getMessage() . "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString(), FILE_APPEND); throw $e; } }); function config_set_base_dirs(array $dirs) { global $CONFIG_BASE_DIRS; $CONFIG_BASE_DIRS = array_map(function($d) { return normalize_path($d); }, $dirs); } function config_base_dirs() : array { global $CONFIG_BASE_DIRS; return $CONFIG_BASE_DIRS; } function config_map_base_dir(string $file, bool $normalized = false, bool $strict = true, ?array $dirs = null) : ?string { if(!is_array($dirs)) $dirs = config_base_dirs(); if(!$normalized) $file = normalize_path($file); foreach($dirs as $dir) if(strpos($file, $dir) === 0) return $dir; if($strict) throw new Exception("File '$file' is not mapped to any base dir"); return null; } function config_real_path(string $rel_path, bool $strict = true, ?array $dirs = null) : ?string { if(!is_array($dirs)) $dirs = config_base_dirs(); foreach($dirs as $dir) if(is_file($dir . '/' . $rel_path)) return $dir . '/' . $rel_path; if($strict) throw new Exception("No file for relative path '$rel_path'"); return null; } function config_build_dir() : string { global $GAME_ROOT; return "$GAME_ROOT/build/tmp/"; } function config_set_worker_init_fn(callable $fn) { global $CONFIG_INIT_WORKER_FUNC; $CONFIG_INIT_WORKER_FUNC = $fn; } function config_scan_files() : array { $files = scan_files_rec(config_base_dirs(), array('conf.js')); return config_filter_files($files); } function config_filter_files(array $files) : array { global $CONFIG_FILTER_FN; if($CONFIG_FILTER_FN != null) $files = call_user_func($CONFIG_FILTER_FN, $files); return $files; } function config_set_files_filter_fn(callable $fn) { global $CONFIG_FILTER_FN; $CONFIG_FILTER_FN = $fn; } function config_pack_bundle( array $cache_entries, bool $use_lz4 = false, bool $use_config_refs = false, int $binary_format = 1, ?int $version = null, bool $debug = true ) : string { global $GAME_ROOT; if(is_null($version)) $version = game_version_code(); $packed_data = null; if($binary_format == 1) { $packed_data = _config_pack_bundle_fmt1( $cache_entries, $use_lz4, $use_config_refs, $version ); } else if($binary_format == 2) { $packed_data = _config_pack_bundle_fmt2( $cache_entries, $use_lz4, $use_config_refs, $version ); } else throw new Exception("Unknown binary format: $binary_format"); if($debug) echo "CONF.BUNDLE: entries " . sizeof($cache_entries) . "; total " . kb($packed_data) . "; format $binary_format; lz4 $use_lz4; refs $use_config_refs; CRC " . crc32($packed_data) . "\n"; return $packed_data; } function _config_pack_bundle_fmt1(array $cache_entries, bool $use_lz4, bool $use_config_refs, int $version) : string { $MAP = array(); $STRIDMAP = array(); $payloads = array(); $payloads_offset = 0; foreach($cache_entries as $entry) { list($format, $payload) = _config_get_payload($entry, $use_lz4, $use_config_refs); $payload_size = strlen($payload); $payloads[] = array($payloads_offset, $payload, $format, $payload_size); $payloads_offset += $payload_size; } $header = array(); foreach($cache_entries as $idx => $entry) { if(isset($MAP[$entry->id])) throw new Exception("Duplicating config id for '{$entry->strid}' conflicts with '{$MAP[$entry->id]}'"); $MAP[$entry->id] = $entry->strid; $strid_crc = crc32($entry->strid); if(isset($STRIDMAP[$strid_crc])) throw new Exception("Duplicating config str id crc for '{$entry->strid}' conflicts with '{$STRIDMAP[$strid_crc]}'"); $STRIDMAP[$strid_crc] = $entry->strid; $header[] = array( $payloads[$idx][2], $entry->id, crc32($entry->strid), $entry->class_id, $payloads[$idx][0], $payloads[$idx][3] ); } $header_msgpack = config_msgpack_pack($header); $payloads_bundle = ''; foreach($payloads as $item) $payloads_bundle .= $item[1]; $packed_data = pack("C", 1) . pack("V", $version) . pack("V", strlen($header_msgpack)) . $header_msgpack . $payloads_bundle; return $packed_data; } function _config_pack_bundle_fmt2(array $cache_entries, bool $use_lz4, bool $use_config_refs, int $version) : string { $MAP = array(); $STRIDMAP = array(); $STRIDLIST = array(); $payloads = array(); $strids = array(); $payloads_offset = 0; foreach($cache_entries as $entry) { list($format, $payload) = _config_get_payload($entry, $use_lz4, $use_config_refs); $payload_size = strlen($payload); $payloads[] = array($payloads_offset, $payload, $format, $payload_size); $payloads_offset += $payload_size; $strids_indices = array(); $strid_parts = explode('/', ltrim($entry->strid, '@')); foreach($strid_parts as $strid_part) { if(!isset($STRIDMAP[$strid_part])) { $strid_index = count($STRIDLIST); $STRIDLIST[] = $strid_part; $STRIDMAP[$strid_part] = $strid_index; $strids_indices[] = $strid_index; } else $strids_indices[] = $STRIDMAP[$strid_part]; } $strids[] = $strids_indices; } $header = array(); foreach($cache_entries as $idx => $entry) { if(isset($MAP[$entry->id])) throw new Exception("Duplicating config id for '{$entry->strid}' conflicts with '{$MAP[$entry->id]}'"); $MAP[$entry->id] = $entry->strid; $header[] = array( $payloads[$idx][2], //format $entry->id, $strids[$idx], //strid as a lookup indices $entry->class_id, $payloads[$idx][0], //offset $payloads[$idx][3] //size ); } $strids_msgpack = config_msgpack_pack($STRIDLIST); $header_msgpack = config_msgpack_pack($header); $payloads_bundle = ''; foreach($payloads as $item) $payloads_bundle .= $item[1]; $packed_data = pack("C", 2) . pack("V", $version) . pack("V", strlen($strids_msgpack)) . pack("V", strlen($header_msgpack)) . $strids_msgpack . $header_msgpack . $payloads_bundle; return $packed_data; } function config_unpack_bundle(string $packed_data) : array { $packed_info = substr($packed_data, 0, 1); $info = unpack('Cformat', $packed_info); if($info['format'] === 1) { return _config_unpack_bundle_fmt1($packed_data); } else if($info['format'] === 2) { return _config_unpack_bundle_fmt2($packed_data); } else throw new Exception("Unknown format: {$info['format']}"); } function _config_unpack_bundle_fmt1(string $packed_data) : array { $packed_info = substr($packed_data, 0, 1+4+4); $info = unpack('Cformat/Vversion/Vheader_len', $packed_info); if($info['format'] !== 1) throw new Exception("Unknown format: {$info['format']}"); $header_msgpack = substr($packed_data, 1+4+4, $info['header_len']); $header = config_msgpack_unpack($header_msgpack); $payloads_bundle = substr($packed_data, 1+4+4+$info['header_len']); $entries = array(); foreach($header as $item) { list($format, $id, $strid_crc, $class_id, $offset, $size) = $item; $payload = substr($payloads_bundle, $offset, $size); $entries[$id] = array($class_id, _config_unpack_payload($format, $payload)); } return $entries; } function _config_unpack_bundle_fmt2(string $packed_data) : array { $packed_info = substr($packed_data, 0, 1+4+4+4); $info = unpack('Cformat/Vversion/Vstrids_len/Vheader_len', $packed_info); if($info['format'] !== 2) throw new Exception("Unknown format: {$info['format']}"); $strids_msgpack = substr($packed_data, 1+4+4+4, $info['strids_len']); $strids = config_msgpack_unpack($strids_msgpack); $header_msgpack = substr($packed_data, 1+4+4+4+$info['strids_len'], $info['header_len']); $header = config_msgpack_unpack($header_msgpack); $payloads_bundle = substr($packed_data, 1+4+4+4+$info['strids_len']+$info['header_len']); $entries = array(); foreach($header as $item) { list($format, $id, $strid_crc, $class_id, $offset, $size) = $item; $payload = substr($payloads_bundle, $offset, $size); $entries[$id] = array($class_id, _config_unpack_payload($format, $payload)); } return $entries; } function _config_get_payload(ConfigCacheEntry $ce, bool $use_lz4, bool $use_config_refs) : array { $format = ConfigCacheEntry::FMT_BINARY; $payload = null; if($use_config_refs && $ce->payload_file) { $format = ConfigCacheEntry::FMT_FILE_REF; $payload = $ce->payload_file; } else { $payload = $ce->payload; if($use_lz4 && strlen($payload) > 512) { $format = ConfigCacheEntry::FMT_LZ4; $payload = lz4_compress($payload, 9); } } return array($format, $payload); } function _config_unpack_payload(int $format, string $payload) : array { $msg_packed = null; if($format === ConfigCacheEntry::FMT_LZ4) $msg_packed = lz4_uncompress($payload); else if($format === ConfigCacheEntry::FMT_BINARY) $msg_packed = $payload; else if($format === ConfigCacheEntry::FMT_FILE_REF) $msg_packed = ensure_read($payload); else throw new Exception("Bad format: $format"); return config_msgpack_unpack($msg_packed); } function config_make_standalone_ext_bundle( array $configs, string $file_path, bool $use_lz4 = true, int $binary_format = 1, ?int $version = null ) { $cache_entries = array(); foreach($configs as $conf) { $payload = config_msgpack_pack($conf->export()); //creating fake cache entries $entry = new ConfigCacheEntry(); $entry->id = $conf->id; $entry->strid = $conf->strid; $entry->class_id = $conf->getClassId(); $entry->class = get_class($conf); $entry->payload = $payload; $entry->config = $conf; $cache_entries[] = $entry; } $packed_data = config_pack_bundle($cache_entries, $use_lz4, false, $binary_format, $version); ensure_write($file_path, $packed_data); } function config_bench_load(string $file) { $base_dir = config_map_base_dir($file); list($conf_id, $_) = config_ensure_header($base_dir, $file); if(!$conf_id) throw new Exception("Bad conf id: {$conf_id}"); $t = microtime(true); $parse_res = config_parse(config_base_dirs(), $file); if($parse_res->error !== 0) throw new Exception("Error({$parse_res->error}) while loading JSON from {$file}:\n" . $parse_res->error_descr); echo "PARSE: " . (microtime(true) - $t) . "\n"; $t = microtime(true); $config = config_load_ex($base_dir, $file, $parse_res->parsed_arr, $conf_id); echo "LOAD: " . (microtime(true) - $t) . "\n"; } function config_get_tmp_build_path(string $file) : string { $name = str_replace(":", "-", str_replace("\\", "-", str_replace("/", "-", normalize_path($file)))); $name = ltrim($name, "-"); return normalize_path(config_build_dir() . "/$name"); } class ConfigFetchResult { public array $all = array(); public array $by_id = array(); public array $by_path = array(); public array $by_alias = array(); } class ConfigFetchParams { public array $files = array(); public bool $force_stale = false; public bool $verbose = false; public ?int $max_workers = null; public bool $touch_files_with_includes = true; } function config_fetch(ConfigFetchParams $params) : ConfigFetchResult { if(!$params->files) return new ConfigFetchResult(); $max_workers = $params->max_workers; if($max_workers === null) $max_workers = sizeof($params->files) < 20 ? 1 : 4; $chunk_size = (int)ceil(sizeof($params->files)/$max_workers); $jobs = array(); foreach(array_chunk($params->files, $chunk_size) as $idx => $chunk_files) $jobs[] = array($idx, $chunk_files); $results_by_job = null; $serial = $max_workers == 1; if(!$serial) { $results_by_job = _config_worker_run_procs($jobs, $params->force_stale, $params->verbose); //in case of any result error try serial processing if(array_search(false, $results_by_job, true/*strict*/) !== false) { if($params->verbose) echo "Result error detected, trying serial processing...\n"; $serial = true; } } if($serial) { $results_by_job = array(); foreach($jobs as $job) $results_by_job[] = _config_worker_func($job, $params->force_stale, $params->verbose); } list($result, $total_stales) = _config_fetch_cache_ex($results_by_job, $params->touch_files_with_includes); if($params->verbose) echo "Miss/All: $total_stales/" . sizeof($result->all) . "\n"; return $result; } //TODO: deprecated function, kept for BC function config_fetch_ex( array $files, bool $force_stale = false, bool $verbose = false, //TODO: removing this will break BC, keepint it for a while $not_used = null, ?int $max_workers = null ) : ConfigFetchResult { $params = new ConfigFetchParams(); $params->files = $files; $params->force_stale = $force_stale; $params->verbose = $verbose; $params->max_workers = $max_workers; return config_fetch($params); } function _config_fetch_cache_ex(array $results_by_job, bool $touch_files_with_includes = true) : array { $result = new ConfigFetchResult(); $total_stales = 0; foreach($results_by_job as $results) { foreach($results as $file => $item) { list($cache_file, $is_stale) = $item; $cache_entry = ConfigCacheEntry::unserialize(ensure_read($cache_file)); //NOTE: handling any cache corruption errors if($cache_entry === null) { $is_stale = true; $cache_entry = _config_invalidate_cache($file, $cache_file); } $includes = $cache_entry->includes; if(!$is_stale && count($includes) > 0 && need_to_regen($file, $includes)) { $is_stale = true; $cache_entry = _config_invalidate_cache($file, $cache_file); //NOTE: let's change the mtime of the file which include other files, // so that on tne next build it will be 'older' than its includes // and won't trigger rebuild if($touch_files_with_includes) touch($file); } if($is_stale) ++$total_stales; //we want results to be returned in the same order, so //we store entries by the file key and later retrieve array values $result->by_path[$file] = $cache_entry; $result->by_id[$cache_entry->id] = $cache_entry; $result->by_alias[$cache_entry->strid] = $cache_entry; } } $result->all = array_values($result->by_path); return array($result, $total_stales); } function _config_worker_run_procs(array $jobs, bool $force, bool $verbose) : array { $worker_args = array(); foreach($jobs as $idx => $job) $worker_args[] = array($job, $force, $verbose); return run_background_gamectl_workers('config_worker', $worker_args); } function _config_worker_func(array $job, bool $force, bool $verbose) : array { global $CONFIG_INIT_WORKER_FUNC; if(is_callable($CONFIG_INIT_WORKER_FUNC)) $CONFIG_INIT_WORKER_FUNC(); $start_time = microtime(true); list($idx, $files) = $job; if($verbose) echo "Worker $idx (" . sizeof($files) . ") started\n"; $results = array(); foreach($files as $file_idx => $file) { if($verbose && $file_idx > 0 && ($file_idx % 500) == 0) echo "Worker $idx progress: " . round($file_idx / sizeof($files) * 100) . "% ...\n"; $cache_file = config_get_cache_path($file); $is_stale = true; if(!$force) $is_stale = need_to_regen($cache_file, array($file)); if($is_stale) _config_invalidate_cache($file, $cache_file); $results[$file] = array($cache_file, $is_stale); } if($verbose) echo "Worker $idx done (".round(microtime(true)-$start_time, 2)." sec)\n"; return $results; } function _config_invalidate_cache(string $file, string $cache_file) : ConfigCacheEntry { $cache_payload_file = config_get_cache_payload_path($file); //TODO: pass it from above? $base_dir = config_map_base_dir($file); list($conf_id, $_) = config_ensure_header($base_dir, $file); if(!$conf_id) throw new Exception("Bad conf id: {$conf_id}"); $GLOBALS['CONFIG_CURRENT_FILE'] = $file; $GLOBALS['CONFIG_CURRENT_PROTO_ID'] = $conf_id; $GLOBALS['CONFIG_EXTRAS'] = ConfigCacheEntryExtras::create(); $pres = config_parse(config_base_dirs(), $file); if($pres->error !== 0) throw new Exception("Error({$pres->error}) while loading JSON in {$file}:\n" . $pres->error_descr); $includes = config_get_module_includes($pres->jsm_module); $config = config_load_ex($base_dir, $file, $pres->parsed_arr, $conf_id); $payload_data = config_msgpack_pack($config->export()); $cache_entry = new ConfigCacheEntry(); $cache_entry->id = $config->id; $cache_entry->config = $config; $cache_entry->strid = $config->strid; $cache_entry->cache_file = $cache_file; $cache_entry->class = get_class($config); $cache_entry->class_id = $config->getClassId(); $cache_entry->payload_file = $cache_payload_file; $cache_entry->file = normalize_path($file); $cache_entry->includes = $includes; $cache_entry->extras = $GLOBALS['CONFIG_EXTRAS']; $cache_entry->refs = config_extract_refs($pres->normalized_jzon); ensure_write($cache_file, ConfigCacheEntry::serialize($cache_entry)); ensure_write($cache_payload_file, $payload_data); return $cache_entry; } function config_find_by_alias(ConfigFetchResult $cache_entries, string $strid) : ConfigCacheEntry { if(array_key_exists($strid, $cache_entries->by_alias)) return $cache_entries->by_alias[$strid]; throw new Exception("Failed to find config by alias '$strid'!"); } function config_find_by_id(ConfigFetchResult $cache_entries, int $id) : ConfigCacheEntry { if(array_key_exists($id, $cache_entries->by_id)) return $cache_entries->by_id[$id]; throw new Exception("Failed to find config by id '$id'!"); } function config_find_by_path(ConfigFetchResult $cache_entries, string $path) : ConfigCacheEntry { if(array_key_exists($path, $cache_entries->by_path)) return $cache_entries->by_path[$path]; throw new Exception("Failed to find config by path '$path'!"); } function config_fetch_by_path(string $path, bool $force_stale = false) : ConfigCacheEntry { $ces = config_fetch_ex(array($path), $force_stale); if(empty($ces->all)) throw new Exception("Config not found at path '$path'"); return $ces->all[0]; } function config_fetch_all(bool $force_stale = false) : ConfigFetchResult { return config_fetch_ex(config_scan_files(), $force_stale); } class ConfigCacheEntryExtras extends \stdClass { private static string $klass = ConfigCacheEntryExtras::class; static function init(string $project_specific_klass) { self::$klass = $project_specific_klass; } static function create() : object { return new self::$klass(); } function export() : array { $as_array = get_object_vars($this); return $as_array; } function import(array $as_array) { foreach($as_array as $field_name => $field_value) $this->$field_name = $field_value; } } /** * @property object $config * @property string $payload */ class ConfigCacheEntry { const FMT_BINARY = 0; const FMT_LZ4 = 1; const FMT_FILE_REF = 2; public string $class; public int $class_id; public int $id; public string $strid; public string $cache_file; //NOTE: actual payload is stored in a separate file for faster incremental retrievals public string $payload_file; public string $file; public array $includes = array(); public array $refs = array(); public object $extras; public $_config; public $_payload; static function serialize(ConfigCacheEntry $ce) : string { $d = $ce->export(); return serialize($d); } static function unserialize(string $str) : ?ConfigCacheEntry { $d = @unserialize($str); if(!is_array($d)) return null; $ce = new ConfigCacheEntry(); $ce->import($d); return $ce; } function __construct() { $this->extras = ConfigCacheEntryExtras::create(); } function __get(string $name) { if($name === "config") { if($this->_config === null) { $klass = $this->class; $data = config_msgpack_unpack($this->payload); $this->_config = new $klass($data); } return $this->_config; } else if($name === "payload") { if($this->_payload !== null) return $this->_payload; //if payload not set directly not storing it return ensure_read($this->payload_file); } else throw new Exception("No such property '$name'"); } function __set(string $name, $v) { if($name === "config") $this->_config = $v; else if($name === "payload") $this->_payload = $v; else throw new Exception("No such property '$name'"); } function export() : array { $d = array(); $d[] = $this->class; $d[] = $this->class_id; $d[] = $this->id; $d[] = $this->strid; $d[] = $this->cache_file; $d[] = $this->payload_file; $d[] = $this->file; $d[] = $this->includes; $d[] = $this->refs; $d[] = $this->extras->export(); return $d; } function import(array $d) { $extras = array(); list( $this->class, $this->class_id, $this->id, $this->strid, $this->cache_file, $this->payload_file, $this->file, $this->includes, $this->refs, $extras, ) = $d; $this->extras->import($extras); } } function config_get_cache_path(string $file) : string { return config_get_tmp_build_path($file . '.cacheb'); } function config_get_cache_payload_path(string $file) : string { return config_get_tmp_build_path($file . '.pdata'); } function config_extract_refs(string $src, bool $as_map = true) : array { $refs = array(); if(preg_match_all('~"(@[^"]+)"~', $src, $matches)) { foreach($matches[1] as $ref) { if(!isset($refs[$ref])) $refs[$ref] = 1; ++$refs[$ref]; } } return $as_map ? $refs : array_keys($refs); } function config_get_header(string $file, ?int &$conf_id, ?string &$strid) : bool { $h = fopen($file, "r"); $line = fgets($h, 256); fclose($h); if(preg_match('~\{\s*/\*\s*proto_id\s*=\s*(\d+)\s*;\s*alias\s*=\s*([^\s]+)~', $line, $matches)) { $conf_id = (int)$matches[1]; $strid = $matches[2]; return true; } else return false; } function config_set_header(string $contents, int $conf_id, string $strid, bool &$is_success) : string { $contents = preg_replace('~\s*\{~', "{ /* proto_id = {$conf_id} ; alias = {$strid} */", $contents, 1/*limit*/, $count); $is_success = $count == 1; return $contents; } function config_extract_header(string $contents) : string { return preg_replace('~(\s*\{)\s*/\*\s*proto_id\s*=\s*\d+\s*;\s*alias\s*=\s*[^\s]+\s*\*/~', '$1', $contents); } function config_ensure_header(string $conf_dir, string $file, bool $force = false) : array { if(config_get_header($file, $curr_proto_id, $curr_alias)) { $alias = config_file2strid($conf_dir, $file); if($force) $curr_proto_id = config_file2id($conf_dir, $file); //NOTE: keeping current proto id intact if not forced if($force || $curr_alias !== $alias) { $lines = file($file); //TODO: why not using config_set_header(..) ? $lines[0] = preg_replace('~\s*\{\s*/\*\s*proto_id\s*=\s*\d+\s*;\s*alias\s*=\s*[^\s]+\s*\*/~', "{ /* proto_id = {$curr_proto_id} ; alias = {$alias} */", $lines[0], 1/*limit*/, $count); if($count != 1) throw new Exception("Could not set header for '$file' in line: {$lines[0]}"); ensure_write_if_differs($file, join("", $lines)); } return array($curr_proto_id, $alias); } else { $conf_id = config_file2id($conf_dir, $file); $alias = config_file2strid($conf_dir, $file); $lines = file($file); $is_success = false; $lines[0] = config_set_header($lines[0], $conf_id, $alias, $is_success); if(!$is_success) throw new Exception("Could not set header for '$file' in line: {$lines[0]}"); ensure_write($file, join("", $lines)); return array($conf_id, $alias); } } function config_load(string $conf_dir, string $conf_path) : object { list($conf_id, $_) = config_ensure_header($conf_dir, $conf_path); if(!$conf_id) throw new Exception("Bad conf id: {$conf_id}"); $pres = config_parse(array($conf_dir), $conf_path); if($pres->error !== 0) throw new Exception("Error({$pres->error}) while loading JSON from {$conf_path}:\n" . $pres->error_descr); return config_load_ex($conf_dir, $conf_path, $pres->parsed_arr, $conf_id); } function conf2json($conf, int $json_flags = 0) { $arr = $conf->export(true); $arr['class'] = get_class($conf); unset($arr['id']); unset($arr['strid']); $json = json_encode($arr, $json_flags); $json = str_replace(array('\\\\', '\\n', '\/'), array('\\', "\n", '/'), $json); return $json; } class ConfigParseResult { public int $error = 0; public string $error_descr; public string $normalized_jzon = ''; public array $parsed_arr; public $jsm_module; } function config_parse(array $base_dirs, string $file) : ConfigParseResult { $res = new ConfigParseResult(); $normalized_jzon = ''; try { $jsm = new \JSM($base_dirs, $file); list($normalized_jzon, $jsm_module) = $jsm->process(); $res->normalized_jzon = $normalized_jzon; $res->jsm_module = $jsm_module; } catch(Exception $e) { $res->error = 1; $res->error_descr = "File '$file':\n" . $e->getMessage() . "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString(); return $res; } $decode_res = config_check_and_decode_jzon($normalized_jzon); if($decode_res[0] === 0) { $res->parsed_arr = $decode_res[2]; } else { $res->error = $decode_res[0]; $res->error_descr = "File '$file':\n" . $decode_res[1]; } return $res; } function config_check_and_decode_jzon(string $json) : array { try { $arr = \jzon_parse($json); return array(0, "", $arr); } catch(Exception $e) { return array(1, $e->getMessage(), array()); } } function config_load_ex(string $conf_dir, string $file, array $arr, ?int $id = null) : object { if(!isset($arr['class']) || !isset($arr['class'][0])) throw new Exception("Class is not set in file '$file'."); $klass = $arr['class']; unset($arr['class']); if($id === null) $id = config_file2id($conf_dir, $file); $cnf = null; try { if(!class_exists($klass)) throw new Exception("No such class '$klass'"); $cnf = new $klass; if(!is_a($cnf, $GLOBALS['CONFIG_BASE_CLASS'])) throw new Exception("'$klass' is not subclass of '".ltrim($GLOBALS['CONFIG_BASE_CLASS'], '\\')."'"); $cnf->import($arr, true); } catch(Exception $e) { throw new Exception($e->getMessage() . " in file '{$file}'"/* . $e->getTraceAsString()*/); } $cnf->id = $id; $cnf->strid = config_file2strid($conf_dir, $file); return $cnf; } function config_is_file(string $filename) : bool { return (strrpos($filename, '.conf.js') === (strlen($filename) - 8)); } function config_file2id(string $conf_dir, string $filename) : int { $nfilename = config_make_path($conf_dir, $filename); return config_crc28($nfilename); } function config_file2strid(string $conf_dir, string $filename) : string { $strid = config_make_path($conf_dir, $filename); $fname_idx = strrpos($strid, "/"); $fname_idx = strpos($strid, ".", $fname_idx); $strid = substr($strid, 0, $fname_idx); return "@".$strid; } function config_make_path(string $conf_dir, string $path) : string { return ltrim(str_replace(normalize_path($conf_dir, true/*nix*/), '', normalize_path($path, true/*nix*/)), '/'); } function config_crc28(string $what) : int { return crc32($what) & 0xFFFFFFF; } function config_get_module_includes(\JSM_Module $cm) : array { $includes = array(); foreach($cm->getIncludes() as $include => $_) { //maybe we should take .php includes into account as well? if(config_str_ends_with($include, ".php")) continue; $includes[] = $include; } return $includes; } function config_includes_map_find_text_origin(array $map, string $file, string $text) : array { if(!isset($map[$file])) return array($file); $tpls = $map[$file]; $tpls[] = $file; $res = array(); foreach($tpls as $tpl) { $content = ensure_read($tpl); $content = i18n_decode_string($content); if(strpos($content, $text) !== FALSE) $res[] = $tpl; } return $res; } function config_str_ends_with(string $haystack, string $needle) : bool { // search forward starting from end minus needle length characters return $needle === "" || (($temp = strlen($haystack) - strlen($needle)) >= 0 && strpos($haystack, $needle, $temp) !== false); } function config_walk_fields($proto, callable $callback) { if(!method_exists($proto, 'CLASS_FIELDS_PROPS')) return; foreach($proto->CLASS_FIELDS_PROPS() as $field => $tokens) { $value = $proto->$field; $callback($proto, $field, $value, $tokens); if(is_object($value)) config_walk_fields($value, $callback); else if(is_array($value)) { foreach($value as $num => $item) { if(is_object($item)) config_walk_fields($item, $callback); } } } } if(function_exists('msgpack_pack')) { function config_msgpack_pack(array $data) : string { $prev = ini_set('msgpack.use_str8_serialization', '0'); $res = msgpack_pack($data); if($prev != '0') ini_set('msgpack.use_str8_serialization', $prev); return $res; } function config_msgpack_unpack(string $data) : array { return msgpack_unpack($data); } } else { function config_msgpack_pack(array $data) : string { include_once(__DIR__ . '/msgpack/'); $packer = new \MessagePackCustom(); return $packer->pack($data); } function config_msgpack_unpack(string $data) : array { return \MessagePack\MessagePack::unpack($data); } }