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2023-07-24 16:38:13 +03:00
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Linq;
// Sci-Fi Ship Controller. Copyright (c) 2018-2023 SCSM Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
namespace SciFiShipController
/// <summary>
/// Demo Control Module to create squadrons of ships and have them attack each other.
/// Ship prefabs should NOT contain a PlayerInputModule
/// This is only a sample to demonstrate how API calls could be used in your own code.
/// In a future version of SSC, many of the concepts and methods used here will
/// be available as API calls to reduce your coding - much like you can set say the
/// Dogfighting or Movement state of an AI ship now in a couple of lines of code.
/// This demo uses a custom AIState to show how one could be setup and used, although
/// in this demo the built-in DogFighting state could just as easily been used.
/// </summary>
public class DemoControlModule : MonoBehaviour
#region Enumerations
public enum AITargets
#region Public variables
public List<Squadron> squadronList = null;
[Header("AI Targets")]
public bool assignAITargets = true;
public AITargets aiTargets = AITargets.NextShip;
// How often should we reassign targets?
public float reassignTargetSecs = 30f;
// Adds the TestAIScript with default values if it isn't on prefab
public bool AddAIScriptIfMissing = true;
[Header("AI Behaviour")]
// When magnitude of velocity approaches zero, health is reduced
// Stationary ships are eventually destroyed due to lack of health.
// Mainly used for when ships spiral to the ground
public bool CrashAffectsHealth = true;
public Bounds theatreBounds;
public bool useRadar = false;
public bool isInitialised = false;
public int NumberOfSquadrons { get { return numSquadrons; } }
#region Private variables
private float timer = 0;
private PlayerInputModule[] playersArray;
// Each squadron has it's own list of ships
private List<List<ShipControlModule>> squadronShipList;
private List<int> numSquadronShipsList;
// Each squadron needs to know which squadron it should target
// For now, keep this separate to the squadron class so that
// squadron remains more generic.
private List<int> squadronTargetList;
private int numSquadrons = 0;
// This lets us create our own custom state or use an existing one
private int attackStateID = AIState.dogfightStateID;
#region Initialise Methods
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Awake()
// Create a custom AIState
attackStateID = AIState.AddState("DemoAttack", DemoAttackState, AIState.BehaviourCombiner.PrioritisedDithering);
// Spawner a player ship inside squadron
timer = reassignTargetSecs; // Don't reset targets immediately when game starts
numSquadrons = squadronList == null ? 0 : squadronList.Count;
squadronShipList = new List<List<ShipControlModule>>();
numSquadronShipsList = new List<int>(numSquadrons);
squadronTargetList = new List<int>(numSquadrons);
for (int sqIdx = 0; sqIdx < numSquadrons; sqIdx++)
Squadron squadron = squadronList[sqIdx];
if (squadron != null)
ShipSpawner shipSpawner = new ShipSpawner();
if (shipSpawner != null)
GameObject squadronGameObject = new GameObject(squadron.squadronName);
if (squadronGameObject != null)
if (shipSpawner.CreateSquadron(squadron, squadronGameObject.transform, ShipDestroyCallBack, AddAIScriptIfMissing ? typeof(ShipAIInputModule) : null))
// Show the ship InstanceIDs for the squadron
int numShips = squadron.shipList == null ? 0 : squadron.shipList.Count;
//Debug.Log("[DEBUG] Number of ships added to " + squadron.squadronName + ": " + numShips);
// Get all the ships in this squadron once to reduce overhead
squadronShipList.Add(new List<ShipControlModule>(numShips));
squadronGameObject.GetComponentsInChildren(true, squadronShipList[sqIdx]);
// Add an empty list if squadron was not created
squadronShipList.Add(new List<ShipControlModule>());
int targetSquadronId = GetTargetSquadron(squadron.factionId);
if (targetSquadronId >= 0)
if (aiTargets == AITargets.NextShip)
Debug.LogWarning("DemoControlModule NextShip AI Targets only work with 1 squadron. Switching to Random Ship targetting.");
aiTargets = AITargets.RandomShip;
// No potential squadrons to target, so target itself
//Debug.Log("[DEBUG] " + squadron.squadronName + " is targeting " + squadronList.Find(sq => sq.squadronId == squadronTargetList[sqIdx]).squadronName);
// Initialise all the AI ships
for (int sqIdx = 0; sqIdx < numSquadrons; sqIdx++)
int shipsListLength = numSquadronShipsList[sqIdx];
for (int shIdx = 0; shIdx < shipsListLength; shIdx++)
ShipControlModule shipControlModule = squadronShipList[sqIdx][shIdx];
if (shipControlModule != null)
// NOTE: Ideally only the ships near the player camera will be set to Interpolate and
// all others will be set to None. However, for convenience set all to Interpolate.
if (shipControlModule.IsInitialised)
shipControlModule.ShipRigidbody.interpolation = RigidbodyInterpolation.Interpolate;
if (useRadar) { shipControlModule.EnableRadar(); }
// Add Script to handle basic state machine logic. We could do the same from a central
// gameplay script (like this democontrolmodule) and loop through all ships in the scene.
// In this example we'll attach a script to each ship.
SampleAttack sampleAttack = shipControlModule.GetComponent<SampleAttack>();
if (sampleAttack == null) { sampleAttack = shipControlModule.gameObject.AddComponent<SampleAttack>(); }
ShipAIInputModule shipAIInputModule = shipControlModule.GetComponent<ShipAIInputModule>();
if (shipAIInputModule != null && sampleAttack != null)
// TODO - Ship Radius should be calculated
// Comment this out if set in a prefab
shipAIInputModule.shipRadius = 7f;
sampleAttack.attackStateID = attackStateID;
if (!sampleAttack.IsInitialised)
shipAIInputModule.movementAlgorithm = ShipAIInputModule.AIMovementAlgorithm.PlanarFlightBanking;
// If shipAIInputModule is not initialised, SampleAttack will initialise it.
// Assign targets to all ships
if (useRadar)
SSCRadar sscRadar = SSCRadar.GetOrCreateRadar();
isInitialised = true;
#region Update Methods
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (assignAITargets && isInitialised)
timer -= Time.deltaTime;
if (timer < 0f)
// reset timer so we don't re-assign targets too often
timer = reassignTargetSecs;
/// <summary>
/// Process all squadrons, and assign targets to ships in those squadrons
/// </summary>
/// <param name="isFirstTime"></param>
private void UpdateSquadrons(bool isFirstTime = false)
// Get list of all players
// NOTE: FindObjectsOfType generates GC.Alloc.
playersArray = FindObjectsOfType<PlayerInputModule>();
int playersArrayLength = playersArray == null ? 0 : playersArray.Length;
for (int sqIdx = 0; sqIdx < numSquadrons; sqIdx++)
UpdateSquadron(sqIdx, playersArrayLength, isFirstTime);
// Process all ships in a squadron, and assign it a target
/// <summary>
/// If isFirstTime, sets the callbackGetNewTarget on ShipAIInputModule after applying
/// the first target.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="squadronIdx"></param>
/// <param name="playersArrayLength"></param>
/// <param name="isFirstTime"></param>
private void UpdateSquadron(int squadronIdx, int playersArrayLength, bool isFirstTime = false)
// Finding all the AI ships each frame is too expensive.
// TODO - NOTE: We will now need to maintain the list
// Currently respawned ships are not re-added to list
Squadron squadron = squadronList[squadronIdx];
// Get the squadron for this squadron to target
int targetSquadronId = squadronTargetList[squadronIdx];
//int targetSquadronIdx = squadronList.FindIndex(sq => sq.squadronId == targetSquadronId);
// Use a for-loop on small list instead of a FindIndex which causes GC.Alloc.
int targetSquadronIdx = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < numSquadrons; i++)
if (squadronList[i].squadronId == targetSquadronId) { targetSquadronIdx = i; break; }
if (targetSquadronIdx < 0) { targetSquadronIdx = squadronIdx; }
int shipsListLength = numSquadronShipsList[squadronIdx];
int shipsListTargetLength = numSquadronShipsList[targetSquadronIdx];
//Debug.Log("[DEBUG] updating squadron " + squadron.squadronName + ", which is targetting " + squadronList[targetSquadronIdx].squadronName + ". Potential targets: " + shipsListTargetLength);
ShipControlModule aiTarget = null;
ShipAIInputModule aiScript;
SampleAttack saScript;
int targetIdx = -1;
// Loop through all the ships in the current squadron
for (int i = 0; i < shipsListLength; i++)
// Get the ship in the current squadron being updated
ShipControlModule shipControlModule = squadronShipList[squadronIdx][i];
//Debug.Log("[DEBUG] squadronIdx: " + squadronIdx + " i: " + i);
// Remove ships that have been destroyed
if (shipControlModule == null)
numSquadronShipsList[squadronIdx] -= 1;
else if (shipControlModule.gameObject.activeSelf)
// Get the AI Script attached to the current ship
aiScript = shipControlModule.GetComponent<ShipAIInputModule>();
saScript = shipControlModule.GetComponent<SampleAttack>();
if (aiScript != null && saScript != null)
// Set the boundaries for the theatre of operation
if (isFirstTime) { saScript.theatreBounds = theatreBounds; }
// If an AI ship is not moving, reduce it's health (it may have hit the ground)
if (!isFirstTime && CrashAffectsHealth && Vector3.Magnitude(shipControlModule.shipInstance.WorldVelocity) < 0.01f)
{ shipControlModule.shipInstance.mainDamageRegion.Health -= 20f; }
aiTarget = null;
switch (aiTargets)
// Ships that are inactive will be targetted, but maybe that's ok for now
case AITargets.RandomPlayer:
PlayerInputModule playerInputModule = playersArray[Random.Range(0, playersArrayLength)];
if (playerInputModule != null) { aiTarget = playerInputModule.GetComponent<ShipControlModule>(); }
case AITargets.NextShip:
targetIdx = (i == shipsListLength - 1) ? 0 : i + 1;
shipControlModule = squadronShipList[squadronIdx][targetIdx];
if (shipControlModule != null) { aiTarget = shipControlModule; }
// Find next non-null ship. i.e. one that hasn't been destroyed AND is inside the theatre area
targetIdx = squadronShipList[squadronIdx].FindIndex(targetIdx, shp => shp != null && shp.shipInstance != null && theatreBounds.Contains(shp.shipInstance.TransformPosition));
// If no ships at end of list, start at beginning
if (targetIdx < 0) { targetIdx = squadronShipList[squadronIdx].FindIndex(shp => shp != null && shp.shipInstance != null && theatreBounds.Contains(shp.shipInstance.TransformPosition)); }
if (targetIdx >= 0) { aiTarget = squadronShipList[squadronIdx][targetIdx]; }
case AITargets.RandomShip:
// If there are potential targets, find a random ship
if (shipsListTargetLength > 0)
targetIdx = Random.Range(0, shipsListTargetLength);
shipControlModule = squadronShipList[targetSquadronIdx][targetIdx];
if (shipControlModule != null) { aiTarget = shipControlModule; }
// Find next non-null ship. i.e. one that hasn't been destroyed AND is inside the theatre area
targetIdx = squadronShipList[targetSquadronIdx].FindIndex(targetIdx, shp => shp != null && shp.shipInstance != null && theatreBounds.Contains(shp.shipInstance.TransformPosition));
// If no ships at end of list, start at beginning
if (targetIdx < 0) { targetIdx = squadronShipList[targetSquadronIdx].FindIndex(shp => shp != null && shp.shipInstance != null && theatreBounds.Contains(shp.shipInstance.TransformPosition)); }
if (targetIdx >= 0) { aiTarget = squadronShipList[targetSquadronIdx][targetIdx]; }
//Debug.Log("[DEBUG] dcm.UpdateSquadron ship " + i.ToString("000") + " assigned target: " + (aiTarget != null).ToString());
// If no target, this is still valid.
// TODO - test if a null target is handled correctly in v1.06+
// After the target has been assigned the first time, setup the callback method
if (isFirstTime) { saScript.callbackGetNewTarget = GetNewTarget; }
//Debug.Log("[DEBUG] updated squadron " + squadron.squadronName + ", which is targetting " + squadronList[targetSquadronIdx].squadronName + ". Potential targets: " + shipsListTargetLength);
#region Public Member Methods
///// <summary>
///// Demo custom AIState
///// </summary>
///// <param name="stateMethodParameters"></param>
//private static void DemoAttackState(AIStateMethodParameters stateMethodParameters)
// if (stateMethodParameters.targetShip != null)
// {
// // Pre-calculation
// Vector3 fromTargetShipVector = stateMethodParameters.shipControlModule.shipInstance.TransformPosition - stateMethodParameters.targetShip.TransformPosition;
// float distToTargetShip = fromTargetShipVector.magnitude;
// float approxPursueInterceptionTime = distToTargetShip / stateMethodParameters.shipControlModule.shipInstance.WorldVelocity.magnitude;
// // Priority #1: Obstacle avoidance
// stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[0].behaviourType = AIBehaviourInput.AIBehaviourType.CustomObstacleAvoidance;
// stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[0].weighting = 1f;
// // Priority #2: Pursue/seek target ship
// if (approxPursueInterceptionTime > 3f)
// {
// stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[1].behaviourType = AIBehaviourInput.AIBehaviourType.CustomPursuitArrival;
// //stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[1].behaviourType = AIBehaviourInput.AIBehaviourType.CustomSeekMovingArrival;
// }
// else
// {
// stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[1].behaviourType = AIBehaviourInput.AIBehaviourType.CustomSeekMovingArrival;
// }
// stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[1].targetPosition = stateMethodParameters.targetShip.TransformPosition;
// stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[1].targetVelocity = stateMethodParameters.targetShip.WorldVelocity;
// stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[1].weighting = 1f;
// // Set the state action as completed once the target ship is destroyed
// if (stateMethodParameters.targetShip.Destroyed())
// {
// stateMethodParameters.shipAIInputModule.SetHasCompletedStateAction(true);
// }
// }
// else
// {
// // If the target ship is null, do nothing
// stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[0].behaviourType = AIBehaviourInput.AIBehaviourType.Idle;
// stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[0].weighting = 1f;
// }
/// <summary>
/// The state method for the custom demo attack state.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stateMethodParameters"></param>
private void DemoAttackState(AIStateMethodParameters stateMethodParameters)
if (stateMethodParameters.targetShip != null)
// Pre-calculation
Vector3 fromTargetShipVector = stateMethodParameters.shipControlModule.shipInstance.TransformPosition - stateMethodParameters.targetShip.TransformPosition;
float distToTargetShip = fromTargetShipVector.magnitude;
float approxPursueInterceptionTime = distToTargetShip / stateMethodParameters.shipControlModule.shipInstance.WorldVelocity.magnitude;
float approxEvadeInterceptionTime = distToTargetShip / stateMethodParameters.targetShip.WorldVelocity.magnitude;
// Priority #1: Obstacle avoidance
stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[0].behaviourType = AIBehaviourInput.AIBehaviourType.CustomObstacleAvoidance;
stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[0].weighting = 1f;
bool ourShipInTheatre = theatreBounds.Contains(stateMethodParameters.shipControlModule.shipInstance.TransformPosition);
bool targetShipInTheatre = theatreBounds.Contains(stateMethodParameters.targetShip.TransformPosition);
// If either our ship or the target ship is outside the theatre, simply go back to home base
if (!ourShipInTheatre || !targetShipInTheatre)
// Priority #2: Seek home base
stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[1].behaviourType = AIBehaviourInput.AIBehaviourType.CustomSeek;
stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[1].targetPosition =;
stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[1].weighting = 1f;
// If the target ship is outside the theatre, ask for a new target by stating
// the current state action (attacking the target ship) has been completed
if (!targetShipInTheatre) { stateMethodParameters.shipAIInputModule.SetHasCompletedStateAction(true); }
// Priority #2: Evade target ship's targeting region
stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[1].behaviourType = AIBehaviourInput.AIBehaviourType.CustomUnblockCone;
stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[1].targetPosition = stateMethodParameters.targetShip.TransformPosition;
stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[1].targetForwards = stateMethodParameters.targetShip.TransformForward;
stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[1].targetFOVAngle = 5f;
stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[1].weighting = 0.2f;
// Priority #3: Evade target ship (if we are "in front" of the target ship and within 3 seconds evade interception time)
if (Vector3.Dot(fromTargetShipVector, stateMethodParameters.targetShip.TransformForward) > 0f &&
Vector3.Dot(fromTargetShipVector, stateMethodParameters.shipControlModule.shipInstance.TransformForward) > 0f &&
approxEvadeInterceptionTime < 3f)
stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[2].behaviourType = AIBehaviourInput.AIBehaviourType.CustomFlee;
stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[2].targetPosition = stateMethodParameters.targetShip.TransformPosition;
stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[2].targetVelocity = stateMethodParameters.targetShip.WorldVelocity;
stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[2].weighting = 1f;
// Priority #4: Pursue/seek target ship
if (approxPursueInterceptionTime > 3f && approxPursueInterceptionTime < 10f)
stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[3].behaviourType = AIBehaviourInput.AIBehaviourType.CustomPursuitArrival;
stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[3].behaviourType = AIBehaviourInput.AIBehaviourType.CustomSeekMovingArrival;
stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[3].targetPosition = stateMethodParameters.targetShip.TransformPosition;
stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[3].targetVelocity = stateMethodParameters.targetShip.WorldVelocity;
stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[3].weighting = 1f;
// Set the state action as completed once the target ship is destroyed
// TODO: should possibly choose different action if the target ship is destroyed?
if (stateMethodParameters.targetShip.Destroyed())
// Fallback: If the target ship is null (which it shouldn't be) simply seek the target position with obstacle avoidance
// Priority #1: Obstacle avoidance
stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[0].behaviourType = AIBehaviourInput.AIBehaviourType.CustomObstacleAvoidance;
stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[0].weighting = 1f;
// Priority #2: Seek target position
stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[1].behaviourType = AIBehaviourInput.AIBehaviourType.CustomSeek;
stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[1].targetPosition = stateMethodParameters.targetPosition;
stateMethodParameters.aiBehaviourInputsList[1].weighting = 1f;
/// <summary>
/// Find a new target ship for the ship supplied.
/// TODO - Fix GC in GetNewTarget
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shipControlModule"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ShipControlModule GetNewTarget(ShipControlModule shipControlModule)
ShipControlModule aiTarget = null;
ShipControlModule potentialTarget = null;
// Determine which squadron this ship belongs to
if (shipControlModule != null && shipControlModule.shipInstance != null)
// Get the source Squadron index in the list of squadrons
int squadronId = shipControlModule.shipInstance.squadronId;
// Use a for-loop on small list instead of a FindIndex which causes GC.Alloc.
int squadronIdx = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < numSquadrons; i++)
if (squadronList[i].squadronId == squadronId) { squadronIdx = i; break; }
// Get the target squadron for this ship
int targetSquadronId = squadronTargetList[squadronIdx];
// Use a for-loop on small list instead of a FindIndex which causes GC.Alloc.
int targetSquadronIdx = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < numSquadrons; i++)
if (squadronList[i].squadronId == targetSquadronId) { targetSquadronIdx = i; break; }
if (targetSquadronIdx < 0) { targetSquadronIdx = squadronIdx; }
int shipsListLength = numSquadronShipsList[squadronIdx];
int shipsListTargetLength = numSquadronShipsList[targetSquadronIdx];
int targetIdx = -1;
switch (aiTargets)
// Ships that are inactive will be targetted, but maybe that's ok for now
case AITargets.RandomPlayer:
//if (playersArray != null)
PlayerInputModule playerInputModule = playersArray[Random.Range(0, playersArray.Length)];
if (playerInputModule != null) { aiTarget = playerInputModule.GetComponent<ShipControlModule>(); }
case AITargets.NextShip:
// Get the current index of the source ship in the squadron
int sourceShipIdx = squadronShipList[squadronIdx].FindIndex(scm => scm == shipControlModule);
//Debug.Log("[DEBUG] sourceShipIdx: " + sourceShipIdx);
// Find the next ship in the same squadron as the current ship
targetIdx = (sourceShipIdx == shipsListLength - 1) ? 0 : sourceShipIdx + 1;
potentialTarget = squadronShipList[squadronIdx][targetIdx];
// Check that the next ship is not null and is inside the theatre area
if (potentialTarget != null && potentialTarget.shipInstance != null && theatreBounds.Contains(potentialTarget.shipInstance.TransformPosition)) { aiTarget = potentialTarget; }
// Find next non-null ship. i.e. one that hasn't been destroyed
targetIdx = squadronShipList[squadronIdx].FindIndex(targetIdx, shp => shp != null && shp.shipInstance != null && theatreBounds.Contains(shp.shipInstance.TransformPosition));
// If no ships at end of list, start at beginning
if (targetIdx < 0) { targetIdx = squadronShipList[squadronIdx].FindIndex(shp => shp != null && shp.shipInstance != null && theatreBounds.Contains(shp.shipInstance.TransformPosition)); }
// Make sure the ship doesn't target itself!
if (targetIdx >= 0 && targetIdx != sourceShipIdx) { aiTarget = squadronShipList[squadronIdx][targetIdx]; }
case AITargets.RandomShip:
// If there are potential targets, find a random ship
if (shipsListTargetLength > 0)
targetIdx = Random.Range(0, shipsListTargetLength);
potentialTarget = squadronShipList[targetSquadronIdx][targetIdx];
// Check that the target ship is not null and is inside the theatre area
if (potentialTarget != null && potentialTarget.shipInstance != null && theatreBounds.Contains(potentialTarget.shipInstance.TransformPosition)) { aiTarget = potentialTarget; }
// Find next non-null ship. i.e. one that hasn't been destroyed AND is inside the theatre area.
targetIdx = squadronShipList[targetSquadronIdx].FindIndex(targetIdx, shp => shp != null && shp.shipInstance != null && theatreBounds.Contains(shp.shipInstance.TransformPosition));
// If no ships at end of list, start at beginning
if (targetIdx < 0) { targetIdx = squadronShipList[targetSquadronIdx].FindIndex(shp => shp != null && shp.shipInstance != null && theatreBounds.Contains(shp.shipInstance.TransformPosition)); }
if (targetIdx >= 0) { aiTarget = squadronShipList[targetSquadronIdx][targetIdx]; }
// Cannot find a target ship in the target squadron, so attempt to find another (enemy) squadron.
targetSquadronId = GetTargetSquadron(shipControlModule.shipInstance.factionId);
if (targetSquadronId >= 0) { squadronTargetList[squadronIdx] = targetSquadronId; }
//if (aiTarget != null) { Debug.Log("[DEBUG] " + + " target: " + + " " + aiTarget.shipInstance.TransformPosition + " in " + theatreBounds.ToString()); }
//if (shipControlModule != null)
// Debug.Log("[DEBUG] dcm.GetNewTarget(..) for " + + " target: " + (aiTarget == null ? "no target" :;
return aiTarget;
/// <summary>
/// Get the next non-null ship starting from the zero-based index in the
/// list of ships within the given squadron.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="squadronId"></param>
/// <param name="startIdx"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ShipControlModule GetNextShip(int squadronId, int startIdx)
ShipControlModule shipControlModule = null;
if (isInitialised && squadronId >= 0)
Squadron squadron = null;
int squadronIdx = -1;
// Get the correct squadron. This can change at runtime
for (int sqIdx = 0; sqIdx < numSquadrons; sqIdx++)
if (squadronList[sqIdx].squadronId == squadronId)
squadronIdx = sqIdx;
squadron = squadronList[sqIdx];
// Found the requested squadron
if (squadronIdx >= 0)
// Validate the startIdx
if (startIdx < numSquadronShipsList[squadronIdx])
// Find next non-null ship. i.e. one that hasn't been destroyed
int shipIdx = squadronShipList[squadronIdx].FindIndex(startIdx, shp => shp != null);
// If no ships at end of list, start at beginning
if (shipIdx < 0) { shipIdx = squadronShipList[squadronIdx].FindIndex(shp => shp != null); }
if (shipIdx >= 0) { shipControlModule = squadronShipList[squadronIdx][shipIdx]; }
return shipControlModule;
/// <summary>
/// Randomly select a squadron from an opposing faction.
/// NOTE: It currently does not check to see how many ships are in the squadrons as that
/// might be a performance overhead.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="factionId"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public int GetTargetSquadron(int factionId)
// Find all he squadrons in a different faction
List<Squadron> squadronsToTargetList = squadronList.FindAll(sq => sq.factionId != factionId);
int numTargetSquadrons = squadronsToTargetList == null ? 0 : squadronsToTargetList.Count;
if (numTargetSquadrons > 0)
// Randomly select a squadron from an opposing faction
return squadronsToTargetList[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, numTargetSquadrons)].squadronId;
else { return -1; }
/// <summary>
/// Get the next squadron which has ships. If the squadronId is unassigned (-1),
/// the first squadron with ships (if any) will be returned.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="squadronId"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public int GetNextSquadronWithShips(int squadronId)
// Get the index of the squadron within the list of squadrons
// Use a for-loop on small list instead of a FindIndex which causes GC.Alloc.
int squadronIdx = -1;
// If the squadronId is unassigned (typically -1 by default), attempt to find the first squadron with ships
if (squadronId < 0)
for (int k = 0; k < numSquadrons; k++)
if (squadronShipList[k].Exists(shp => shp != null)) { squadronIdx = k; break; }
for (int i = 0; i < numSquadrons; i++)
if (squadronList[i].squadronId == squadronId)
// Get the next squadron with ships
for (int j = i + 1; j < numSquadrons; j++)
if (squadronShipList[j].Exists(shp => shp != null)) { squadronIdx = j; break; }
// Did we find the next squadron with ships?
if (squadronIdx > i)
// Loop back to beginning of squadron list and process previous squadrons
for (int k = 0; k < i; k++)
if (squadronShipList[k].Exists(shp => shp != null)) { squadronIdx = k; break; }
if (squadronIdx >= 0) { return squadronList[squadronIdx].squadronId; }
else { return -1; }
#region Private Member Methods
private void ShipDestroyCallBack(Ship ship)
// Need to determine which squadron ship belonged to.
// OR just keep track of #ships in each faction
//Debug.Log("Ship Destroyed: " + ship.shipId);
#region Event Methods
// Test only - Should use new gui instead.
private void OnGUI()
for (int sqIdx = 0; sqIdx < numSquadrons; sqIdx++)
GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 50 + (sqIdx * 20), 100, 20), squadronShipList[sqIdx].Count(sp => sp != null).ToString());