filter_aliases = $filter_aliases; } function genUnit(mtgMetaInfoUnit $unit) { $obj = $unit->object; if($obj instanceof mtgMetaRPC) return $this->genRPC($obj); if($obj instanceof mtgMetaEnum) return $this->genEnum($obj); else if($obj instanceof mtgMetaStruct) return $this->genStruct($obj); else { echo "WARN: skipping meta unit '{$obj->getId()}'\n"; return ''; } } function genEnum(mtgMetaEnum $struct) { $templater = new mtg_php_templater(); $repl = array(); $repl['%class%'] = $struct->getName(); $repl['%class_id%'] = $struct->getClassId(); $tpl = $templater->tpl_enum(); $this->fillEnumRepls($struct, $repl); return mtg_fill_template($tpl, $repl); } function fillEnumRepls(mtgMetaEnum $enum, &$repl) { $repl['%values%'] = ''; $repl['%vnames_list%'] = ''; $repl['%values_list%'] = ''; $vnames = array(); $values = array(); $txt_values = array(); $values_map = array(); $names_map = array(); $default_value = null; $enum_name = $enum->getName(); foreach($enum->getValues() as $vname => $value) { $txt_values[] = "const $vname = $value;"; $vnames[] = "'$vname'"; $values[] = $value; $values_map[] = "'$vname' => $value"; $names_map[] = "$value => '$vname'"; if(!$default_value) $default_value = "$value; // $vname"; } $repl['%values%'] = implode("\n ", $txt_values); $repl['%vnames_list%'] = implode(',', $vnames); $repl['%values_list%'] = implode(',', $values); $repl['%values_map%'] = implode(',', $values_map); $repl['%names_map%'] = implode(',', $names_map); $repl['%default_enum_value%'] = $default_value; } function genRPC(mtgMetaRpc $rpc) { $req = $this->genRPCPacket($rpc->getReq()); $rsp = $this->genRPCPacket($rpc->getRsp()); return $req . str_replace('getName(); $repl['%code%'] = $packet->getNumericCode(); $repl['%class%'] = $packet->getName(); $repl['%class_id%'] = $packet->getClassId(); $repl['%parent_class%'] = 'extends mtgStrictPropsObject'; $tpl = $templater->tpl_packet(); $this->fillStructRepls($packet, $repl); return mtg_fill_template($tpl, $repl); } function genStruct(mtgMetaStruct $struct) { $templater = new mtg_php_templater(); $repl = array(); $repl['%class%'] = $struct->getName(); $repl['%class_id%'] = $struct->getClassId(); $repl['%parent_class%'] = $struct->getParent() ? "extends " . $struct->getParent() : "extends mtgStrictPropsObject"; $tpl = $templater->tpl_struct(); $this->fillStructRepls($struct, $repl); return mtg_fill_template($tpl, $repl); } function preprocessField(mtgMetaStruct $struct, mtgMetaField $field) {} function fillStructRepls(mtgMetaStruct $struct, &$repl) { foreach($struct->getFields() as $field) $this->preprocessField($struct, $field); $parent = $struct->getParent(); $repl['%includes%'] = ''; $repl['%fields%'] = ''; $repl['%fields_names%'] = ($parent ? 'array_merge(parent::CLASS_FIELDS(), ' : '') . 'array('; $repl['%fields_props%'] = ($parent ? 'array_merge(parent::CLASS_FIELDS_PROPS(), ' : '') . 'array('; $repl['%fields_types%'] = ($parent ? 'array_merge(parent::CLASS_FIELDS_TYPES(), ' : '') . 'array('; $repl['%fields_init%'] = ''; $repl['%fill_fields%'] = ''; $repl['%fill_buffer%'] = ''; $repl['%total_top_fields%'] = sizeof($struct->getFields()); $repl["%ext_methods%"] = ""; $repl['%class_props%'] = str_replace("\n", "", var_export($struct->getTokens(), true)); $deps = array(); if($parent) $deps[] = $parent.''; foreach($struct->getFields() as $field) { $type = $field->getType(); if($type instanceof mtgArrType) $type = $type->getValue(); if($type instanceof mtgUserType) $deps[] = $type->getName(); } $deps = array_unique($deps); foreach($deps as $dep) $repl['%includes%'] .= "require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/$dep.class.php');\n"; if($parent) { $repl['%fields_init%'] .= "parent::__construct();\n"; $repl['%fill_fields%'] .= "\$IDX = parent::import(\$message, \$assoc, false);\n"; $repl['%fill_buffer%'] .= "\$__last_var = 'parent';\$__last_val='<>';parent::fill(\$message, \$assoc, false);\n"; } $indent = " "; $local_indent = " "; $fill_func_indent = " "; foreach($struct->getFields() as $field) { $repl['%fields_names%'] .= "'" . $field->getName() . "',"; $repl['%fields_props%'] .= "'" . $field->getName() . "' => " . str_replace("\n", "", var_export($field->getTokens(), true)) . ","; $field_type = $field->getType(); $repl['%fields_types%'] .= "'" . $field->getName() . "' => '" . $field_type . "',"; $repl['%fields_init%'] .= $this->genFieldInit($field, ' $this->') . "\n"; $repl['%fill_fields%'] .= $local_indent.$this->genFieldFill($field, '$message', '$this->', $indent) . $indent."++\$IDX;\n"; $repl['%fill_buffer%'] .= $this->genBufFill($field, '$message', '$this->', $fill_func_indent) . "\n"; $repl['%fields%'] .= $this->genFieldDecl($field) . "\n"; } $repl['%fields_names%'] .= ')' . ($parent ? ')' : ''); $repl['%fields_props%'] .= ')' . ($parent ? ')' : ''); $repl['%fields_types%'] .= ')' . ($parent ? ')' : ''); $this->undoTemp(); } function genFieldInitValue(mtgMetaField $field) { $tokens = $field->getTokens(); $name = $field->getName(); $type = $field->getType(); if($type instanceof mtgMetaStruct) { return "new {$type}()"; } else if($type instanceof mtgMetaEnum) { if(array_key_exists('default', $tokens)) $default = $this->genDefault($tokens['default']); else $default = 'DEFAULT_VALUE'; $default = str_replace('"', '', $default); return "{$type}::$default"; } else if($type instanceof mtgArrType) { return "array()"; } else if($type instanceof mtgBuiltinType) { if(array_key_exists('default', $tokens)) { $raw_default_value = $this->genDefault($tokens['default']); $default_value = $this->genApplyFieldFilters($name, $tokens, $raw_default_value, false); return "mtg_php_val_{$type}($default_value)"; } if ($type->isString()) return "''"; return '0'; } else throw new Exception("Unable generate field initial value for unknown type '{$type}'"); } function genFieldInit(mtgMetaField $field, $prefix = "") { $value = $this->genFieldInitValue($field); return $prefix . $field->getName() . " = $value;"; } function genFieldFill(mtgMetaField $field, $buf, $prefix, $indent = "") { return $this->genFieldFillEx($field->getName(), $field->getType(), $buf, $prefix, $field->getTokens(), false, "", $indent); } function genFieldFillEx($name, mtgType $type, $buf, $prefix = '', $tokens = array(), $as_is = false, $postfix = '', $indent = "") { $str = ''; $tmp_val = '$tmp_val__'; $pname = $prefix.$name; $cond_indent = $indent." "; $default_value_arg = array_key_exists('default', $tokens) ? $this->genDefault($tokens['default']) : 'null'; if($type instanceof mtgMetaStruct) { $default = array_key_exists('default', $tokens) ? $tokens['default'] : null; if($default) { $default = json_decode($default, true); if(!is_array($default)) throw new Exception("Bad default struct: " . $tokens['default']); $default = str_replace("\n", "", var_export($default, true)); $default_value_arg = "\$assoc ? $default : array_values($default)"; } else $default_value_arg = "null"; } $str .= "\n"; if($as_is) $tmp_val = $buf; else $str .= $indent."{$tmp_val} = mtg_php_array_extract_val({$buf}, \$assoc, '{$name}', {$default_value_arg});\n"; if($type instanceof mtgBuiltinType) { $str .= $cond_indent."{$tmp_val} = " . $this->genApplyFieldFilters($name, $tokens, "{$tmp_val}"). ";\n"; $str .= $cond_indent."{$pname} = mtg_php_val_{$type}({$tmp_val});\n"; } else if($type instanceof mtgMetaStruct) { if(array_key_exists('virtual', $tokens)) { $str .= $cond_indent."{$tmp_val} = " . $this->genApplyFieldFilters($name, $tokens, "{$tmp_val}"). ";\n"; $str .= $cond_indent."\$tmp_sub_arr__ = mtg_php_val_arr({$tmp_val});\n"; $str .= $cond_indent."\$vclass__ = AutogenBundle::getClassName(mtg_php_val_uint32(mtg_php_array_extract_val(\$tmp_sub_arr__, \$assoc, 'vclass__')));\n"; $str .= $cond_indent."{$pname} = new \$vclass__(\$tmp_sub_arr__, \$assoc);\n"; } else { $str .= $cond_indent."{$tmp_val} = " . $this->genApplyFieldFilters($name, $tokens, "{$tmp_val}"). ";\n"; $str .= $cond_indent."\$tmp_sub_arr__ = mtg_php_val_arr({$tmp_val});\n"; $str .= $cond_indent."{$pname} = new {$type}(\$tmp_sub_arr__, \$assoc);\n"; } } else if($type instanceof mtgArrType) { //TODO: maybe filters should be applied to the whole array as well? $str .= $cond_indent."\$tmp_arr__ = mtg_php_val_arr({$tmp_val});\n"; $str .= $cond_indent."foreach(\$tmp_arr__ as \$tmp_arr_item__)\n"; $str .= $cond_indent."{\n"; //NOTE: удаляем дефолтное значение уровня поля, а не его значений unset($tokens['default']); $str .= $this->genFieldFillEx('$tmp__', $type->getValue(), "\$tmp_arr_item__", '', $tokens, true, "{$pname}[] = \$tmp__;", $cond_indent." ") . "\n"; $str .= $cond_indent."}\n"; } else if($type instanceof mtgMetaEnum) { $str .= $cond_indent."{$tmp_val} = " . $this->genApplyFieldFilters($name, $tokens, "{$tmp_val}"). ";\n"; $check_enum_validity = array_key_exists('is_enum_mask', $tokens) ? 'false' : 'true'; $str .= $cond_indent."{$pname} = mtg_php_val_enum('$type', {$tmp_val}, {$check_enum_validity});\n"; } else throw new Exception("Unknown type '{$type}'"); if($postfix) $str .= $cond_indent.$postfix."\n"; return $str; } function genApplyFieldFilters($field_name, array $tokens, $val, $add_assoc_check = true) { $str = $val; foreach($tokens as $token => $args_json) { if(isset($this->filter_aliases[$token])) $token = $this->filter_aliases[$token]; if(strpos($token, 'flt_') === false) continue; $filter_func = 'mtg_' . $token; if(function_exists($filter_func)) { $args = array(); if($args_json) { $args = json_decode($args_json, true); if(!is_array($args)) throw new Exception("Bad filter args: $args_json"); } if ($add_assoc_check) return "\$assoc ? $filter_func($val, '$field_name', \$this, " . str_replace("\n", "", var_export($args, true)) . ") : $val"; else return "$filter_func($val, '$field_name', \$this, " . str_replace("\n", "", var_export($args, true)) . ")"; } else throw new Exception("No such filter '$filter_func'"); } return $str; } function genBufFill(mtgMetaField $field, $buf, $prefix, $indent = "") { return $this->genBufFillEx($field->getName(), $field->getType(), $buf, $prefix, $field->getTokens(), $indent); } function genBufFillEx($name, mtgType $type, $buf, $prefix = '', $tokens = array(), $indent = "") { $pname = $prefix.$name; $str = ''; $str .= "\$__last_var = '$name';"; $str .= "\$__last_val = $pname;"; if($type instanceof mtgBuiltinType) { if($type->isNumeric()) $str .= $indent."mtg_php_array_set_value({$buf}, \$assoc, '$name', 1*{$pname});"; else if($type->isString()) $str .= $indent."mtg_php_array_set_value({$buf}, \$assoc, '$name', ''.{$pname});"; else if($type->isBool()) $str .= $indent."mtg_php_array_set_value({$buf}, \$assoc, '$name', (bool){$pname});"; else if($type->isBlob()) $str .= $indent."mtg_php_array_set_value({$buf}, \$assoc, '$name', {$pname});"; else throw new Exception("Unknown type '$type'"); } else if($type instanceof mtgMetaStruct) { if(array_key_exists('virtual', $tokens)) $str .= $indent."mtg_php_array_set_value({$buf}, \$assoc, '$name', is_array({$pname}) ? {$pname} : {$pname}->export(\$assoc, true/*virtual*/));"; else $str .= $indent."mtg_php_array_set_value({$buf}, \$assoc, '$name', is_array({$pname}) ? {$pname} : {$pname}->export(\$assoc));"; } else if($type instanceof mtgMetaEnum) { $str .= $indent."mtg_php_array_set_value({$buf}, \$assoc, '$name', 1*{$pname});"; } else if($type instanceof mtgArrType) { $str .= $indent."\$arr_tmp__ = array();\n"; //NOTE: adding optimization, checking if the first item is array $str .= $indent."if(!\$assoc && {$pname} && is_array(current({$pname})))\n"; $str .= $indent."{\n"; //$str .= " mtg_php_debug('BULK:' . get_class(\$this));\n"; $str .= $indent." \$arr_tmp__ = {$pname};\n"; $str .= $indent."}\n"; $str .= $indent."else\n"; $str .= $indent." foreach({$pname} as \$idx__ => \$arr_tmp_item__)\n"; $str .= $indent." {\n"; $str .= $this->genBufFillEx('$arr_tmp_item__', $type->getValue(), "\$arr_tmp__", "", $tokens, $indent." ") . "\n"; $str .= $indent." if(\$assoc)\n"; $str .= $indent." {\n"; $str .= $indent." \$arr_tmp__[] = \$arr_tmp__['\$arr_tmp_item__'];\n"; $str .= $indent." unset(\$arr_tmp__['\$arr_tmp_item__']);\n"; $str .= $indent." }\n"; $str .= $indent." }\n"; $str .= $indent."mtg_php_array_set_value({$buf}, \$assoc, '$name', \$arr_tmp__);\n"; } else throw new Exception("Unknown type '{$type}'"); return $str; } function genDefault($default) { if($default == "[]") return 'array()'; if(strlen($default) > 2 && strpos($default, '[') === 0 && strpos($default, ']') === strlen($default)-1) { $str = trim($default, ']['); if(strpos($str, "{") !== false ) $str = var_export(json_decode(trim($default, ']['), true), true); return 'array(' . $str . ')'; } return str_replace('$', '\$', $default); } function genFieldDecl(mtgMetaField $field) { $type = $field->getType(); $type_comment = "/** @var " . $type ." */\n"; if($type instanceof mtgBuiltinType && $type->isString()) return $type_comment."public \$" . $field->getName() . " = '';"; else if($type instanceof mtgMetaStruct) return $type_comment."public \$" . $field->getName() . " = null;"; else if($type instanceof mtgArrType) return $type_comment."public \$" . $field->getName() . " = array();"; else return $type_comment."public \$" . $field->getName() . ";"; } } class mtgStrictPropsObject { function getTextPropsList() { return implode(", ", mtg_get_public_props_names($this)); } function __get($name) { throw new Exception("No such property '$name' in class " . get_class($this) . " to get, available properties: " . $this->getTextPropsList()); } function __set($name, $value) { throw new Exception("No such property '$name' in class " . get_class($this) . " to set, available properties: " . $this->getTextPropsList()); } } function mtg_get_public_props_names($obj) { static $cache = array(); $klass = is_string($obj) ? $obj : get_class($obj); if(!isset($cache[$klass])) $cache[$klass] = array_keys(get_class_vars($klass)); return $cache[$klass]; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function mtg_php_array_extract_val(&$arr, $assoc, $name, $default = null) { if(!is_array($arr)) throw new Exception("$name: Not an array"); if(!$assoc) { if(sizeof($arr) == 0) { if($default !== null) return $default; throw new Exception("$name: No next array item"); } return array_shift($arr); } if(!isset($arr[$name])) { if($default !== null) return $default; throw new Exception("$name: No array item"); } $val = $arr[$name]; unset($arr[$name]); return $val; } function mtg_php_array_set_value(&$arr, $assoc, $name, $value) { if($assoc) $arr[$name] = $value; else $arr[] = $value; } function mtg_php_val_string($val) { //special case for empty strings if(is_bool($val) && $val === false) return ''; if(!is_string($val)) throw new Exception("Bad item, not a string(" . serialize($val) . ")"); return $val; } function mtg_php_val_bool($val) { if(!is_bool($val)) throw new Exception("Bad item, not a bool(" . serialize($val) . ")"); return $val; } function mtg_php_val_float($val) { if(!is_numeric($val)) throw new Exception("Bad item, not a number(" . serialize($val) . ")"); $val = 1*$val; return $val; } function mtg_php_val_double($val) { if(!is_numeric($val)) throw new Exception("Bad item, not a number(" . serialize($val) . ")"); return 1*$val; } function mtg_php_val_uint64($val) { if(!is_numeric($val)) throw new Exception("Bad item, not a number(" . serialize($val) . ")"); $val = 1*$val; if(is_float($val)) throw new Exception("Value not in range: $val"); return $val; } function mtg_php_val_int64($val) { if(!is_numeric($val)) throw new Exception("Bad item, not a number(" . serialize($val) . ")"); $val = 1*$val; if(is_float($val)) throw new Exception("Value not in range: $val"); return $val; } function mtg_php_val_uint32($val) { if(!is_numeric($val)) throw new Exception("Bad item, not a number(" . serialize($val) . ")"); $val = 1*$val; if(($val < 0 && $val < -2147483648) || ($val > 0 && $val > 0xFFFFFFFF) || is_float($val)) throw new Exception("Value not in range: $val"); return $val; } function mtg_php_val_int32($val) { if(!is_numeric($val)) throw new Exception("Bad item, not a number(" . serialize($val) . ")"); $val = 1*$val; if($val > 2147483647 || $val < -2147483648 || is_float($val)) throw new Exception("Value not in range: $val"); return $val; } function mtg_php_val_uint16($val) { if(!is_numeric($val)) throw new Exception("Bad item, not a number(" . serialize($val) . ")"); $val = 1*$val; if($val > 0xFFFF || $val < 0 || is_float($val)) throw new Exception("Value not in range: $val"); return $val; } function mtg_php_val_int16($val) { if(!is_numeric($val)) throw new Exception("Bad item, not a number(" . serialize($val) . ")"); $val = 1*$val; if($val > 32767 || $val < -32768 || is_float($val)) throw new Exception("Value not in range: $val"); return $val; } function mtg_php_val_uint8($val) { if(!is_numeric($val)) throw new Exception("Bad item, not a number(" . serialize($val) . ")"); $val = 1*$val; if($val > 0xFF || $val < 0 || is_float($val)) throw new Exception("Value not in range: $val"); return $val; } function mtg_php_val_int8($val) { if(!is_numeric($val)) throw new Exception("Bad item, not a number(" . serialize($val) . ")"); $val = 1*$val; if($val > 127 || $val < -128 || is_float($val)) throw new Exception("Value not in range: $val"); return $val; } function mtg_php_val_arr($val) { if(!is_array($val)) throw new Exception("Bad item, not an array(" . serialize($val) . ")"); return $val; } function mtg_php_val_enum($enum, $val, $check_enum_validity = true) { if(is_string($val)) return call_user_func_array(array($enum, "getValueByName"), array($val)); if(!is_numeric($val)) throw new Exception("Bad enum value, not a numeric or string(" . serialize($val) . ")"); if($check_enum_validity) call_user_func_array(array($enum, "checkValidity"), array($val)); return $val; }