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rabidus-test/Assets/Plugins/QFSW/Quantum Console/Source/Scripts/InvocationTargetFactory.cs

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2023-08-22 15:41:12 +03:00
using QFSW.QC.Comparators;
using QFSW.QC.Utilities;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using UnityEngine;
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;
namespace QFSW.QC
public static class InvocationTargetFactory
private static readonly Dictionary<(MonoTargetType, Type), object> TargetCache = new Dictionary<(MonoTargetType, Type), object>();
public static IEnumerable<T> FindTargets<T>(MonoTargetType method) where T : MonoBehaviour
foreach (object target in FindTargets(typeof(T), method))
yield return target as T;
public static IEnumerable<object> FindTargets(Type classType, MonoTargetType method)
switch (method)
case MonoTargetType.Single:
Object target = Object.FindObjectOfType(classType);
return target == null ? Enumerable.Empty<object>() : target.Yield();
case MonoTargetType.SingleInactive:
return WrapSingleCached(classType, method, type =>
return Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(type)
.FirstOrDefault(x => !x.hideFlags.HasFlag(HideFlags.HideInHierarchy));
case MonoTargetType.All:
return Object.FindObjectsOfType(classType)
.OrderBy(x =>, new AlphanumComparator());
case MonoTargetType.AllInactive:
return Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(classType)
.Where(x => !x.hideFlags.HasFlag(HideFlags.HideInHierarchy))
.OrderBy(x =>, new AlphanumComparator());
case MonoTargetType.Registry:
return QuantumRegistry.GetRegistryContents(classType);
case MonoTargetType.Singleton:
return GetSingletonInstance(classType).Yield();
throw new ArgumentException($"Unsupported MonoTargetType {method}");
private static IEnumerable<object> WrapSingleCached(Type classType, MonoTargetType method, Func<Type, object> targetFinder)
if (!TargetCache.TryGetValue((method, classType), out object target) || target as Object == null)
target = targetFinder(classType);
TargetCache[(method, classType)] = target;
return target == null ? Enumerable.Empty<object>() : target.Yield();
public static object InvokeOnTargets(MethodInfo invokingMethod, IEnumerable<object> targets, object[] data)
int returnCount = 0;
int invokeCount = 0;
Dictionary<object, object> resultsParts = new Dictionary<object, object>();
foreach (object target in targets)
object result = invokingMethod.Invoke(target, data);
if (result != null)
resultsParts.Add(target, result);
if (returnCount > 1)
return resultsParts;
if (returnCount == 1)
return resultsParts.Values.First();
if (invokeCount == 0)
string typeName = invokingMethod.DeclaringType.GetDisplayName();
throw new Exception($"Could not invoke the command because no objects of type {typeName} could be found.");
return null;
private static string FormatInvocationMessage(int invocationCount, object lastTarget = null)
switch (invocationCount)
case 0:
throw new Exception("No targets could be found");
case 1:
string name;
if (lastTarget is Object obj)
name =;
name = lastTarget?.ToString();
return $"> Invoked on {name}";
return $"> Invoked on {invocationCount} targets";
private static object GetSingletonInstance(Type classType)
if (QuantumRegistry.GetRegistrySize(classType) > 0)
return QuantumRegistry.GetRegistryContents(classType).First();
object target = CreateCommandSingletonInstance(classType);
QuantumRegistry.RegisterObject(classType, target);
return target;
private static Component CreateCommandSingletonInstance(Type classType)
GameObject obj = new GameObject($"{classType}Singleton");
return obj.AddComponent(classType);