2023-11-07 15:42:40 +03:00
< ? php
namespace ATF ;
use Exception ;
2023-11-10 10:19:25 +03:00
use Throwable ;
2023-11-07 15:42:40 +03:00
use Amp ;
use taskman ;
class Plan
const STUCK_THRESHOLD = 50 ;
const GONE_THRESHOLD = 20 ;
const HUNG_THRESHOLD = 20 ;
2025-01-28 16:23:19 +03:00
const MaxImTextPostLen = 3000 ;
2023-11-07 15:42:40 +03:00
public Session $session ;
public string $name ;
public array $tasks = array ();
public string $im_thread_id = '' ;
public int $im_thread_last_update = 0 ;
public int $start_time ;
//execution history of all tasks
//array of tuples [code, msg]
public array $status_codes = array ();
function __construct ( string $name )
$this -> name = $name ;
function getTitle () : string
$issues_summary = '' ;
foreach ( $this -> getProblemsHistogram () as $code => $count )
if ( $code == Task :: CODE_GONE )
$issues_summary .= " gones: $count " ;
else if ( $code == Task :: CODE_NSTART )
$issues_summary .= " nstrts: $count " ;
else if ( $code == Task :: CODE_STUCK )
$issues_summary .= " stucks: $count " ;
else if ( $code == Task :: CODE_HUNG )
$issues_summary .= " hungs: $count " ;
else if ( $code == Task :: CODE_EXCEPTION )
$issues_summary .= " excepts: $count " ;
else if ( $code == Task :: CODE_WARN )
$issues_summary .= " warns: $count " ;
$running_count = $this -> countRunningTasks ();
$over_count = $this -> countFinishedTasks ();
$predicted_total_duration = $this -> getPredictedTotalDuration ();
$progress_txt = ' tasks:' . ( $running_count > 0 ? $running_count . '|' : '' ) . $over_count . '/' . sizeof ( $this -> tasks ) .
' (' . round ( $this -> getProgress () * 100 , 2 ) . '%) (' .
round ( $this -> getDuration () / 60 , 1 ) . '/' . ( $predicted_total_duration > 0 ? round ( $predicted_total_duration / 60 , 1 ) : '?' ) .
' min)' ;
return " ( { $this -> session -> id } ) Plan ' { $this -> name } ' " . $issues_summary . $progress_txt ;
function getDuration () : int
return time () - $this -> start_time ;
function getPredictedTotalDuration ()
if ( $this -> getDuration () <= 0 )
return 0 ;
if ( $this -> getProgress () <= 0 )
return 0 ;
return $this -> getDuration () / $this -> getProgress ();
function _createMessengerThread ()
if ( $this -> im_thread_id )
return ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < 5 ; ++ $i )
$resp = $this -> session -> conf -> im -> post ( $this -> getTitle (), $this -> _getMessengerThreadProps ());
if ( isset ( $resp [ 'ok' ]))
$this -> im_thread_id = $resp [ 'id' ];
return ;
sleep ( 1 );
throw new Exception ( " Could not create IM thread " );
function _updateMessengerThread ( bool $force )
if ( ! $force && ( time () - $this -> im_thread_last_update ) < self :: IM_THREAD_UPDATE_INTERVAL )
return ;
$this -> im_thread_last_update = time ();
if ( ! $this -> im_thread_id )
return ;
$this -> session -> conf -> im -> updatePost ( $this -> im_thread_id , $this -> _getMessengerThreadProps ());
function _getMessengerThreadProps () : array
return [ 'props' => [ 'attachments' => [
'text' => '* ' . $this -> getTitle (),
'color' => $this -> _getThreadColor ()
function addStatusCode ( $code , $msg = '' )
$this -> status_codes [] = array ( $code , $msg );
function getProblemsHistogram ()
$histogram = array ();
foreach ( $this -> status_codes as $item )
list ( $code , $_ ) = $item ;
if ( ! Task :: isProblemCode ( $code ))
continue ;
if ( ! isset ( $histogram [ $code ]))
$histogram [ $code ] = 0 ;
++ $histogram [ $code ];
return $histogram ;
function hasStatusCode ( $code ) : bool
return $this -> countStatusCode ( $code ) > 0 ;
function countStatusCode ( $code ) : int
$c = 0 ;
foreach ( $this -> status_codes as $item )
if ( $item [ 0 ] === $code )
$c ++ ;
return $c ;
function getStats () : Stats
$stats = new Stats ();
$stats -> gones = $this -> countStatusCode ( Task :: CODE_GONE );
$stats -> hungs = $this -> countStatusCode ( Task :: CODE_HUNG );
$stats -> stucks = $this -> countStatusCode ( Task :: CODE_STUCK );
$stats -> nostarts = $this -> countStatusCode ( Task :: CODE_NSTART );
$stats -> excepts = $this -> countStatusCode ( Task :: CODE_EXCEPTION );
$stats -> warns = $this -> countStatusCode ( Task :: CODE_WARN );
return $stats ;
function _getThreadColor () : string
if ( ! $this -> session -> getDevices ())
return " #000000 " ;
$stats = $this -> getStats ();
return $stats -> getColor ( $this -> isOver ());
function addTask ( Task $task )
$task -> plan = $this ;
$this -> tasks [] = $task ;
function isOver () : bool
if ( $this -> hasTooManyFatalProblems ())
return true ;
foreach ( $this -> tasks as $task )
if ( ! $task -> isDone ())
return false ;
return true ;
function hasTooManyFatalProblems () : bool
( $this -> countStatusCode ( Task :: CODE_EXCEPTION ) >= self :: EXCEPTIONS_THRESHOLD ) ||
( $this -> countStatusCode ( Task :: CODE_STUCK ) >= self :: STUCK_THRESHOLD ) ||
( $this -> countStatusCode ( Task :: CODE_GONE ) >= self :: GONE_THRESHOLD ) ||
( $this -> countStatusCode ( Task :: CODE_HUNG ) >= self :: HUNG_THRESHOLD )
function getProgress () : float
$total_progress = 0 ;
foreach ( $this -> tasks as $task )
$total_progress += $task -> getProgress ();
return $total_progress / sizeof ( $this -> tasks );
function countRunningTasks () : int
$running_count = 0 ;
foreach ( $this -> tasks as $task )
if ( $task -> device )
$running_count ++ ;
return $running_count ;
function countFinishedTasks () : int
$done_count = 0 ;
foreach ( $this -> tasks as $task )
if ( $task -> isDone ())
$done_count ++ ;
return $done_count ;
function runTaskAsync ( Task $task ) : Amp\Promise
return Amp\call ( function () use ( $task ) {
2023-11-15 12:45:57 +03:00
if ( ! yield $this -> _startAsync ( $task ))
return ;
2023-11-07 15:42:40 +03:00
while ( ! $this -> isOver ())
2024-09-26 10:56:20 +03:00
//let's not exit the testing just because we couldn't update IM thread for some reason
2024-09-26 11:30:34 +03:00
_retry ( 3 , function () {
$this -> _updateMessengerThread ( false );
2024-09-26 10:56:20 +03:00
catch ( \Throwable $e )
err ( " Task # { $task -> run_id } IM thread update error: { $e } * { $task -> device } *... " );
2023-11-07 15:42:40 +03:00
yield Amp\delay (( int )( $this -> session -> conf -> sleep_time * 1000 ));
log ( " Task # { $task -> run_id } { $task -> cmd } ( " . sizeof ( $task -> args ) . " ) progress { $task -> getProgress () } , last ext time { $task -> last_ext_status_item_time } * { $task -> device } *... " );
$check_error = yield $this -> _tryCheckExtStatusAsync ( $task , /*attempts*/ 3 , /*timeout*/ 20 );
if ( $check_error !== null )
//something wrong with device, let's ignore the device and reschedule the task
$this -> _ignoreDevice ( $task -> device , $check_error );
$task -> reschedule ();
break ;
if ( ! $task -> isDone ())
yield $this -> _checkHealthAsync ( $task );
if ( $task -> hasFatalProblem ())
yield $this -> _processFatalProblemAsync ( $task );
break ;
else if ( $task -> isDone ())
//let's reset bogus stats for this device
$this -> session -> resetBogusDeviceCount ( $task -> device );
2023-11-10 15:18:13 +03:00
//let's quit the application once the task is done
yield stop_app_async ( $this -> session -> conf -> atf_host , $task -> device );
2023-11-07 15:42:40 +03:00
//let's free the device
$task -> device = null ;
break ;
2024-09-26 11:30:34 +03:00
_retry ( 3 , function () {
$this -> _updateMessengerThread ( true );
2023-11-07 15:42:40 +03:00
function _onStart ()
$this -> start_time = time ();
log ( " Starting " . $this -> getTitle () . " ... " );
$this -> _createMessengerThread ();
function _startAsync ( Task $task ) : Amp\Promise
//let's create a Slack thread synchronously if it's not present yet
if ( ! $this -> im_thread_id )
$this -> _onStart ();
return Amp\call ( function () use ( $task ) {
log ( " Preparing * { $task -> device } * " );
yield $this -> session -> apk_installer -> installAsync ( $task -> device );
yield start_ext_cmd_on_device_async (
$this -> session -> conf -> atf_host ,
$task -> device ,
$task -> getCmd (),
$task -> getCmdArgs ()
2025-01-28 15:39:54 +03:00
$task -> ext_cmd_start_time = time ();
2023-11-07 15:42:40 +03:00
catch ( Exception $e )
$this -> _ignoreDevice ( $task -> device , $e -> getMessage ());
$task -> reschedule ();
return false ;
$task -> start ();
return true ;
2023-11-15 12:45:57 +03:00
function _ignoreDevice ( string $device , string $reason )
2023-11-07 15:42:40 +03:00
$this -> session -> ignoreDevice ( $device , $reason );
$this -> post ( " Ignoring device * $device *: $reason " );
function _processFatalProblemAsync ( Task $task ) : Amp\Promise
return Amp\call ( function () use ( $task ) {
$fatal_msg = " Fatal problem ( { $task -> getLastFatalProblem () } - " . Task :: code2string ( $task -> getLastFatalProblem ()) . " ), attempt: { $task -> attempts } * { $task -> device } * " ;
err ( " [FTL] $fatal_msg " );
$this -> post ( $fatal_msg );
$this -> _postScreenToMessenger ( $task );
2024-04-09 10:45:31 +03:00
if ( $task -> getLastFatalProblem () == Task :: CODE_EXCEPTION )
2024-04-02 15:33:01 +03:00
2023-11-07 15:42:40 +03:00
yield $this -> _postLastReplayToMessengerAsync ( $task );
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2023-11-07 15:42:40 +03:00
else if ( $task -> getLastFatalProblem () == Task :: CODE_GONE ||
2024-04-09 10:45:31 +03:00
$task -> getLastFatalProblem () == Task :: CODE_STUCK ||
2023-11-07 15:42:40 +03:00
$task -> getLastFatalProblem () == Task :: CODE_HUNG )
$app_log = get_logcat_unity ( $this -> session -> conf -> atf_host , $task -> device , 300 );
2023-11-07 16:08:42 +03:00
$app_log = _trim_start ( $app_log , 2000 );
2023-11-07 15:42:40 +03:00
$this -> post ( " Last logs: \n ``` \n $app_log\n ``` \n * { $task -> device } * " );
if ( $this -> session -> conf -> error_pause )
$this -> _ignoreDevice ( $task -> device , " Ignored for error investigation " );
//Let's reinstall application on this device if it's failing too often
$this -> _incAndCheckBogusDevice ( $task -> device );
$task -> onFatalProblem ();
//let's free the device anyway, it's up to Task::onFatalProblem() to reschedule it or not
$task -> device = null ;
function _tryCheckExtStatusAsync ( Task $task , int $attempts , int $timeout ) : Amp\Promise
return Amp\call ( function () use ( $task , $attempts , $timeout ) {
$last_error = null ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $attempts ; ++ $i )
yield $this -> _checkExtStatusAsync ( $task , $timeout );
break ;
2023-11-10 10:19:25 +03:00
catch ( Throwable $e )
2023-11-07 15:42:40 +03:00
$last_error = $e -> getMessage ();
continue ;
return $last_error ;
function _checkExtStatusAsync ( Task $task , int $timeout ) : Amp\Promise
return Amp\call ( function () use ( $task , $timeout ) {
$ext_status = yield get_ext_status_async ( $this -> session -> conf -> atf_host , $task -> device , $timeout );
if ( ! is_array ( $ext_status ))
return ;
$new_items = $this -> _getExtStatusItemsSince ( $task -> last_ext_status_item_time , $ext_status );
if ( ! $new_items )
return ;
$task -> last_ext_status_item_time = end ( $new_items )[ 'time' ];
foreach ( $new_items as $item )
yield $this -> _analyzeExtStatusItemAsync ( $task , $item );
function _getExtInputRequestsSince ( $id , array $all_reqs ) : array
$new_reqs = array ();
foreach ( $all_reqs as $req )
if ( $req [ 'id' ] > $id )
$new_reqs [] = $req ;
return $new_reqs ;
function _getExtStatusItemsSince ( $time , array $ext_status ) : array
$new_items = array ();
foreach ( $ext_status [ 'entries' ] as $item )
if ( $item [ 'time' ] > $time )
$new_items [] = $item ;
return $new_items ;
function _checkIfAppRunning ( Task $task ) : Amp\Promise
return Amp\call ( function () use ( $task ) {
list ( $status , $_ ) =
yield host_exec_async ( $this -> session -> conf -> atf_host , " % { adb}% -s { $task -> device } shell pidof % { package_id}% " , DEPLOY_OPT_ERR_OK );
return $status == 0 ;
function _reportGone ( Task $task )
//check it application hasn't even started
if ( $task -> last_alive_check_time === $task -> reset_time )
$task -> addStatusCode ( Task :: CODE_NSTART );
$this -> session -> trySendStatsEvent ( $task , 'nstart' );
err ( " [NFD] No app started after { $this -> session -> conf -> dead_threshold } seconds * { $task -> device } * " );
$task -> addStatusCode ( Task :: CODE_GONE );
$this -> session -> trySendStatsEvent ( $task , 'gone' );
err ( " [GNE] App is gone after { $this -> session -> conf -> dead_threshold } seconds * { $task -> device } * " );
function _checkHealthAsync ( Task $task ) : Amp\Promise
return Amp\call ( function () use ( $task ) {
$not_alive_time = microtime ( true ) - $task -> last_alive_check_time ;
$stuck_time = microtime ( true ) - $task -> last_stuck_check_time ;
if ( $not_alive_time > $this -> session -> conf -> dead_threshold )
if ( yield $this -> _checkIfAppRunning ( $task ))
$task -> addStatusCode ( Task :: CODE_HUNG );
$this -> session -> trySendStatsEvent ( $task , 'hung' );
err ( " [HNG] No activity for { $this -> session -> conf -> dead_threshold } seconds * { $task -> device } * " );
$this -> _reportGone ( $task );
$this -> _reportErrorFromLogcatToMessenger ( $task , 1000 );
else if ( $stuck_time > $this -> session -> conf -> stuck_threshold )
if ( yield $this -> _checkIfAppRunning ( $task ))
$task -> addStatusCode ( Task :: CODE_STUCK );
$this -> session -> trySendStatsEvent ( $task , 'stuck' );
err ( " [STK] Stuck for { $this -> session -> conf -> stuck_threshold } seconds * { $task -> device } * " );
$this -> _reportGone ( $task );
function _incAndCheckBogusDevice ( string $device )
$count = $this -> session -> incBogusDevice ( $device );
if ( $count > self :: BOGUS_DEVICE_COUNT_THRESHOLD )
$this -> _ignoreDevice ( $device , " Too many bogus errors " );
else if (( $count % self :: BOGUS_REINSTALL_APP_EVERY_N ) == 0 )
$this -> session -> apk_installer -> forgetInstall ( $device );
static function _parseExtMessage ( string $message )
$msg_code = null ;
$msg_text = $message ;
//example: [DBG] this a debug message
if ( preg_match ( '~^(\[[^\]]+\])(.*)$~' , $message , $matches ))
$msg_code = $matches [ 1 ];
$msg_text = $matches [ 2 ];
return array ( $msg_code , $msg_text );
static function _printToShellExtItem ( Task $task , array $item )
2025-01-28 16:23:19 +03:00
$shell_msg = _trim ( $item [ 'message' ], self :: MaxImTextPostLen );
2023-11-07 15:42:40 +03:00
if ( Task :: isProblemCode ( $item [ 'error' ]))
$shell_msg = " [PRB] Code: { $item [ 'error' ] } , $shell_msg " ;
$shell_msg = " ( " . round ( $item [ 'time' ], 1 ) . " s) { $shell_msg } * { $task -> device } * " ;
log ( $shell_msg );
function _postToMessengerExtStatusItem ( Task $task , array $item )
2025-01-28 16:23:19 +03:00
$orig_msg = _trim ( $item [ 'message' ], self :: MaxImTextPostLen );
2023-11-07 15:42:40 +03:00
$mm_msg = $orig_msg ;
if ( $item [ 'error' ] == Task :: CODE_EXCEPTION )
$mm_msg = " \n ``` \n $mm_msg\n ``` \n " ;
$mm_msg = '(' . round ( $item [ 'time' ], 1 ) . 's) ' . $mm_msg . ' *' . $task -> device . '*' ;
$resp = $this -> post ( $mm_msg );
if ( isset ( $resp [ 'ok' ]) && $item [ 'error' ] == Task :: CODE_EXCEPTION )
$this -> session -> tryShareToQAChannel ( $resp [ 'id' ], $orig_msg );
function post ( $msg , array $args = array ())
$args [ 'root_id' ] = $this -> im_thread_id ;
return $this -> session -> conf -> im -> post ( $msg , $args );
2024-10-11 13:35:41 +03:00
function postFileData ( string $title , string $mime_type , string $file_data , string $file_extension , array $args = array ()) : bool
$args [ 'root_id' ] = $this -> im_thread_id ;
if ( $file_data )
$tmp_file = tempnam ( sys_get_temp_dir (), 'tmp_upload' ) . $file_extension ;
taskman\ensure_write ( $tmp_file , $file_data );
$this -> session -> conf -> im -> postFile ( $title , $mime_type , $tmp_file , $args );
return true ;
catch ( Exception $e )
taskman\ensure_rm ( $tmp_file );
return false ;
2023-11-07 15:42:40 +03:00
function _analyzeExtStatusItemAsync ( Task $task , array $item ) : Amp\Promise
return Amp\call ( function () use ( $task , $item ) {
self :: _printToShellExtItem ( $task , $item );
$task -> addStatusCode ( $item [ 'error' ], $item [ 'message' ]);
if ( $item [ 'error' ] == Task :: CODE_EXCEPTION )
$this -> session -> trySendStatsEvent ( $task , 'exception' );
list ( $msg_type , $msg_text ) = self :: _parseExtMessage ( $item [ 'message' ]);
//NOTE: alive system messages are sent periodically by ExtBot itself,
// we'd like to ignore them for stuck detection
if ( $msg_type !== '[ALIVE]' )
$task -> last_stuck_check_time = microtime ( true );
//NOTE: in case of any message from the device we update the alive check timestamp
$task -> last_alive_check_time = microtime ( true );
yield $this -> _processExtStatusMessageAsync ( $task , $item , $msg_type , $msg_text );
function _processExtStatusMessageAsync ( $task , $item , $msg_type , $msg_text ) : Amp\Promise
return Amp\call ( function () use ( $task , $item , $msg_type , $msg_text ) {
2023-11-20 15:41:02 +03:00
if ( $item [ 'error' ] == Task :: CODE_EXCEPTION ||
$item [ 'error' ] == Task :: CODE_WARN )
2023-11-07 15:42:40 +03:00
$this -> _postToMessengerExtStatusItem ( $task , $item );
2025-01-28 16:23:19 +03:00
else if ( $item [ 'error' ] == Task :: CODE_RAW )
$this -> _postRawDataToMessenger ( $task , $item [ 'message' ]);
2023-11-07 15:42:40 +03:00
else if ( $msg_type === '[WRN]' )
$task -> addStatusCode ( Task :: CODE_WARN );
$this -> _postToMessengerExtStatusItem ( $task , $item );
else if ( $msg_type === '[PRG]' )
//let's reset hung stats since progress is going
$this -> session -> resetBogusDeviceCount ( $task -> device );
$task -> onProgress ( $msg_text );
else if ( $msg_type === '[STAT]' )
yield $this -> session -> trySendStatsFromJzonAsync ( $task , $msg_text );
else if ( $msg_type === '[RPL]' )
$this -> _postReplayToMessenger ( $task , $msg_text );
function _postLastReplayToMessengerAsync ( Task $task ) : Amp\Promise
return Amp\call ( function () use ( $task ) {
if ( $this -> session -> conf -> device_replay_path )
list ( $repl_err , $repl_txt ) =
yield get_last_replay_async ( $this -> session -> conf -> atf_host , $task -> device , $this -> session -> conf -> device_replay_path );
if ( $repl_err === 0 )
$this -> _postReplayToMessenger ( $task , $repl_txt );
2025-01-28 16:23:19 +03:00
function _postRawDataToMessenger ( Task $task , string $txt )
if ( strlen ( $txt ) > self :: MaxImTextPostLen )
$this -> postFileData ( " Raw data: * { $task -> device } * " , 'text/plain' , $txt , '.txt' );
$this -> post ( " Raw data: \n ``` \n $txt\n ``` \n * { $task -> device } * " );
2023-11-07 15:42:40 +03:00
function _postReplayToMessenger ( Task $task , $repl_txt )
2023-11-07 16:08:42 +03:00
$repl_txt = _try_lz4_replay ( $repl_txt );
2024-10-11 13:35:41 +03:00
2025-01-28 16:23:19 +03:00
if ( strlen ( $repl_txt ) > self :: MaxImTextPostLen )
2024-10-11 13:35:41 +03:00
$this -> postFileData ( " Replay File: * { $task -> device } * " , 'text/plain' , $repl_txt , '.txt' );
$this -> post ( " Last Replay: \n ``` \n $repl_txt\n ``` \n * { $task -> device } * " );
2023-11-07 15:42:40 +03:00
function _reportErrorFromLogcatToMessenger ( Task $task , $limit )
2024-04-12 10:49:50 +03:00
$errors_log = _trim ( get_logcat_errors ( $this -> session -> conf -> atf_host , $task -> device , $limit ), 3950 );
2023-11-07 15:42:40 +03:00
if ( $errors_log )
$this -> post ( " \n ``` \n $errors_log\n ``` \n * { $task -> device } * " );
function _postScreenToMessenger ( Task $task )
global $GAME_ROOT ;
$png_data = device_screen ( $this -> session -> conf -> atf_host , $task -> device );
if ( $png_data )
$tmp_png = tempnam ( sys_get_temp_dir (), 'device_screen' ) . '.png' ;
taskman\ensure_write ( $tmp_png , $png_data );
$this -> session -> conf -> im -> postPNG ( " screen: " . $task -> device , $tmp_png , array ( 'root_id' => $this -> im_thread_id ));
catch ( Exception $e )
taskman\ensure_rm ( $tmp_png );
class Stats
public int $gones = 0 ;
public int $hungs = 0 ;
public int $stucks = 0 ;
public int $nostarts = 0 ;
public int $excepts = 0 ;
public int $warns = 0 ;
function add ( Stats $other )
$this -> gones += $other -> gones ;
$this -> hungs += $other -> hungs ;
$this -> stucks += $other -> stucks ;
$this -> nostarts += $other -> nostarts ;
$this -> excepts += $other -> excepts ;
$this -> warns += $other -> warns ;
function getColor ( bool $is_over ) : string
if ( $this -> gones > 0 ||
$this -> hungs > 0 ||
$this -> warns > 0 ||
$this -> excepts > 0 ||
$this -> stucks > 0 ||
$this -> nostarts > 0
if ( $this -> excepts )
return $is_over ? " danger " : " #FFCCCB " ;
return $is_over ? " warning " : " #FFCF9E " ;
else if ( $is_over )
return " good " ;
return " #D3D3D3 " ;