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2023-10-20 13:29:44 +03:00
// Copyright (c) BrainFailProductions
using BrainFailProductions.PolyFew.AsImpL;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine;
using static BrainFailProductions.PolyFewRuntime.PolyfewRuntime;
namespace BrainFailProductions.PolyFewRuntime
public class UtilityServicesRuntime:MonoBehaviour
public static Texture2D DuplicateTexture(Texture2D source)
RenderTexture renderTex = RenderTexture.GetTemporary
Graphics.Blit(source, renderTex);
RenderTexture previous =; = renderTex;
Texture2D readableText = new Texture2D(source.width, source.height);
readableText.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, renderTex.width, renderTex.height), 0, 0);
readableText.Apply(); = previous;
return readableText;
public static Renderer[] GetChildRenderersForCombining(GameObject forObject, bool skipInactiveChildObjects)
var resultRenderers = new List<Renderer>();
if (skipInactiveChildObjects && !forObject.gameObject.activeSelf)
Debug.LogWarning($"No Renderers under the GameObject \"{}\" combined because the object was inactive and was skipped entirely.");
return null;
if (forObject.GetComponent<LODGroup>() != null)
Debug.LogWarning($"No Renderers under the GameObject \"{}\" combined because the object had LOD groups and was skipped entirely.");
return null;
CollectChildRenderersForCombining(forObject.transform, resultRenderers, skipInactiveChildObjects);
return resultRenderers.ToArray();
public static MeshRenderer CreateStaticLevelRenderer(string name, Transform parentTransform, Transform originalTransform, Mesh mesh, Material[] materials)
var combinedMeshObject = new GameObject(name, typeof(MeshFilter), typeof(MeshRenderer));
var levelTransform = combinedMeshObject.transform;
if (originalTransform != null)
ParentAndOffsetTransform(levelTransform, parentTransform, originalTransform);
ParentAndResetTransform(levelTransform, parentTransform);
var meshFilter = combinedMeshObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
meshFilter.sharedMesh = mesh;
var meshRenderer = combinedMeshObject.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
meshRenderer.sharedMaterials = materials;
//SetupLevelRenderer(meshRenderer, ref level);
return meshRenderer;
public static SkinnedMeshRenderer CreateSkinnedLevelRenderer(string name, Transform parentTransform, Transform originalTransform, Mesh mesh, Material[] materials, Transform rootBone, Transform[] bones)
var levelGameObject = new GameObject(name, typeof(SkinnedMeshRenderer));
var levelTransform = levelGameObject.transform;
if (originalTransform != null)
ParentAndOffsetTransform(levelTransform, parentTransform, originalTransform);
ParentAndResetTransform(levelTransform, parentTransform);
var skinnedMeshRenderer = levelGameObject.GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
skinnedMeshRenderer.sharedMesh = mesh;
skinnedMeshRenderer.sharedMaterials = materials;
skinnedMeshRenderer.rootBone = rootBone;
skinnedMeshRenderer.bones = bones;
return skinnedMeshRenderer;
private static void CollectChildRenderersForCombining(Transform transform, List<Renderer> resultRenderers, bool skipInactiveChildObjects)
var childRenderers = transform.GetComponents<Renderer>();
int childCount = transform.childCount;
for (int a = 0; a < childCount; a++)
// Skip children that are not active
var childTransform = transform.GetChild(a);
if (skipInactiveChildObjects && !childTransform.gameObject.activeSelf)
Debug.LogWarning($"No Renderers under the GameObject \"{}\" combined because the object was inactive and was skipped entirely.");
// Skip children that has a LOD Group
if (childTransform.GetComponent<LODGroup>() != null)
Debug.LogWarning($"No Renderers under the GameObject \"{}\" combined because the object had LOD groups and was skipped entirely.");
// Continue recursively through the children of this transform
CollectChildRenderersForCombining(childTransform, resultRenderers, skipInactiveChildObjects);
private static void ParentAndResetTransform(Transform transform, Transform parentTransform)
transform.localPosition =;
transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
transform.localScale =;
public static void ParentAndOffsetTransform(Transform transform, Transform parentTransform, Transform originalTransform)
transform.position = originalTransform.position;
transform.rotation = originalTransform.rotation;
transform.localScale = originalTransform.lossyScale;
transform.SetParent(parentTransform, true);
| Special thanks to aaro4130 for the Unity3D Scene OBJ Exporter
| This section would not have been made possible or would have been partial
| without his works.
| Do check out:
public class OBJExporterImporter
#region OBJ_EXPORT
private bool applyPosition = true;
private bool applyRotation = true;
private bool applyScale = true;
private bool generateMaterials = true;
private bool exportTextures = true;
private string exportPath;
private MeshFilter meshFilter;
private Mesh meshToExport;
private MeshRenderer meshRenderer;
public OBJExporterImporter() { }
private void InitializeExporter(GameObject toExport, string exportPath, PolyfewRuntime.OBJExportOptions exportOptions)
this.exportPath = exportPath;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(exportPath))
throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("The path provided is non-existant.");
exportPath = Path.GetFullPath(exportPath);
if (exportPath[exportPath.Length - 1] == '\\') { exportPath = exportPath.Remove(exportPath.Length - 1); }
else if (exportPath[exportPath.Length - 1] == '/') { exportPath = exportPath.Remove(exportPath.Length - 1); }
if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(exportPath))
throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("The path provided is non-existant.");
if (toExport == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("toExport", "Please provide a GameObject to export as OBJ file.");
meshRenderer = toExport.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
meshFilter = toExport.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
if (meshRenderer == null)
if (meshRenderer.isPartOfStaticBatch)
throw new InvalidOperationException("The provided object is static batched. Static batched object cannot be exported. Please disable it before trying to export the object.");
if (meshFilter == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("There is no MeshFilter attached to the provided GameObject.");
meshToExport = meshFilter.sharedMesh;
if (meshToExport == null || meshToExport.triangles == null || meshToExport.triangles.Length == 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException("The MeshFilter on the provided GameObject has invalid or no mesh at all.");
if (exportOptions != null)
applyPosition = exportOptions.applyPosition;
applyRotation = exportOptions.applyRotation;
applyScale = exportOptions.applyScale;
generateMaterials = exportOptions.generateMaterials;
exportTextures = exportOptions.exportTextures;
private void InitializeExporter(Mesh toExport, string exportPath)
this.exportPath = exportPath;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(exportPath))
throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("The path provided is non-existant.");
if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(exportPath))
throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("The path provided is non-existant.");
if (toExport == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("toExport", "Please provide a Mesh to export as OBJ file.");
meshToExport = toExport;
if (meshToExport == null || meshToExport.triangles == null || meshToExport.triangles.Length == 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException("The MeshFilter on the provided GameObject has invalid or no mesh at all.");
Vector3 RotateAroundPoint(Vector3 point, Vector3 pivot, Quaternion angle)
return angle * (point - pivot) + pivot;
Vector3 MultiplyVec3s(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2)
return new Vector3(v1.x * v2.x, v1.y * v2.y, v1.z * v2.z);
public void ExportGameObjectToOBJ(GameObject toExport, string exportPath, PolyfewRuntime.OBJExportOptions exportOptions = null, Action OnSuccess = null)
if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WebGLPlayer)
Debug.LogWarning("The function cannot run on WebGL player. As web apps cannot read from or write to local file system.");
//init stuff
Dictionary<string, bool> materialCache = new Dictionary<string, bool>();
//Debug.Log("Exporting OBJ. Please wait.. Starting to export.");
InitializeExporter(toExport, exportPath, exportOptions);
//get list of required export things
string objectName =;
//work on export
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder sbMaterials = new StringBuilder();
if (generateMaterials)
sb.AppendLine("mtllib " + objectName + ".mtl");
int lastIndex = 0;
if (meshRenderer != null && generateMaterials)
Material[] mats = meshRenderer.sharedMaterials;
for (int j = 0; j < mats.Length; j++)
Material m = mats[j];
if (!materialCache.ContainsKey(
materialCache[] = true;
//export the meshhh :3
int faceOrder = (int)Mathf.Clamp((toExport.gameObject.transform.lossyScale.x * toExport.gameObject.transform.lossyScale.z), -1, 1);
//export vector data (FUN :D)!
foreach (Vector3 vx in meshToExport.vertices)
Vector3 v = vx;
if (applyScale)
v = MultiplyVec3s(v, toExport.gameObject.transform.lossyScale);
if (applyRotation)
v = RotateAroundPoint(v,, toExport.gameObject.transform.rotation);
if (applyPosition)
v += toExport.gameObject.transform.position;
v.x *= -1;
sb.AppendLine("v " + v.x + " " + v.y + " " + v.z);
foreach (Vector3 vx in meshToExport.normals)
Vector3 v = vx;
if (applyScale)
v = MultiplyVec3s(v, toExport.gameObject.transform.lossyScale.normalized);
if (applyRotation)
v = RotateAroundPoint(v,, toExport.gameObject.transform.rotation);
v.x *= -1;
sb.AppendLine("vn " + v.x + " " + v.y + " " + v.z);
foreach (Vector2 v in meshToExport.uv)
sb.AppendLine("vt " + v.x + " " + v.y);
for (int j = 0; j < meshToExport.subMeshCount; j++)
if (meshRenderer != null && j < meshRenderer.sharedMaterials.Length)
string matName = meshRenderer.sharedMaterials[j].name;
sb.AppendLine("usemtl " + matName);
sb.AppendLine("usemtl " + objectName + "_sm" + j);
int[] tris = meshToExport.GetTriangles(j);
for (int t = 0; t < tris.Length; t += 3)
int idx2 = tris[t] + 1 + lastIndex;
int idx1 = tris[t + 1] + 1 + lastIndex;
int idx0 = tris[t + 2] + 1 + lastIndex;
if (faceOrder < 0)
sb.AppendLine("f " + ConstructOBJString(idx2) + " " + ConstructOBJString(idx1) + " " + ConstructOBJString(idx0));
sb.AppendLine("f " + ConstructOBJString(idx0) + " " + ConstructOBJString(idx1) + " " + ConstructOBJString(idx2));
lastIndex += meshToExport.vertices.Length;
//write to disk
string writePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(exportPath, objectName + ".obj");
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(writePath, sb.ToString());
if (generateMaterials)
writePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(exportPath, objectName + ".mtl");
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(writePath, sbMaterials.ToString());
//export complete, close progress dialog
public async Task ExportMeshToOBJ(Mesh mesh, string exportPath)
InitializeExporter(mesh, exportPath);
string objectName =;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int lastIndex = 0;
int faceOrder = 1;
//export vector data (FUN :D)!
foreach (Vector3 vx in meshToExport.vertices)
await Task.Delay(1);
Vector3 v = vx;
v.x *= -1;
sb.AppendLine("v " + v.x + " " + v.y + " " + v.z);
foreach (Vector3 vx in meshToExport.normals)
await Task.Delay(1);
Vector3 v = vx;
v.x *= -1;
sb.AppendLine("vn " + v.x + " " + v.y + " " + v.z);
foreach (Vector2 v in meshToExport.uv)
await Task.Delay(1);
sb.AppendLine("vt " + v.x + " " + v.y);
for (int j = 0; j < meshToExport.subMeshCount; j++)
await Task.Delay(1);
sb.AppendLine("usemtl " + objectName + "_sm" + j);
int[] tris = meshToExport.GetTriangles(j);
for (int t = 0; t < tris.Length; t += 3)
await Task.Delay(1);
int idx2 = tris[t] + 1 + lastIndex;
int idx1 = tris[t + 1] + 1 + lastIndex;
int idx0 = tris[t + 2] + 1 + lastIndex;
if (faceOrder < 0)
sb.AppendLine("f " + ConstructOBJString(idx2) + " " + ConstructOBJString(idx1) + " " + ConstructOBJString(idx0));
sb.AppendLine("f " + ConstructOBJString(idx0) + " " + ConstructOBJString(idx1) + " " + ConstructOBJString(idx2));
lastIndex += meshToExport.vertices.Length;
//write to disk
string writePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(exportPath, objectName + ".obj");
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(writePath, sb.ToString());
string TryExportTexture(string propertyName, Material m, string exportPath)
if (m.HasProperty(propertyName))
Texture t = m.GetTexture(propertyName);
if (t != null)
return ExportTexture((Texture2D)t, exportPath);
return "false";
string ExportTexture(Texture2D t, string exportPath)
//Debug.Log($"Exporting texture: {} to path: {exportPath}");
string textureName =;
Color32[] pixels32 = null;
pixels32 = t.GetPixels32();
#pragma warning disable
catch (UnityException ex)
t = UtilityServicesRuntime.DuplicateTexture(t);
pixels32 = t.GetPixels32();
string qualifiedPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(exportPath, textureName + ".png");
Texture2D exTexture = new Texture2D(t.width, t.height, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(qualifiedPath, exTexture.EncodeToPNG());
return qualifiedPath;
catch (System.Exception ex)
Debug.Log("Could not export texture : " + + ". is it readable?");
return "null";
private string ConstructOBJString(int index)
string idxString = index.ToString();
return idxString + "/" + idxString + "/" + idxString;
string MaterialToString(Material m)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine("newmtl " +;
//add properties
if (m.HasProperty("_Color"))
sb.AppendLine("Kd " + m.color.r.ToString() + " " + m.color.g.ToString() + " " + m.color.b.ToString());
if (m.color.a < 1.0f)
//use both implementations of OBJ transparency
sb.AppendLine("Tr " + (1f - m.color.a).ToString());
sb.AppendLine("d " + m.color.a.ToString());
if (m.HasProperty("_SpecColor"))
Color sc = m.GetColor("_SpecColor");
sb.AppendLine("Ks " + sc.r.ToString() + " " + sc.g.ToString() + " " + sc.b.ToString());
if (exportTextures)
string exResult = TryExportTexture("_MainTex", m, exportPath);
if (exResult != "false")
sb.AppendLine("map_Kd " + exResult);
//spec map
exResult = TryExportTexture("_SpecMap", m, exportPath);
if (exResult != "false")
sb.AppendLine("map_Ks " + exResult);
//bump map
exResult = TryExportTexture("_BumpMap", m, exportPath);
if (exResult != "false")
sb.AppendLine("map_Bump " + exResult);
sb.AppendLine("illum 2");
return sb.ToString();
#endregion OBJ_EXPORT
#region OBJ_IMPORT
public async Task ImportFromLocalFileSystem(string objPath, string texturesFolderPath, string materialsFolderPath, Action<GameObject> Callback, OBJImportOptions importOptions = null)
if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WebGLPlayer)
Debug.LogWarning("The function cannot run on WebGL player. As web apps cannot read from or write to local file system.");
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(objPath))
objPath = Path.GetFullPath(objPath);
if (objPath[objPath.Length - 1] == '\\') { objPath = objPath.Remove(objPath.Length - 1); }
else if (objPath[objPath.Length - 1] == '/') { objPath = objPath.Remove(objPath.Length - 1); }
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(texturesFolderPath))
texturesFolderPath = Path.GetFullPath(texturesFolderPath);
if (texturesFolderPath[texturesFolderPath.Length - 1] == '\\') { texturesFolderPath = texturesFolderPath.Remove(texturesFolderPath.Length - 1); }
else if (texturesFolderPath[texturesFolderPath.Length - 1] == '/') { texturesFolderPath = texturesFolderPath.Remove(texturesFolderPath.Length - 1); }
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(materialsFolderPath))
materialsFolderPath = Path.GetFullPath(materialsFolderPath);
if (materialsFolderPath[materialsFolderPath.Length - 1] == '\\') { materialsFolderPath = materialsFolderPath.Remove(materialsFolderPath.Length - 1); }
else if (materialsFolderPath[materialsFolderPath.Length - 1] == '/') { materialsFolderPath = materialsFolderPath.Remove(materialsFolderPath.Length - 1); }
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(objPath))
throw new FileNotFoundException("The path provided doesn't point to a file. The path might be invalid or the file is non-existant.");
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(texturesFolderPath) && !System.IO.Directory.Exists(texturesFolderPath))
Debug.LogWarning("The directory pointed to by the given path for textures is non-existant.");
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(materialsFolderPath) && !System.IO.Directory.Exists(materialsFolderPath))
Debug.LogWarning("The directory pointed to by the given path for materials is non-existant.");
string fileNameWithExt = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(objPath);
string dirPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(objPath);
string objName = fileNameWithExt.Split('.')[0];
#pragma warning disable
bool didFail = false;
GameObject objectToPopulate = new GameObject();
ObjectImporter objImporter = objectToPopulate.GetComponent<ObjectImporter>();
if (dirPath.Contains("/") && !dirPath.EndsWith("/")) { dirPath += "/"; }
else if (!dirPath.EndsWith("\\")) { dirPath += "\\"; }
var split = fileNameWithExt.Split('.');
if (split[1].ToLower() != "obj")
throw new System.InvalidOperationException("The path provided must point to a wavefront obj file.");
if (importOptions == null)
importOptions = new OBJImportOptions();
GameObject toReturn = await objImporter.ImportModelAsync(objName, objPath, null, importOptions, texturesFolderPath, materialsFolderPath);
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
public async void ImportFromNetwork(string objURL, string objName, string diffuseTexURL, string bumpTexURL, string specularTexURL, string opacityTexURL, string materialURL, ReferencedNumeric<float> downloadProgress, Action<GameObject> OnSuccess, Action<Exception> OnError, OBJImportOptions importOptions = null)
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(objURL))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot download from empty URL. Please provide a direct URL to the obj file");
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(diffuseTexURL))
Debug.LogWarning("Cannot download from empty URL. Please provide a direct URL to the accompanying texture file.");
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(materialURL))
Debug.LogWarning("Cannot download from empty URL. Please provide a direct URL to the accompanying material file.");
if(downloadProgress == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("downloadProgress", "You must pass a reference to the Download Progress object.");
GameObject objectToPopulate = new GameObject();
ObjectImporter objImporter = objectToPopulate.GetComponent<ObjectImporter>();
if (importOptions == null)
importOptions = new OBJImportOptions();
GameObject toReturn = await objImporter.ImportModelFromNetwork(objURL, objName, diffuseTexURL, bumpTexURL, specularTexURL, opacityTexURL, materialURL, downloadProgress, importOptions);
catch (Exception ex)
public async void ImportFromNetworkWebGL(string objURL, string objName, string diffuseTexURL, string bumpTexURL, string specularTexURL, string opacityTexURL, string materialURL, ReferencedNumeric<float> downloadProgress, Action<GameObject> OnSuccess, Action<Exception> OnError, OBJImportOptions importOptions = null)
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(objURL))
OnError(new InvalidOperationException("Cannot download from empty URL. Please provide a direct URL to the obj file"));
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(diffuseTexURL))
Debug.LogWarning("Cannot download from empty URL. Please provide a direct URL to the accompanying texture file.");
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(materialURL))
Debug.LogWarning("Cannot download from empty URL. Please provide a direct URL to the accompanying material file.");
if (downloadProgress == null)
OnError(new ArgumentNullException("downloadProgress", "You must pass a reference to the Download Progress object."));
GameObject objectToPopulate = new GameObject();
ObjectImporter objImporter = objectToPopulate.GetComponent<ObjectImporter>();
if (importOptions == null)
importOptions = new OBJImportOptions();
objImporter.ImportModelFromNetworkWebGL(objURL, objName, diffuseTexURL, bumpTexURL, specularTexURL, opacityTexURL, materialURL, downloadProgress, importOptions, (GameObject imported) =>
(exception) =>
#endregion OBJ_IMPORT