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2023-07-24 16:38:13 +03:00
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
// Sci-Fi Ship Controller. Copyright (c) 2018-2023 SCSM Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
namespace SciFiShipController
/// <summary>
/// Component to open and close a door (or doors) using a Unity Animator, controller,
/// and animation clips. It can also be used to lower/raise landing gear etc.
/// Optionally add populate an array of bool parameter names. This can be used to independency control
/// more than one door or sets of doors. e.g. isDoor1Open, isDoor2Open, isSlidingDoorsOpen etc.
/// If none are provided, it assumes there is one called isOpenDoor in the animator.
/// 1. Create animations (clips) for closed, closing and opening for each door or sets of doors
/// 2. For each door or sets of doors you need a Layer in the Animator Controller
/// 3. Each door or sets of doors needs to have a bool parameter in the Animator Controller
/// 4. Ensure the layer settings have a weight > 0, else nothing will happen.
/// 5. If you want audio, add an Audio Source to this gameobject
/// WARNING: The animator controller must have an isOpen (or similar) boolean parameter. It needs
/// to be a transistion condition to move to the open, close or closed states.
/// For audio, make sure the transition durations from closed->Opening and Opening->Closing are 0 seconds.
/// If audioSource Loop is enabled, need to disable the audioSource in Animation.
/// See SSCLiftHeadAirLockDoors.anim for an example.
/// </summary>
public class SSCDoorAnimator : MonoBehaviour
#region Enumerations
public enum ParmeterType
Bool = 0,
Trigger = 1
#region Public Variables and Properties
/// <summary>
/// Animation parameter types include boolean or triggers
/// </summary>
public ParmeterType parameterType = ParmeterType.Bool;
//[Tooltip("Array of bool Animation Parameters to control one or more doors")]
/// <summary>
/// Array of bool or trigger Animimation Parameters to control one or more doors. There should be one for each door or sets of doors.
/// </summary>
public string[] openParamNames;
/// <summary>
/// Array of trigger Animimation Parameters to control one or more doors These must have the word Close in their names
/// </summary>
public string[] closeParamNames;
/// <summary>
/// Array of isLocked statuses. There should be one for each door or sets of doors.
/// </summary>
public bool[] isLockedStatuses;
/// Get or set the Opening speed of the door. Min value 0.01, Max 10. Default 1
/// </summary>
public float OpenSpeed { get { return openingSpeed; } set { openingSpeed = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0.01f, 10f); } }
/// <summary>
/// Get or set the Closing speed of the door. Min value 0.01, Max 10. Default 1
/// </summary>
public float CloseSpeed { get { return closingSpeed; } set { closingSpeed = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0.01f, 10f); } }
/// <summary>
/// The audio clip that is played when the doors are opening.
/// To stop the clip when doors have opened, in the animation controller, disable the AudioSource when
/// animation has finished.
/// </summary>
public AudioClip openingAudioClip = null;
/// <summary>
/// The relative volume of the Opening Audio Clip compared to the initial volume of the Audio Source
/// </summary>
[Range(0f, 1f)] public float openingClipVolume = 1f;
/// <summary>
/// The audio clip that is played when the doors are closing.
/// To stop the clip when doors have closed, in the animation controller, disable the AudioSource when
/// animation has finished.
/// </summary>
public AudioClip closingAudioClip = null;
/// <summary>
/// The relative volume of the Closing Audio Clip compared to the initial volume of the Audio Source
/// </summary>
[Range(0f, 1f)] public float closingClipVolume = 1f;
/// <summary>
/// The audio clip that is played when the an attempt is made to open a door but the door is locked
/// </summary>
public AudioClip isLockedAudioClip = null;
/// <summary>
/// The relative volume of the Is Locked Audio Clip compared to the initial volume of the Audio Source
/// </summary>
[Range(0f, 1f)] public float isLockedClipVolume = 1f;
/// <summary>
/// These are triggered by a door when it starts to open
/// </summary>
public SSCDoorAnimEvt1 onOpening = null;
/// <summary>
/// These are triggered by a door when it starts to close
/// </summary>
public SSCDoorAnimEvt1 onClosing = null;
/// <summary>
/// Has the door animator been initialised at runtime?
/// </summary>
public bool IsInitialised { get; private set; }
#region Private Variables
private Animator _animator = null;
[SerializeField] [Range(0.01f, 10f)] private float openingSpeed = 1f;
[SerializeField] [Range(0.01f, 10f)] private float closingSpeed = 1f;
private int[] isOpenHash = null;
private int[] isCloseHash = null; // Only applies to triggers
private int numOpenParms = 0;
private int numCloseParms = 0; // Only applies to triggers
// By default we will use Bool for backward compatibility
private bool useTriggers = false;
// used for triggers
private bool[] isDoorOpenArray;
private AudioSource doorAudio = null;
private bool isAudioAvailable = false;
private float maxAudioVolume = 1f;
private int scriptInstanceID = 0;
#region Initialisation Methods
void Awake()
_animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
scriptInstanceID = GetInstanceID();
// Set the openning speed of the door
if (_animator != null)
_animator.speed = openingSpeed;
numOpenParms = openParamNames == null ? 0 : openParamNames.Length;
numCloseParms = closeParamNames == null ? 0 : closeParamNames.Length;
// Maintain backward compatibility. Default to a single isOpen bool animation parameter.
if (numOpenParms < 1)
openParamNames = new string[] { "isOpen" };
// Get the hash to avoid Garbage Collection
isOpenHash = new int[] { Animator.StringToHash("isOpen") };
// Start in the closed state
_animator.SetBool(isOpenHash[0], false);
numOpenParms = 1;
isOpenHash = new int[numOpenParms];
useTriggers = parameterType == ParmeterType.Trigger;
// Process all the user-defined conditional or open trigger parameters
for (int pIdx = 0; pIdx < numOpenParms; pIdx++)
// Get the hash to avoid Garbage Collection
isOpenHash[pIdx] = Animator.StringToHash(openParamNames[pIdx]);
// Start in the closed state
if (useTriggers) { _animator.ResetTrigger(isOpenHash[pIdx]); }
else { _animator.SetBool(isOpenHash[pIdx], false); }
if (useTriggers)
// For triggers we need to keep track of the status as currently no simple way to get
// this data from Unity.
isDoorOpenArray = new bool[numOpenParms];
isCloseHash = new int[numCloseParms];
// Process all the user-defined trigger parameters
for (int pIdx = 0; pIdx < numCloseParms; pIdx++)
// Get the hash to avoid Garbage Collection
isCloseHash[pIdx] = Animator.StringToHash(closeParamNames[pIdx]);
//Debug.Log("[DEBUG] closeParamNames idx: " + pIdx + " " + closeParamNames[pIdx]);
// Start in the closed (idle) state
IsInitialised = true;
Debug.LogWarning("[ERROR] SSCDoorAnimator could not find Animator component. Did you attach one to this gameobject?");
#region Private Methods
private void PlayOpeningAudioClip()
if (isAudioAvailable && openingAudioClip != null)
doorAudio.clip = openingAudioClip;
doorAudio.volume = maxAudioVolume * openingClipVolume;
if (!doorAudio.isActiveAndEnabled) { doorAudio.enabled = true; }
private void PlayClosingAudioClip()
if (isAudioAvailable && closingAudioClip != null)
doorAudio.clip = closingAudioClip;
doorAudio.volume = maxAudioVolume * closingClipVolume;
if (!doorAudio.isActiveAndEnabled) { doorAudio.enabled = true; }
//if (doorAudio.isActiveAndEnabled && doorAudio.isPlaying) { doorAudio.Stop(); }
//Invoke("PlayDelayedClosingClip", 0.05f);
//Debug.Log("[DEBUG] play door closing: " + Time.time);
private void PlayDelayedClosingClip()
//Debug.Log("[DEBUG] play door closing delyed audio play: " + Time.time);
// Play the IsLocked or deny clip just once (don't loop)
private void PlayIsLockedAudioClip()
if (isAudioAvailable && isLockedAudioClip != null)
doorAudio.volume = maxAudioVolume * isLockedClipVolume;
if (!doorAudio.isActiveAndEnabled) { doorAudio.enabled = true; }
// Ignore Loop setting on AudioSource
#region Public API Methods
/// <summary>
/// Get the door ID that can be used to discover if a door is open or closed.
/// If the doorIndex is invalid, 0 will be returned.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="doorIndex"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public int GetDoorId(int doorIndex)
if (IsInitialised && doorIndex >= 0 && doorIndex < numOpenParms)
return isOpenHash[doorIndex];
return 0;
/// <summary>
/// Get the door ID that can be used to discover if a door is open or closed.
/// Where possible use GetDoorId(doorIndex) which doesn't use strings.
/// if it is not found, 0 will be returned.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="doorParameterName"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public int GetDoorId(string doorParameterName)
if (IsInitialised && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(doorParameterName) && numOpenParms > 0)
int doorId = 0;
for (int pIdx = 0; pIdx < numOpenParms; pIdx++)
string _openParm = openParamNames[pIdx];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_openParm) && _openParm == doorParameterName)
doorId = isOpenHash[pIdx];
return doorId;
else { return 0; }
/// <summary>
/// Get the door index given the name of the open door paramater.
/// Returns -1 if not found.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="doorParameterName"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public int GetDoorIndex(string doorParameterName)
if (IsInitialised && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(doorParameterName) && numOpenParms > 0)
int doorIndex = -1;
for (int pIdx = 0; pIdx < numOpenParms; pIdx++)
string _openParm = openParamNames[pIdx];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_openParm) && _openParm == doorParameterName)
doorIndex = pIdx;
return doorIndex;
else { return -1; }
/// <summary>
/// Is any of the doors in the locked state?
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool IsAnyDoorLocked()
bool isLocked = false;
if (IsInitialised)
for (int doorIndex = 0; doorIndex < numOpenParms; doorIndex++)
if (isLockedStatuses[doorIndex])
isLocked = true;
return isLocked;
/// <summary>
/// Is any of the doors in the unlocked state?
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool IsAnyDoorUnlocked()
bool isUnlocked = false;
if (IsInitialised)
for (int doorIndex = 0; doorIndex < numOpenParms; doorIndex++)
isUnlocked = true;
return isUnlocked;
/// <summary>
/// Discover if the door is open by passing in the Door Id.
/// See also GetDoorId(..). Always returns false if ParamaterType is Trigger.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="doorId"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool IsDoorOpenById(int doorId)
return IsInitialised && useTriggers ? false : _animator.GetBool(doorId);
/// <summary>
/// Discover if a the door is open by passing in the zero-based index of the door in the openParamNames array.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="doorIndex"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool IsDoorOpenByIndex(int doorIndex)
if (IsInitialised && doorIndex >= 0 && doorIndex < numOpenParms)
if (useTriggers)
return isDoorOpenArray == null || isDoorOpenArray.Length < doorIndex + 1 ? false : isDoorOpenArray[doorIndex];
else { return _animator.GetBool(isOpenHash[doorIndex]); }
else { return false; }
/// <summary>
/// Discover if a the door is locked by passing in the zero-based index of the door in the isLockedStatuses array.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="doorIndex"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool IsDoorLockedByIndex(int doorIndex)
if (!IsInitialised) { VerifyLockArray(); }
if (doorIndex >= 0 && doorIndex < numOpenParms)
return isLockedStatuses[doorIndex];
else { return false; }
/// <summary>
/// Lock a door by passing in the zero-based index of the door in the isLockedStatuses array.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="doorIndex"></param>
public void LockDoor(int doorIndex)
if (!IsInitialised) { VerifyLockArray(); }
if (doorIndex >= 0 && doorIndex < numOpenParms)
isLockedStatuses[doorIndex] = true;
Debug.LogWarning("[ERROR] SSCDoorAnimator.LockDoor() - the doorIndex of " + doorIndex + " is invalid. Check the number of openParamNames.");
/// <summary>
/// Attempt to lock all the doors.
/// </summary>
public void LockDoors()
if (!IsInitialised) { VerifyLockArray(); }
for (int doorIndex = 0; doorIndex < numOpenParms; doorIndex++)
isLockedStatuses[doorIndex] = true;
/// <summary>
/// Unlock a door by passing in the zero-based index of the door in the isLockedStatuses array.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="doorIndex"></param>
public void UnlockDoor(int doorIndex)
if (!IsInitialised) { VerifyLockArray(); }
if (doorIndex >= 0 && doorIndex < numOpenParms)
isLockedStatuses[doorIndex] = false;
Debug.LogWarning("[ERROR] SSCDoorAnimator.UnlockDoor() - the doorIndex of " + doorIndex + " is invalid. Check the number of openParamNames.");
/// <summary>
/// Attempt to unlock all the doors.
/// </summary>
public void UnlockDoors()
if (!IsInitialised) { VerifyLockArray(); }
for (int doorIndex = 0; doorIndex < numOpenParms; doorIndex++)
isLockedStatuses[doorIndex] = false;
/// <summary>
/// Open the (first) door(s) at the current OpenSpeed
/// </summary>
public void OpenDoors()
if (_animator != null && numOpenParms > 0 && (!useTriggers || numCloseParms > 0))
if (!IsDoorLockedByIndex(0))
_animator.speed = openingSpeed;
if (useTriggers)
if (!IsDoorOpenByIndex(0))
isDoorOpenArray[0] = true;
else { _animator.SetBool(isOpenHash[0], true); }
if (onOpening != null) { onOpening.Invoke(scriptInstanceID, 0,; }
/// <summary>
/// Open a specific door or set of doors given the zero-based index in the array of open param names.
/// We use the doorIndex rather than the parameter name to avoid GC.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="doorIndex"></param>
public void OpenDoors(int doorIndex)
if (_animator != null)
if (doorIndex >= 0 && doorIndex < numOpenParms && (!useTriggers || doorIndex < numCloseParms))
if (!IsDoorLockedByIndex(doorIndex))
_animator.speed = openingSpeed;
if (useTriggers)
if (!IsDoorOpenByIndex(doorIndex))
isDoorOpenArray[doorIndex] = true;
else { _animator.SetBool(isOpenHash[doorIndex], true); }
if (onOpening != null) { onOpening.Invoke(scriptInstanceID, doorIndex,; }
Debug.LogWarning("[ERROR] SSCDoorAnimator.OpenDoors() - the doorIndex of " + doorIndex + " is invalid. Check the number of openParamNames" + (useTriggers ? " or closeParamNames." : "."));
/// <summary>
/// Open a specific door or set of doors given the zero-based index in the array of open param names.
/// We use the doorIndex rather than the parameter name to avoid GC.
/// openSpeed must be greater than 0 to change the current OpenSpeed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="doorIndex"></param>
/// <param name="openSpeed"></param>
public void OpenDoors(int doorIndex, float openSpeed)
if (_animator != null)
if (doorIndex >= 0 && doorIndex < numOpenParms && (!useTriggers || doorIndex < numCloseParms))
if (!IsDoorLockedByIndex(doorIndex))
openingSpeed = openSpeed > 0f ? openSpeed : openingSpeed;
_animator.speed = openingSpeed;
if (useTriggers)
if (!IsDoorOpenByIndex(doorIndex))
isDoorOpenArray[doorIndex] = true;
else { _animator.SetBool(isOpenHash[doorIndex], true); }
if (onOpening != null) { onOpening.Invoke(scriptInstanceID, doorIndex,; }
Debug.LogWarning("[ERROR] SSCDoorAnimator.OpenDoors() - the doorIndex of " + doorIndex + " is invalid. Check the number of openParamNames" + (useTriggers ? " or closeParamNames." : "."));
/// <summary>
/// Attempt to open all doors
/// </summary>
public void OpenDoorsAll()
for (int drIdx = 0; drIdx < numOpenParms; drIdx++)
/// <summary>
/// Open a specific door or set of doors given the zero-based index in the array of open param names.
/// Open them instantly rather than playing the animation. Do not play any audio. Ignore lock status.
/// Do not invoke any opening events.
/// To get the the stateId call SSCUtils.GetAnimationStateID(stateName). Cache the stateId to avoid GC.
/// e.g., int stateId = SSCUtils.GetAnimationStateID("RearRamp_Lower");
/// </summary>
/// <param name="doorIndex"></param>
public void OpenDoorsInstantly (int doorIndex, int stateId)
if (_animator != null)
if (doorIndex >= 0 && doorIndex < numOpenParms && (!useTriggers || doorIndex < numCloseParms))
_animator.Play(stateId, -1, 0.99f);
if (useTriggers)
if (!IsDoorOpenByIndex(doorIndex))
isDoorOpenArray[doorIndex] = true;
else { _animator.SetBool(isOpenHash[doorIndex], true); }
Debug.LogWarning("[ERROR] SSCDoorAnimator.OpenDoorsInstantly() - the doorIndex of " + doorIndex + " is invalid. Check the number of openParamNames" + (useTriggers ? " or closeParamNames." : "."));
/// <summary>
/// Close the (first) door(s) at the current CloseSpeed
/// </summary>
public void CloseDoors()
if (_animator != null && numOpenParms > 0 && (!useTriggers || numCloseParms > 0) && !IsDoorLockedByIndex(0))
_animator.speed = closingSpeed;
if (useTriggers)
if (IsDoorOpenByIndex(0))
isDoorOpenArray[0] = false;
else { _animator.SetBool(isOpenHash[0], false); }
if (onClosing != null) { onClosing.Invoke(scriptInstanceID, 0,; }
/// <summary>
/// Close a specific door or set of doors given the zero-based index in the array of open param names.
/// We use the doorIndex rather than the parameter name to avoid GC.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="doorIndex"></param>
public void CloseDoors(int doorIndex)
if (_animator != null)
if (doorIndex >= 0 && doorIndex < numOpenParms && (!useTriggers || doorIndex < numCloseParms))
if (!IsDoorLockedByIndex(doorIndex))
_animator.speed = closingSpeed;
if (useTriggers)
if (IsDoorOpenByIndex(doorIndex))
isDoorOpenArray[doorIndex] = false;
else { _animator.SetBool(isOpenHash[doorIndex], false); }
if (onClosing != null) { onClosing.Invoke(scriptInstanceID, doorIndex,; }
Debug.LogWarning("[ERROR] SSCDoorAnimator.CloseDoors() - the doorIndex of " + doorIndex + " is invalid. Check the number of openParamNames" + (useTriggers ? " or closeParamNames." : "."));
/// <summary>
/// Close a specific door or set of doors given the zero-based index in the array of open param names.
/// We use the doorIndex rather than the parameter name to avoid GC.
/// closeSpeed must be greater than 0 to change the current CloseSpeed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="doorIndex"></param>
/// <param name="closeSpeed"></param>
public void CloseDoors(int doorIndex, float closeSpeed)
if (_animator != null)
if (doorIndex >= 0 && doorIndex < numOpenParms && (!useTriggers || doorIndex < numCloseParms))
if (!IsDoorLockedByIndex(doorIndex))
closingSpeed = closeSpeed > 0f ? closeSpeed : closingSpeed;
_animator.speed = closingSpeed;
if (useTriggers)
if (IsDoorOpenByIndex(doorIndex))
isDoorOpenArray[doorIndex] = false;
else { _animator.SetBool(isOpenHash[doorIndex], false); }
if (onClosing != null) { onClosing.Invoke(scriptInstanceID, doorIndex,; }
Debug.LogWarning("[ERROR] SSCDoorAnimator.CloseDoors() - the doorIndex of " + doorIndex + " is invalid. Check the number of openParamNames." + (useTriggers ? " or closeParamNames." : "."));
/// <summary>
/// Attempt to close all doors
/// </summary>
public void CloseDoorsAll()
for (int drIdx = 0; drIdx < numOpenParms; drIdx++)
/// <summary>
/// Call this when you wish to remove any custom event listeners, like
/// after creating them in code and then destroying the object.
/// You could add this to your game play OnDestroy code.
/// </summary>
public void RemoveListeners()
if (IsInitialised)
if (onClosing != null) { onClosing.RemoveAllListeners(); }
if (onOpening != null) { onOpening.RemoveAllListeners(); }
/// <summary>
/// Open or close the specific door or sets of doors given the zero-based index in the array of open param names.
/// The door(s) will open or close based on the current state of the door(s).
/// We use the doorIndex rather than the parameter name to avoid GC.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="doorIndex"></param>
public void ToggleDoors(int doorIndex)
if (_animator != null)
if (doorIndex >= 0 && doorIndex < numOpenParms && (!useTriggers || doorIndex < numCloseParms))
if (!IsDoorLockedByIndex(doorIndex))
if (useTriggers)
// Is door(s) already open?
if (IsDoorOpenByIndex(doorIndex))
CloseDoors(doorIndex, closingSpeed);
OpenDoors(doorIndex, openingSpeed);
int isOpenHashValue = isOpenHash[doorIndex];
bool isOpen = _animator.GetBool(isOpenHashValue);
// Is door(s) already open?
if (isOpen)
CloseDoors(doorIndex, closingSpeed);
OpenDoors(doorIndex, openingSpeed);
// Toggle the state
// isOpen = !isOpen;
//_animator.speed = isOpen ? openingSpeed : closingSpeed;
//_animator.SetBool(isOpenHashValue, isOpen);
Debug.LogWarning("[ERROR] SSCDoorAnimator.ToggleDoors() - the doorIndex of " + doorIndex + " is invalid. Check the number of openParamNames" + (useTriggers ? " or closeParamNames." : "."));
/// <summary>
/// Open or close the specific door or sets of doors given the zero-based index in the array of open param names.
/// The door(s) will open or close based on the current state of the door(s).
/// We use the doorIndex rather than the parameter name to avoid GC.
/// openSpeed and closeSpeed must be greater than 0 to change the current OpenSpeed and CloseSpeed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="doorIndex"></param>
/// <param name="openSpeed"></param>
/// <param name="closeSpeed"></param>
public void ToggleDoors(int doorIndex, float openSpeed, float closeSpeed)
if (_animator != null)
if (doorIndex >= 0 && doorIndex < numOpenParms && (!useTriggers || doorIndex < numCloseParms))
if (!IsDoorLockedByIndex(doorIndex))
openingSpeed = openSpeed > 0f ? openSpeed : openingSpeed;
closingSpeed = closeSpeed > 0f ? closeSpeed : closingSpeed;
if (useTriggers)
// Is door(s) already open?
if (IsDoorOpenByIndex(doorIndex))
CloseDoors(doorIndex, closingSpeed);
OpenDoors(doorIndex, openingSpeed);
int isOpenHashValue = isOpenHash[doorIndex];
bool isOpen = _animator.GetBool(isOpenHashValue);
// Toggle the state
isOpen = !isOpen;
_animator.speed = isOpen ? openingSpeed : closingSpeed;
_animator.SetBool(isOpenHashValue, isOpen);
Debug.LogWarning("[ERROR] SSCDoorAnimator.ToggleDoors() - the doorIndex of " + doorIndex + " is invalid. Check the number of openParamNames" + (useTriggers ? " or closeParamNames." : "."));
/// <summary>
/// Call after changing audio source
/// </summary>
public void ResetAudioSettings()
isAudioAvailable = false;
doorAudio = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
if (doorAudio != null)
maxAudioVolume = doorAudio.volume;
isAudioAvailable = true;
else if (openingAudioClip != null || closingAudioClip != null || isLockedAudioClip != null)
Debug.LogWarning("ERROR: SSCDoorAnimator - there is no AudioSource attached to " + name + ", so the audio clips will not play.");
/// <summary>
/// Make sure there is the correct number of locks to match the number of doors, which is determined
/// by the number of Open Param Names.
/// </summary>
public void VerifyLockArray()
int numDoors = IsInitialised ? numOpenParms : openParamNames == null ? 0 : openParamNames.Length;
int numLocks = isLockedStatuses == null ? 0 : isLockedStatuses.Length;
if (numLocks != numDoors)
System.Array.Resize(ref isLockedStatuses, numDoors);