2023-08-22 15:41:12 +03:00
using QFSW.QC ;
using System.Collections ;
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using System.Collections.Generic ;
using UnityEngine ;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement ;
namespace BNG {
public class SceneLoader : MonoBehaviour {
[Tooltip("If true, the ScreenFader component will fade the screen to black before loading a level.")]
public bool UseSceenFader = true ;
[Tooltip("Wait this long in seconds before attempting to load the scene. Useful if you need to fade the screen out before attempting to load the level.")]
public float ScreenFadeTime = 0.5f ;
ScreenFader sf ;
private string _loadSceneName = string . Empty ;
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public static SceneLoader Instance ;
private void Awake ( )
if ( Instance = = null )
Instance = this ;
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DontDestroyOnLoad ( this ) ;
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Destroy ( gameObject ) ;
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[ContextMenu("Debug Load Scene")]
private void DebugLoadScene ( )
LoadScene ( "Monument_1" ) ;
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private string _sceneName ;
public void LoadScene ( string sceneName )
_sceneName = sceneName ;
StartCoroutine ( LoadAsuncScene ( ) ) ;
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private IEnumerator LoadAsuncScene ( )
var scene = SceneManager . LoadSceneAsync ( _sceneName , LoadSceneMode . Single ) ;
scene . allowSceneActivation = false ;
while ( ! scene . isDone )
scene . allowSceneActivation = true ;
yield return null ;
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private int _sceneIndex = 0 ;
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private void Update ( )
if ( Input . GetKeyDown ( KeyCode . R ) )
SceneManager . LoadScene ( 0 ) ;
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if ( Input . GetKeyDown ( KeyCode . Equals ) )
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_sceneIndex + + ;
if ( _sceneIndex > = SceneManager . sceneCountInBuildSettings )
_sceneIndex = 0 ;
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SceneManager . LoadScene ( _sceneIndex ) ;
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else if ( Input . GetKeyDown ( KeyCode . Minus ) )
_sceneIndex - - ;
if ( _sceneIndex < 0 )
_sceneIndex = SceneManager . sceneCountInBuildSettings - 1 ;
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SceneManager . LoadScene ( _sceneIndex ) ;
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