forked from bit/php-8.3.3-mac
356 lines
13 KiB
356 lines
13 KiB
| Copyright (c) The PHP Group |
| This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, |
| that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
| available through the world-wide-web at the following url: |
| |
| If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
| obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
| so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
| Authors: Rasmus Lerdorf <> |
| Zeev Suraski <> |
| Sascha Schumann <> |
| Pedro Melo <> |
| Sterling Hughes <> |
| Sammy Kaye Powers <> |
| Go Kudo <> |
| |
| Based on code from: Richard J. Wagner <> |
| Makoto Matsumoto <> |
| Takuji Nishimura |
| Shawn Cokus <> |
| David Blackman |
| Sebastiano Vigna <> |
| Melissa O'Neill <> |
#ifndef PHP_RANDOM_H
# define PHP_RANDOM_H
# include "php.h"
PHPAPI double php_combined_lcg(void);
* A bit of tricky math here. We want to avoid using a modulus because
* that simply tosses the high-order bits and might skew the distribution
* of random values over the range. Instead we map the range directly.
* We need to map the range from 0...M evenly to the range a...b
* Let n = the random number and n' = the mapped random number
* Then we have: n' = a + n(b-a)/M
* We have a problem here in that only n==M will get mapped to b which
* means the chances of getting b is much much less than getting any of
* the other values in the range. We can fix this by increasing our range
* artificially and using:
* n' = a + n(b-a+1)/M
* Now we only have a problem if n==M which would cause us to produce a
* number of b+1 which would be bad. So we bump M up by one to make sure
* this will never happen, and the final algorithm looks like this:
* n' = a + n(b-a+1)/(M+1)
* -RL
# define RAND_RANGE_BADSCALING(__n, __min, __max, __tmax) \
(__n) = (__min) + (zend_long) ((double) ( (double) (__max) - (__min) + 1.0) * ((__n) / ((__tmax) + 1.0)))
# ifdef PHP_WIN32
# define GENERATE_SEED() (((zend_long) ((zend_ulong) time(NULL) * (zend_ulong) GetCurrentProcessId())) ^ ((zend_long) (1000000.0 * php_combined_lcg())))
# else
# define GENERATE_SEED() (((zend_long) ((zend_ulong) time(NULL) * (zend_ulong) getpid())) ^ ((zend_long) (1000000.0 * php_combined_lcg())))
# endif
# define PHP_MT_RAND_MAX ((zend_long) (0x7FFFFFFF)) /* (1<<31) - 1 */
# define MT_RAND_MT19937 0
# define MT_RAND_PHP 1
# define MT_N (624)
PHPAPI void php_mt_srand(uint32_t seed);
PHPAPI uint32_t php_mt_rand(void);
PHPAPI zend_long php_mt_rand_range(zend_long min, zend_long max);
PHPAPI zend_long php_mt_rand_common(zend_long min, zend_long max);
# ifndef RAND_MAX
# endif
PHPAPI void php_srand(zend_long seed);
PHPAPI zend_long php_rand(void);
# if !defined(__SIZEOF_INT128__) || defined(PHP_RANDOM_FORCE_EMULATE_128)
typedef struct _php_random_uint128_t {
uint64_t hi;
uint64_t lo;
} php_random_uint128_t;
static inline uint64_t php_random_uint128_hi(php_random_uint128_t num)
return num.hi;
static inline uint64_t php_random_uint128_lo(php_random_uint128_t num)
return num.lo;
static inline php_random_uint128_t php_random_uint128_constant(uint64_t hi, uint64_t lo)
php_random_uint128_t r;
r.hi = hi;
r.lo = lo;
return r;
static inline php_random_uint128_t php_random_uint128_add(php_random_uint128_t num1, php_random_uint128_t num2)
php_random_uint128_t r;
r.lo = (num1.lo + num2.lo);
r.hi = (num1.hi + num2.hi + (r.lo < num1.lo));
return r;
static inline php_random_uint128_t php_random_uint128_multiply(php_random_uint128_t num1, php_random_uint128_t num2)
php_random_uint128_t r;
const uint64_t
x0 = num1.lo & 0xffffffffULL,
x1 = num1.lo >> 32,
y0 = num2.lo & 0xffffffffULL,
y1 = num2.lo >> 32,
z0 = (((x1 * y0) + (x0 * y0 >> 32)) & 0xffffffffULL) + x0 * y1;
r.hi = num1.hi * num2.lo + num1.lo * num2.hi;
r.lo = num1.lo * num2.lo;
r.hi += x1 * y1 + ((x1 * y0 + (x0 * y0 >> 32)) >> 32) + (z0 >> 32);
return r;
static inline uint64_t php_random_pcgoneseq128xslrr64_rotr64(php_random_uint128_t num)
const uint64_t
v = (num.hi ^ num.lo),
s = num.hi >> 58U;
return (v >> s) | (v << ((-s) & 63));
# else
typedef __uint128_t php_random_uint128_t;
static inline uint64_t php_random_uint128_hi(php_random_uint128_t num)
return (uint64_t) (num >> 64);
static inline uint64_t php_random_uint128_lo(php_random_uint128_t num)
return (uint64_t) num;
static inline php_random_uint128_t php_random_uint128_constant(uint64_t hi, uint64_t lo)
php_random_uint128_t r;
r = ((php_random_uint128_t) hi << 64) + lo;
return r;
static inline php_random_uint128_t php_random_uint128_add(php_random_uint128_t num1, php_random_uint128_t num2)
return num1 + num2;
static inline php_random_uint128_t php_random_uint128_multiply(php_random_uint128_t num1, php_random_uint128_t num2)
return num1 * num2;
static inline uint64_t php_random_pcgoneseq128xslrr64_rotr64(php_random_uint128_t num)
const uint64_t
v = ((uint64_t) (num >> 64U)) ^ (uint64_t) num,
s = num >> 122U;
return (v >> s) | (v << ((-s) & 63));
# endif
PHPAPI zend_result php_random_bytes(void *bytes, size_t size, bool should_throw);
PHPAPI zend_result php_random_int(zend_long min, zend_long max, zend_long *result, bool should_throw);
static inline zend_result php_random_bytes_throw(void *bytes, size_t size)
return php_random_bytes(bytes, size, true);
static inline zend_result php_random_bytes_silent(void *bytes, size_t size)
return php_random_bytes(bytes, size, false);
static inline zend_result php_random_int_throw(zend_long min, zend_long max, zend_long *result)
return php_random_int(min, max, result, true);
static inline zend_result php_random_int_silent(zend_long min, zend_long max, zend_long *result)
return php_random_int(min, max, result, false);
typedef struct _php_random_status_ {
size_t last_generated_size;
void *state;
} php_random_status;
typedef struct _php_random_status_state_combinedlcg {
int32_t state[2];
} php_random_status_state_combinedlcg;
typedef struct _php_random_status_state_mt19937 {
uint32_t state[MT_N];
uint32_t count;
uint8_t mode;
} php_random_status_state_mt19937;
typedef struct _php_random_status_state_pcgoneseq128xslrr64 {
php_random_uint128_t state;
} php_random_status_state_pcgoneseq128xslrr64;
typedef struct _php_random_status_state_xoshiro256starstar {
uint64_t state[4];
} php_random_status_state_xoshiro256starstar;
typedef struct _php_random_status_state_user {
zend_object *object;
zend_function *generate_method;
} php_random_status_state_user;
typedef struct _php_random_algo {
const size_t generate_size;
const size_t state_size;
void (*seed)(php_random_status *status, uint64_t seed);
uint64_t (*generate)(php_random_status *status);
zend_long (*range)(php_random_status *status, zend_long min, zend_long max);
bool (*serialize)(php_random_status *status, HashTable *data);
bool (*unserialize)(php_random_status *status, HashTable *data);
} php_random_algo;
extern PHPAPI const php_random_algo php_random_algo_combinedlcg;
extern PHPAPI const php_random_algo php_random_algo_mt19937;
extern PHPAPI const php_random_algo php_random_algo_pcgoneseq128xslrr64;
extern PHPAPI const php_random_algo php_random_algo_xoshiro256starstar;
extern PHPAPI const php_random_algo php_random_algo_secure;
extern PHPAPI const php_random_algo php_random_algo_user;
typedef struct _php_random_engine {
const php_random_algo *algo;
php_random_status *status;
zend_object std;
} php_random_engine;
typedef struct _php_random_randomizer {
const php_random_algo *algo;
php_random_status *status;
bool is_userland_algo;
zend_object std;
} php_random_randomizer;
extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *random_ce_Random_Engine;
extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *random_ce_Random_CryptoSafeEngine;
extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *random_ce_Random_RandomError;
extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *random_ce_Random_BrokenRandomEngineError;
extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *random_ce_Random_RandomException;
extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *random_ce_Random_Engine_PcgOneseq128XslRr64;
extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *random_ce_Random_Engine_Mt19937;
extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *random_ce_Random_Engine_Xoshiro256StarStar;
extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *random_ce_Random_Engine_Secure;
extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *random_ce_Random_Randomizer;
extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *random_ce_Random_IntervalBoundary;
static inline php_random_engine *php_random_engine_from_obj(zend_object *object) {
return (php_random_engine *)((char *)(object) - XtOffsetOf(php_random_engine, std));
static inline php_random_randomizer *php_random_randomizer_from_obj(zend_object *object) {
return (php_random_randomizer *)((char *)(object) - XtOffsetOf(php_random_randomizer, std));
# define Z_RANDOM_ENGINE_P(zval) php_random_engine_from_obj(Z_OBJ_P(zval))
# define Z_RANDOM_RANDOMIZER_P(zval) php_random_randomizer_from_obj(Z_OBJ_P(zval));
PHPAPI php_random_status *php_random_status_alloc(const php_random_algo *algo, const bool persistent);
PHPAPI php_random_status *php_random_status_copy(const php_random_algo *algo, php_random_status *old_status, php_random_status *new_status);
PHPAPI void php_random_status_free(php_random_status *status, const bool persistent);
PHPAPI php_random_engine *php_random_engine_common_init(zend_class_entry *ce, zend_object_handlers *handlers, const php_random_algo *algo);
PHPAPI void php_random_engine_common_free_object(zend_object *object);
PHPAPI zend_object *php_random_engine_common_clone_object(zend_object *object);
PHPAPI uint32_t php_random_range32(const php_random_algo *algo, php_random_status *status, uint32_t umax);
PHPAPI uint64_t php_random_range64(const php_random_algo *algo, php_random_status *status, uint64_t umax);
PHPAPI zend_long php_random_range(const php_random_algo *algo, php_random_status *status, zend_long min, zend_long max);
PHPAPI const php_random_algo *php_random_default_algo(void);
PHPAPI php_random_status *php_random_default_status(void);
PHPAPI zend_string *php_random_bin2hex_le(const void *ptr, const size_t len);
PHPAPI bool php_random_hex2bin_le(zend_string *hexstr, void *dest);
PHPAPI void php_random_combinedlcg_seed_default(php_random_status_state_combinedlcg *state);
PHPAPI void php_random_mt19937_seed_default(php_random_status_state_mt19937 *state);
PHPAPI void php_random_pcgoneseq128xslrr64_advance(php_random_status_state_pcgoneseq128xslrr64 *state, uint64_t advance);
PHPAPI void php_random_xoshiro256starstar_jump(php_random_status_state_xoshiro256starstar *state);
PHPAPI void php_random_xoshiro256starstar_jump_long(php_random_status_state_xoshiro256starstar *state);
PHPAPI double php_random_gammasection_closed_open(const php_random_algo *algo, php_random_status *status, double min, double max);
PHPAPI double php_random_gammasection_closed_closed(const php_random_algo *algo, php_random_status *status, double min, double max);
PHPAPI double php_random_gammasection_open_closed(const php_random_algo *algo, php_random_status *status, double min, double max);
PHPAPI double php_random_gammasection_open_open(const php_random_algo *algo, php_random_status *status, double min, double max);
extern zend_module_entry random_module_entry;
# define phpext_random_ptr &random_module_entry
php_random_status *combined_lcg;
bool combined_lcg_seeded;
php_random_status *mt19937;
bool mt19937_seeded;
int random_fd;
#endif /* PHP_RANDOM_H */