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rabidus-test/Assets/BNG Framework/Scripts/Extras/VehicleController.cs

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2023-07-24 16:38:13 +03:00
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
namespace BNG {
public class VehicleController : MonoBehaviour {
[Header("Engine Properties")]
public float MotorTorque = 500f;
public float MaxSpeed = 30f;
public float MaxSteeringAngle = 45f;
[Header("Steering Grabbable")]
[Tooltip("If true and SteeringGrabbable is being held, the right / left trigger will act as input for acceleration / defceleration.")]
public bool CheckTriggerInput = true;
public Grabbable SteeringGrabbable;
[Header("Engine Status")]
[Tooltip("Is the Engine on and ready for input. If false, engine will need to be started first.")]
public bool EngineOn = false;
[Tooltip("How long it takes to start the engine")]
public float CrankTime = 0.1f;
[Tooltip("Output the current speed to this label if specified")]
public Text SpeedLabel;
[Header("Audio Setup")]
public AudioSource EngineAudio;
[Tooltip("Sound to play / loop when EngineOn = true. Pitch will be altered according to speed.")]
public AudioClip IdleSound;
[Tooltip("If specified this clip will play before the engine is turned on. Clip to play when starting the Engine.")]
public AudioClip CrankSound;
public AudioClip CollisionSound;
public float SteeringAngle = 0;
public float MotorInput = 0; // Between 0-1. Multiplied times MotorTorque
public float CurrentSpeed;
[Header("Wheel Configuration")]
public List<WheelObject> Wheels;
Vector3 initialPosition;
Rigidbody rb;
bool wasHoldingSteering, isHoldingSteering;
void Start() {
rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
initialPosition = transform.position;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update() {
isHoldingSteering = SteeringGrabbable != null && SteeringGrabbable.BeingHeld;
if (CheckTriggerInput) {
// Check if we need to crank the engine
if(Mathf.Abs(MotorInput) > 0.01f && !EngineOn) {
// Need to let engine finish cranking
if (crankingEngine) {
if (SpeedLabel != null) {
SpeedLabel.text = CurrentSpeed.ToString("n0");
wasHoldingSteering = isHoldingSteering;
// Starts the motor if it isn't already on
public virtual void CrankEngine() {
if (crankingEngine || EngineOn) {
protected bool crankingEngine = false;
IEnumerator crankEngine() {
crankingEngine = true;
if(CrankSound != null) {
EngineAudio.clip = CrankSound;
EngineAudio.loop = false;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(CrankTime);
// Switch to idle sound
if(IdleSound != null) {
EngineAudio.clip = IdleSound;
EngineAudio.loop = true;
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
crankingEngine = false;
EngineOn = true;
// Did we fall under the world?
public virtual void CheckOutOfBounds() {
if(transform.position.y < -500f) {
transform.position = initialPosition;
public virtual void GetTorqueInputFromTriggers() {
// Right Trigger Accelerate, Left Trigger Brake
if(isHoldingSteering) {
SetMotorTorqueInput(InputBridge.Instance.RightTrigger - InputBridge.Instance.LeftTrigger);
// Nothing Holding the steering wheel. Set torque to 0
else if(wasHoldingSteering && !isHoldingSteering) {
void FixedUpdate() {
// Update speedometer
CurrentSpeed = correctValue(rb.velocity.magnitude * 3.6f);
public virtual void UpdateWheelTorque() {
float torqueInput = EngineOn ? MotorInput : 0;
// Add torque / rotate wheels
for (int x = 0; x < Wheels.Count; x++) {
WheelObject wheel = Wheels[x];
// Steering
if (wheel.ApplySteering) {
wheel.Wheel.steerAngle = MaxSteeringAngle * SteeringAngle;
// Torque
if (wheel.ApplyTorque) {
wheel.Wheel.motorTorque = MotorTorque * torqueInput;
public virtual void SetSteeringAngle(float steeringAngle) {
SteeringAngle = steeringAngle;
public virtual void SetSteeringAngleInverted(float steeringAngle) {
SteeringAngle = steeringAngle * -1;
public virtual void SetSteeringAngle(Vector2 steeringAngle) {
SteeringAngle = steeringAngle.x;
public virtual void SetSteeringAngleInverted(Vector2 steeringAngle) {
SteeringAngle = -steeringAngle.x;
public virtual void SetMotorTorqueInput(float input) {
MotorInput = input;
public virtual void SetMotorTorqueInputInverted(float input) {
MotorInput = -input;
public virtual void SetMotorTorqueInput(Vector2 input) {
MotorInput = input.y;
public virtual void SetMotorTorqueInputInverted(Vector2 input) {
MotorInput = -input.y;
public virtual void UpdateWheelVisuals(WheelObject wheel) {
// Update Wheel position / rotation based on WheelColliders World Pose
if(wheel != null && wheel.WheelVisual != null) {
Vector3 position;
Quaternion rotation;
wheel.Wheel.GetWorldPose(out position, out rotation);
wheel.WheelVisual.transform.position = position;
wheel.WheelVisual.transform.rotation = rotation;
public virtual void UpdateEngineAudio() {
if (EngineAudio && EngineOn) {
EngineAudio.pitch = Mathf.Clamp(0.5f + (CurrentSpeed / MaxSpeed), -0.1f, 3f);
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) {
float colVelocity = collision.relativeVelocity.magnitude;
if(colVelocity > 0.1f) {
VRUtils.Instance.PlaySpatialClipAt(CollisionSound, collision.GetContact(0).point, 1f);
float correctValue(float inputValue) {
return (float)System.Math.Round(inputValue * 1000f) / 1000f;
public class WheelObject {
public WheelCollider Wheel;
public Transform WheelVisual;
public bool ApplyTorque;
public bool ApplySteering;