<?php namespace taskman; use Amp; use phpseclib\Crypt\RSA; use phpseclib\Net\SSH2; use phpseclib\Net\SCP; $GLOBALS['DEPLOY_NODES'] = array(); $GLOBALS['DEPLOY_SSH_CONNS'] = array(); define('DEPLOY_OPT_ONE_HOST', 1); define('DEPLOY_OPT_ERR_OK', 2); define('DEPLOY_OPT_SILENT', 4); define('DEPLOY_OPT_IS_FILE', 8); define('DEPLOY_OPT_NO_CACHE', 16); class DeployNode { public $name; public $props = array(); function __construct($name, $props = array()) { $this->name = $name; $this->_setupProps($props); } function get($name) { if(!isset($this->props[$name])) throw new Exception("No such property '$name' in declaration '{$this->name}'"); return $this->props[$name]; } function set($name, $val) { $this->props[$name] = $val; } function has($name) { return isset($this->props[$name]); } private function _setupProps(array $props) { foreach($props as $k => $v) $this->props[$k] = $v; } } function deploy_declare_node($name, array $props) { global $DEPLOY_NODES; if(isset($DEPLOY_NODES[$name])) throw new Exception("Declaration '$name' already exists"); $decl = new DeployNode($name, $props); $deploy_dir = '/home/' . $decl->get('user') . '/' . $decl->get('dir'); //for convenience $decl->set("deploy_dir", $deploy_dir); //checking deploy_dir conflicts foreach($DEPLOY_NODES as $other_name => $other_decl) { foreach($other_decl->get('hosts') as $other_host) { foreach($decl->get('hosts') as $host) if($host == $other_host && $other_decl->get('deploy_dir') === $deploy_dir) throw new Exception("Deploy directory '$deploy_dir' conflicts on nodes '$other_name' and '$name' for host '$host'"); } } $DEPLOY_NODES[$name] = $decl; } function deploy_get_node($name) { global $DEPLOY_NODES; if(!isset($DEPLOY_NODES[$name])) throw new Exception("Deploy node '{$name}' not found"); return $DEPLOY_NODES[$name]; } function deploy_find_node($name) { global $DEPLOY_NODES; if(isset($DEPLOY_NODES[$name])) return $DEPLOY_NODES[$name]; return null; } function deploy_get_node_names() { global $DEPLOY_NODES; return array_keys($DEPLOY_NODES); } function deploy_get($name, $key) { $decl = deploy_get_node($name); return $decl->get($key); } function deploy_set($name, $key, $val) { $decl = deploy_get_node($name); $decl->set($key, $val); } function deploy_exec($name, $cmd, $opts = 0, $func = null) { $decl = deploy_get_node($name); $outs = array(); foreach($decl->get('hosts') as $host) { $ssh = deploy_get_ssh($decl, $host, $opts); $out = deploy_node_host_exec($decl, $host, $ssh, $cmd, $status, $opts); $outs[$host] = array($status, $out); if($func !== null) $func($decl, $host, $ssh, $out, $status); if(($opts & DEPLOY_OPT_ONE_HOST) != 0) break; } return $outs; } function deploy_node_host_exec($decl, $host, SSH2 $ssh, $cmd, &$status, $opts = 0) { $cmd = deploy_str($decl, $cmd); if(($opts & DEPLOY_OPT_SILENT) == 0) echo "[EXE] $host: $cmd\n"; $out = ''; $res = $ssh->exec($cmd, function($str) use(&$out, $opts) { $out .= $str; if(($opts & DEPLOY_OPT_SILENT) == 0) echo $str; return false; }); $status = $ssh->getExitStatus(); if($res === false) throw new Exception("Fatal error executing($status): $cmd"); if(($opts & DEPLOY_OPT_ERR_OK) == 0 && $status !== 0) throw new Exception("Invalid exit status($status) '$cmd': {$ssh->stdErrorLog}"); return $out; } function deploy_ssh_exec($name, $cmd, $opts = 0) { $decl = deploy_get_node($name); $cmd = deploy_str($decl, $cmd); $user = $decl->get('user'); $tmp_key_file = tempnam("/tmp", "ssh_"); $key_str = $decl->get('ssh_key_str'); $outs = array(); try { file_put_contents($tmp_key_file, $key_str); foreach($decl->get('hosts') as $host) { if(($opts & DEPLOY_OPT_SILENT) == 0) echo "[SSH] $host: $cmd\n"; $host_only = $host; $port = 22; if(strpos($host, ":") !== false) list($host_only, $port) = explode(":", $host); $proc_cmd = "ssh -p $port -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ConnectTimeout=90 -o ConnectionAttempts=30 -i $tmp_key_file $user@$host_only ".escapeshellarg($cmd); if($host === "localhost") $proc_cmd = $cmd; //echo "proc_cmd: $proc_cmd\n"; $out = array(); exec($proc_cmd, $out, $status); if(($opts & DEPLOY_OPT_SILENT) == 0 && $out) echo implode("\n", $out) . "\n"; if(($opts & DEPLOY_OPT_ERR_OK) == 0 && $status !== 0) throw new Exception("Invalid exit status($status) '$cmd': " . implode("\n", $out)); $outs[$host] = array($status, $out); if(($opts & DEPLOY_OPT_ONE_HOST) != 0) break; } } finally { unlink($tmp_key_file); } return $outs; } function deploy_ssh_exec_async($name, $cmd, $opts = 0) { return Amp\call(function() use($name, $cmd, $opts) { $decl = deploy_get_node($name); $cmd = deploy_str($decl, $cmd); $user = $decl->get('user'); $tmp_key_file = tempnam("/tmp", "ssh_"); $key_str = $decl->get('ssh_key_str'); $outs = array(); try { file_put_contents($tmp_key_file, $key_str); foreach($decl->get('hosts') as $host) { if(($opts & DEPLOY_OPT_SILENT) == 0) echo "[SSH] $host: $cmd\n"; $proc_cmd = "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ConnectTimeout=90 -o ConnectionAttempts=30 -i $tmp_key_file $user@$host ".escapeshellarg($cmd); if($host === "localhost") $proc_cmd = $cmd; $proc = new Amp\Process\Process($proc_cmd); yield $proc->start(); $out = yield Amp\ByteStream\buffer($proc->getStdout()); $status = yield $proc->join(); if(($opts & DEPLOY_OPT_ERR_OK) == 0 && $status !== 0) throw new Exception("Invalid exit status($status) '$cmd': $out"); $outs[$host] = array($status, explode("\n", $out)); if(($opts & DEPLOY_OPT_ONE_HOST) != 0) break; } } finally { unlink($tmp_key_file); } return $outs; }); } function deploy_put_file($name, $path, $contents, $opts = 0) { $decl = deploy_get_node($name); foreach($decl->get('hosts') as $host) { $ssh = deploy_get_ssh($decl, $host, $opts); $path = deploy_str($decl, $path); $scp = new SCP($ssh); if(($opts & DEPLOY_OPT_SILENT) == 0) echo "[PUT] $host: $path\n"; $fails = 0; while($scp->put($path, $contents, ($opts & DEPLOY_OPT_IS_FILE) == 0 ? SCP::SOURCE_STRING : SCP::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE) === false) { ++$fails; echo "Retrying a file put: $path...\n"; sleep(1); if($fails > 5) throw new Exception("Could not put file: $path"); } } } function deploy_scp_put_file($name, $local_path, $remote_path, $opts = 0) { $decl = deploy_get_node($name); $user = $decl->get('user'); $tmp_key_file = tempnam("/tmp", "ssh_"); $key_str = $decl->get('ssh_key_str'); try { file_put_contents($tmp_key_file, $key_str); foreach($decl->get('hosts') as $host) { if(($opts & DEPLOY_OPT_SILENT) == 0) echo "[PUT] $host: $local_path -> $remote_path\n"; $host_only = $host; $port = 22; if(strpos($host, ":") !== false) list($host_only, $port) = explode(":", $host); $cmd = "scp -P $port -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ConnectTimeout=90 -o ConnectionAttempts=30 -i $tmp_key_file $local_path $user@$host_only:$remote_path"; if($host === "localhost") $cmd = "cp $local_path $remote_path"; system($cmd, $ret); if($ret != 0) throw new Exception("Could not scp local $local_path to remote $remote_path: $ret"); } } finally { unlink($tmp_key_file); } } function deploy_scp_put_file_async($name, $local_path, $remote_path, $opts = 0) { return Amp\call(function() use($name, $local_path, $remote_path, $opts) { $decl = deploy_get_node($name); $user = $decl->get('user'); $tmp_key_file = tempnam("/tmp", "ssh_"); $key_str = $decl->get('ssh_key_str'); try { file_put_contents($tmp_key_file, $key_str); foreach($decl->get('hosts') as $host) { if(($opts & DEPLOY_OPT_SILENT) == 0) echo "[PUT] $host: $local_path -> $remote_path\n"; $proc_cmd = "scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ConnectTimeout=90 -o ConnectionAttempts=30 -i $tmp_key_file $local_path $user@$host:$remote_path"; if($host === "localhost") $proc_cmd = "cp $local_path $remote_path"; $proc = new Amp\Process\Process($proc_cmd); yield $proc->start(); $err_stream = $proc->getStderr(); while(null !== $chunk = yield $err_stream->read()) echo $chunk; $status = yield $proc->join(); if($status !== 0) throw new Exception("Could not scp file $local_path to remote $remote_path: $status"); } } finally { unlink($tmp_key_file); } }); } function deploy_rsync_async($name, $src_dir, $dst_dir, $rsync_opts = '', $opts = 0) { return Amp\call(function() use($name, $src_dir, $dst_dir, $rsync_opts, $opts) { $decl = deploy_get_node($name); $tmp_key_file = tempnam("/tmp", "ssh_"); $key_str = $decl->get('ssh_key_str'); try { file_put_contents($tmp_key_file, $key_str); $ssh_transport = "ssh -A -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ConnectTimeout=90 -o ConnectionAttempts=30 -i $tmp_key_file"; foreach($decl->get('hosts') as $host) { list($ssh_host, $ssh_port) = deploy_ssh_host_port($host); $proc_cmd = "rsync -e '" . $ssh_transport . " -p $ssh_port' -a $rsync_opts $src_dir/ " . $decl->get('user') . '@' . $ssh_host . ":$dst_dir/"; if(($opts & DEPLOY_OPT_SILENT) == 0) echo "[RSN] $host: $proc_cmd\n"; $proc = new Amp\Process\Process($proc_cmd); yield $proc->start(); $err_stream = $proc->getStderr(); while(null !== $chunk = yield $err_stream->read()) echo $chunk; $status = yield $proc->join(); if($status !== 0) throw new Exception("Could not rsync $src_dir to remote $dst_dir: $status"); } } finally { unlink($tmp_key_file); } }); } function deploy_get_file($name, $path, $opts = 0) { $files = array(); $decl = deploy_get_node($name); foreach($decl->get('hosts') as $host) { if(($opts & DEPLOY_OPT_SILENT) == 0) echo "[GET] $host: $path\n"; if($host !== "localhost") { $ssh = deploy_get_ssh($decl, $host); $path = deploy_str($decl, $path); $scp = new SCP($ssh); $files[$host] = $scp->get($path); } else $files[$host] = file_get_contents($path); } return $files; } function deploy_ssh_host_port($host) { $port = '22'; $host_parts = explode(':', $host); if(isset($host_parts[1])) $port = $host_parts[1]; $host = $host_parts[0]; return array($host, $port); } function deploy_get_ssh(DeployNode $decl, $host, $opts = 0) { global $DEPLOY_SSH_CONNS; $conn_id = $decl->name.'_'.$host; if(!isset($DEPLOY_SSH_CONNS[$conn_id]) || ($opts & DEPLOY_OPT_NO_CACHE) != 0) { $ssh = _deploy_make_ssh($decl, $host); $DEPLOY_SSH_CONNS[$conn_id] = $ssh; } else { $ssh = $DEPLOY_SSH_CONNS[$conn_id]; //let's check the cached connection try { $ok = $ssh->ping(); } catch(Exception $e) { $ok = false; } //if it's broken for some reason let's just fetch the new one if(!$ok) { $ssh = _deploy_make_ssh($decl, $host); $DEPLOY_SSH_CONNS[$conn_id] = $ssh; } } return $DEPLOY_SSH_CONNS[$conn_id]; } function _deploy_make_ssh($decl, $host) { list($ssh_host, $ssh_port) = deploy_ssh_host_port($host); $key = new RSA(); $key->loadKey($decl->get('ssh_key_str')); $ssh = new SSH2($ssh_host, $ssh_port); if(!$ssh->login($decl->get('user'), $key)) throw new Exception("Login failed"); return $ssh; } function deploy_str($decl, $str) { global $DEPLOY_NODES; $res = preg_replace_callback( '~%\{([^\}]+)\}%~', function($m) use($decl) { return $decl->get($m[1]); }, $str ); return $res; }