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2023-07-24 16:38:13 +03:00
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
// Sci-Fi Ship Controller. Copyright (c) 2018-2023 SCSM Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
namespace SciFiShipController
/// <summary>
/// Executes a simple state machine for determining state information for a "race" AI.
/// This is a SAMPLE ONLY and may get modified in future releases. If you wish to use something
/// similar in your own game create a new script in your own namespace to avoid it getting
/// overwritten by Sci-Fi Ship Controller updates.
/// If instantiated / added at runtime, also call Initialise().
/// Paths are assigned per ship (as this script is attached to each AI Ship). However,
/// they could be managed centrally and set via code.
/// </summary>
[AddComponentMenu("Sci-Fi Ship Controller/Samples/Race AI")]
public class SampleRace : MonoBehaviour
#region Public Variables
/// <summary>
/// If enabled, the Initialise() will be called as soon as Awake() runs. This should be disabled if you are
/// instantiating the SampleRace through code.
/// </summary>
public bool initialiseOnAwake = false;
/// <summary>
/// Array of track path names.
/// </summary>
public string[] trackPathNames = { "Path 1 Name Here", "Path 2 Name Here" };
/// <summary>
/// Has the SampleRace been initialised?
/// </summary>
public bool IsInitialised { get { return isInitialised; } }
/// <summary>
/// Get the index of the Path in the
/// </summary>
//public int CurrentRacePathIndex { get { return currentRacePathIndex; } }
#region Private Variables
private ShipAIInputModule shipAIInputModule;
private SSCManager sscManager;
private List<PathData> racePathsList;
private int numPaths = 0;
private int currentRacePathIndex = 0;
private bool isInitialised = false;
#region Initialise Methods
private void Awake()
if (initialiseOnAwake) { Initialise(); }
/// <summary>
/// If shipAIInputModule is not initialised, SampleRace will initialise it.
/// </summary>
public void Initialise()
// Don't attempt to re-initialise multiple times.
if (isInitialised) { return; }
// Get a reference to the ship AI input module attached to this gameobject
shipAIInputModule = GetComponent<ShipAIInputModule>();
// Initialise the ship AI (if it hasn't been initialised already)
// Get a reference to the Ship Controller Manager instance
sscManager = SSCManager.GetOrCreateManager();
if (sscManager != null)
// Initialise the list of race paths
racePathsList = new List<PathData>();
// Find the paths and add them to the list
PathData racePath;
for (int i = 0; i < trackPathNames.Length; i++)
racePath = sscManager.GetPath(trackPathNames[i]);
if (racePath != null) { racePathsList.Add(racePath); }
else { Debug.Log("Path not found: " + trackPathNames[i]); }
// cache the number of paths so we don't need to keep counting the list
numPaths = racePathsList == null ? 0 : racePathsList.Count;
// If it exists, assign the ship to follow the first Path
isInitialised = true;
#region Public Member Methods
/// <summary>
/// Set the ship to follow the 0-based Path included in trackPathNames.
/// If no Path are found or the index is out of range, the Ship will be
/// placed in the idle state.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pathIndex"></param>
public void AssignPath(int pathIndex)
// Assign the first race path
if (pathIndex >= 0 && pathIndex < racePathsList.Count)
// Initialise the AI in the "move to" state
currentRacePathIndex = pathIndex;
// Assign the has completed state action callback (this will then be called every time the
// ship gets to the end of a path)
shipAIInputModule.callbackCompletedStateAction = FinishedPathCallback;
shipAIInputModule.callbackCompletedStateAction = null;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the distance from the start of the list of Paths.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public float GetDistanceFromStart()
float distanceFromStart = 0f;
if (isInitialised && numPaths > 0)
// Add the paths already completed.
// start at the second path (if there is one)
for (int pIdx = 1; pIdx < numPaths; pIdx++)
// Add the distance for the previous path
distanceFromStart += racePathsList[pIdx-1].splineTotalDistance;
// Exit the loop once we're up to the current path
if (currentRacePathIndex >= pIdx) { break; }
// Get the distance from the start of the current path
PathData pathData = racePathsList[currentRacePathIndex];
if (pathData != null)
// Add the distance to the previous location on the path
int prevLocationIdx = shipAIInputModule.GetPreviousTargetPathLocationIndex();
if (prevLocationIdx >= 0)
PathLocationData prevPathLocationData = pathData.pathLocationDataList[prevLocationIdx];
if (prevPathLocationData != null)
// In a closed circuit the first Location contains the total distance for the Path.
if (prevLocationIdx > 0) { distanceFromStart += prevPathLocationData.distanceCumulative; }
// This is the location on the path the ship is heading towards
int nextLocationIdx = shipAIInputModule.GetCurrentTargetPathLocationIndex();
// Calc distance from the previous location
float tValue = shipAIInputModule.GetCurrentTargetPathTValue();
float deltaDistance = SSCManager.GetPathDistance(pathData, prevLocationIdx, nextLocationIdx) * tValue;
distanceFromStart += deltaDistance;
return distanceFromStart;
#region Callback Methods
/// <summary>
/// Function to be called when the ship has completed the current path.
/// </summary>
public void FinishedPathCallback (ShipAIInputModule shipAIInputModule)
// Increment the race path index
// If we have finished all of the paths loop back to the first one
if (currentRacePathIndex >= racePathsList.Count) { currentRacePathIndex = 0; }
// Get the next path and assign it to the ship AI