
121 lines
2.9 KiB

namespace taskman;
use Exception;
task('git_info', function()
list($rev_hash, $branch, $revision_number) = git_get_info();
$info = "==============GIT INFO==============\n"
. "$rev_hash - hash\n"
. "$branch - branch\n"
. "$revision_number - revision\n";
echo $info;
function git_do(string $repo, string $action, &$out = NULL, bool $verbose = true)
$cli = "cd $repo && git $action";
echo "Git CLI: $cli\n";
exec($cli, $out, $result);
if($verbose || $result !== 0)
echo implode("\n", $out)."\n";
if($result !== 0)
throw new Exception("Error executing command: $cli ($result)");
function git_is_repo(string $directory, bool $check_root = false) : bool
if($check_root && !is_dir("$directory/.git"))
return false;
$output = [];
git_do($directory, "rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree", $output, false);
return !empty($output) && $output[0] === 'true';
function git_rev_from_commit_message(string $message) : string
// Regular expression pattern to extract the commit hash
$pattern = '/\b[0-9a-f]{7,40}\b/';
// Extract the commit hash from the message
preg_match($pattern, $message, $matches);
$commit_hash = $matches[0] ?? '';
return $commit_hash;
function get_git_last_remote_tag(string $repo) : mixed
$remote_tags = [];
git_do($repo, 'ls-remote --tags origin', $output, false);
foreach($output as $line)
$items = explode("\t", trim($line));
if(sizeof($items) < 2)
$tag_spec = $items[1];
if(str_ends_with($tag_spec, '^{}'))
$tag = str_replace('refs/tags/', '', $tag_spec);
$remote_tags[] = $tag;
return _get_last_version_tag($remote_tags);
function _get_last_version_tag(array $tags) : mixed
return false;
usort($tags, function ($tag1, $tag2) {
$version1 = str_replace('v', '', $tag1);
$version2 = str_replace('v', '', $tag2);
return version_compare($version1, $version2);
return end($tags);
class GitVersion
public int $major;
public int $minor;
public int $patch;
static function parse($version_str) : GitVersion
$parts = explode('.', $version_str);
if(sizeof($parts) != 3)
throw new Exception("Invalid version string: $version_str");
$v = new GitVersion();
if($parts[0][0] === 'v')
$parts[0] = substr($parts[0], 1);
$v->major = (int)$parts[0];
$v->minor = (int)$parts[1];
$v->patch = (int)$parts[2];
return $v;
function bump(int $up_mode)
if($up_mode == 1)
else if($up_mode == 2)
$this->patch = 0;
else if($up_mode == 3)
$this->minor = 0;
$this->patch = 0;
throw new Exception("Unsupported up mode: $up_mode");
function encode() : string
return 'v'.$this->major.'.'.$this->minor.'.'.$this->patch;