPES)) throw new Exception("Not a built-in type '$name'"); $this->name = $name; } function getName() { return $this->name; } function __toString() { return $this->name; } function isNumeric() { return !$this->isString() && !$this->isBool() && !$this->isBlob(); } function isString() { return $this->name === 'string'; } function isInt() { return strpos($this->name, 'int') === 0; } function isUint() { return strpos($this->name, 'uint') === 0; } function isUint8() { return $this->name === 'uint8'; } function isUint16() { return $this->name === 'uint16'; } function isUint32() { return $this->name === 'uint32'; } function isUint64() { return $this->name === 'uint64'; } function isInt64() { return $this->name === 'int64'; } function isInt8() { return $this->name === 'int8'; } function isInt16() { return $this->name === 'int16'; } function isInt32() { return $this->name === 'int32'; } function isFloat() { return $this->name === 'float'; } function isDouble() { return $this->name === 'double'; } function isBool() { return $this->name === 'bool'; } function isBlob() { return $this->name === 'blob'; } } class mtgMultiType implements mtgType { private $values = array(); function __construct(array $values = array()) { foreach($values as $v) $this->addValue($v); } function addValue(mtgTypeRef $val) { $this->values[] = $val; } function getValues() { $vals = array(); foreach($this->values as $val) $vals[] = $val->resolve(); return $vals; } function __toString() { $str = ''; foreach($this->getValues() as $val) $str .= $val . ';'; return $str; } } class mtgArrType implements mtgType { private $value; function __construct(mtgTypeRef $value) { $this->value = $value; } function __toString() { return $this->getValue() . '[]'; } function getValue() { return $this->value->resolve(); } } class mtgMetaField { private $name; private $type; private $tokens = array(); function __construct($name, mtgTypeRef $type) { $this->name = $name; $this->type = $type; } function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } function getName() { return $this->name; } function getType() { return $this->type->resolve(); } function getTokens() { return $this->tokens; } function setTokens(array $tokens) { $this->tokens = $tokens; } function setToken($name, $val) { $this->tokens[$name] = $val; } function hasToken($name) { return array_key_exists($name, $this->tokens); } function getToken($name) { return $this->hasToken($name) ? $this->tokens[$name] : null; } } class mtgMetaInfoParser { private $config = array(); private $current_meta; private $parsed_files = array(); private $file_stack = array(); private $file = ""; private $source = ""; private $cursor = 0; private $line = 0; private $token = ""; private $attribute = ""; private $idltypes = array(); private $token_strs = array(); const T_EOF = 1001; const T_StringConstant = 1002; const T_IntegerConstant = 1003; const T_FloatConstant = 1004; const T_Enum = 1005; const T_RPC = 1006; const T_End = 1007; const T_Identifier = 1008; const T_Struct = 1009; const T_Prop = 1010; const T_Extends = 1011; const T_Func = 1012; const T_string = 1020; const T_uint32 = 1021; const T_int32 = 1022; const T_uint16 = 1023; const T_int16 = 1024; const T_uint8 = 1025; const T_int8 = 1026; const T_float = 1027; const T_uint64 = 1028; const T_int64 = 1029; const T_bool = 1030; const T_blob = 1031; function __construct($config = array()) { $this->config = $config; if(!isset($this->config['include_path'])) $this->config['include_path'] = array('.'); $this->idltypes = array( "string" => self::T_string, "uint32" => self::T_uint32, "int32" => self::T_int32, "uint16" => self::T_uint16, "int16" => self::T_int16, "uint8" => self::T_uint8, "int8" => self::T_int8, "float" => self::T_float, "double" => self::T_float, "uint64" => self::T_uint64, "int64" => self::T_int64, "bool" => self::T_bool, "blob" => self::T_blob, ); $this->token_strs = array_flip($this->idltypes); $this->token_strs[self::T_EOF] = ''; $this->token_strs[self::T_StringConstant] = ''; $this->token_strs[self::T_IntegerConstant] = ''; $this->token_strs[self::T_FloatConstant] = ''; $this->token_strs[self::T_Enum] = ''; $this->token_strs[self::T_RPC] = ''; $this->token_strs[self::T_End] = ''; $this->token_strs[self::T_Identifier] = ''; $this->token_strs[self::T_Struct] = ''; $this->token_strs[self::T_Prop] = '<@prop>'; $this->token_strs[self::T_Extends] = ''; $this->token_strs[self::T_Func] = ''; } function parse(mtgMetaInfo $meta, $raw_file) { $this->current_meta = $meta; $file = realpath($raw_file); if($file === false) throw new Exception("No such file '$raw_file'"); $this->_parse($file); mtgTypeRef::checkAllResolved(); } private function _parse($file) { if(isset($this->parsed_files[$file])) return; $this->parsed_files[$file] = true; $this->file_stack[] = $file; $source = file_get_contents($file); $is_php = false; try { if($source === false) throw new Exception("Could not read file '$file'"); //PHP include if(strpos($source, 'config['include_path'], array($this, '_parse')); } } catch(Exception $e) { throw new Exception(end($this->file_stack) . " : " . $e->getMessage()); } array_pop($this->file_stack); if($is_php) return; $this->file = $file; $this->source = $source; $this->cursor = 0; $this->line = 1; try { $this->_next(); while($this->token != self::T_EOF) { //echo "TOKEN : " . $this->token . " " . $this->attribute . " " . $this->line . "\n"; if($this->token == self::T_Enum) $this->_parseEnum(); else if($this->token == self::T_Struct) $this->_parseStruct(); else if($this->token == self::T_Func) $this->_parseFreeFunc(); else if($this->token == self::T_RPC) $this->_parseRPC(); else $this->_error("unexpected token ('" . $this->_toStr($this->token) . "' " . $this->attribute . ")"); } } catch(Exception $e) { throw new Exception("$file@{$this->line} : " . $e->getMessage() . " " . $e->getTraceAsString()); } } private function _parseType($can_be_multi = false) { $types = array(); while(true) { $type = null; $type_name = $this->attribute; if($this->token == self::T_Identifier) { $type = new mtgTypeRef($type_name, $this->current_meta, $this->file, $this->line); $this->_next(); } else if($this->token == self::T_Func) { $func_type = $this->_parseFuncType(); $type = new mtgTypeRef($func_type); } else { $type = new mtgTypeRef(new mtgBuiltinType($type_name)); $this->_next(); } if($this->token == ord('[')) { $this->_next(); $this->_checkThenNext(']'); $type = new mtgTypeRef(new mtgArrType($type)); } $types[] = $type; if(!$can_be_multi) break; if($this->token != ord(',')) break; $this->_next(); } if(sizeof($types) > 1) return new mtgTypeRef(new mtgMultiType($types)); else return $types[0]; } private function _parseFuncType() { $ftype = new mtgMetaFunc(''); $this->_next(); $this->_checkThenNext('('); $c = 0; while(true) { if($this->token == ord(')')) { $this->_next(); break; } else if($c > 0) { $this->_checkThenNext(','); } $arg_type = $this->_parseType(); $c++; $arg = new mtgMetaField("_$c", $arg_type); $ftype->addArg($arg); } if($this->token == ord(':')) { $this->_next(); $ret_type = $this->_parseType(true/*can be multi-type*/); $ftype->setReturnType($ret_type); } return $ftype; } static function resolveIncludes(&$text, array $include_paths, $callback) { $result = array(); $lines = explode("\n", $text); foreach($lines as $line) { if(preg_match('~^#include\s+(\S+)~', $line, $m)) { self::processInclude($m[1], $include_paths, $callback); $result[] = ""; } else $result[] = $line; } $text = implode("\n", $result); } static function processInclude($include, array $include_paths, $callback) { $file = false; foreach($include_paths as $include_path) { $file = realpath($include_path . "/" . $include); if($file !== false) break; } if($file === false) throw new Exception("#include {$include} can't be resolved(include path is '". implode(':', $include_paths) . "')"); call_user_func_array($callback, array($file)); } private function _parseEnumOrValues() { $values = array(); while(true) { if($this->token == self::T_Identifier) { $values[] = $this->attribute; $this->_next(); if($this->token != ord('|')) break; else $this->_next(); } else break; } return $values; } private function _parseEnum() { $this->_next(); $name = $this->_checkThenNext(self::T_Identifier); $enum = new mtgMetaEnum($name); $this->current_meta->addUnit(new mtgMetaInfoUnit($this->file, $enum)); if($this->token == self::T_Prop) { $enum->setTokens($this->_parsePropTokens()); } $or_values = array(); while(true) { if($this->_nextIf(self::T_End)) break; $key = $this->_checkThenNext(self::T_Identifier); $this->_checkThenNext('='); if($this->token == self::T_Identifier) { $or_values[$key] = $this->_parseEnumOrValues(); } else { $value = $this->_checkThenNext(self::T_IntegerConstant); $enum->addValue($key, $value); } } $enum->addOrValues($or_values); } private function _parseFields($next_doer) { $flds = array(); while(true) { if($next_doer()) break; if($this->token == self::T_Identifier) { $name = $this->attribute; $this->_next(); $this->_checkThenNext(':'); if($this->token == self::T_Identifier || $this->token == self::T_Func || ($this->token >= self::T_string && $this->token <= self::T_blob)) { $type = $this->_parseType(); $fld = new mtgMetaField($name, $type); if($this->token == self::T_Prop) { $fld->setTokens($this->_parsePropTokens()); } $flds[] = $fld; } else $this->_error("type expected"); } else $this->_error("unexpected fields token"); } return $flds; } private function _parseFuncs() { $end_token = self::T_End; $funcs = array(); while(true) { $fn = $this->_parseFunc(); $funcs[] = $fn; if($this->token == $end_token) { $this->_next(); break; } $this->_next(); } return $funcs; } private function _parseFunc() { if($this->token != self::T_Identifier) $this->_error("unexpected func token"); $name = $this->attribute; $fn = new mtgMetaFunc($name); $this->_next(); $this->_checkThenNext('('); if($this->token == self::T_Prop) $fn->setTokens($this->_parsePropTokens()); $args = $this->_parseFields(function() { return $this->_nextIf(')'); } ); $fn->setArgs($args); $ret_type = null; if($this->token == ord(':')) { $this->_next(); if($this->token == self::T_Identifier || $this->token == self::T_Func || ($this->token >= self::T_string && $this->token <= self::T_bool)) { $ret_type = $this->_parseType(true/*can be multi-type*/); $fn->setReturnType($ret_type); } else $this->_error("unexpected func type token"); } return $fn; } private function _parseFreeFunc() { $this->_next(); $fn = $this->_parseFunc(); $this->current_meta->addUnit(new mtgMetaInfoUnit($this->file, $fn)); } private function _parseStruct() { $this->_next(); $name = $this->_checkThenNext(self::T_Identifier); $parent = null; if($this->token == self::T_Extends) { $this->_next(); $parent_name = $this->_checkThenNext(self::T_Identifier); $parent = new mtgTypeRef($parent_name, $this->current_meta, $this->file, $this->line); } $s = new mtgMetaStruct($name, array(), $parent); $this->current_meta->addUnit(new mtgMetaInfoUnit($this->file, $s)); if($this->token == self::T_Prop) { $s->setTokens($this->_parsePropTokens()); } $seen_funcs = false; $flds = $this->_parseFields( function() use(&$seen_funcs) { if($this->_nextIf(self::T_End)) return true; if($this->_nextIf(self::T_Func)) { $seen_funcs = true; return true; } } ); foreach($flds as $fld) $s->addField($fld); if($seen_funcs) { $funcs = $this->_parseFuncs(); foreach($funcs as $fn) $s->addFunc($fn); } } private function _parseRPC() { $this->_next(); $code = $this->_checkThenNext(self::T_IntegerConstant); $name = $this->_checkThenNext(self::T_Identifier); $this->_checkThenNext('('); $tokens = array(); if($this->token == self::T_Prop) $tokens = $this->_parsePropTokens(); $req_fields = $this->_parseFields(function() { return $this->_nextIf(')'); } ); $rsp_fields = $this->_parseFields(function() { return $this->_nextIf(self::T_End); } ); $req = new mtgMetaPacket($code, "RPC_REQ_$name"); $req->setFields($req_fields); $rsp = new mtgMetaPacket($code, "RPC_RSP_$name"); $rsp->setFields($rsp_fields); $rpc = new mtgMetaRPC("RPC_$name", $code, $req, $rsp, $tokens); $this->current_meta->addUnit(new mtgMetaInfoUnit($this->file, $rpc)); } private function _parsePropTokens() { $new_line = ord("\n"); $prop_tokens = array(); while(true) { if($this->token != self::T_Prop) break; $name = ltrim($this->attribute, '@'); $this->_next(); $value = null; if($this->token == ord(':')) { while(true) { $this->_next(false/*don't skip new line*/); if($this->token == $new_line || $this->token == self::T_Prop) { //let's skip it if($this->token == $new_line) $this->_next(); break; } $tmp = $this->attribute; if($this->token == self::T_StringConstant) $tmp = "\"$tmp\""; if($value === null) $value = ''; $value .= $tmp; } } if($value && substr($value, 0, 1) == '{') { $json = json_decode($value); if($json === null) { --$this->line; //hack for more precise reporting $this->_error("bad json"); } } $this->_validatePropToken($name, $value); $prop_tokens[$name] = $value; } return $prop_tokens; } private function _validatePropToken($name, $value) { if(!isset($this->config['valid_tokens']) || !$this->config['valid_tokens']) return; if(!in_array($name, $this->config['valid_tokens'])) throw new Exception("Unknown token '$name'"); } private function _symbol() { return substr($this->source, $this->cursor, 1); } private function _next($skip_newlines = true) { $this->__next($skip_newlines); //for debug //var_dump("NEXT " . $this->token . " " . $this->attribute); //debug_print_backtrace(0, 1); } private function __next($skip_newlines = true) { while(true) { $c = $this->_symbol(); //NOTE: dealing with PHP's types juggling if($c === false || $c === '') $c = -1; $this->token = ord($c); ++$this->cursor; $this->attribute = $c; switch($c) { case -1: $this->cursor--; $this->token = self::T_EOF; return; case ' ': case "\r": case "\t": break; case "\n": $this->line++; if($skip_newlines) break; else return; case '{': case '}': case '(': case ')': case '[': case ']': case '|': return; case ',': case ':': case ';': case '=': return; case '.': if(!ctype_digit($this->_symbol())) return; $this->_error("floating point constant can't start with ."); break; case '"': $this->attribute = ""; while($this->_symbol() != '"') { if(ord($this->_symbol()) < ord(' ') && ord($this->_symbol()) >= 0) $this->_error("illegal character in string constant"); if($this->_symbol() == '\\') { $this->cursor++; switch($this->_symbol()) { case 'n': $this->attribute .= "\n"; $this->cursor++; break; case 't': $this->attribute .= "\t"; $this->cursor++; break; case 'r': $this->attribute .= "\r"; $this->cursor++; break; case '"': $this->attribute .= '"'; $this->cursor++; break; case '\\': $this->attribute .= '\\'; $this->cursor++; break; default: $this->_error("unknown escape code in string constant"); break; } } else // printable chars + UTF-8 bytes { $this->attribute .= $this->_symbol(); $this->cursor++; } } $this->token = self::T_StringConstant; $this->cursor++; return; case '/': if($this->_symbol() == '/') { $this->cursor++; while($this->_symbol() !== false && $this->_symbol() != "\n") $this->cursor++; break; } case '#': while($this->_symbol() !== false && $this->_symbol() != "\n") $this->cursor++; break; case '@': $start = $this->cursor - 1; while(ctype_alnum($this->_symbol()) || $this->_symbol() == '_') $this->cursor++; $this->token = self::T_Prop; $this->attribute = substr($this->source, $start, $this->cursor - $start); return; //fall thru default: if(ctype_alpha($c)) { //collect all chars of an identifier $start = $this->cursor - 1; while(ctype_alnum($this->_symbol()) || $this->_symbol() == '_') $this->cursor++; $this->attribute = substr($this->source, $start, $this->cursor - $start); if(isset($this->idltypes[$this->attribute])) { $this->token = $this->idltypes[$this->attribute]; return; } if($this->attribute == "true" || $this->attribute == "false") { $this->token = self::T_IntegerConstant; return; } //check for declaration keywords: if($this->attribute == "struct") { $this->token = self::T_Struct; return; } if($this->attribute == "enum") { $this->token = self::T_Enum; return; } if($this->attribute == "RPC") { $this->token = self::T_RPC; return; } if($this->attribute == "end") { $this->token = self::T_End; return; } if($this->attribute == "extends") { $this->token = self::T_Extends; return; } if($this->attribute == "func") { $this->token = self::T_Func; return; } //if not it's a user defined identifier $this->token = self::T_Identifier; return; } else if(ctype_digit($c) || $c == '-') { $start = $this->cursor - 1; while(ctype_digit($this->_symbol())) $this->cursor++; if($this->_symbol() == '.') { $this->cursor++; while(ctype_digit($this->_symbol())) $this->cursor++; // see if this float has a scientific notation suffix. Both JSON // and C++ (through strtod() we use) have the same format: if($this->_symbol() == 'e' || $this->_symbol() == 'E') { $this->cursor++; if($this->_symbol() == '+' || $this->_symbol() == '-') $this->cursor++; while(ctype_digit($this->_symbol())) $this->cursor++; } $this->token = self::T_FloatConstant; } else $this->token = self::T_IntegerConstant; $this->attribute = substr($this->source, $start, $this->cursor - $start); return; } $this->_error("illegal character '$c'"); } } } private function _nextIf($t) { if(is_string($t)) $t = ord($t); $yes = $t === $this->token; if($yes) $this->_next(); return $yes; } private function _checkThenNext($t) { if(is_string($t)) $t = ord($t); if($t !== $this->token) { $this->_error("Expecting '" . $this->_toStr($t) . "' instead got '" . $this->_toStr($this->token) . "'"); } $attr = $this->attribute; $this->_next(); return $attr; } private function _toStr($t) { if($t < 1000) return chr($t); return $this->token_strs[$t]; } private function _error($msg) { throw new Exception($msg . "(token: {$this->token}, attr: {$this->attribute}})"); } } function mtg_get_file_deps(mtgMetaInfo $info, mtgMetaInfoUnit $unit) { $deps = array(); $deps[] = $unit->file; if($unit->object instanceof mtgMetaStruct) { foreach($unit->object->getFields() as $field) { $type = $field->getType(); if($type instanceof mtgArrType) $type = $type->getValue(); if($type instanceof mtgUserType) $deps[] = $info->findUnit($type->getName())->file; } $parent = $unit->object->getParent(); if($parent) $deps = array_merge($deps, mtg_get_file_deps($info, $info->findUnit($parent->getName()))); } return $deps; } function mtg_get_all_fields(mtgMetaInfo $info, mtgMetaStruct $struct) { $fields = $struct->getFields(); $parent = $struct->getParent(); if($parent) //NOTE: order is important, parent fields must come first $fields = array_merge(mtg_get_all_fields($info, $parent), $fields); return $fields; } function mtg_load_meta(mtgMetaInfo $meta, mtgMetaInfoParser $meta_parser, $dir_or_file) { $files = array(); if(is_dir($dir_or_file)) $files = mtg_find_meta_files($dir_or_file); else if(is_file($dir_or_file)) $files[] = $dir_or_file; else throw new Exception("Bad meta source '$dir_or_file'"); foreach($files as $file) $meta_parser->parse($meta, $file); } function mtg_find_meta_files($dir) { $items = scandir($dir); if($items === false) throw new Exception("Directory '$dir' is invalid"); $files = array(); foreach($items as $item) { if($item[0] == '.') continue; if(strpos($item, ".meta") !== (strlen($item)-5)) continue; $file = $dir . '/' . $item; if(is_file($file) && !is_dir($file)) $files[] = $file; } return $files; } function mtg_is_filtered($name, $filters) { foreach($filters as $filter) { if(!$filter) continue; if(strpos($name, $filter) !== false) return false; } return true; } function mtg_is_win() { return DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR == '\\'; } function mtg_which($bin) { if(mtg_is_win()) $bin .= ".exe"; $path = exec("which $bin", $out, $ret); if($ret != 0) throw new Exception("Exection error 'which $bin': " . implode($out)); return $path; } function mtg_ensure_write_to_file($file, $body) { if(file_put_contents($file, $body) === false) throw new Exception("Could not write file '$file'"); echo "> $file\n"; } function mtg_fill_template($tpl, $replaces) { return str_replace(array_keys($replaces), array_values($replaces), $tpl); } function mtg_write_template($tpl, $replaces, $file, $exists_check = false) { if($exists_check && file_exists($file)) { echo "! $file\n"; return; } $body = mtg_fill_template($tpl, $replaces); mtg_ensure_write_to_file($file, $body); } function mtg_write_template_once($tpl, $replaces, $file) { mtg_write_template($tpl, $replaces, $file, true); } function mtg_append_to_slot($slot, $replace, &$contents) { $contents = str_replace($slot, $slot . $replace, $contents); } function mtg_prepend_to_slot($slot, $replace, &$contents) { $contents = str_replace($slot, $replace . $slot, $contents); } function mtg_apply_script($script, $args) { $class = current(explode('.', basename($script))); include_once($script); $obj = new $class(); call_user_func_array(array($obj, 'apply'), $args); } function mtg_paginate($total, $step) { //pages are returned as an array where each element is in interval [N, Y) $pages = array(); $steps = (int)($total/$step); $rest = $total % $step; for($i=1;$i<=$steps;++$i) $pages[] = array(($i-1)*$step, $i*$step); if($rest != 0) $pages[] = array(($i-1)*$step, ($i-1)*$step + $rest); return $pages; } function mtg_mkdir($dir) { if(!is_dir($dir)) mkdir($dir, 0777, true); } function mtg_rm($path) { if(is_file($path)) { unlink($path); return; } if(!is_dir($path)) return; $path= rtrim($path, '/').'/'; $handle = opendir($path); if($handle === false) throw new Exception("Could not open directory '$path' for reading"); for(;false !== ($file = readdir($handle));) { if($file != "." and $file != ".." ) { $fullpath= $path.$file; if( is_dir($fullpath) ) { mtg_rm($fullpath); rmdir($fullpath); } else unlink($fullpath); } } closedir($handle); } //returns a name of the temp file to use, temp file IS NOT created function mtg_get_tmpfile($prefix = '__') { $MAX_TRIES = 1000; $tries = 0; while($tries < $MAX_TRIES) { $tmp_file = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/' . $prefix . uniqid(); if(!is_file($tmp_file)) break; ++$tries; } if($tries == $MAX_TRIES) throw new Exception("Could not make unique temp file name"); return $tmp_file; } function mtg_normalize_path($file) { if(mtg_is_win()) { //strtolower drive letters if(strpos($file, ':') === 1) $file = strtolower(substr($file, 0, 1)) . substr($file, 1); } $file = str_replace('\\', '/', $file); $file = str_replace('//', '/', $file); return $file; } class mtgGenTarget { public $file; public $deps = array(); public $func; public $args = array(); public $content_check; function __construct($file, array $deps, array $callback, $content_check = true) { if(!$callback) throw new Exception("Bad bind arg"); if(!is_callable($callback[0])) throw new Exception("Callback arg 0, not callable:" . serialize($callback[0])); $this->file = $file; $this->deps = $deps; $this->func = array_shift($callback); $this->args = array_merge(array($this->file, $this->deps), $callback); $this->content_check = $content_check; } function execute() { if(!mtg_need_to_regen($this->file, $this->deps)) return false; $res = call_user_func_array($this->func, $this->args); $exists_check = false; if(is_array($res)) { $exists_check = $res[0]; $text = $res[1]; } else if(is_string($res)) $text = $res; else throw new Exception("Bad result:" . serialize($res)); if($exists_check && file_exists($this->file)) { //too verbose //echo "! {$this->file}\n"; return false; } if($this->content_check) { if(file_exists($this->file) && file_get_contents($this->file) === $text) return false; } mtg_ensure_write_to_file($this->file, $text); return true; } } class mtgGenBundleTarget extends mtgGenTarget { function execute() { $bundle_info = $this->file . '.bndl'; $prev_amount = 0; if(is_file($bundle_info)) $prev_amount = 1*file_get_contents($bundle_info); //if the amount of bundled files has changed we need to update bundle info if($prev_amount != sizeof($this->deps)) file_put_contents($bundle_info, sizeof($this->deps)); $this->deps[] = $bundle_info; return parent::execute(); } } class mtgMetaPacket extends mtgMetaStruct { private $code; function __construct($code, $name, array $tokens = array()) { $this->code = $code; parent::__construct($name, array(), null, $tokens); } function getPrefix() { list($prefix,) = explode('_', $this->getName()); return $prefix; } function getFullName() { return $this->code . "_" . $this->getName(); } function getCode() { return $this->code; } function getNumericCode() { return (int)$this->code; } } class mtgMetaEnum extends mtgUserType { private $values = array(); function addValue($value_name, $value) { if(isset($this->values[$value_name])) throw new Exception("Enum '{$this->name}' already has value with name '{$value_name}'"); if(in_array($value, $this->values)) throw new Exception("Enum '{$this->name}' already has value '{$value}'"); $this->values[$value_name] = $value; } function calcOrValue($or_keys) { $res = 0; foreach ($or_keys as $value_name) { if(!isset($this->values[$value_name])) throw new Exception("Enum '{$this->name}' has no value '{$value_name}'"); $res |= $this->values[$value_name]; } return $res; } function addOrValues($values) { foreach($values as $value_name => $or_keys) $this->addValue($value_name, $this->calcOrValue($or_keys)); } function getValues() { return $this->values; } } abstract class mtgGenerator { abstract function makeTargets(mtgMetaInfo $info); } abstract class mtgCodegen { protected $info; private $tmp_cmds = array(); abstract function genUnit(mtgMetaInfoUnit $unit); function setMetaInfo(mtgMetaInfo $info) { $this->info = $info; } function nextId() { static $id = 0; $id++; return $id; } function tempRenameField($field, $new_name) { $prev_name = $field->getName(); $field->setName($new_name); $this->tmp_cmds[] = array(1, $field, $prev_name); } function addTempField(mtgMetaStruct $struct, mtgMetaField $new_fld) { $struct->addField($new_fld); $this->tmp_cmds[] = array(2, $struct, $new_fld); } function undoTemp() { foreach($this->tmp_cmds as $cmd) { if($cmd[0] == 1) { $cmd[1]->setName($cmd[2]); } else if($cmd[0] == 2) { $cmd[1]->delField($cmd[2]); } else throw new Exception("Unknown temp cmd"); } } } function mtg_new_file($file, array $deps, array $callback, $content_check = false) { return new mtgGenTarget($file, $deps, $callback, $content_check); } function mtg_new_bundle($file, array $deps, array $callback, $content_check = false) { return new mtgGenBundleTarget($file, $deps, $callback, $content_check); } function mtg_need_to_regen($file, array $deps) { if(!is_file($file)) return true; $fmtime = filemtime($file); foreach($deps as $dep) { if(is_file($dep) && (filemtime($dep) > $fmtime)) return true; } return false; } function mtg_parse_meta(array $meta_srcs) { $meta_dirs = array(); foreach($meta_srcs as $src) { if(is_dir($src)) $meta_dirs[] = $src; else if(is_file($src)) $meta_dirs[] = dirname($src); } $meta_parser = new mtgMetaInfoParser( array( 'include_path' => $meta_dirs, 'valid_tokens' => mtg_conf('valid-tokens', null) ) ); $meta = new mtgMetaInfo(); foreach($meta_srcs as $src) mtg_load_meta($meta, $meta_parser, $src); return $meta; } function mtg_run(mtgGenerator $gen, array $config) { global $METAGEN_CONFIG; $config_copy = $METAGEN_CONFIG; foreach($config as $k => $v) $METAGEN_CONFIG[$k] = $v; $meta = mtg_conf('meta', null); if(!($meta instanceof mtgMetaInfo)) { $meta_dirs = mtg_conf('meta-dir'); $meta = mtg_parse_meta($meta_dirs); } $targets = $gen->makeTargets($meta); foreach($targets as $t) $t->execute(); $METAGEN_CONFIG = $config_copy; } function mtg_crc28($what) { return crc32($what) & 0xFFFFFFF; } function mtg_static_hash($whar) { $hash = 0; for($i = 0; $i < strlen($whar); ++$i) { $hash = ((65599 * $hash) & 0x0FFFFFFF) + ord($whar[$i]); } return ($hash ^ ($hash >> 16)); }