
313 lines
6.7 KiB

namespace ATF;
use Exception;
use Amp;
class Cmd
public string $module;
public string $func;
function __construct(string $module, string $func)
$this->module = $module;
$this->func = $func;
function __toString()
return $this->module.':'.$this->func;
class Task
const CODE_MESSAGE = 0;
const CODE_WARN = 2;
const CODE_RAW = 3;
const CODE_NSTART = 124;
const CODE_STUCK = 125;
const CODE_GONE = 126;
const CODE_HUNG = 127;
const CODE_DONE = 128;
static function code2string(int $code) : string
case self::CODE_MESSAGE:
return "message";
case self::CODE_EXCEPTION:
return "exception";
case self::CODE_WARN:
return "warning";
case self::CODE_RAW:
return "raw";
case self::CODE_STUCK:
return "stuck";
case self::CODE_NSTART:
return "nstart";
case self::CODE_GONE:
return "gone";
case self::CODE_HUNG:
return "hung";
case self::CODE_DONE:
return "done";
return "???";
public ?Plan $plan = null;
//async execution id
public int $run_id = 0;
//'true' if async coroutine is resolved
public bool $run_status = false;
//async execution exception if any
public ?object $run_error = null;
//attached device
public ?string $device = null;
public int $attempts = 1;
//signal to dispatcher to re-start execution of the task
public bool $need_reschedule = false;
public Cmd $cmd;
public array $args = array();
public string $title = '';
public float $start_time = 0;
public float $reset_time = 0;
public float $ext_cmd_start_time = 0;
public float $last_progress = 0;
public int $last_done_arg_idx = -1;
public float $last_alive_check_time = 0;
public float $last_stuck_check_time = 1;
public float $last_ext_status_item_time = 0;
//array of tuples [code, msg]
public array $status_codes = array();
function __construct(Cmd $cmd, array $args, $title = '')
$this->cmd = $cmd;
$this->args = $args;
$this->title = $title;
function getCmd() : Cmd
return $this->cmd;
function getCmdArgs() : array
return $this->args;
function getProgress() : float
if($this->last_progress == 0 && $this->isDone())
return 1;
return $this->last_progress;
static function isProblemCode($code) : bool
return $code > self::CODE_MESSAGE && $code < self::CODE_DONE;
static function isFatalCode($code) : bool
$code == Task::CODE_STUCK ||
$code == Task::CODE_NSTART ||
$code == Task::CODE_GONE ||
$code == Task::CODE_HUNG ||
$code == Task::CODE_EXCEPTION;
function hasFatalProblem() : bool
return $this->getLastFatalProblem() != 0;
function getLastFatalProblem() : int
for($i=sizeof($this->status_codes);$i-- > 0;)
$item = $this->status_codes[$i];
return $item[0];
return 0;
function hasStatusCode($code)
foreach($this->status_codes as $item)
if($item[0] === $code)
return true;
return false;
function isDone()
return $this->hasStatusCode(Task::CODE_DONE);
function addStatusCode($code, $msg = '')
//plan stores history of all status codes
$this->plan->addStatusCode($code, $msg);
$this->status_codes[] = array($code, $msg);
function onFatalProblem()
if($this->attempts < 3)
function onProgress($jzon)
$data = jzon_parse(trim(str_replace('\"', '"', $jzon)));
$this->last_progress = floatval(str_replace(',', '.', $data['p']));
$this->last_done_arg_idx = (int)$data['arg_idx'];
catch(Exception $e)
echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";
function _resetCheckTimes()
$this->reset_time = microtime(true);
$this->last_alive_check_time = $this->reset_time;
$this->last_stuck_check_time = $this->reset_time;
$this->last_ext_status_item_time = 0;
function reschedule()
$this->device = null;
$this->need_reschedule = true;
function start()
$this->status_codes = array();
$this->start_time = time();
function getDuration()
return time() - $this->start_time;
class TestLevelsTask extends Task
public $arg_offset = 0;
private $rseeds = array();
private $seed = null;
private $timescale = null;
function __construct(Cmd $cmd, array $args, $with_rseeds = false, $seed = null, $timescale = null, $title = '')
$level_ids = array();
//TODO: should not really be here
foreach($args as $item)
$level_ids[] = $item[0];
$this->rseeds[] = $item[1];
$level_ids = $args;
$this->seed = $seed;
$this->timescale = $timescale;
parent::__construct($cmd, $level_ids, $title);
function getCmdArgs() : array
$args = array();
foreach($this->args as $idx => $arg)
$args[] = $arg;
$args[] = $this->rseeds[$idx];
$args = $this->args;
//appending arg. offset as a first argument
array_unshift($args, ''.$this->arg_offset);
array_unshift($args, '--offset');
array_unshift($args, 'true');
array_unshift($args, '--levels-with-rseed');
if($this->seed !== null)
array_unshift($args, ''.$this->seed);
array_unshift($args, '--seed');
if($this->timescale !== null)
array_unshift($args, ''.$this->timescale);
array_unshift($args, '--timescale');
return $args;
function onFatalProblem()
$start_arg = isset($this->args[$this->arg_offset]) ? $this->args[$this->arg_offset] : '?';
$done_arg = isset($this->args[$this->last_done_arg_idx]) ? $this->args[$this->last_done_arg_idx] : '?';
$this->plan->post("Handling error, progress:".round($this->getProgress(),2).", last done arg:{$done_arg}, start arg:{$start_arg}, arg offset:{$this->arg_offset}, args:".sizeof($this->args)." *$this->device*");
//we're allowed to skip only in case of exceptions
if($this->getLastFatalProblem() == Task::CODE_EXCEPTION)
if($this->last_done_arg_idx > $this->arg_offset)
$this->arg_offset = $this->last_done_arg_idx;
//let's reschedule the task if it still makes sense
if($this->arg_offset < sizeof($this->args))