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using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
// Sci-Fi Ship Controller. Copyright (c) 2018-2023 SCSM Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
namespace SciFiShipController
/// <summary>
/// Class for a moving platform.
/// Similar to the StickyMovingPlatform found in Sticky3D Controller (a character controller by SCSM)
/// </summary>
[AddComponentMenu("Sci-Fi Ship Controller/Utilities/Moving Platform")]
public class SSCMovingPlatform : MonoBehaviour
#region Enumerations
public enum MoveUpdateType
Update = 0,
FixedUpdate = 1
#region Public Variables
/// <summary>
/// If enabled, Initialise() will be called as soon as Awake() runs. This should be disabled if you want to control
/// when the SSC Moving Platform is enabled through code.
/// </summary>
public bool initialiseOnAwake = false;
/// <summary>
/// The update loop or timing to use for moving and/or rotating the platform.
/// At runtime call SetMoveUpdateType() to change it.
/// </summary>
public MoveUpdateType moveUpdateType = MoveUpdateType.Update;
/// <summary>
/// Whether the platform moves.
/// </summary>
public bool move = true;
/// <summary>
/// Use positions relative to the initial gameobject position, rather than
/// absolute world space positions.
/// </summary>
public bool useRelativePositions = false;
/// <summary>
/// List of positions the platform will move to (in order). Call Initialise() if you modify this.
/// </summary>
public List<Vector3> positions = new List<Vector3>(new Vector3[] {, Vector3.forward * 5f });
/// <summary>
/// Average movement speed of the platform in metres per second.
/// To update this while the platform is moving, call UpdateAverageMoveSpeed(..).
/// </summary>
public float averageMoveSpeed = 5f;
/// <summary>
/// The time the platform waits at the first position.
/// </summary>
public float startWaitTime = 0f;
/// <summary>
/// The time the platform waits at the last position
/// </summary>
public float endWaitTime = 0f;
/// <summary>
/// The "profile" of the platform's movement. Use this to make the movement more or less smooth.
/// Call RefreshInverseCurve() after changing this at runtime.
/// </summary>
public AnimationCurve movementProfile = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f);
/// <summary>
/// The maximum time it takes the platform to come to a stop when smoothStop is used with StopPlatform()
/// </summary>
[Range(0f, 10f)] public float smoothStopTime = 2f;
/// <summary>
/// The maximum time it takes the platform to come to resume normal speed when smoothStart is used with StartPlatform()
/// </summary>
[Range(0f, 10f)] public float smoothStartTime = 2f;
/// <summary>
/// Whether the platform rotates.
/// </summary>
public bool rotate = false;
/// <summary>
/// The starting rotation of the platform.
/// </summary>
public Vector3 startingRotation =;
/// <summary>
/// The axis of rotation of the platform.
/// </summary>
public Vector3 rotationAxis = Vector3.up;
/// <summary>
/// The rotational speed of the platform in degrees per second.
/// </summary>
public float rotationSpeed = 180f;
/// <summary>
/// The audio source containing the clip to play for the platform.
/// Must be a child of the platform gameobject.
/// Call ResetAudioSettings() if changed at runtime.
/// </summary>
public AudioSource platformAudio = null;
/// <summary>
/// Overall volume of sound for the platform
/// </summary>
[Range(0f, 1f)] public float overallAudioVolume = 0.5f;
/// <summary>
/// The sound that is played while the platform is moving
/// </summary>
public AudioClip inTransitAudioClip = null;
/// <summary>
/// The sound that is played when the platform arrives at the first position.
/// This does not play when it is first initialised.
/// </summary>
public AudioClip audioArrivedStartClip = null;
/// <summary>
/// The relative volume the arrived start audio clip is played
/// </summary>
[Range(0f, 1f)] public float audioArrivedStartVolume = 1f;
/// <summary>
/// The sound that is played when the platform arrives at the last position
/// </summary>
public AudioClip audioArrivedEndClip = null;
/// <summary>
/// The relative volume the arrived end audio clip is played
/// </summary>
[Range(0f, 1f)] public float audioArrivedEndVolume = 1f;
/// <summary>
/// These are triggered by a moving platform when it arrives at the start position
/// </summary>
public SSCMovingPlatformEvt1 onArriveStart = null;
/// <summary>
/// These are triggered by a moving platform when it arrives at the end position
/// </summary>
public SSCMovingPlatformEvt1 onArriveEnd = null;
/// <summary>
/// These are triggered by a moving platform when it departs from the start position
/// </summary>
public SSCMovingPlatformEvt1 onDepartStart = null;
/// <summary>
/// These are triggered by a moving platform when it departs from the end position
/// </summary>
public SSCMovingPlatformEvt1 onDepartEnd = null;
#endregion Public Variables
#region Public Properties
/// <summary>
/// The unique identifier of this platform during this session
/// </summary>
public int PlatformId { get { return platformId; } }
/// <summary>
/// If Move is enabled, is the platform waiting at the starting position?
/// </summary>
public bool IsWaitingAtStartPosition { get { return isInitialised && move && isWaitingAtStartPosition; } }
/// <summary>
/// If Move is enabled, is the platform waiting at the end or last position?
/// </summary>
public bool IsWaitingAtEndPosition { get { return isInitialised && move && isWaitingAtEndPosition; } }
#region Private Variables
/// <summary>
/// Is the platform ready for use?
/// </summary>
private bool isInitialised = false;
private int platformId = -1;
private bool isMoveFixedUpdate = false;
/// <summary>
/// World space origin for relative positions.
/// </summary>
private Vector3 originPosition =;
/// <summary>
/// The rotation of the platform at the origin, used to determine
/// relative offset positions when useRelativePositions is true.
/// </summary>
private Quaternion originRotation = Quaternion.identity;
/// <summary>
/// The number of positions in the array.
/// </summary>
private int numPositions = 0;
/// <summary>
/// The index of the position the platform was last at
/// </summary>
private int lastPositionIndex = 0;
/// <summary>
/// The index of the position the platform should move towards.
/// </summary>
private int nextPositionIndex = 0;
/// <summary>
/// The last worldspace position the platform visited.
/// </summary>
private Vector3 lastPosition =;
/// <summary>
/// The worldspace position the platform is now moving towards.
/// </summary>
private Vector3 nextPosition =;
/// <summary>
/// The total time it will take to travel from the last position to the next position.
/// </summary>
private float travelTimeToNextPosition = 0f;
/// <summary>
/// The total distance from the last position to the next position.
/// </summary>
private float travelDistToNextPosition = 0f;
/// <summary>
/// The time elapsed since the platform left the last position.
/// </summary>
private float travelTimer = 0f;
/// <summary>
/// The time elaspsed since the platform reached the last position.
/// </summary>
private float waitTimer = 0f;
/// <summary>
/// Used with smooth start/stop
/// </summary>
private float smoothTimer = 0f;
/// <summary>
/// Is the platform stopped between start and end positions?
/// </summary>
private bool isStoppedInTransit = false;
/// <summary>
/// Only applies if manually stopped with StopPlatform(..)
/// </summary>
private bool isSmoothStopEnabled = false;
/// <summary>
/// Only applies if manually started with StartPlatform(..).
/// </summary>
private bool isSmoothStartEnabled = false;
/// <summary>
/// The current rate or acceleration (or decceleration)
/// when smoothly stopping or starting
/// </summary>
private float smoothAcceleration = 0f;
private float smoothInitialSpeed = 0f;
private Vector3 smoothInitialPosition =;
private float smoothDistanceToTravel = 0f;
/// <summary>
/// Whether we are currently waiting at the first position.
/// </summary>
private bool isWaitingAtStartPosition = false;
/// <summary>
/// Whether we are currently waiting at the last position.
/// </summary>
private bool isWaitingAtEndPosition = false;
/// <summary>
/// Can audio clips be played?
/// </summary>
private bool isAudioAvailable = false;
/// <summary>
/// The optional rigidbody attached to the platform
/// </summary>
private Rigidbody rBody = null;
/// <summary>
/// Is there a rigidbody attached to the platform?
/// </summary>
private bool isRigidBody = false;
/// <summary>
/// Is the plaftorm currently attempting to reverse its
/// direction of travel?
/// </summary>
private bool isReversingDirection = false;
/// <summary>
/// The current world space position of the platform
/// </summary>
private Vector3 currentWorldPosition =;
/// <summary>
/// The world space position of the platform in the last frame
/// </summary>
private Vector3 previousWorldPosition =;
/// <summary>
/// The current world space rotation of the platform
/// </summary>
private Quaternion currentWorldRotation = Quaternion.identity;
/// <summary>
/// Inverts time and distance so we can find the current time
/// from a distance between points.
/// </summary>
private AnimationCurve invMovementProfile = null;
#endregion Private Variables
#region Awake and Update Methods
// Awake is called before the first frame update
void Awake()
// Initialise the platform
if (initialiseOnAwake) { Initialise(); }
private void Update()
if (!isMoveFixedUpdate && isInitialised && !isStoppedInTransit)
private void FixedUpdate()
if (isMoveFixedUpdate && isInitialised && !isStoppedInTransit)
#endregion Awake and Update Methods
#region Private Member Methods
private void UpdatePlatform()
// Movement
if (move && numPositions > 1 && Time.deltaTime > 0f)
previousWorldPosition = currentWorldPosition;
if (isSmoothStopEnabled || isSmoothStartEnabled)
// Increment the smooth movement timer
smoothTimer += Time.deltaTime;
// Calculate the distance we need to be displaced from the initial position
float dist = smoothInitialSpeed * smoothTimer + (0.5f * smoothAcceleration * (smoothTimer * smoothTimer));
// Move towards the next position
Vector3 direction = (nextPosition - lastPosition).normalized;
currentWorldPosition = smoothInitialPosition + direction * dist;
// Smoothly move the platform
if (isSmoothStartEnabled)
// Smooth start
// Calculate the current curve time
float currentCurveTime = CalculateCurrentCurveTime();
// Calculate the current curve speed
float currentCurveSpeed = CalculateCurveSpeed(currentCurveTime);
// Calculate our current speed
float currentPlatformSpeed = smoothAcceleration * smoothTimer;
//Debug.Log("Platform: " + currentPlatformSpeed.ToString("0.000") + " m/s, curve: " + currentCurveSpeed.ToString("0.000") + " m/s");
// If our current speed is greater than or equal to the current curve speed, switch to normal movement
if (currentPlatformSpeed >= currentCurveSpeed)
isSmoothStartEnabled = false;
travelTimer = currentCurveTime;
// Smooth stop
if (smoothTimer > smoothStopTime || dist >= smoothDistanceToTravel)
move = false;
isSmoothStopEnabled = false;
// Switch the direction platform is moving if required
if (isReversingDirection)
isReversingDirection = false;
// If smooth stop, assume a smooth start.
else if (isWaitingAtStartPosition)
// Increment the waiting timer
waitTimer += Time.deltaTime;
// Check if the timer has exceeded the waiting time
if (waitTimer > startWaitTime)
// Stop waiting
isWaitingAtStartPosition = false;
if (onDepartStart != null) { onDepartStart.Invoke(true, false, platformId,; }
else if (isWaitingAtEndPosition)
// Increment the waiting timer
waitTimer += Time.deltaTime;
// Check if the timer has exceeded the waiting time
if (waitTimer > endWaitTime)
// Stop waiting
isWaitingAtEndPosition = false;
if (onDepartEnd != null) { onDepartEnd.Invoke(false, true, platformId,; }
// Increment the movement timer
travelTimer += Time.deltaTime;
// Check if the timer has exceeded the travel time
if (travelTimer > travelTimeToNextPosition)
// Start moving towards the next position
// Move the platform to the correct position using the movement profile
float movementProfileValue = movementProfile.Evaluate(travelTimer / travelTimeToNextPosition);
currentWorldPosition = lastPosition + (nextPosition - lastPosition) * movementProfileValue;
if (isAudioAvailable && platformAudio.isPlaying && platformAudio.isActiveAndEnabled)
platformAudio.volume = overallAudioVolume * movementProfileValue;
// Rotation
if (rotate)
// If we have a rigidbody and this is being called from FixedUpdate(), rotate the rigidbody rather than the transform.
if (isRigidBody && isMoveFixedUpdate)
currentWorldRotation = Quaternion.Euler(rotationAxis.normalized * rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime) * rBody.rotation;
currentWorldRotation = Quaternion.Euler(rotationAxis.normalized * rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime) * transform.rotation;
transform.rotation = currentWorldRotation;
/// <summary>
/// Change the last/next positions around (and do nothing else)
/// </summary>
private void ChangeDirection()
int oldNextPosIndex = nextPositionIndex;
int oldLastPosIndex = lastPositionIndex;
Vector3 oldNextPos = nextPosition;
Vector3 oldLastPos = lastPosition;
nextPositionIndex = oldLastPosIndex;
lastPositionIndex = oldNextPosIndex;
nextPosition = oldLastPos;
lastPosition = oldNextPos;
/// <summary>
/// Does all the necessary calculations to set up the platform to go to the next position in the array.
/// </summary>
private void GoToNextPosition()
// Increment the next position index, and calculate the last position index
lastPositionIndex = nextPositionIndex - 1;
// Loop round to the beginning of the list if necessary
nextPositionIndex %= numPositions;
// Retrieve the positions from the array
if (useRelativePositions)
// Adjust for relative positions
lastPosition = originPosition + (originRotation * positions[lastPositionIndex]);
nextPosition = originPosition + (originRotation * positions[nextPositionIndex]);
lastPosition = positions[lastPositionIndex];
nextPosition = positions[nextPositionIndex];
// Calculate the travel distance between the two positions
travelDistToNextPosition = (nextPosition - lastPosition).magnitude;
// Calculate the travel time between the two positions
travelTimeToNextPosition = averageMoveSpeed == 0f ? float.MaxValue : travelDistToNextPosition / averageMoveSpeed;
// Reset the timers
waitTimer = 0f;
travelTimer = 0f;
if (lastPositionIndex == 0)
// Start waiting if we have a wait timer for the first position
if (startWaitTime > 0.001f)
isWaitingAtStartPosition = true;
if (onArriveStart != null) { onArriveStart.Invoke(true, false, platformId,; }
// Arrive at the first position, then immediately depart
if (onArriveStart != null) { onArriveStart.Invoke(true, false, platformId,; }
if (onDepartStart != null) { onDepartStart.Invoke(true, false, platformId,; }
else if (lastPositionIndex == numPositions - 1)
// Start waiting if we have a wait timer for the last position
if (endWaitTime > 0.001f)
isWaitingAtEndPosition = true;
if (onArriveEnd != null) { onArriveEnd.Invoke(false, true, platformId,; }
// Arrive at the last position, then immediately depart
if (onArriveEnd != null) { onArriveEnd.Invoke(false, true, platformId,; }
if (onDepartEnd != null) { onDepartEnd.Invoke(false, true, platformId,; }
private void MovePlatform()
// If we have a rigidbody and this is being called from FixedUpdate(), move the rigidbody rather than the transform.
if (isRigidBody && isMoveFixedUpdate)
transform.position = currentWorldPosition;
/// <summary>
/// Attempt to play the InTransist audio clip
/// </summary>
private void PlayInTransitAudio()
if (isAudioAvailable && inTransitAudioClip != null)
platformAudio.clip = inTransitAudioClip;
if (!platformAudio.isPlaying && platformAudio.isActiveAndEnabled) { platformAudio.Play(); }
private void StopInTransitAudio()
if (isAudioAvailable && inTransitAudioClip != null)
platformAudio.volume = 0f;
if (platformAudio.isActiveAndEnabled && platformAudio.isPlaying) { platformAudio.Stop(); }
private void PlayStartAudio()
if (isAudioAvailable && audioArrivedStartClip != null)
platformAudio.volume = overallAudioVolume;
platformAudio.PlayOneShot(audioArrivedStartClip, audioArrivedStartVolume);
private void PlayEndAudio()
if (isAudioAvailable && audioArrivedEndClip != null)
platformAudio.volume = overallAudioVolume;
platformAudio.PlayOneShot(audioArrivedEndClip, audioArrivedEndVolume);
/// <summary>
/// Calculates the time value for the current position in the movement profile curve.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private float CalculateCurrentCurveTime ()
// Position variables are in world space
float distBetweenPositions = (nextPosition - lastPosition).magnitude;
float distFromLast = (currentWorldPosition - lastPosition).magnitude;
// Calculate normalised value how far between last and next position
float distanceTravelledN = distBetweenPositions != 0f ? distFromLast / distBetweenPositions : 0f;
// Conduct binary search to find at what time this normalised value occurs at
float minTime = 0f;
float maxTime = 1f;
float timeEstimate = distanceTravelledN;
float errorMargin = 0.01f;
// Iterate a maximum of 10 times (for reasonable accuracy but not too high a cost)
int maxSearchIterations = 10;
for (int i = 0; i < maxSearchIterations; i++)
// Evaluate the curve at our current estimate
float estimateValue = movementProfile.Evaluate(timeEstimate);
// Check if our estimate is within the specified error margin
float currentError = estimateValue - distanceTravelledN;
if ((currentError > 0f && currentError < errorMargin) || (currentError < 0f && currentError > -errorMargin))
// If our estimate is within the specified error margin, stop the search
i = maxSearchIterations;
// If the evaluated value is too high, update our max time value
if (estimateValue > distanceTravelledN) { maxTime = timeEstimate; }
// If the evaluated value is too low, update our min time value
else { minTime = timeEstimate; }
// Calculate a new time estimate halfway between the min and max time values
timeEstimate = (minTime + maxTime) * 0.5f;
// Return the best estimate for the time scaled by travel time to next position
return timeEstimate * travelTimeToNextPosition;
/// <summary>
/// Calculates the approximate "speed" (the time derivative) of the movement profile curve at the specified time value.
/// </summary>
private float CalculateCurveSpeed (float currentCurveTime)
// Half of distance in t-direction to measure derivative over
float tDist = 0.005f;
// Calculate times to evaluate curve at
float t1 = 0f;
float t2 = 1f;
if (currentCurveTime < tDist) { t1 = 0f; t2 = 2f * tDist; }
else if (currentCurveTime > 1 - tDist) { t1 = 1 - (2f * tDist); t2 = 1f; }
else { t1 = currentCurveTime - tDist; t2 = currentCurveTime + tDist; }
// Evaluate curve and measure derivative
float curveDerivative = ((movementProfile.Evaluate(t2) - movementProfile.Evaluate(t1)) * travelDistToNextPosition) /
(2f * tDist * travelTimeToNextPosition);
// Return derivative scaled by travel time to next position
return curveDerivative / travelTimeToNextPosition;
#endregion Private Member Methods
#region Public Member API Methods
/// <summary>
/// If the platform is travelling away from the start, stop it (using
/// smooth stop if requested), then start it (using smooth start if
/// requested), and move to the first or starting position.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="useSmoothStartStop"></param>
public void CallToStartPosition (bool useSmoothStartStop)
if (IsDestinationEnd())
// Check if already at starting position
if (isWaitingAtStartPosition)
// waiting at start so reset waiting timer to give more time to get onto platform
waitTimer = 0f;
//Debug.Log("[DEBUG] SSCMovingPlatform.CallToStartPosition T:" + Time.time);
isReversingDirection = true;
else if (isWaitingAtEndPosition)
// Get the lift moving if still waiting at the other end.
// Too bad if someone or something is trying to get onto the platform...
// Could have a mininum wait time if need be.
waitTimer = endWaitTime;
/// <summary>
/// Initialises and resets the platform. Call this if you modify the positions list or if you want to reset the platform
/// back to its original position and rotation.
/// </summary>
public void Initialise()
if (isInitialised) { return; }
rBody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
isRigidBody = rBody != null;
platformId = this.GetInstanceID();
if (isRigidBody)
// Kinematic does not support ContinuousDynamic.
if (rBody.collisionDetectionMode == CollisionDetectionMode.ContinuousDynamic || rBody.collisionDetectionMode == CollisionDetectionMode.Continuous)
//rBody.collisionDetectionMode = CollisionDetectionMode.ContinuousSpeculative;
rBody.collisionDetectionMode = CollisionDetectionMode.Discrete;
// If user hasn't selected an interpolation mode, select Interpolate.
// NOTE: Other rigidbodies around the character will also need to use the same to avoid jitter.
if (rBody.interpolation == RigidbodyInterpolation.None)
rBody.interpolation = RigidbodyInterpolation.Interpolate;
// Set up the rigidbody
rBody.isKinematic = true;
rBody.detectCollisions = true;
currentWorldPosition = transform.position;
currentWorldRotation = transform.rotation;
previousWorldPosition = currentWorldPosition;
// Used with relative positions
originRotation = currentWorldRotation;
// Check how many positions there are in the list
numPositions = positions.Count;
if (numPositions > 1)
// Set the position of the platform to the first position in the list.
nextPositionIndex = 0;
// Audio won't be played as ResetAudioSettings() is called later in Initialise().
// Typically you don't want a first posiiton audio clip to play when we first start.
Debug.LogWarning("ERROR: SSCMovingPlatform.Initialise - at least two positions are required for a moving platform.");
// Set the position of the platform back to its starting rotation
currentWorldRotation = Quaternion.Euler(startingRotation);
transform.rotation = currentWorldRotation;
isInitialised = true;
/// <summary>
/// If the platform is moving, is it travelling toward the end position?
/// If the destination is the starting point, then this will return false.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool IsDestinationEnd()
return lastPositionIndex < nextPositionIndex;
/// <summary>
/// Set the world space origin of the platform. When useRelativePositions is true, all positions are relative to the origin.
/// </summary>
public void SetOrigin(Vector3 worldSpaceOrigin)
originPosition = worldSpaceOrigin;
/// <summary>
/// Call this after changing the MoveProfile at runtime.
/// </summary>
public void RefreshInverseCurve()
invMovementProfile = SSCUtils.InverseAnimCurve(movementProfile);
/// <summary>
/// Call this when you wish to remove any custom event listeners, like
/// after creating them in code and then destroying the object.
/// You could add this to your game play OnDestroy code.
/// </summary>
public void RemoveListeners()
if (isInitialised)
if (onArriveStart != null) { onArriveStart.RemoveAllListeners(); }
if (onArriveEnd != null) { onArriveEnd.RemoveAllListeners(); }
if (onDepartStart != null) { onDepartStart.RemoveAllListeners(); }
if (onDepartEnd != null) { onDepartEnd.RemoveAllListeners(); }
/// <summary>
/// Call after changing audio source
/// </summary>
public void ResetAudioSettings()
isAudioAvailable = false;
if (platformAudio != null)
platformAudio.volume = overallAudioVolume;
isAudioAvailable = true;
/// <summary>
/// Set the update loop used to move and/or rotate the platform
/// </summary>
/// <param name="newMoveUpdateType"></param>
public void SetMoveUpdateType(MoveUpdateType newMoveUpdateType)
moveUpdateType = newMoveUpdateType;
isMoveFixedUpdate = moveUpdateType == MoveUpdateType.FixedUpdate;
/// <summary>
/// Start the platform either instantly or smoothly.
/// It will be ignored if the platform is already starting.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="isSmoothStart"></param>
public void StartPlatform (bool isSmoothStart)
// Ensure platform is not in the process of starting, and that it is in fact not moving.
if (!isSmoothStartEnabled && !move)
isSmoothStopEnabled = false;
isSmoothStartEnabled = isSmoothStart;
// Calculate the travel distance between the two positions
travelDistToNextPosition = (nextPosition - lastPosition).magnitude;
// Calculate the travel time between the two positions
travelTimeToNextPosition = averageMoveSpeed == 0f ? float.MaxValue : travelDistToNextPosition / averageMoveSpeed;
if (isSmoothStart && smoothStartTime > 0f)
// Smooth Start
// Recalculate travel timer
travelTimer = CalculateCurrentCurveTime();
// Set initial values for smooth movement
smoothTimer = 0f;
smoothAcceleration = averageMoveSpeed / smoothStartTime;
smoothInitialPosition = currentWorldPosition;
smoothInitialSpeed = 0f;
move = true;
// Instant start (works for linear curves only)
// Are we re-starting part way between locations?
if (travelTimer != 0f || (!isWaitingAtStartPosition && !isWaitingAtEndPosition))
// Recalculate travel timer
travelTimer = CalculateCurrentCurveTime();
move = true;
// No longer waiting at start or end
waitTimer = 0f;
isWaitingAtStartPosition = false;
isWaitingAtEndPosition = false;
/// <summary>
/// Stop the platform either instantly or smoothly before the next position.
/// Will be ignored if already stopping.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="isSmoothStop"></param>
public void StopPlatform (bool isSmoothStop)
// Ensure platform is not in the process of stopping, and that it is in fact moving.
if (!isSmoothStopEnabled && move)
isSmoothStartEnabled = false;
isSmoothStopEnabled = isSmoothStop;
if (isSmoothStop && !isWaitingAtStartPosition && !isWaitingAtEndPosition && smoothStopTime > 0f)
smoothTimer = 0f;
// deceleration (d) = (finalSpeed - initialSpeed) / time
// Get current speed
smoothInitialSpeed = (currentWorldPosition - previousWorldPosition).magnitude / Time.deltaTime;
// Consider the distance to the next position and make sure we don't overshoot it.
float stoppingTime = travelTimeToNextPosition - travelTimer < smoothStopTime ? travelTimeToNextPosition - travelTimer : smoothStopTime;
// If we're already at or past the next position, stop now
if (stoppingTime <= 0f)
move = false;
// Assume constant deceleration, so average speed is mean of initial and final speed
// distance to stop = t * ((init speed + final speed) / 2)
smoothDistanceToTravel = stoppingTime * (smoothInitialSpeed / 2f);
//Debug.Log("[DEBUG] Distance To Stop: " + smoothDistanceToTravel);
// Acceleration = - initSpeed / time (assuming constant deceleration and final speed is 0)
smoothAcceleration = -smoothInitialSpeed / stoppingTime;
smoothInitialPosition = currentWorldPosition;
// Instant stop
else { move = false; }
isSmoothStopEnabled = move;
// Switch the direction platform is moving if required
// If smooth
if (isReversingDirection && !isSmoothStopEnabled)
isReversingDirection = false;
//Debug.Log("[DEBUG] Stopped platform instantly - now should reverse the direction and start (smoothstart: " + isSmoothStartEnabled + ")");
// If smooth stop, assume a smooth start.
/// <summary>
/// Teleport the platform to new location by moving by an amount in the x, y and z directions.
/// This could be useful if changing the origin or centre of your world to compensate for float-point error.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="delta"></param>
public void TelePort(Vector3 delta)
transform.position += delta;
currentWorldPosition = transform.position;
SetOrigin(originPosition += delta);
// For non-relative positions, move them all
if (!useRelativePositions)
lastPosition += delta;
nextPosition += delta;
numPositions = positions.Count;
for (int pIdx = 0; pIdx < numPositions; pIdx++)
positions[pIdx] += delta;
/// <summary>
/// Update the current average move speed. Useful when the platform is already moving
/// and you want to adjust the speed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="newMoveSpeed"></param>
public void UpdateAverageMoveSpeed(float newMoveSpeed)
// Calc normalised value how far between last and next position
float distanceTravelledN = travelTimeToNextPosition == 0f ? 0f : travelTimer / travelTimeToNextPosition;
averageMoveSpeed = newMoveSpeed;
// Calculate the travel distance between the two positions
travelDistToNextPosition = (nextPosition - lastPosition).magnitude;
// Calculate the travel time between the two positions
travelTimeToNextPosition = averageMoveSpeed == 0f ? float.MaxValue : travelDistToNextPosition / averageMoveSpeed;
// Adjust travel timer
travelTimer = travelTimeToNextPosition * distanceTravelledN;
#endregion Public Member Methods