apk_name = $apk_name; $this->override_conf = $override_conf; } function countInstallsInProgress() { $c = 0; foreach($this->installs as $status) if($status == self::ST_IN_PROGRESS) ++$c; return $c; } function installAsync($device) { return Amp\call(function() use($device) { while($this->countInstallsInProgress() >= self::MAX_INSTALLS_IN_PROGRESS) yield Amp\delay(1000); if(isset($this->installs[$device])) return; $this->installs[$device] = self::ST_IN_PROGRESS; try { yield atf_host_exec_async("%{adb}% -s $device shell am force-stop %{package_id}%", DEPLOY_OPT_ERR_OK); if($this->apk_name !== null) { yield atf_host_exec_async("%{adb}% -s $device uninstall %{package_id}%", DEPLOY_OPT_ERR_OK, 30); yield atf_host_exec_async("%{adb}% -s $device install -r ./{$this->apk_name}", 0, 400); } $this->installs[$device] = self::ST_INSTALLED; } catch(Exception $e) { atf_log("Error during install *$device*: " . $e->getMessage()); unset($this->installs[$device]); throw $e; } }); } } class ATFAdbDevicePool implements IATFDevicePool { function get() { return atf_get_devices(); } } class ATFFixedDevicePool implements IATFDevicePool { private $devices; function __construct(array $devices) { $this->devices = $devices; } function get() { return $this->devices; } } class ATFCachedDevices implements IATFDevicePool { private $provider; private $cached = null; private $last_cache_time; private $keep_cache_time; function __construct(IATFDevicePool $provider, $keep_cache_time) { $this->provider = $provider; $this->keep_cache_time = $keep_cache_time; } function get() { if($this->cached === null || (time() - $this->last_cache_time) > $this->keep_cache_time) { $this->cached = $this->provider->get(); $this->last_cache_time = time(); } return $this->cached; } } class ATFSession { public $guid; public $version; public $branch; public $rev_hash; public $plans = array(); public $ignored_devices = array(); public $bogus_device_count = array(); public $share_with_qa_chan = true; public $shared_qa_errors = array(); function __construct() { $this->guid = atf_guid(); $this->branch = taskman_prop('GAME_VERSION_BRANCH'); $this->version = taskman_prop('GAME_VERSION'); $this->rev_hash = taskman_prop('GAME_REVISION_HASH'); } function incBogusDevice($device) { if(!isset($this->bogus_device_count[$device])) $this->bogus_device_count[$device] = 0; return ++$this->bogus_device_count[$device]; } function resetBogusDeviceCount($device) { $this->bogus_device_count[$device] = 0; } function resetBogusDevices() { $this->bogus_device_count = array(); } function addPlan(ATFPlan $plan) { $plan->session = $this; $this->plans[] = $plan; } function resetPlans() { $this->plans = array(); } function run($apk_path = null, $apk_reuse = false, $override_conf = false, $adb_reboot = true) { $apk_name = $apk_path === null ? null : basename($apk_path); _atf_start_watchdog($this->guid); //1. deploy an apk file to the atf host if(!$apk_reuse && $apk_path !== null) { if(!is_file($apk_path)) throw new Exception("No such file '$apk_path'"); $local_crc = _atf_get_local_file_crc($apk_path); $remote_crc = _atf_get_remote_file_crc($apk_name); if($remote_crc === '' || $local_crc !== $remote_crc) atf_host_put_file($apk_path, $apk_name); else atf_log("Skipping same .apk upload"); } //2. reboot just in case if($adb_reboot) atf_adb_reboot(); $install = new ATFApkInstaller($apk_name, $override_conf); foreach($this->plans as $plan) $this->_runPlan($install, $plan); foreach($this->plans as $plan) { if($plan->hasFatalProblems() || ($plan->isOver() && !$plan->getDevices())) return false; } return true; } function _runPlan(ATFApkInstaller $install, ATFPlan $plan) { atf_log("Starting " . $plan->getTitle() . "..."); //NOTE: hung_threshold must be larger than gone_threshold Amp\Promise\wait($plan->runAsync($install, $sleep_time = 4, $hung_threshold = 80, $gone_threshold = 30, $stuck_threshold = 200)); } function trySendStatsFromJzonAsync(ATFTask $task, $jzon) { return Amp\call(function() use($task, $jzon) { try { $data = jzon_parse(trim(str_replace('\"', '"', $jzon))); $table = $data['table']; unset($data['table']); if(isset($data['deviceMemoryUsage']) && $data['deviceMemoryUsage'] === '') { $mem = yield atf_device_mem_async($task->device); $data['deviceMemoryUsage'] = $mem['total']; if($table === 'device_memory') { $data['deviceMemoryUsageNative'] = $mem['native']; $data['deviceMemoryUsageSystem'] = $mem['system']; $data['deviceMemoryUsageJava'] = $mem['java']; $data['deviceMemoryUsageGraphics'] = $mem['graphics']; } } $this->trySendStats($task, $table, $data); } catch(Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . "\n"; } }); } function trySendApkStatsEvent() { try { $apk_sizeB = get_apk_size(); $apk_sizeMb = round($apk_sizeB / 1024 / 1024,4); $version = taskman_prop('GAME_VERSION'); $rev_hash = taskman_prop('GAME_REVISION_HASH'); $msg = "version $version($rev_hash) size: $apk_sizeMb Mb ($apk_sizeB B)"; atf_slack_post($msg, array('channel' => _atf_slack_chan_qa())); $data['guid'] = $this->guid; $data['time'] = time(); $data['version'] = $version; $data['revHash'] = $rev_hash; $data['apk_size'] = $apk_sizeB; atf_stats_send('apk_size', $data); $data['guid'] = $this->guid; $data['time'] = time(); $data['version'] = $this->version; $data['revHash'] = $this->rev_hash; $data['branch'] = $this->branch; $data['event'] = 'apk_size'; $data['value'] = $apk_size; atf_stats_send('event_value', $data); } catch(Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . "\n"; } } function trySendStats(ATFTask $task, $table, array $data) { try { $data['guid'] = $this->guid; $data['time'] = time(); $data['deviceId'] = $task->device; atf_stats_send($table, $data); } catch(Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . "\n"; } } function trySendStatsEvent(ATFTask $task, $event, $value = 1) { $this->trySendStats( $task, 'event_value', array( 'event' => $event, 'value' => $value, 'branch' => $this->branch, 'version' => $this->version, 'revHash' => $this->rev_hash ) ); } function tryShareToQAChannel($msg_slack_id, $error) { if(!$this->share_with_qa_chan) return; //let's skip similar already shared errors if($this->_calcSharedErrorSimilarity($error) > 80) return; $this->shared_qa_errors[] = $error; //let's share an exception message to goh-qa channel $resp = atf_slack_get_permalink($msg_slack_id); if(isset($resp['permalink'])) atf_slack_post($resp['permalink'], array('channel' => _atf_slack_chan_qa())); } function _calcSharedErrorSimilarity($error) { $max_perc = 0; foreach($this->shared_qa_errors as $shared) { $perc = 0; similar_text($shared, $error, $perc); if($perc > $max_perc) $max_perc = $perc; } return $max_perc; } } class ATFPlan { const EXCEPTIONS_THRESHOLD = 5; const BOGUS_DEVICE_COUNT_THRESHOLD = 5; public $session; public $name; public $device_pool; public $tasks = array(); public $slack_thread_ts; function __construct($name, IATFDevicePool $device_pool) { $this->name = $name; $this->device_pool = $device_pool; } function getTitle() { return "Testing plan '{$this->name}' devices:".sizeof($this->getDevices())."(n/a:".sizeof($this->session->ignored_devices).")"; } function createSlackThread() { for($i=0;$i<5;++$i) { $resp = atf_slack_post($this->getTitle()); if(isset($resp['ok'])) { $this->slack_thread_ts = $resp['ts']; return; } sleep(1); } throw new Exception("Could not create Slack thread"); } function updateSlackThread() { $issues_summary = ''; foreach($this->getProblemsHistogram() as $code => $count) { if($code == ATFTask::CODE_GONE) $issues_summary .= " gones:$count"; else if($code == ATFTask::CODE_NSTART) $issues_summary .= " nstrts:$count"; else if($code == ATFTask::CODE_STUCK) $issues_summary .= " stucks:$count"; else if($code == ATFTask::CODE_HUNG) $issues_summary .= " hungs:$count"; else if($code == ATFTask::CODE_EXCEPTION) $issues_summary .= " excepts:$count"; else if($code == ATFTask::CODE_WARN) $issues_summary .= " warns:$count"; } $running_count = 0; $over_count = 0; $total_progress = 0; foreach($this->tasks as $task) { $total_progress += $task->getProgress(); if($task->isOver()) $over_count++; if($task->device) $running_count++; } $progress_txt = ' tasks:' . ($running_count > 0 ? $running_count . '/' : '') . $over_count . '/' . sizeof($this->tasks) . ' (' . round($total_progress/sizeof($this->tasks)*100, 2) . '%)'; atf_slack_update($this->slack_thread_ts, array(array( "text" => $this->getTitle() . $issues_summary . $progress_txt, "color" => $this->_getThreadColor(), "mrkdwn_in" => array("text") )) ); } function getProblemsHistogram() { $histogram = array(); foreach($this->tasks as $task) { foreach($task->status_codes as $item) { list($code, $_) = $item; if(!ATFTask::isProblemCode($code)) continue; if(!isset($histogram[$code])) $histogram[$code] = 0; ++$histogram[$code]; } } return $histogram; } function hasStatusCode($code) { return $this->countStatusCode($code) > 0; } function countStatusCode($code) { $c = 0; foreach($this->tasks as $task) $c += $task->countStatusCode($code); return $c; } function _getThreadColor() { if(!$this->getDevices()) return "#000000"; $has_gones = $this->hasStatusCode(ATFTask::CODE_GONE); $has_hungs = $this->hasStatusCode(ATFTask::CODE_HUNG); $has_stucks = $this->hasStatusCode(ATFTask::CODE_STUCK); $has_nostarts = $this->hasStatusCode(ATFTask::CODE_NSTART); $has_excepts = $this->hasStatusCode(ATFTask::CODE_EXCEPTION); $has_warns = $this->hasStatusCode(ATFTask::CODE_WARN); if($has_gones || $has_hungs || $has_warns || $has_excepts || $has_stucks || $has_nostarts) { if(!$has_excepts) return $this->isOver() ? "warning" : "#FFCF9E"; else return $this->isOver() ? "danger" : "#FFCCCB"; } else if($this->isOver()) return "good"; else return "#D3D3D3"; } function _ignoreDevice($device, $reason) { $this->session->ignored_devices[] = $device; atf_log("Ignoring device *$device*: $reason"); atf_slack_post("Ignoring device *$device*: $reason", array('thread_ts' => $this->slack_thread_ts)); } function getDevices() { $devices = array_diff($this->device_pool->get(), $this->session->ignored_devices); return $devices; } function addTask(ATFTask $task) { $this->tasks[] = $task; } function isOver() { if(!$this->getDevices()) { return true; } if($this->countStatusCode(ATFTask::CODE_EXCEPTION) >= self::EXCEPTIONS_THRESHOLD) { return true; } foreach($this->tasks as $task) { if(!$task->isOver()) return false; } return true; } function hasFatalProblems() { foreach($this->tasks as $task) { foreach($task->status_codes as $item) { if(ATFTask::isFatalCode($item[0])) return true; } } return false; } function _findUnassignedTask() { foreach($this->tasks as $task) { if(!$task->device && !$task->isOver()) return $task; } return null; } function runAsync(ATFApkInstaller $install, $sleep_time, $hung_threshold, $gone_threshold, $stuck_threshold) { $this->createSlackThread(); $this->session->resetBogusDevices(); $cs = array(); foreach($this->tasks as $task) $cs[] = $this->_runTaskAsync($task, $install, $sleep_time, $hung_threshold, $gone_threshold, $stuck_threshold); return Amp\Promise\all($cs); } function _runTaskAsync(ATFTask $task, ATFApkInstaller $install, $sleep_time, $hung_threshold, $gone_threshold, $stuck_threshold) { return Amp\call(function() use($task, $install, $sleep_time, $hung_threshold, $gone_threshold, $stuck_threshold) { while(!$this->isOver() && !$task->isOver()) { $this->updateSlackThread(); yield Amp\delay((int)$sleep_time*1000); if(!$task->device) { if(!yield $this->_findDeviceAndStartAsync($task, $install)) continue; } $check_error = yield $this->_tryCheckExtStatusAsync($task, /*attempts*/3, /*timeout*/20); if($check_error !== null) { $this->_ignoreDevice($device, $check_error); if (!taskman_prop('EXT_BOT_ERROR_PAUSE')) $task->reschedule(); } if(!$task->isOver()) yield $this->_checkHealthAsync($task, $hung_threshold, $gone_threshold, $stuck_threshold); if($task->hasFatalProblem()) { yield $this->_processFatalProblemAsync($task); } else if($task->isDone()) { //let's reset hung stats for this device $this->session->resetBogusDeviceCount($task->device); //let's free the device $task->device = null; } } $this->updateSlackThread(); }); } function _findDeviceAndStartAsync(ATFTask $task, ATFApkInstaller $install) { return Amp\call(function() use($task, $install) { $device = $this->_findFreeDevice(); if(!$device) return false; //let's mark the device as occupied ASAP $task->device = $device; try { atf_slack_post("Preparing *{$task->device}*", array('thread_ts' => $this->slack_thread_ts)); yield $install->installAsync($device); yield atf_start_ext_cmd_on_device_async($device, $task->getCmd(), $task->getCmdArgs()); } catch(Exception $e) { $this->_ignoreDevice($device, $e->getMessage()); $task->reschedule(); return false; } $task->start($this->slack_thread_ts); return true; }); } function _processFatalProblemAsync(ATFTask $task) { return Amp\call(function() use($task) { $this->_postScreenToSlack($task); $fatal_msg = "Fatal problem ({$task->last_fatal_problem} - ".ATFTask::code2string($task->last_fatal_problem)."), attempt:{$task->attempts} *{$task->device}*"; atf_log("[FTL] $fatal_msg"); atf_slack_post($fatal_msg, array('thread_ts' => $task->slack_thread_ts)); if($task->last_fatal_problem == ATFTask::CODE_GONE || $task->last_fatal_problem == ATFTask::CODE_HUNG) { $app_log = atf_get_logcat_unity($task->device, 300); $app_log = _atf_trim_start($app_log, 2000); atf_slack_post("Last logs: ```$app_log``` *{$task->device}*", array('thread_ts' => $task->slack_thread_ts)); } if (!taskman_prop('EXT_BOT_ERROR_PAUSE')) $task->reschedule(); }); } function _findFreeDevice() { $available = array(); foreach($this->getDevices() as $device) { $busy = false; foreach($this->tasks as $task) { if($task->device == $device) { $busy = true; break; } } if(!$busy) $available[] = $device; } if(!$available) return null; return $available[mt_rand(0, sizeof($available) - 1)]; } function _tryCheckExtStatusAsync(ATFTask $task, $attempts, $timeout) { return Amp\call(function() use($task, $attempts, $timeout) { $last_error = null; for($i=0;$i<$attempts;++$i) { try { yield $this->_checkExtStatusAsync($task, $timeout); break; } catch(Exception $e) { $last_error = $e->getMessage(); continue; } } return $last_error; }); } function _checkExtStatusAsync(ATFTask $task, $timeout) { return Amp\call(function() use($task, $timeout) { $ext_status = yield atf_get_ext_status_async($task->device, $timeout); if(!is_array($ext_status)) return; $new_items = $this->_getExtStatusItemsSince($task->last_ext_status_item_time, $ext_status); if(!$new_items) return; $task->last_ext_status_item_time = end($new_items)['time']; foreach($new_items as $item) yield $this->_analyzeExtStatusItemAsync($task, $item); }); } function _getExtStatusItemsSince($time, array $ext_status) { $new_items = array(); foreach($ext_status['entries'] as $item) { if($item['time'] > $time) $new_items[] = $item; } return $new_items; } function _checkHealthAsync(ATFTask $task, $hung_threshold, $gone_threshold, $stuck_threshold) { return Amp\call(function() use($task, $hung_threshold, $gone_threshold, $stuck_threshold) { $device_is_bogus = false; $not_alive_time = microtime(true) - $task->last_alive_check_time; $stuck_time = microtime(true) - $task->last_stuck_check_time; if($not_alive_time > $hung_threshold) { $task->addStatusCode(ATFTask::CODE_HUNG); $this->session->trySendStatsEvent($task, 'hung'); atf_log("[HNG] No activity for $hung_threshold seconds *{$task->device}*"); $device_is_bogus = true; } else if($not_alive_time > $gone_threshold) { list($status, $_) = yield atf_host_exec_async("%{adb}% -s {$task->device} shell pidof %{package_id}%", DEPLOY_OPT_ERR_OK); if($status != 0) { if($task->last_alive_check_time === $task->reset_time) { $task->addStatusCode(ATFTask::CODE_NSTART); $this->session->trySendStatsEvent($task, 'nstart'); atf_log("[NFD] No app started after $hung_threshold seconds *{$task->device}*"); } else { $task->addStatusCode(ATFTask::CODE_GONE); $this->session->trySendStatsEvent($task, 'gone'); atf_log("[GNE] App is gone after $hung_threshold seconds *{$task->device}*"); } $device_is_bogus = true; } else //let's tap the screen just in case app Activity is not in foreground yield atf_host_exec_async("%{adb}% -s {$task->device} shell input tap 360 930", DEPLOY_OPT_ERR_OK); } else if($stuck_time > $stuck_threshold) { $task->addStatusCode(ATFTask::CODE_STUCK); $this->session->trySendStatsEvent($task, 'stuck'); atf_log("[STK] Stuck for $stuck_threshold seconds *{$task->device}*"); } if($device_is_bogus) { $this->_reportErrorFromLogcatToSlack($task, 1000); $this->_incAndCheckBogusDevice($task->device); } }); } function _incAndCheckBogusDevice($device) { if($this->session->incBogusDevice($device) >= self::BOGUS_DEVICE_COUNT_THRESHOLD) { $this->_ignoreDevice($device, "Too many N/As"); return true; } return false; } static function _parseExtMessage($message) { $msg_code = null; $msg_text = $message; //example: [DBG] this a debug message if(preg_match('~^(\[[^\]]+\])(.*)$~', $message, $matches)) { $msg_code = $matches[1]; $msg_text = $matches[2]; } return array($msg_code, $msg_text); } static function _printToShellExtItem(ATFTask $task, array $item) { $shell_msg = _atf_trim($item['message'], 200); if(ATFTask::isProblemCode($item['error'])) $shell_msg = "[PROBLEM] Code:{$item['error']}, $shell_msg"; $shell_msg = "(".round($item['time'],1)."s) {$shell_msg} *{$task->device}*"; atf_log($shell_msg); } function _postToSlackExtStatusItem(ATFTask $task, array $item) { $orig_msg = _atf_trim($item['message'], 3000); $slack_msg = $orig_msg; if($item['error'] == ATFTask::CODE_EXCEPTION) $slack_msg = "```$slack_msg```"; $slack_msg = '('.round($item['time'],1).'s) '.$slack_msg.' *'.$task->device.'*'; $resp = atf_slack_post($slack_msg, array('thread_ts' => $task->slack_thread_ts)); if(isset($resp['ok']) && $item['error'] == ATFTask::CODE_EXCEPTION) $this->session->tryShareToQAChannel($resp['ts'], $orig_msg); } function _analyzeExtStatusItemAsync(ATFTask $task, array $item) { return Amp\call(function() use($task, $item) { self::_printToShellExtItem($task, $item); $task->addStatusCode($item['error'], $item['message']); if($item['error'] == ATFTask::CODE_EXCEPTION) $this->session->trySendStatsEvent($task, 'exception'); list($msg_type, $msg_text) = self::_parseExtMessage($item['message']); //NOTE: alive system messages are sent periodically by ExtBot itself, // we'd like to ignore them for stuck detection if($msg_type !== '[ALIVE]') $task->last_stuck_check_time = microtime(true); if($msg_type === '[DONE]') { $task->is_done = true; $this->_postToSlackExtStatusItem($task, $item); } //NOTE: in case of any message from the device we update the alive check timestamp $task->last_alive_check_time = microtime(true); yield $this->_processExtStatusMessageAsync($task, $item, $msg_type, $msg_text); }); } function _processExtStatusMessageAsync($task, $item, $msg_type, $msg_text) { return Amp\call(function() use($task, $item, $msg_type, $msg_text) { if($msg_type === '[PRG]') { //let's reset hung stats since progress is going $this->session->resetBogusDeviceCount($task->device); $task->onProgress($msg_text); } else if($msg_type === '[STAT]') yield $this->session->trySendStatsFromJzonAsync($task, $msg_text); else if($msg_type === '[WRN]') { $task->addStatusCode(ATFTask::CODE_WARN); $this->_postToSlackExtStatusItem($task, $item); } else if($msg_type === null) { $this->_postToSlackExtStatusItem($task, $item); } }); } function _reportErrorFromLogcatToSlack(ATFTask $task, $limit) { $errors_log = _atf_trim(atf_get_logcat_errors($task->device, $limit), 3000); if($errors_log) atf_slack_post("```$errors_log``` *{$task->device}*", array('thread_ts' => $task->slack_thread_ts)); } function _postScreenToSlack(ATFTask $task) { global $GAME_ROOT; $png_data = atf_screen($task->device); if($png_data) { ensure_write("$GAME_ROOT/build/atf/screen.png", $png_data); atf_slack_post_png("screen", "$GAME_ROOT/build/atf/screen.png", array('thread_ts' => $task->slack_thread_ts)); } } } class ATFTask { const CODE_NONE = 0; const CODE_EXCEPTION = 1; const CODE_WARN = 2; const CODE_NSTART = 124; const CODE_STUCK = 125; const CODE_GONE = 126; const CODE_HUNG = 127; const CODE_DONE = 128; static function code2string($code) { switch($code) { case self::CODE_NONE: return "none"; case self::CODE_EXCEPTION: return "exception"; case self::CODE_WARN: return "warning"; case self::CODE_STUCK: return "stuck"; case self::CODE_NSTART: return "nstart"; case self::CODE_GONE: return "gone"; case self::CODE_HUNG: return "hung"; case self::CODE_DONE: return "done"; } return "???"; } public $cmd; public $args; public $title; public $last_progress; public $last_done_arg_idx; public $slack_thread_ts; public $reset_time = 0; public $last_alive_check_time = 0; public $last_stuck_check_time = 0; public $last_ext_status_item_time = 0; public $last_ext_input_req_id = 0; public $status_codes = array(); public $is_done; public $last_fatal_problem = 0; public $attempts = 1; public $device; function __construct($cmd, array $args, $title = '') { $this->cmd = $cmd; $this->args = $args; $this->title = $title; } function getCmd() { return $this->cmd; } function getCmdArgs() { return $this->args; } function getProgress() { return $this->last_progress; } static function isProblemCode($code) { return $code > self::CODE_NONE && $code < self::CODE_DONE; } static function isFatalCode($code) { return $code == ATFTask::CODE_STUCK || $code == ATFTask::CODE_NSTART || $code == ATFTask::CODE_GONE || $code == ATFTask::CODE_HUNG || $code == ATFTask::CODE_EXCEPTION; } function hasFatalProblem() { return $this->last_fatal_problem != 0; } function hasStatusCode($code) { return $this->countStatusCode($code) > 0; } function countStatusCode($code) { $c = 0; foreach($this->status_codes as $item) { if($item[0] === $code) $c++; } return $c; } function isDone() { return $this->is_done; } function isOver() { return $this->isDone() || $this->hasFatalProblem(); } function addStatusCode($code, $msg = '') { $this->status_codes[] = array($code, $msg); if($code == ATFTask::CODE_DONE) $this->is_done = true; else if(self::isFatalCode($code)) $this->last_fatal_problem = $code; } function onProgress($jzon) { try { $data = jzon_parse(trim(str_replace('\"', '"', $jzon))); if(isset($data['p'])) $this->last_progress = floatval(str_replace(',', '.', str_replace('.', '', $data['p']))); if(isset($data['arg_idx'])) $this->last_done_arg_idx = (int)$data['arg_idx']; } catch(Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . "\n"; } } function _resetCheckTimes() { $this->reset_time = microtime(true); $this->last_alive_check_time = $this->reset_time; $this->last_stuck_check_time = $this->reset_time; $this->last_ext_status_item_time = 0; } function reschedule() { ++$this->attempts; $this->device = null; } function start($slack_thread_ts) { $this->_resetCheckTimes(); $this->slack_thread_ts = $slack_thread_ts; } } function atf_host_exec_async($cmd, $opts = 0, $timeout = 10) : Amp\Promise { return Amp\call(function() use($cmd, $opts, $timeout) { $timeout_cmd = "/usr/local/bin/timeout -k 5s $timeout $cmd"; $res = yield deploy_ssh_exec_async(atf_host(), $timeout_cmd, $opts); list($status, $lines) = current($res); //in case of timeout we set status to false explicitely if($status === 124) $status = false; return array($status, $lines); }); } function atf_host_exec($cmd, $opts = 0, $timeout = 10) { $timeout_cmd = "/usr/local/bin/timeout -k 5s $timeout $cmd"; $res = deploy_ssh_exec(atf_host(), $timeout_cmd, $opts); list($status, $lines) = current($res); //in case of timeout we set status to false explicitely if($status === 124) $status = false; return array($status, $lines); } function atf_host_get_file($file_name) { $file_data = current(deploy_get_file(atf_host(), $file_name)); return $file_data; } function atf_host_put_file($local_path, $remote_path) { deploy_scp_put_file(atf_host(), $local_path, $remote_path); } function atf_host_put_file_async($local_path, $remote_path) { return deploy_scp_put_file_async(atf_host(), $local_path, $remote_path); } function _atf_slice(array $items, $max) { $sliced = array(); $offset = 0; while(true) { $tmp = array_slice($items, $offset, $max); if(!$tmp) break; $sliced[] = $tmp; $offset += $max; } return $sliced; } function _atf_get_remote_file_crc($path) { list($status, $lines) = atf_host_exec("crc32 $path", DEPLOY_OPT_ERR_OK); if($status != 0) return ''; return trim(implode("\n", $lines)); } function _atf_get_local_file_crc($path) { if(!is_file($path)) return ''; taskman_shell_ensure("crc32 $path", $out); return trim($out[0]); } function atf_device_put_file_async($device, $data_or_file, $device_path, $is_file = false) { return Amp\call(function() use($device, $data_or_file, $device_path, $is_file) { if($device_path[0] !== "/") $device_path = atf_package_dir() . $device_path; $tmp_remote_file = uniqid(basename($device_path)."_"); if(!$is_file) { $local_path = tempnam("/tmp", "atf_"); ensure_write($local_path, $data_or_file); } else $local_path = $data_or_file; try { //1. let's copy local file to the ATF host as temp one yield atf_host_put_file_async($local_path, $tmp_remote_file); } finally { if(!$is_file) ensure_rm($local_path); } //2. let's push the temp file to the device $device_dir = dirname($device_path); yield atf_host_exec_async("%{adb}% -s $device shell mkdir -p $device_dir"); yield atf_host_exec_async("%{adb}% -s $device push $tmp_remote_file $device_path", 0, 30); yield atf_host_exec_async("rm -rf $tmp_remote_file"); }); } function atf_device_put_folder_async($device, $data, $device_path) { return Amp\call(function() use($device, $data, $device_path) { if($device_path[0] !== "/") $device_path = atf_package_dir() . $device_path; $device_dir = dirname($device_path); yield atf_host_exec_async("%{adb}% -s $device shell rm -rf $device_path"); yield atf_host_exec_async("%{adb}% -s $device shell mkdir -p $device_dir"); yield atf_host_exec_async("%{adb}% -s $device push $data $device_path", 0, 400); }); } function atf_device_del_file_async($device, $device_path, $opts = 0) { if($device_path[0] !== "/") $device_path = atf_package_dir() . $device_path; return atf_host_exec_async("%{adb}% -s $device shell rm -rf $device_path", $opts); } function atf_device_pull_file_async($device, $device_path, $timeout = 10, $throw_error_on_timeout = false) { return Amp\call(function() use($device, $device_path, $throw_error_on_timeout, $timeout) { if($device_path[0] !== "/") $device_path = atf_package_dir() . $device_path; $tmp_remote_file = uniqid(basename($device_path)."_"); list($status, $_) = yield atf_host_exec_async("%{adb}% -s $device pull $device_path $tmp_remote_file", DEPLOY_OPT_ERR_OK, $timeout); if($status !== 0) { if($status === false && $throw_error_on_timeout) throw new Exception("Could not pull from device '$device' file '$device_path' due to timeout"); return null; } $file_data = atf_host_get_file($tmp_remote_file); yield atf_host_exec_async("rm -rf $tmp_remote_file"); return $file_data; }); } function atf_screen($device) { $screen_file_name = uniqid("screen_"); try { atf_host_exec("%{adb}% -s $device exec-out screencap -p > $screen_file_name"); } catch(Exception $e) { return false; } $data = atf_host_get_file($screen_file_name); atf_host_exec("rm -rf $screen_file_name"); return $data; } function atf_guid() { return uniqid(); } function _atf_start_watchdog($guid) { $script = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../gamectl atf_watchdog ' . getmypid() . ' ' . $guid; exec("nohup $script > /dev/null &", $output, $ret); } function _atf_trim($txt, $max_len) { return strlen($txt) > $max_len ? substr($txt, 0, $max_len) . "..." : $txt; } function _atf_trim_start($txt, $max_len) { return strlen($txt) > $max_len ? "..." . substr($txt, strlen($txt) - $max_len) : $txt; } function _atf_db() { $config = array( 'host' => '', 'port' => '8123', 'username' => get('ATF_CLICKHOUSE_USERNAME'), 'password' => get('ATF_CLICKHOUSE_PASSWORD') ); $db = new ClickHouseDB\Client($config); $db->database(get('ATF_CLICKHOUSE_DB')); $db->setTimeout(10); $db->setConnectTimeOut(5); return $db; } function atf_stats_send($table, array $data) { return; $db = _atf_db(); $db->insert($table, array(array_values($data)), array_keys($data)); } function atf_log($msg) { echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . " " . $msg . "\n"; } function atf_adb_reboot() { atf_host_exec("killall adb"); atf_host_exec("%{adb}% kill-server"); atf_host_exec("%{adb}% start-server"); } function atf_reboot_devices(array $devices) { atf_log("Rebooting devices..."); //let's reboot devices $ces = array(); foreach($devices as $device) { $ces[] = Amp\call(function() use($device) { yield atf_host_exec_async("%{adb}% -s $device reboot", DEPLOY_OPT_ERR_OK); yield Amp\delay(40*1000); }); } Amp\Promise\wait(Amp\Promise\all($ces)); } function atf_get_devices($extended = false) { $devices = array(); list($_, $lines) = atf_host_exec("%{adb}% devices -l", DEPLOY_OPT_SILENT); foreach($lines as $line) { if(preg_match('~^(\S+)\s+device(.*)~', $line, $m)) { if($extended) { $devices[$m[1]] = array(); $items = explode(" ", trim($m[2])); foreach($items as $item) { list($k, $v) = explode(":", $item); $devices[$m[1]][$k] = $v; } } else $devices[] = $m[1]; } } return $devices; } function atf_get_ext_status_async($device, $timeout = 20) { return Amp\call(function() use($device, $timeout) { $file_data = yield atf_device_pull_file_async($device, "ext_status.js", $timeout, /*throw on timeout*/true); if($file_data === null) return null; $file_data = preg_replace('/[[:cntrl:]]/', '', $file_data); return json_decode($file_data, true); }); } function atf_update_ext_cmd_async($device, $main, array $args) { $ext_cmd = array( "device_id" => $device, "main" => $main, "args" => $args, ); return atf_device_put_file_async($device, json_encode($ext_cmd), 'ext_cmd.js'); } function atf_package_dir() { return "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/".deploy_get(atf_host(), 'package_id')."/files/"; } function atf_get_locat_errors_since($device, $since_stamp)//not using { $time_spec = gmdate('m-d h:m:s.0', $since_stamp); list($_, $lines) = atf_host_exec("%{adb}% -s $device logcat -s -v UTC -d -t '$time_spec' AndroidRuntime:E Unity:E", DEPLOY_OPT_SILENT | DEPLOY_OPT_ERR_OK); _atf_filter_error_logs($lines); return implode("\n", $lines); } function atf_get_logcat_errors($device, $limit = 0) { list($_, $lines) = atf_host_exec("%{adb}% -s $device logcat -s -d ".($limit > 0 ? "-t $limit" : "")." AndroidRuntime:E Unity:E", DEPLOY_OPT_SILENT | DEPLOY_OPT_ERR_OK); _atf_filter_error_logs($lines); return implode("\n", $lines); } function atf_get_logcat_unity($device, $limit = 0) { list($_, $lines) = atf_host_exec("%{adb}% -s $device logcat -s -d Unity:'*'", DEPLOY_OPT_ERR_OK); if($limit > 0) array_splice($lines, 0, sizeof($lines) - $limit); return implode("\n", $lines); } function _atf_filter_error_logs(array &$lines) { $exception_lines = 0; $filtered = array(); for($i=0;$i 0) $filtered[] = $line; } } $lines = $filtered; } function atf_start_ext_cmd_on_device_async($device, $cmd_main, array $cmd_args) { return Amp\call(function() use($device, $cmd_main, $cmd_args) { yield atf_device_del_file_async($device, 'ext_status.js', DEPLOY_OPT_ERR_OK); yield atf_host_exec_async("%{adb}% -s $device shell am force-stop %{package_id}%", DEPLOY_OPT_ERR_OK, 30); yield atf_update_ext_cmd_async($device, $cmd_main, $cmd_args); yield atf_host_exec_async("%{adb}% -s $device shell am start -n %{package_id}%/%{activity}%", 0, 30); }); } function atf_host() { static $inited = false; $node_name = 'atf'; if($inited) return $node_name; deploy_declare_node($node_name, array( 'user' => taskman_prop("ATF_USER"), 'dir' => '', 'ssh_key_str' => taskman_prop("ATF_KEY"), 'hosts' => array(taskman_prop("ATF_HOST")), 'adb' => taskman_prop("ATF_HOST_ADB"), 'package_id' => taskman_prop("PACKAGE_ID"), 'activity' => taskman_prop("LAUNCHER_ACTIVITY") ) ); $inited = true; return $node_name; } function _atf_opt(array &$args, $opt, $default, $conv_fn = null) { foreach($args as $idx => $arg) { if(strpos($arg, $opt) === 0) { $arg = substr($arg, strlen($opt)); unset($args[$idx]); return $conv_fn === null ? $arg : $conv_fn($arg); } } return $default; } function _atf_opt_check_no_trailing(array $args) { foreach($args as $arg) { if(preg_match('~(--\w+)=.*~', $arg, $m)) throw new Exception("Unknown option '{$m[1]}'"); } }